83 research outputs found

    Trust based Privacy Policy Enforcement in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing offers opportunities for organizations to reduce IT costs by using the computation and storage of a remote provider. Despite the benefits offered by cloud computing paradigm, organizations are still wary of delegating their computation and storage to a cloud service provider due to trust concerns. The trust issues with the cloud can be addressed by a combination of regulatory frameworks and supporting technologies. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) and remote attestation provide the technologies for addressing the trust concerns. PET provides proactive measures through cryptography and selective dissemination of data to the client. Remote attestation mechanisms provides reactive measures by enabling the client to remotely verify if a provider is compromised. The contributions of this work are three fold. This thesis explores the PET landscape by studying in detail the implications of using PET in cloud architectures. The practicality of remote attestation in Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) scenarios is also analyzed and improvements have been proposed to the state of the art. This thesis also propose a fresh look at trust relationships in cloud computing, where a single provider changes its configuration for each client based on the subjective and dynamic trust assessments of clients. We conclude by proposing a plan for expanding on the completed work

    Live migration of user environments across wide area networks

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    A complex challenge in mobile computing is to allow the user to migrate her highly customised environment while moving to a different location and to continue work without interruption. I motivate why this is a highly desirable capability and conduct a survey of the current approaches towards this goal and explain their limitations. I then propose a new architecture to support user mobility by live migration of a user’s operating system instance over the network. Previous work includes the Collective and Internet Suspend/Resume projects that have addressed migration of a user’s environment by suspending the running state and resuming it at a later time. In contrast to previous work, this work addresses live migration of a user’s operating system instance across wide area links. Live migration is done by performing most of the migration while the operating system is still running, achieving very little downtime and preserving all network connectivity. I developed an initial proof of concept of this solution. It relies on migrating whole operating systems using the Xen virtual machine and provides a way to perform live migration of persistent storage as well as the network connections across subnets. These challenges have not been addressed previously in this scenario. In a virtual machine environment, persistent storage is provided by virtual block devices. The architecture supports decentralized virtual block device replication across wide area network links, as well as migrating network connection across subnetworks using the Host Identity Protocol. The proposed architecture is compared against existing solutions and an initial performance evaluation of the prototype implementation is presented, showing that such a solution is a promising step towards true seamless mobility of fully fledged computing environments

