11 research outputs found

    Markerless assisted rehabilitation system

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    The project focuses on the use of modern technology to analyze human movement. This analysis turns out to be useful aid for physicians in rehabilitation of patients with limb injuries. This method is more precise than simple observation of the patient through the organ of sight. The proposed system allows markerless determination of deviations between the selected bones and joints, and as a result do not require specialized and expensive equipment. The implemented application presents instructional animation of the exercises and verify the correctness of its performance in real time. The equipment that meets the requirements of the project is the Microsoft Kinect, which is nowadays widely used in the medical field

    Review of the Augmented Reality Systems for Shoulder Rehabilitation

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    Literature shows an increasing interest for the development of augmented reality (AR) applications in several fields, including rehabilitation. Current studies show the need for new rehabilitation tools for upper extremity, since traditional interventions are less effective than in other body regions. This review aims at: Studying to what extent AR applications are used in shoulder rehabilitation, examining wearable/non-wearable technologies employed, and investigating the evidence supporting AR effectiveness. Nine AR systems were identified and analyzed in terms of: Tracking methods, visualization technologies, integrated feedback, rehabilitation setting, and clinical evaluation. Our findings show that all these systems utilize vision-based registration, mainly with wearable marker-based tracking, and spatial displays. No system uses head-mounted displays, and only one system (11%) integrates a wearable interface (for tactile feedback). Three systems (33%) provide only visual feedback; 66% present visual-audio feedback, and only 33% of these provide visual-audio feedback, 22% visual-audio with biofeedback, and 11% visual-audio with haptic feedback. Moreover, several systems (44%) are designed primarily for home settings. Three systems (33%) have been successfully evaluated in clinical trials with more than 10 patients, showing advantages over traditional rehabilitation methods. Further clinical studies are needed to generalize the obtained findings, supporting the effectiveness of the AR applications

    Quantitative Evaluation of the Microsoft Kinect for Use in an Upper Extremity Virtual Rehabilitation Environment

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    To be presented at the International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A., August 26-29, 2013.Low cost depth sensors could potentially allow for home-based care and rehabilitation using virtual systems. Currently, no publicly available and peer-reviewed assessment has been made on the accuracy of joint position data determined by the Microsoft KinectTM for assessment of upper extremity movements. We devised and validated clinically-based angle classifications for random arm movements in 3D-space, specifically, the shoulder joint flexion/extension angle, shoulder joint abduction/adduction angle, and 3-dimensional shoulder joint angle of 19 subjects at a distance of 2.0m using an eight camera Vicon Motion Capture system. Results show an average absolute error of these angle measurements not exceeding 10.0%

    GPS-MIV: The General Purpose System for Multi-display Interactive Visualization

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    The new age of information has created opportunities for inventions like the internet. These inventions allow us access to tremendous quantities of data. But, with the increase in information there is need to make sense of such vast quantities of information by manipulating that information to reveal hidden patterns to aid in making sense of it. Data visualization systems provide the tools to reveal patterns and filter information, aiding the processes of insight and decision making. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and test a data visualization system, The General Purpose System for Multi-display Interactive Visualization (GPS-MIV). GPS-MIV is a software system allowing the user to visualize data graphically and interact with it. At the core of the system is a graphics system that displays different computer generated scenes from multiple perspectives and with multiple views. Additionally, GSP-MIV provides interaction for the user to explore the scene

    Implementasi Virtual Reality untuk Visualisasi Penggunaan Ruang Baca Teknik Informatika (RBTC) Berbasis Web dengan Menggunakan WebVR

