28 research outputs found

    When and how video games can be good: a review of the positive effects of video games on well-being

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    peer-reviewedVideo games are a source of entertainment for a wide population and have varied effects on well-being. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively examine game-play research to identify the factors that contribute to these disparate well-being outcomes and to highlight the potential positive effects. On the basis of existing literature, we argue that the effects of gaming on well-being are moderated by other variables, such as motivations for gaming and video-game characteristics. Specifically, the inclusion of social activity can benefit prosocial behaviors and affect the relationship between violent video games and aggression that some studies have demonstrated. Moreover, the research on the relationship between violent video games and aggression depends greatly on individual and sociocontextual variables outside of game play. The inclusion of physical activity in games can provide an improvement in physical health with high levels of enjoyment, potentially increasing adherence rates. Overall, following our review, we determined that the effects of gaming on well-being are moderated by and depend on the motivation for gaming, outside variables, the presence of violence, social interaction, and physical activity. Thus, we argue that there is potential for an 'optimal gaming profile' that can be used in the future for both academic- and industry-related research.peer-reviewe

    A problémás videojáték-használat újabb elméleti és gyakorlati megközelítései

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    Napjainkban a videojátékokkal való időtöltés az egyik legnépszerűbb szabadidős tevékenység a fiatalok körében. Ennek elterjedésével párhuzamosan nőtt a tudományos érdeklődés a játékok káros hatásai, illetve azok problémás használata iránt, mely jelenség a köznyelvben csak “játékfüggőségként” ismert. A kutatások rámutattak arra, hogy a játékosok kis része jelentős pszichológiai ártalmaktól szenved számos életterületen (például családi, társas, munkahelyi/tanulmányi). Tanulmányunk célja áttekintést nyújtani a problémás játékhasználat újabb elméleti megközelítéseiről, diagnosztikai kritériumairól és méréséről. A definíciót és a kritériumokat övező tudományos viták mellett bemutatjuk a kezelési eljárásokat és programokat, valamint felvázoljuk a jövőbeli kutatási irányzatok lehetőségeit is.&#x0D; &#x0D; ---&#x0D; &#x0D; Problematic video gaming: Novel approaches in theory and practice&#x0D; &#x0D; These days spending time playing video games is one of the most popular leisure-time activities among young people. With the growth of interest in video games research has begun to focus on the negative effects of usage in addition to problematic use, which is commonly known as "game addiction". Research has pointed out that a small number of gamers suffer from severe functional and psychological harm in several aspects of their lives (for instance, family, social, work/study). The aim of our study is to provide an overview of the novel theoretical approaches, diagnostic criteria and assessment of problematic gaming. Besides describing the scientific debates concerning the definition and criteria, we present the treatment methods and programs, and draw a picture of the possibilities for future directions in research.&#x0D; &#x0D; Keywords: problematic gaming, gaming disorder, addiction, Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD), interactive media</jats:p

    Friendly Fire Off

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    The increasing popularity of online videogames has raised questions concerning their potential to influence online and offline social behaviour. Previous research on social behaviour in relation to playing videogames has often focused on either cooperation (playing in pairs against the game) or competition (playing alone against other players); however, videogames, particularly multiplayer online games, often include both. This study investigates prosocial behaviour in videogames with both cooperative and competitive elements—team-based player versus player (PvP) games—and aims to examine whether the amount of time spent playing these games is related to in-game prosocial behaviour. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 727 respondents and results were analysed using conditional process modelling. No significant direct or indirect relationship between the amount of time spent playing team-based PvP games and in-game prosocial behaviour was found. However, an exploratory linear regression analysis revealed a significant, positive relationship between in-game and offline prosocial behaviour. Implications and recommendations for future research are discussed

    The Dynamics and Frontiers of Video Game Social Research in Communication Studies-A Scientometrics Analysis Based on CiteSpace and VOSviewer

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    In this media-rich era, digital entertainment in the form of video games has a major impact on our social interaction and productivity in a borderless social mode. As a result, in order to comprehend the research progress of video game, CiteSpace and VOSviewer were used for scientometrics and knowledge mapping in this study. It displays the state of development, fundamental structure, and frontier areas of video game social communication. The mapping is based on 448 publications collected through Web of Science core database searches. The findings indicate that (1) video game social research has gained increasing attention over the last 23 years, with a curvilinear growth in annual publications, but a core authorship group has yet to materialize, and the United States institutions dominate the number of publications on this topic. (2) Gaming behaviors, gender studies, media effects, and gaming experiences have emerged as the four main hotspots of research in this field under the keyword co-occurrence and clustering analyses. (3) Research in this area has traditionally concentrated on violent, addictive, and other problematic gaming behaviors. The findings of this study forecast future trends in the study of video game social communication and provide the groundwork for more in-depth research

