6 research outputs found

    Tenant Level Checkpointing of Meta-data for Multi-tenancy SaaS

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    Traditional checkpointing techniques are facing a grave challenge when applied to multi-tenancy software-as-a-service (SaaS) systems due to the huge scale of the system state and the diversity of users' requirements on the quality of services. This paper proposes the notion of tenant level checkpointing and an algorithm that exploits Big Data techniques to checkpoint tenant's meta-data, which are widely used in configuring SaaS for tenant-specific features. The paper presents a prototype implementation of the proposed technique using NoSQL database Couchbase and reports the experiments that compare it with traditional implementation of checkpointing using file systems. Experiments show that the Big Data approach has a significantly lower latency in comparison with the traditional approach

    Fail Over Strategy for Fault Tolerance in Cloud Computing Environment

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    YesCloud fault tolerance is an important issue in cloud computing platforms and applications. In the event of an unexpected system failure or malfunction, a robust fault-tolerant design may allow the cloud to continue functioning correctly possibly at a reduced level instead of failing completely. To ensure high availability of critical cloud services, the application execution and hardware performance, various fault tolerant techniques exist for building self-autonomous cloud systems. In comparison to current approaches, this paper proposes a more robust and reliable architecture using optimal checkpointing strategy to ensure high system availability and reduced system task service finish time. Using pass rates and virtualised mechanisms, the proposed Smart Failover Strategy (SFS) scheme uses components such as Cloud fault manager, Cloud controller, Cloud load balancer and a selection mechanism, providing fault tolerance via redundancy, optimized selection and checkpointing. In our approach, the Cloud fault manager repairs faults generated before the task time deadline is reached, blocking unrecoverable faulty nodes as well as their virtual nodes. This scheme is also able to remove temporary software faults from recoverable faulty nodes, thereby making them available for future request. We argue that the proposed SFS algorithm makes the system highly fault tolerant by considering forward and backward recovery using diverse software tools. Compared to existing approaches, preliminary experiment of the SFS algorithm indicate an increase in pass rates and a consequent decrease in failure rates, showing an overall good performance in task allocations. We present these results using experimental validation tools with comparison to other techniques, laying a foundation for a fully fault tolerant IaaS Cloud environment

    Heterogeneous Strong Computation Migration

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    The continuous increase in performance requirements, for both scientific computation and industry, motivates the need of a powerful computing infrastructure. The Grid appeared as a solution for inexpensive execution of heavy applications in a parallel and distributed manner. It allows combining resources independently of their physical location and architecture to form a global resource pool available to all grid users. However, grid environments are highly unstable and unpredictable. Adaptability is a crucial issue in this context, in order to guarantee an appropriate quality of service to users. Migration is a technique frequently used for achieving adaptation. The objective of this report is to survey the problem of strong migration in heterogeneous environments like the grids', the related implementation issues and the current solutions.Comment: This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Milan\'es, A., Rodriguez, N. and Schulze, B. (2008), State of the art in heterogeneous strong migration of computations. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 20: 1485-1508, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cpe.1287/abstrac