GPS-MIV: The General Purpose System for Multi-display Interactive Visualization


The new age of information has created opportunities for inventions like the internet. These inventions allow us access to tremendous quantities of data. But, with the increase in information there is need to make sense of such vast quantities of information by manipulating that information to reveal hidden patterns to aid in making sense of it. Data visualization systems provide the tools to reveal patterns and filter information, aiding the processes of insight and decision making. The purpose of this thesis is to develop and test a data visualization system, The General Purpose System for Multi-display Interactive Visualization (GPS-MIV). GPS-MIV is a software system allowing the user to visualize data graphically and interact with it. At the core of the system is a graphics system that displays different computer generated scenes from multiple perspectives and with multiple views. Additionally, GSP-MIV provides interaction for the user to explore the scene

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