292 research outputs found

    Visual debugging for particle-based simulations of fluids

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    Visualizations represent an important tool that we have at our disposal when it comes to analyzing large data sets. A significant amount of data comes from simulations such as fluid, weather, biology and chemistry simulations. Due to increases in computation power the simulations have become more comprehensive, resulting in a larger amount of data. Increased volumes of the simulations require more specialized tools that can offer an insight so we can better understand the phenomena that is reproduced. The present thesis presents a visual debugging plug-in for Particle-based simulations of fluids that can help the researchers to better explain the simulation scenario and to identify possible errors. Moreover, the tool can be used to comprehend modeling and development of new techniques. The environment in which I have implemented the plug-in is MegaMol, a system software focus on visualizing particle-based simulations. There are four modules that I have implemented to enhance MegaMol functionality. In order to import a specific multidimensional data set I have created the BGEODataSource module which converts Houdini geometry formats into MegaMol Particle List Data (MMPLD). By doing this, the simulation data is available for other modules that are already implemented. To explore different particles that have certain properties I have created the ScatterPlot module that offers a way to select and visualize interesting regions of the attribute space. The user can select two attributes that will generate a scatter plot and interact with it by brushing. In order to get another perspective on the data I have implemented the ParallelCoordPlot module which allow the user to identify different patterns and trends between various attributes. By choosing distinct attributes we can see the correlation between different properties and clusters within a specific value range. The modules mentioned above work in the 2D space for observing the feature space. In SimpleSpherePickingRenderer module we can select particles in the 3D space that will serve as input data for the ScatterPlot and ParallelCoordPlot. This is done by a simple selection of the region of interest

    SubHaloes going Notts: The SubHalo-Finder Comparison Project

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    We present a detailed comparison of the substructure properties of a single Milky Way sized dark matter halo from the Aquarius suite at five different resolutions, as identified by a variety of different (sub-)halo finders for simulations of cosmic structure formation. These finders span a wide range of techniques and methodologies to extract and quantify substructures within a larger non-homogeneous background density (e.g. a host halo). This includes real-space, phase-space, velocity-space and time- space based finders, as well as finders employing a Voronoi tessellation, friends-of-friends techniques, or refined meshes as the starting point for locating substructure.A common post-processing pipeline was used to uniformly analyse the particle lists provided by each finder. We extract quantitative and comparable measures for the subhaloes, primarily focusing on mass and the peak of the rotation curve for this particular study. We find that all of the finders agree extremely well on the presence and location of substructure and even for properties relating to the inner part part of the subhalo (e.g. the maximum value of the rotation curve). For properties that rely on particles near the outer edge of the subhalo the agreement is at around the 20 per cent level. We find that basic properties (mass, maximum circular velocity) of a subhalo can be reliably recovered if the subhalo contains more than 100 particles although its presence can be reliably inferred for a lower particle number limit of 20. We finally note that the logarithmic slope of the subhalo cumulative number count is remarkably consistent and <1 for all the finders that reached high resolution. If correct, this would indicate that the larger and more massive, respectively, substructures are the most dynamically interesting and that higher levels of the (sub-)subhalo hierarchy become progressively less important.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for MNRA

    VisIVOWeb: A WWW Environment for Large-Scale Astrophysical Visualization

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    This article presents a newly developed Web portal called VisIVOWeb that aims to provide the astrophysical community with powerful visualization tools for large-scale data sets in the context of Web 2.0. VisIVOWeb can effectively handle modern numerical simulations and real-world observations. Our open-source software is based on established visualization toolkits offering high-quality rendering algorithms. The underlying data management is discussed with the supported visualization interfaces and movie-making functionality. We introduce VisIVOWeb Network, a robust network of customized Web portals for visual discovery, and VisIVOWeb Connect, a lightweight and efficient solution for seamlessly connecting to existing astrophysical archives. A significant effort has been devoted for ensuring interoperability with existing tools by adhering to IVOA standards. We conclude with a summary of our work and a discussion on future developments

    Real-time fluid simulations under smoothed particle hydrodynamics for coupled kinematic modelling in robotic applications