    Market driven elastic secure infrastructure

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    In today’s Data Centers, a combination of factors leads to the static allocation of physical servers and switches into dedicated clusters such that it is difficult to add or remove hardware from these clusters for short periods of time. This silofication of the hardware leads to inefficient use of clusters. This dissertation proposes a novel architecture for improving the efficiency of clusters by enabling them to add or remove bare-metal servers for short periods of time. We demonstrate by implementing a working prototype of the architecture that such silos can be broken and it is possible to share servers between clusters that are managed by different tools, have different security requirements, and are operated by tenants of the Data Center, which may not trust each other. Physical servers and switches in a Data Center are grouped for a combination of reasons. They are used for different purposes (staging, production, research, etc); host applications required for servicing specific workloads (HPC, Cloud, Big Data, etc); and/or configured to meet stringent security and compliance requirements. Additionally, different provisioning systems and tools such as Openstack-Ironic, MaaS, Foreman, etc that are used to manage these clusters take control of the servers making it difficult to add or remove the hardware from their control. Moreover, these clusters are typically stood up with sufficient capacity to meet anticipated peak workload. This leads to inefficient usage of the clusters. They are under-utilized during off-peak hours and in the cases where the demand exceeds capacity the clusters suffer from degraded quality of service (QoS) or may violate service level objectives (SLOs). Although today’s clouds offer huge benefits in terms of on-demand elasticity, economies of scale, and a pay-as-you-go model yet many organizations are reluctant to move their workloads to the cloud. Organizations that (i) needs total control of their hardware (ii) has custom deployment practices (iii) needs to match stringent security and compliance requirements or (iv) do not want to pay high costs incurred from running workloads in the cloud prefers to own its hardware and host it in a data center. This includes a large section of the economy including financial companies, medical institutions, and government agencies that continue to host their own clusters outside of the public cloud. Considering that all the clusters may not undergo peak demand at the same time provides an opportunity to improve the efficiency of clusters by sharing resources between them. The dissertation describes the design and implementation of the Market Driven Elastic Secure Infrastructure (MESI) as an alternative to the public cloud and as an architecture for the lowest layer of the public cloud to improve its efficiency. It allows mutually non-trusting physically deployed services to share the physical servers of a data center efficiently. The approach proposed here is to build a system composed of a set of services each fulfilling a specific functionality. A tenant of the MESI has to trust only a minimal functionality of the tenant that offers the hardware resources. The rest of the services can be deployed by each tenant themselves MESI is based on the idea of enabling tenants to share hardware they own with tenants they may not trust and between clusters with different security requirements. The architecture provides control and freedom of choice to the tenants whether they wish to deploy and manage these services themselves or use them from a trusted third party. MESI services fit into three layers that build on each other to provide: 1) Elastic Infrastructure, 2) Elastic Secure Infrastructure, and 3) Market-driven Elastic Secure Infrastructure. 1) Hardware Isolation Layer (HIL) – the bottommost layer of MESI is designed for moving nodes between multiple tools and schedulers used for managing the clusters. It defines HIL to control the layer 2 switches and bare-metal servers such that tenants can elastically adjust the size of the clusters in response to the changing demand of the workload. It enables the movement of nodes between clusters with minimal to no modifications required to the tools and workflow used for managing these clusters. (2) Elastic Secure Infrastructure (ESI) builds on HIL to enable sharing of servers between clusters with different security requirements and mutually non-trusting tenants of the Data Center. ESI enables the borrowing tenant to minimize its trust in the node provider and take control of trade-offs between cost, performance, and security. This enables sharing of nodes between tenants that are not only part of the same organization by can be organization tenants in a co-located Data Center. (3) The Bare-metal Marketplace is an incentive-based system that uses economic principles of the marketplace to encourage the tenants to share their servers with others not just when they do not need them but also when others need them more. It provides tenants the ability to define their own cluster objectives and sharing constraints and the freedom to decide the number of nodes they wish to share with others. MESI is evaluated using prototype implementations at each layer of the architecture. (i) The HIL prototype implemented with only 3000 Lines of Code (LOC) is able to support many provisioning tools and schedulers with little to no modification; adds no overhead to the performance of the clusters and is in active production use at MOC managing over 150 servers and 11 switches. (ii) The ESI prototype builds on the HIL prototype and adds to it an attestation service, a provisioning service, and a deterministically built open-source firmware. Results demonstrate that it is possible to build a cluster that is secure, elastic, and fairly quick to set up. The tenant requires only minimum trust in the provider for the availability of the node. (iii) The MESI prototype demonstrates the feasibility of having a one-of-kind multi-provider marketplace for trading bare-metal servers where providers also use the nodes. The evaluation of the MESI prototype shows that all the clusters benefit from participating in the marketplace. It uses agents to trade bare-metal servers in a marketplace to meet the requirements of their clusters. Results show that compared to operating as silos individual clusters see a 50% improvement in the total work done; up to 75% improvement (reduction) in waiting for queues and up to 60% improvement in the aggregate utilization of the test bed. This dissertation makes the following contributions: (i) It defines the architecture of MESI allows mutually non-trusting tenants of the data center to share resources between clusters with different security requirements. (ii) Demonstrates that it is possible to design a service that breaks the silos of static allocation of clusters yet has a small Trusted Computing Base (TCB) and no overhead to the performance of the clusters. (iii) Provides a unique architecture that puts the tenant in control of its own security and minimizes the trust needed in the provider for sharing nodes. (iv) A working prototype of a multi-provider marketplace for bare-metal servers which is a first proof-of-concept that demonstrates that it is possible to trade real bare-metal nodes at practical time scales such that moving nodes between clusters is sufficiently fast to be able to get some useful work done. (v) Finally results show that it is possible to encourage even mutually non-trusting tenants to share their nodes with each other without any central authority making allocation decisions. Many smart, dedicated engineers and researchers have contributed to this work over the years. I have jointly led the efforts to design the HIL and the ESI layer; led the design and implementation of the bare-metal marketplace and the overall MESI architecture

    Maruchi OS kankyo o shiensuru sofutowea oyobi hadowea kino no teian

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3534号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/2/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新587

    IaaS-cloud security enhancement: an intelligent attribute-based access control model and implementation

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    The cloud computing paradigm introduces an efficient utilisation of huge computing resources by multiple users with minimal expense and deployment effort compared to traditional computing facilities. Although cloud computing has incredible benefits, some governments and enterprises remain hesitant to transfer their computing technology to the cloud as a consequence of the associated security challenges. Security is, therefore, a significant factor in cloud computing adoption. Cloud services consist of three layers: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Cloud computing services are accessed through network connections and utilised by multi-users who can share the resources through virtualisation technology. Accordingly, an efficient access control system is crucial to prevent unauthorised access. This thesis mainly investigates the IaaS security enhancement from an access control point of view. [Continues.

