185,185 research outputs found

    Near-infrared spectroscopy of 1999 JU3, the target of the Hayabusa 2 mission

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    Context. Primitive asteroids contain complex organic material and ices relevant to the origin of life on Earth. These types of asteroids are the target of several-sample return missions to be launched in the next years. 1999 JU3 is the target of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency's Hayabusa 2 mission. Aims. 1999 JU3 has been previously identified as a C-class asteroid. Spectroscopic observations at longer wavelengths will help to constrain its composition. Methods. We obtained spectroscopy of 1999 JU3 from 0.85 to 2.2 microns, with the 3.6 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo using the low resolution mode of the Near Infrared Camera Spectrograph. Results. We present a near-infrared spectrum of 1999 JU3 from 0.85 to 2.2microns that is consistent with previously published spectra and with its C-type classification. Conclusions. Our spectrum confirms the primitive nature of 1999 JU3 and its interest as target of the sample-return mission Hayabusa 2.Comment: Research Note: 3 pages 1 Figure Received December 2012; accepted 4 March 201

    Rethinking the Patch Test for Phase Measuring Bathymetric Sonars

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    While conducting hydrographic survey operations in the Florida Keys, NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson served as a test platform for the initial operational implementation of an L-3 Klein HydroChart 5000 Swath Bathymetry Sonar System1 , a hull-mounted phase measuring bathymetric sonar (PMBS). During the project it became apparent that the traditional patch test typically utilized for multibeam echosounder (MBES) systems was poorly suited to the HydroChart – and perhaps other PMBS systems as well. These systems have several inherent characteristics that make it difficult to isolate and subsequently solve for biases under the traditional patch test paradigm: presence of a nadir gap, wide swaths (typically greater than 6 times water depth), and relatively poor object-detection capability in the outer swath. After “rethinking” the patch test to account for these characteristics, the authors propose a new patch test paradigm that is better suited to the HydroChart and other PMBS systems

    Compositional Diversity Among Primitive Asteroids

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    Spectroscopic observations from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared have revealed new and diagnostic differences among primitive asteroids. We review the spectral characteristics of these asteroids and their inferred compositional and physical properties. Primitive asteroids throughout the belt show carbon-rich compounds, varying degrees of aqueous alteration and even surface ice; recent observations provide significant new constraints on composition, thermal inertia, and other surface properties. New mid-infrared connections between primitive asteroids and interplanetary dust particles indicate that the latter sample a larger fraction of main belt asteroids than meteorites. Links with the composition of comets are consistent with a proposed continuum between primitive asteroids and comets. Two sample-return missions, OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa 2, will visit primitive near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). Most spacecraft-accessible NEAs originate in the inner asteroid belt, which contains several primitive asteroid families and a background of primitive asteroids outside these families. Initial results from these families offer a tantalizing preview of the properties expected in the NEAs they produce. So far, primitive asteroids in the inner belt fall into two spectral groups. The first group includes the Polana-Eulalia families, which show considerable spectral homogeneity in spite of their dynamical and collisional complexity. In contrast, the Erigone and Sulamitis families are spectrally diverse and most of their members show clear 0.7 microns hydration features. The two sample-return targets (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu, most likely originated in the Polana family.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures, chapter 5 in Primitive Meteorites and Asteroids, Physical, Chemical, and Spectroscopic Observations Paving the Way to Exploratio

    ASIME 2018 White Paper. In-Space Utilisation of Asteroids: Asteroid Composition -- Answers to Questions from the Asteroid Miners

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    In keeping with the Luxembourg government's initiative to support the future use of space resources, ASIME 2018 was held in Belval, Luxembourg on April 16-17, 2018. The goal of ASIME 2018: Asteroid Intersections with Mine Engineering, was to focus on asteroid composition for advancing the asteroid in-space resource utilisation domain. What do we know about asteroid composition from remote-sensing observations? What are the potential caveats in the interpretation of Earth-based spectral observations? What are the next steps to improve our knowledge on asteroid composition by means of ground-based and space-based observations and asteroid rendez-vous and sample return missions? How can asteroid mining companies use this knowledge? ASIME 2018 was a two-day workshop of almost 70 scientists and engineers in the context of the engineering needs of space missions with in-space asteroid utilisation. The 21 Questions from the asteroid mining companies were sorted into the four asteroid science themes: 1) Potential Targets, 2) Asteroid-Meteorite Links, 3) In-Situ Measurements and 4) Laboratory Measurements. The Answers to those Questions were provided by the scientists with their conference presentations and collected by A. Graps or edited directly into an open-access collaborative Google document or inserted by A. Graps using additional reference materials. During the ASIME 2018, first day and second day Wrap-Ups, the answers to the questions were discussed further. New readers to the asteroid mining topic may find the Conversation boxes and the Mission Design discussions especially interesting.Comment: Outcome from the ASIME 2018: Asteroid Intersections with Mine Engineering, Luxembourg. April 16-17, 2018. 65 Pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1612.0070

    Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of Young Stellar Objects in rho-Ophiuchi

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    The results of a near-infrared (J H K LP) imaging linear polarimetry survey of 20 young stellar objects (YSOs) in rho Ophiuchi are presented. The majority of the sources are unresolved, with K-band polarizations, P_K < 6 per cent. Several objects are associated with extended reflection nebulae. These objects have centrosymmetric vector patterns with polarization discs over their cores; maximum polarizations of P_K > 20 per cent are seen over their envelopes. Correlations are observed between the degree of core polarization and the evolutionary status inferred from the spectral energy distribution. K-band core polarizations >6 per cent are only observed in Class I YSOs. A 3D Monte Carlo model with oblate grains aligned with a magnetic field is used to investigate the flux distributions and polarization structures of three of the rho Oph YSOs with extended nebulae. A rho proportional to r^(-1.5) power law for the density is applied throughout the envelopes. The large-scale centrosymmetric polarization structures are due to scattering. However, the polarization structure in the bright core of the nebula appears to require dichroic extinction by aligned non-spherical dust grains. The position angle indicates a toroidal magnetic field in the inner part of the envelope. Since the measured polarizations attributed to dichroic extinction are usually <10 per cent, the grains must either be nearly spherical or very weakly aligned. The higher polarizations observed in the outer parts of the reflection nebulae require that the dust grains responsible for scattering have maximum grain sizes <=1.05 microns.Comment: 26 pages. Accepted by MNRAS. Available as online early versio

    Small Bodies Science with Twinkle

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    Twinkle is an upcoming 0.45m space-based telescope equipped with a visible and two near-infrared spectrometers covering the spectral range 0.4 to 4.5{\mu}m with a resolving power R~250 ({\lambda}<2.42{\mu}m) and R~60 ({\lambda}>2.42{\mu}m). We explore Twinkle's capabilities for small bodies science and find that, given Twinkle's sensitivity, pointing stability, and spectral range, the mission can observe a large number of small bodies. The sensitivity of Twinkle is calculated and compared to the flux from an object of a given visible magnitude. The number, and brightness, of asteroids and comets that enter Twinkle's field of regard is studied over three time periods of up to a decade. We find that, over a decade, several thousand asteroids enter Twinkle's field of regard with a brightness and non-sidereal rate that will allow Twinkle to characterise them at the instrumentation's native resolution with SNR > 100. Hundreds of comets can also be observed. Therefore, Twinkle offers researchers the opportunity to contribute significantly to the field of Solar System small bodies research.Comment: Published in JATI

    Overcoming the Challenges Associated with Image-based Mapping of Small Bodies in Preparation for the OSIRIS-REx Mission to (101955) Bennu

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    The OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission is the third mission in NASA's New Frontiers Program and is the first U.S. mission to return samples from an asteroid to Earth. The most important decision ahead of the OSIRIS-REx team is the selection of a prime sample-site on the surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu. Mission success hinges on identifying a site that is safe and has regolith that can readily be ingested by the spacecraft's sampling mechanism. To inform this mission-critical decision, the surface of Bennu is mapped using the OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite and the images are used to develop several foundational data products. Acquiring the necessary inputs to these data products requires observational strategies that are defined specifically to overcome the challenges associated with mapping a small irregular body. We present these strategies in the context of assessing candidate sample-sites at Bennu according to a framework of decisions regarding the relative safety, sampleability, and scientific value across the asteroid's surface. To create data products that aid these assessments, we describe the best practices developed by the OSIRIS-REx team for image-based mapping of irregular small bodies. We emphasize the importance of using 3D shape models and the ability to work in body-fixed rectangular coordinates when dealing with planetary surfaces that cannot be uniquely addressed by body-fixed latitude and longitude.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, 2 table