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    Although solids and fluids can be conceived as continuum media, applications of solid and fluid dynamics differ greatly from each other in their theoretical models and their physical behavior. That is why the computer simulators of each turn to be very disparate and case-oriented. The aim of this research work, captured in this thesis book, is to find a fluid dynamics model that can be implemented in near real-time with GPU processing and that can be adapted to typically large scales found in robotic devices in action with fluid media. More specifically, the objective is to develop these fast fluid simulations, comprising different solid body dynamics, to find a viable time kinematic solution for robotics. The tested cases are: i) the case of a fluid in a closed channel flowing across a cylinder, ii) the case of a fluid flowing across a controlled profile, and iii), the case of a free surface fluid control during pouring. The implementation of the former cases settles the formulations and constraints to the latter applications. The results will allow the reader not only to sustain the implemented models but also to break down the software implementation concepts for better comprehension. A fast GPU-based fluid dynamics simulation is detailed in the main implementation. The results show that it can be used in real-time to allow robotics to perform a blind pouring task with a conventional controller and no special sensing systems nor knowledge-driven prediction models would be necessary.Aunque los sólidos y los fluidos pueden concebirse como medios continuos, las aplicaciones de la dinámica de sólidos y fluidos difieren mucho entre sí en sus modelos teóricos y su comportamiento físico. Es por eso que los simuladores por computadora de cada uno son muy dispares y están orientados al caso de su aplicación. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación, capturado en este libro de tesis, es encontrar un modelo de dinámica de fluidos que se pueda implementar cercano al tiempo real con procesamiento GPU y que se pueda adaptar a escalas típicamente grandes que se encuentran en dispositivos robóticos en acción con medios fluidos. Específicamente, el propósito es desarrollar estas simulaciones de fluidos rápidos, que comprenden diferentes dinámicas de cuerpos sólidos, para encontrar una solución cinemática viable para robótica. Los casos probados son: i) el caso de un fluido en canal cerrado que fluye a través de un cilindro, ii) el caso de un fluido que fluye a través de un alabe controlado, y iii), el caso del control de un fluido de superficie libre durante el vertido. La implementación de estos primeros casos establece las formulaciones y limitaciones de aplicaciones futuras. Los resultados permitirán al lector no solo sostener los modelos implementados sino también desglosar los conceptos de la implementación en software para una mejor comprensión. En la implementación principal se consigue una simulación rápida de dinámica de fluidos basada en GPU. Los resultados muestran que esta implementación se puede utilizar en tiempo real para permitir que la robótica realice una tarea de vertido ciego con un controlador convencional sin que sea necesario algún sistema de sensado especial ni algún modelo predictivo basados en el conocimiento.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Carmen Martínez Arévalo.- Secretario: Luis Santiago Garrido Bullón.- Vocal: Benjamín Hernández Arreguí

    Multiscale Universal Interface: A Concurrent Framework for Coupling Heterogeneous Solvers

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    Concurrently coupled numerical simulations using heterogeneous solvers are powerful tools for modeling multiscale phenomena. However, major modifications to existing codes are often required to enable such simulations, posing significant difficulties in practice. In this paper we present a C++ library, i.e. the Multiscale Universal Interface (MUI), which is capable of facilitating the coupling effort for a wide range of multiscale simulations. The library adopts a header-only form with minimal external dependency and hence can be easily dropped into existing codes. A data sampler concept is introduced, combined with a hybrid dynamic/static typing mechanism, to create an easily customizable framework for solver-independent data interpretation. The library integrates MPI MPMD support and an asynchronous communication protocol to handle inter-solver information exchange irrespective of the solvers' own MPI awareness. Template metaprogramming is heavily employed to simultaneously improve runtime performance and code flexibility. We validated the library by solving three different multiscale problems, which also serve to demonstrate the flexibility of the framework in handling heterogeneous models and solvers. In the first example, a Couette flow was simulated using two concurrently coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of different spatial resolutions. In the second example, we coupled the deterministic SPH method with the stochastic Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) method to study the effect of surface grafting on the hydrodynamics properties on the surface. In the third example, we consider conjugate heat transfer between a solid domain and a fluid domain by coupling the particle-based energy-conserving DPD (eDPD) method with the Finite Element Method (FEM).Comment: The library source code is freely available under the GPLv3 license at http://www.cfm.brown.edu/repo/release/MUI

    Void-and-Cluster Sampling of Large Scattered Data and Trajectories

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    We propose a data reduction technique for scattered data based on statistical sampling. Our void-and-cluster sampling technique finds a representative subset that is optimally distributed in the spatial domain with respect to the blue noise property. In addition, it can adapt to a given density function, which we use to sample regions of high complexity in the multivariate value domain more densely. Moreover, our sampling technique implicitly defines an ordering on the samples that enables progressive data loading and a continuous level-of-detail representation. We extend our technique to sample time-dependent trajectories, for example pathlines in a time interval, using an efficient and iterative approach. Furthermore, we introduce a local and continuous error measure to quantify how well a set of samples represents the original dataset. We apply this error measure during sampling to guide the number of samples that are taken. Finally, we use this error measure and other quantities to evaluate the quality, performance, and scalability of our algorithm.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics as a special issue from the proceedings of VIS 201