5 research outputs found

    Metodología de desarrollo evolutivo de escenarios tridimensionales para la creación de una visita virtual para el Centro Universitario UAEM Ecatepec

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    Actualmente, uno de los medios de comunicación claves para acceder al público en general es el uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación dentro de las cuales se encuentra la Realidad Virtual, que ha sido utilizada para desarrollar entornos virtuales como una alternativa novedosa de difusión a través de la Web. Es por ello, que en esta investigación se propone y se aplica una metodología para el desarrollo de escenarios tridimensionales para la creación de una visita virtual: caso Centro Universitario UAEM Ecatepec. Esta metodología con características evolutivas permite la eliminación de errores y alternativas no atractivas al comienzo del proyecto; la entrega de productos intermedios operacionales que se pueden ir refinando en cada iteración; logrando de esta manera, crear visitas virtuales de una forma organizada en lapsos de tiempo estimado, manteniendo colaboración y tomando en cuenta los puntos de vista de los integrantes del proyecto, el cliente y/o usuarios

    Metodología de desarrollo evolutivo de escenarios tridimensionales para la creación de una visita virtual para el Centro Universitario UAEM Ecatepec

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    Actualmente, uno de los medios de comunicación claves para acceder al público en general es el uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación dentro de las cuales se encuentra la Realidad Virtual, que ha sido utilizada para desarrollar entornos virtuales como una alternativa novedosa de difusión a través de la Web. Es por ello, que en esta investigación se propone y se aplica una metodología para el desarrollo de escenarios tridimensionales para la creación de una visita virtual: caso Centro Universitario UAEM Ecatepec. Esta metodología con características evolutivas permite la eliminación de errores y alternativas no atractivas al comienzo del proyecto; la entrega de productos intermedios operacionales que se pueden ir refinando en cada iteración; logrando de esta manera, crear visitas virtuales de una forma organizada en lapsos de tiempo estimado, manteniendo colaboración y tomando en cuenta los puntos de vista de los integrantes del proyecto, el cliente y/o usuarios

    Evolutionary development methodology of three-dimensional scenarios for the creation of a virtual tour for the UAEM Ecatepec University Center

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    Actualmente, uno de los medios de comunicación claves para acceder al público en general es el uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación dentro de las cuales se encuentra la Realidad Virtual, que ha sido utilizada para desarrollar entornos virtuales como una alternativa novedosa de difusión a través de la Web. Es por ello, que en esta investigación se propone y se aplica una metodología para el desarrollo de escenarios tridimensionales para la creación de una visita virtual: caso Centro Universitario UAEM Ecatepec. Esta metodología con características evolutivas permite la eliminación de errores y alternativas no atractivas al comienzo del proyecto; la entrega de productos intermedios operacionales que se pueden ir refinando en cada iteración; logrando de esta manera, crear visitas virtuales de una forma organizada en lapsos de tiempo estimado, manteniendo colaboración y tomando en cuenta los puntos de vista de los integrantes del proyecto, el cliente y/o usuarios.Currently, one of the key means of communication to access the public In general, it is the use of information and communication technologies within which is Virtual Reality, which has been used to develop virtual environments as a novel alternative for diffusion through the Web. That is why, in this research, a methodology is proposed and applied. for the development of three-dimensional scenarios for the creation of a visit virtual: UAEM Ecatepec University Center case. This methodology with evolutionary characteristics allows the elimination of errors and alternatives not attractive at the beginning of the project; delivery of intermediate products operational that can be refined in each iteration; achieving from this way, create virtual tours in an organized way in periods of time estimated, maintaining collaboration and taking into account the points of view of the members of the project, the client and/or users

