261 research outputs found

    Visual clustering of spam emails for DDoS analysis

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    Networking attacks embedded in spam emails are increasingly becoming numerous and sophisticated in nature. Hence this has given a growing need for spam email analysis to identify these attacks. The use of these intrusion detection systems has given rise to other two issues, 1) the presentation and understanding of large amounts of spam emails, 2) the user-assisted input and quantified adjustment during the analysis process. In this paper we introduce a new analytical model that uses two coefficient vectors: 'density' and 'weight'for the analysis of spam email viruses and attacks. We then use a visual clustering method to classify and display the spam emails. The visualization allows users to interactively select and scale down the scope of views for better understanding of different types of the spam email attacks. The experiment shows that this new model with the clustering visualization can be effectively used for network security analysis. © 2011 IEEE

    Visual Clustering of Spam Emails for DDoS Analysis

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    Networking attacks embedded in spam emails are increasingly becoming numerous and sophisticated in nature. Hence this has given a growing need for spam email analysis to identify these attacks. The use of these intrusion detection systems has given rise to other two issues, 1) the presentation and understanding of large amounts of spam emails, 2) the user-assisted input and quantified adjustment during the analysis process. In this paper we introduce a new analytical model that uses two coefficient vectors: 'density' and 'weight'for the analysis of spam email viruses and attacks. We then use a visual clustering method to classify and display the spam emails. The visualization allows users to interactively select and scale down the scope of views for better understanding of different types of the spam email attacks. The experiment shows that this new model with the clustering visualization can be effectively used for network security analysis

    Self-organizing maps in computer security

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    Self-organizing maps in computer security

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    Study of Peer-to-Peer Network Based Cybercrime Investigation: Application on Botnet Technologies

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    The scalable, low overhead attributes of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Internet protocols and networks lend themselves well to being exploited by criminals to execute a large range of cybercrimes. The types of crimes aided by P2P technology include copyright infringement, sharing of illicit images of children, fraud, hacking/cracking, denial of service attacks and virus/malware propagation through the use of a variety of worms, botnets, malware, viruses and P2P file sharing. This project is focused on study of active P2P nodes along with the analysis of the undocumented communication methods employed in many of these large unstructured networks. This is achieved through the design and implementation of an efficient P2P monitoring and crawling toolset. The requirement for investigating P2P based systems is not limited to the more obvious cybercrimes listed above, as many legitimate P2P based applications may also be pertinent to a digital forensic investigation, e.g, voice over IP, instant messaging, etc. Investigating these networks has become increasingly difficult due to the broad range of network topologies and the ever increasing and evolving range of P2P based applications. In this work we introduce the Universal P2P Network Investigation Framework (UP2PNIF), a framework which enables significantly faster and less labour intensive investigation of newly discovered P2P networks through the exploitation of the commonalities in P2P network functionality. In combination with a reference database of known network characteristics, it is envisioned that any known P2P network can be instantly investigated using the framework, which can intelligently determine the best investigation methodology and greatly expedite the evidence gathering process. A proof of concept tool was developed for conducting investigations on the BitTorrent network.Comment: This is a thesis submitted in fulfilment of a PhD in Digital Forensics and Cybercrime Investigation in the School of Computer Science, University College Dublin in October 201

    Explainable Artificial Intelligence Applications in Cyber Security: State-of-the-Art in Research

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    This survey presents a comprehensive review of current literature on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods for cyber security applications. Due to the rapid development of Internet-connected systems and Artificial Intelligence in recent years, Artificial Intelligence including Machine Learning and Deep Learning has been widely utilized in the fields of cyber security including intrusion detection, malware detection, and spam filtering. However, although Artificial Intelligence-based approaches for the detection and defense of cyber attacks and threats are more advanced and efficient compared to the conventional signature-based and rule-based cyber security strategies, most Machine Learning-based techniques and Deep Learning-based techniques are deployed in the “black-box” manner, meaning that security experts and customers are unable to explain how such procedures reach particular conclusions. The deficiencies of transparencies and interpretability of existing Artificial Intelligence techniques would decrease human users’ confidence in the models utilized for the defense against cyber attacks, especially in current situations where cyber attacks become increasingly diverse and complicated. Therefore, it is essential to apply XAI in the establishment of cyber security models to create more explainable models while maintaining high accuracy and allowing human users to comprehend, trust, and manage the next generation of cyber defense mechanisms. Although there are papers reviewing Artificial Intelligence applications in cyber security areas and the vast literature on applying XAI in many fields including healthcare, financial services, and criminal justice, the surprising fact is that there are currently no survey research articles that concentrate on XAI applications in cyber security. Therefore, the motivation behind the survey is to bridge the research gap by presenting a detailed and up-to-date survey of XAI approaches applicable to issues in the cyber security field. Our work is the first to propose a clear roadmap for navigating the XAI literature in the context of applications in cyber security

    A Survey of Using Machine Learning in IoT Security and the Challenges Faced by Researchers

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has become more popular in the last 15 years as it has significantly improved and gained control in multiple fields. We are nowadays surrounded by billions of IoT devices that directly integrate with our lives, some of them are at the center of our homes, and others control sensitive data such as military fields, healthcare, and datacenters, among others. This popularity makes factories and companies compete to produce and develop many types of those devices without caring about how secure they are. On the other hand, IoT is considered a good insecure environment for cyber thefts. Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) also gained more importance in the last 15 years; they achieved success in the networking security field too. IoT has some similar security requirements such as traditional networks, but with some differences according to its characteristics, some specific security features, and environmental limitations, some differences are made such as low energy resources, limited computational capability, and small memory. These limitations inspire some researchers to search for the perfect and lightweight security ways which strike a balance between performance and security. This survey provides a comprehensive discussion about using machine learning and deep learning in IoT devices within the last five years. It also lists the challenges faced by each model and algorithm. In addition, this survey shows some of the current solutions and other future directions and suggestions. It also focuses on the research that took the IoT environment limitations into consideration

    Detecting Abnormal Social Robot Behavior through Emotion Recognition

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    Sharing characteristics with both the Internet of Things and the Cyber Physical Systems categories, a new type of device has arrived to claim a third category and raise its very own privacy concerns. Social robots are in the market asking consumers to become part of their daily routine and interactions. Ranging in the level and method of communication with the users, all social robots are able to collect, share and analyze a great variety and large volume of personal data.In this thesis, we focus the community’s attention to this emerging area of interest for privacy and security research. We discuss the likely privacy issues, comment on current defense mechanisms that are applicable to this new category of devices, outline new forms of attack that are made possible through social robots, highlight paths that research on consumer perceptions could follow, and propose a system for detecting abnormal social robot behavior based on emotion detection

    A Hands-on Approach on Botnets for Behavior Exploration

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    A botnet consists of a network of computers that run a special software that allows a third-party to remotely control them. This characteristic presents a major issue regarding security in the Internet. Although common malicious software infect the network with almost immediate visible consequences, there are cases where that software acts stealthy without direct visible effects on the host machine. This is the normal case of botnets. However, not always the bot software is created and used for illicit purposes. There is a need for further exploring the concepts behind botnets and network security. For this purpose, this paper presents and discusses an educational tool that consists of an open-source botnet software kit with built-in functionalities. The tool enables anyone with some computer technical knowledge, to experiment and find out how botnets work and can be changed and adapted to a variety of useful applications, such as introducing and exemplifying security and distributed systems' concepts. Copyrigh