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    Perkembangan teknologi dibidang realitas virtual berkembang dengan sangat cepat. Realitas virtual banyak digunakan berbagai bidang dan banyak diminati oleh pengguna untuk berinteraksi dengan suatu lingkungan yang disimulasikan oleh komputer. Maka dari itu banyak perkembangan framework untuk membangun pengalaman realitas virtual. A-Frame merupakan framework yang dikembangkan oleh Tim Mozilla VR berbasis HTML untuk mengembangkan konten WebVR. Maka untuk mengeksplorasi tentang perkembangan WebVR dan framework A-framework, maka dibuat sebuah realitas virtual berbasis web dan diimplementasikan untuk penggunaan Ruang Baca Teknik Informatika. Realitas virtual berbasis web yang akan dibuat mengekplorasi dari framework A-frame dan konten yang akan ditampilkan berupa teks, gambar dan video. Selain itu pengguna dapat melakukan eksplorasi ruangan dan melakukan interaksi pada beberapa objek untuk mengimplementasikan penggunaan ruang baca itu sendiri. Hasil pengujian terhadap website menujukan bahwa website berhasil mensimulasikan penggunaan Ruang Baca Teknik Informatika dalam bentuk realitas virtual berbasis web. Selain itu, hasil kuisioner menujukan bahwa website mudah dan nyaman untuk digunakan serta membantu pengguna untuk melakukan interaksi secara realitas virtual pada penggunaan Ruang Baca Teknik Informatika ================================================================= Technological developments in the field of virtual reality develop very quickly. Virtual reality is widely used in various fields and much in demand by users to interact with a computer-simulated environment. Therefore many framework developments to build virtual reality experience. A-Frame is a framework developed by the HTML-based Mozilla VR Team to develop WebVR content. So to explore the development of WebVR and A-framework framework, then created a virtual reality based on the web and implemented for the use of Ruang Baca Teknik Informatika. Web-based virtual reality that will be explored from the A-frame framework and the content that will be displayed in the form of teks, images and video. In addition users can explore the room and interact on some objects to implement the use of the reading room itself The results of testing on website show that website is successfully simulate to use Ruang Baca Teknik Informatika in the form of virtual reality web-based. Moreover, the results of the questionnaire indicate that the website is easy and convenient to use and helps users to interact in virtual realiy on Ruang Baca Teknik Informatika

    Implementación de aplicaciones "serious games" para la evaluación de destreza manual

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    El serious game realizado para este proyecto nace de la necesidad del Laboratorio de Análisis del Movimiento, Biomecánica, Ergonomía y Control Motor (LAMBECOM) de contar con un videojuego para la rehabilitación física de sus pacientes donde se trabaje la mejora de la disociación de los dedos y de la coordinación bimanual a la vez que se extraigan los datos relevantes de los ejercicios. Para ello se ha diseñado un videojuego que simula un piano de diez teclas en el que cada tecla corresponde a uno de los dedos de la mano y tendrán que ir pulsándose en el orden que el juego vaya indicando. La programación del videojuego se ha realizado utilizando el motor de videojuegos de código abierto Unity. Por otro lado, la monitorización de la mano se realiza a través del dispositivo Leap Motion, siendo su software capaz de reconocer cada dedo de la mano y sus respectivos huesos y extraer la información necesaria para la futura evaluación de los fisioterapeutas.El serious game realizado para este proyecto nace de la necesidad del Laboratorio de Análisis del Movimiento, Biomecánica, Ergonomía y Control Motor (LAMBECOM) [1] de contar con un videojuego para la rehabilitación física de sus pacientes donde se trabaje la mejora de la disociación de los dedos y de la coordinación bimanual a la vez que se extraigan los datos relevantes de los ejercicios. Para ello se ha diseñado un videojuego que simula un piano de diez teclas en el que cada tecla corresponde a uno de los dedos de la mano y tendrán que ir pulsándose en el orden que el juego vaya indicando. La programación del videojuego se ha realizado utilizando el motor de videojuegos de código abierto Unity. Por otro lado, la monitorización de la mano se realiza a través del dispositivo Leap Motion, siendo su software capaz de reconocer cada dedo de la mano y sus respectivos huesos y extraer la información necesaria para la futura evaluación de los fisioterapeutas.The serious game created for this project started with the need of the Laboratory of Analysis of Movement, Biomechanics, Ergonomics and Motor Control (LAMBECOM) to have a video game for rehabilitation patients to help improve the dissociation of the fingers and the bimanual coordination while the relevant data is extracted from the performed exercises. To that end, a video game that simulates a ten key piano was designed where each key corresponds to one of the fingers and they must be pressed in the order the game indicates. The video game programming was created using the opensource game engine Unity. On the other hand, hand monitoring is done through the device known as Leap Motion. The Leap Motion's software is able to recognize each finger and their bones and extract the necessary information for future evaluation of the physiotherapists.Ingeniería Industria