    Production of Innovations within Farmer–Researcher Associations Applying Transdisciplinary Research Principles

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    Small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan West Africa depend heavily on local resources and local knowledge. Science-based knowledge is likely to aid decision-making in complex situations. In this presentation, we highlight a FiBL-coordinated research partnership between three national producer organisations and national agriculture research bodies in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Benin. The partnership seeks to compare conventional, GMObased, and organic cotton systems as regards food security and climate change

    The sea turtles of São Tomé and Príncipe : Ecology, genetics and current status of distinct species nesting on an oceanic archipelago

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    Population declines of sea turtles worldwide, driven by overhunting, habitat loss, and other anthropogenic factors have made these animals a global conservation priority. Sea turtle species are particularly susceptible to anthropogenic and natural disturbances due to their complex life traits: female homing and migration, migrations of juveniles and males that remain poorly known, and a strong climatic influence on resources, breeding success and clucth sexratio. São Tomé and Príncipe archipelago in the Gulf of Guinea, West Africa, hosts at least four species of sea turtles, for three of which life-history traits, reproductive behavior and dispersal were assessed for this study: the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), the most abundant species, the hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), which is considered the most threatened population in the Atlantic (both species common to both islands), and the olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), which only occurs in São Tomé island. In this study I integrated various tools and techniques, including site-based monitoring (e.g. on nesting beaches or foraging areas), genetic analyses for both adult and juvenile populations, mark-recapture studies, dispersal simulations as well as stable isotopes analysis, which complemented each other in the assessment of the conservation of each species in the archipelago, including little understood groups such as juveniles and males. Specifically, I showed that São Tomé island hosts important foraging areas that offer a variety of food sources for green turtle juveniles, which are recruited directly from this rookery. For the olive ridley turtle, I characterized the reproductive behavior of the adult population using paternal assessments and showed that males are important mediators of gene flow in this genetically depressed population. Finally, I conducted the first full characterization of spatial and temporal characterization of hawksbill nesting in the archipelago, identifying the key nesting habitats and assessing the levels of human impact that they are exposed to. Overall, the results of this study highlight the high vulnerability of the three species studied in light of limited dispersal, high genetic distinctiveness and exposure to threats

    Infrastructural Security for Virtualized Grid Computing

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    The goal of the grid computing paradigm is to make computer power as easy to access as an electrical power grid. Unlike the power grid, the computer grid uses remote resources located at a service provider. Malicious users can abuse the provided resources, which not only affects their own systems but also those of the provider and others. Resources are utilized in an environment where sensitive programs and data from competitors are processed on shared resources, creating again the potential for misuse. This is one of the main security issues, since in a business environment competitors distrust each other, and the fear of industrial espionage is always present. Currently, human trust is the strategy used to deal with these threats. The relationship between grid users and resource providers ranges from highly trusted to highly untrusted. This wide trust relationship occurs because grid computing itself changed from a research topic with few users to a widely deployed product that included early commercial adoption. The traditional open research communities have very low security requirements, while in contrast, business customers often operate on sensitive data that represents intellectual property; thus, their security demands are very high. In traditional grid computing, most users share the same resources concurrently. Consequently, information regarding other users and their jobs can usually be acquired quite easily. This includes, for example, that a user can see which processes are running on another user´s system. For business users, this is unacceptable since even the meta-data of their jobs is classified. As a consequence, most commercial customers are not convinced that their intellectual property in the form of software and data is protected in the grid. This thesis proposes a novel infrastructural security solution that advances the concept of virtualized grid computing. The work started back in 2007 and led to the development of the XGE, a virtual grid management software. The XGE itself uses operating system virtualization to provide a virtualized landscape. Users’ jobs are no longer executed in a shared manner; they are executed within special sandboxed environments. To satisfy the requirements of a traditional grid setup, the solution can be coupled with an installed scheduler and grid middleware on the grid head node. To protect the prominent grid head node, a novel dual-laned demilitarized zone is introduced to make attacks more difficult. In a traditional grid setup, the head node and the computing nodes are installed in the same network, so a successful attack could also endanger the user´s software and data. While the zone complicates attacks, it is, as all security solutions, not a perfect solution. Therefore, a network intrusion detection system is enhanced with grid specific signatures. A novel software called Fence is introduced that supports end-to-end encryption, which means that all data remains encrypted until it reaches its final destination. It transfers data securely between the user´s computer, the head node and the nodes within the shielded, internal network. A lightweight kernel rootkit detection system assures that only trusted kernel modules can be loaded. It is no longer possible to load untrusted modules such as kernel rootkits. Furthermore, a malware scanner for virtualized grids scans for signs of malware in all running virtual machines. Using virtual machine introspection, that scanner remains invisible for most types of malware and has full access to all system calls on the monitored system. To speed up detection, the load is distributed to multiple detection engines simultaneously. To enable multi-site service-oriented grid applications, the novel concept of public virtual nodes is presented. This is a virtualized grid node with a public IP address shielded by a set of dynamic firewalls. It is possible to create a set of connected, public nodes, either present on one or more remote grid sites. A special web service allows users to modify their own rule set in both directions and in a controlled manner. The main contribution of this thesis is the presentation of solutions that convey the security of grid computing infrastructures. This includes the XGE, a software that transforms a traditional grid into a virtualized grid. Design and implementation details including experimental evaluations are given for all approaches. Nearly all parts of the software are available as open source software. A summary of the contributions and an outlook to future work conclude this thesis