    Developing a virtual zoological museum

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    Abstract. This is a documentation of our work developing a virtual zoological museum. Although it’s challenging to create a virtual museum that lives up to the original, Unity3D and virtual reality technology are utilized in order to provide experiences that a traditional museum cannot. As we aim to digitize the museum that once was in University of Oulu, different ways of designing an educating and engaging virtual museum visit are explored. The animals of the museum can be interacted with, being able to play back animations and audio while also providing information in text form. An interactive forest was also developed as a more natural and lively environment. Furthermore, 360° photos of local forests were added to improve the representation of nature. Virtual reality support was programmed for Oculus Rift, allowing movement and interaction as if one was there in real life. In order to achieve a comfortable experience, some performance optimization has been done to reach stable frame rates. We evaluated users’ sense of presence, experienced Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP), system usability and content quality. Based on our tests, users found the virtual museum visit enjoyable and immersive overall despite being distracted by some aspects, like the quality of the display. Users were also mostly satisfied with the environments and the quality of the animals. Experienced Game Transfer was low, however. All in all, this concept for creating a virtual museum has appeared to be successful, and it could be developed further.Virtuaalisen eläintieteellisen museon kehittäminen. Tiivistelmä. Tämä on dokumentaatio virtuaalisen eläintieteellisen museon kehittämisestä. Vaikka onkin haastavaa luoda virtuaalinen museo, joka on verrattavissa alkuperäiseen, hyödyntämällä Unity3D:tä ja virtuaalitodellisuusteknologiaa on mahdollista tarjota kokemuksia, mitä perinteinen museo ei pysty. Digitalisoidessamme sitä museota, joka Oulun Yliopistolla ennen oli, tutkimme erilaisia keinoja kehittää opetuksellinen ja kiinnostava virtuaalimuseovierailu. Museon eläimet ovat interaktiivisia, pystyen toistamaan animaatioita ja ääniä sekä antamaan tietoa tekstin muodossa. Interaktiivinen metsä luotiin tarjoamaan luonnollisemman ja elävämmän ympäristön. Lisäksi 360° kuvia paikallisista metsistä lisättiin parantaakseen luonnon edustusta. Virtuaalitodellisuustuki lisättiin Oculus Rift:ille, sallien liikkumisen ja vuorovaikuttamisen kuin olisi siellä todellisessa elämässä. Luodakseen mukavan kokemuksen, sovelluksen suorituskykyä on optimoitu saavuttaakseen vakaan kuvan päivitystaajuuden. Evaluoimme käyttäjien läsnäolon tunnetta, koettua Game Transfer -ilmiötä (GTP), järjestelmän käytettävyyttä ja sisällön laatua. Testien perusteella käyttäjät kokivat museovierailun miellyttävänä sekä immersiivisenä yleisesti ottaen, vaikka jotkin piirteet, kuten näytön laatu, häiritsivät. Käyttäjät olivat myöskin pitkälti tyytyväisiä ympäristöihin ja eläinten laatuun. Koettu Game Transfer oli kuitenkin vähäistä. Kaikenkaikkiaan tämä virtuaalimuseo konsepti vaikuttaa toimivalta, ja sitä voisi kehittää pidemmälle

    Red tourism in China: Propaganda, space, commodification

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    This dissertation is about Red Tourism and propaganda. Red Tourism refers to tourism of the People’s Republic of China in which people visit tourist spots with historical significance to either the Communist Party of China (CPC) or the Chinese revolution. A heritage tourism, Red Tourism is a kind of oxymoron. It is a yoking together of two extraordinarily powerful drivers in the cultural language surrounding China. On the one hand, “Red” is associated with ideology, discipline, and loyalty combined with a history of authentic struggle and liberation. On the other hand, tourism designates an ongoing process of capitalization. Eerily, this oxymoronicality of Red Tourism epitomizes the cultural imagination of contemporary China, in which the Chinese state seems simultaneously to be engaged in mining the past for its lucrative images and narrative resources as well as calculating a future linked to a kind of “Red” economy where propaganda/xuanchuan roots, morphs, and thrives. Xuanchuan, propaganda’s counterpart in China, means “disseminating purposeful information,” and is folkloristic in nature, associated with good things and deeds. Nevertheless, this is rarely understood, in part because the way we see propaganda has been fixed; scholars treat propaganda as a method, a technique, and/or a practice, devoting much attention to journalism, the news industry, the media system, and censorship and little to the social space of propaganda. This book is meant to fill that gap. It examines Red Tourism in connection with the transforming power relations between the state and the capitalist, the socialist past and the capitalized present in the communication arena against the backdrop of the world’s second largest economy. I argue that Red Tourism is a social space comprised of all sorts of political pathways and communication networks. As such, Red Tourism is both produced and productive: it was produced by both physical space such as cities, tourist sites, and museums, and abstract space including histories, ideologies, collective memories, (post)socialist nostalgia, social imaginaries and so forth. At the same time, it is (re)producing all of these physical and non-physical networks by following distinctive mechanisms combining the dominant ideology and the capitalist mode of production. It calls for a new theoretical framework and approach that does not belong to traditional propaganda studies. In a number of ways this study aims to go beyond existing work in propaganda studies by illustrating the following: that propaganda is a social space; that there is a propaganda culture in China; that tourism is a popular site of propaganda; that the capitalist can make a profit off of popular propaganda by commodifying and selling it in the market; that although ostensibly commercial and nonideological, commodified propaganda can be even more ideologically powerful, hence, more propagandistic; that the partaking of surplus capital in the commodification of propaganda renders the social space of propaganda even more complicated; and that capitalism is, too, a driving force for the production of state propaganda