    Virtual reality in Educational Rehabilitation

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    Virtualna stvarnost predstavlja jedan aspekt računalne tehnologije koja omogućuje stvaranje simuliranog okruženja koji može simulirati fizičku prisutnost u mjestima u stvarnom svijetu ili u zamišljenim svjetovima. Različite vrste sustava virtualne stvarnosti danas se koriste na različitim područjima ljudskog djelovanja. Sustavi virtualne stvarnosti s obzirom na razinu imerzije dijele se na ne-imerzivne, polu-imerzivne i imerzivne, a sve terapije koje koriste navedene sustave nazivaju se terapijama baziranima na virtualnoj stvarnosti. Korištenje terapija baziranih na virtualnoj stvarnosti dijeli se na 3 velika područja primjene: neurorehabilitacija, liječenje psihijatrijskih poremećaja i uklanjanje bolova. U ovom radu cilj je bio prikazati potencijal i mogućnosti korištenja virtualne stvarnosti u edukacijsko-rehabilitacijske svrhe. U svrhu toga, proveden je pregled istraživanja koja su koristila različite terapije bazirane na virtualnoj stvarnosti u radu s osobama iz spektra autizma, osobama s cerebralnom paralizom, osobama koje su preživjele moždani udar te osobama s ADHD-om. Pokazalo se kako terapije bazirane na virtualnoj stvarnosti pozitivno utječu na socijalne vještine, komunikacijske vještine, motoričke vještine i vještine svakodnevnog života.Virtual reality is one aspect of computer technology which allows the creation of simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or in imaginary worlds. Different types of virtual reality systems are now used in various fields of human endeavor. Systems of virtual reality with respect to the level of immersion are divided into non-immersive, semi-immersive and immersive, and all therapies that use these systems are referred to as virtual reality based therapies. Using a virtual reality based therapy is divided into three large areas of application: neurorehabilitation, the treatment of psychiatric disorders and pain relief. In this work, the objective was to demonstrate the potential and possibilities of virtual reality in education and rehabilitation purposes. To that end, the review conducted studies that used different virtual reality based therapies in working with people from the spectrum of autism, people with cerebral palsy, people who suffered stroke and people with ADHD. It turned out that virtual reality based therapies have positive influence on social, communication, motor and daily living skills

    Generación de trayectorias de un exoesqueleto para rehabilitación de miembros superiores

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    Según el censo de población del año 2015 realizado por el INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía), el 6% de la población en México presenta alguna discapacidad. De dicha población, el 33% presenta una discapacidad en el miembro superior. Los programas de salud social son, por regla general, el método principal para promover la recuperación funcional en estos sujetos. La rehabilitación pasiva presenta desafíos particulares como la necesidad de inmovilizar algunas partes del cuerpo mientras se movilizan otras, debido a esto la mayoría de las veces deben trabajar dos terapeutas en un paciente. Si la terapia requiere de un aparato, también se debe vigilar que el paciente use las articulaciones adecuadas y no sustituya los movimientos de las articulaciones dañadas por otros. Este trabajo presenta la aplicación de una metodología que sintetizó la rehabilitación pasiva de miembro superior en cuatro casos de estudio que fueron validados por la adquisición de datos y comparados con los rangos funcionales para poder concluir si cumplían con el objetivo de la rehabilitación, estos casos de estudio sentaron las bases para el desarrollo del modelo físico experimental del ERMIS (Exoesqueleto de Rehabilitación de Miembro Superior) de 7 DoF que coadyuva a la rehabilitación pasiva de miembro superior. Se validó el ERMIS comparando las trayectorias generadas por el ERMIS contra las propuestas por los casos de estudio, al final se logró que las trayectorias fueran cubiertas en un 95% por el ERMIS, también se realizó un análisis del error que presenta el ERMIS en el seguimiento de las trayectorias y estos valores se compararon con los rangos de movimiento anatómicos para asegurar que el ERMIS no dañe al paciente