    Betriebliche Weiterbildung in einer virtuellen 3D-Lern- und Kollaborationsumgebung: Gestaltungsanforderungen und Umsetzungserfahrungen am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie

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    Digitalisierung und technischer Fortschritt haben nicht nur Auswirkungen auf den Arbeitskontext und das persönliche Umfeld, sondern auch auf das berufliche Lernen. Für die Berufsbildung ergibt sich hieraus sowohl curricularer als auch didaktischer Innovations- und Gestaltungsbedarf: Neben einer zukunftsfähigen Weiterentwicklung von Berufsbildern und Qualifikationsprofilen gilt es vor allem, die Potenziale digital unterstützten Lernens auszuschöpfen. Der nachfolgende Beitrag skizziert Ergebnisse eines Proof of Concept (PoC) des Einsatzes einer virtuellen 3D-Lernumgebung in verschiedenen Anwendungsszenarien der Aus- und Weiterbildung eines Automobilherstellers. Mithilfe eines Methodenmix wurden Lerninhalte, Rahmenbedingungen des betrieblichen Einsatzes sowie Lernerfahrungen analysiert. Viele der Befragten sehen Vorteile in der Nutzung der virtuellen Lernumgebung, auch der persönliche Lernerfolg wird relativ hoch eingeschätzt. Darüber hinaus wurden Handlungsfelder identifiziert, in denen eine Optimierung der Lernumgebung und der Szenarien möglich erscheint

    Does Personality Moderate the Relationship Between Video Gaming and Quality of Life?

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    Video game research has expanded greatly in recent decades, fueled partly by concerns that video game content affects real-word behaviors and experiences. Despite the preponderance of research on the effects of video game content on various outcomes, there are still areas left to be explored. For example, while the American Psychological Association has concluded that violent video game content serves as a risk factor for real-life aggression, the association has also recommended the pursuit of additional research on alternative variables that may influence the relationship between video game content and outcomes (APA Task Force on Violent Media, 2015). The present study was designed to explore whether personality dimensions have a moderating effect on the relationship between video game content and quality of life (QoL). Video game content was measured using content descriptors (i.e., content warnings) assigned to a participant-reported game by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). QoL was measured using the World Health Organization’s Quality of Life-Brief measure, and personality was assessed using the International Personality Item Pool Representation of the Revised Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Personality Inventory. Based on existing research support for four personality dimensions as potential moderator variables, it was hypothesized that conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism would moderate the relationship between video game content and QoL. Moderated multiple regression analyses were conducted to test this hypothesis. Results found significant main effects between personality dimensions and QoL but failed to find significant effects of video game content, including violent content, on QoL scores. In addition, the study’s hypothesis, that personality dimensions moderate the relationship between video game content and QoL, was not supported. Study limitations, implications for clinicians, and directions for future research are discussed

    Desarrollo de habilidades de lectura a través de los videojuegos: Estado del arte.

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    This research analyzes the systematic linking of videogames in the processes towards the development of reading in the media and digital environment through the theoretical review. For this objective it was reviewed academic publications from international databases submitted between 2005 and 2016 related to the involvement of video games related on reading organized by school level, theoretical approach and research design. The results demonstrated its prevalence in secondary education basing its impact as an educational agent on changes in reading habits by opening a connection between readers and motivating of collaborative interaction. Likewise, the transformation of the process towards an oriented information search and acquisition of reading comprehension skills. Following this argument, it concludes in favor of the inclusion of videogames in the educational curriculum focused on the development of reading in the digital and media context

    Desarrollo de habilidades de lectura a través de los videojuegos: Estado del arte

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    This research analyzes the systematic linking of videogames in the processes towards the development of reading in the media and digital environment through the theoretical review. For this objective it was reviewed academic publications from international databases submitted between 2005 and 2016 related to the involvement of video games related on reading organized by school level, theoretical approach and research design. The results demonstrated its prevalence in secondary education basing its impact as an educational agent on changes in reading habits by opening a connection between readers and motivating of collaborative interaction. Likewise, the transformation of the process towards an oriented in- formation search and acquisition of reading comprehension skills. Following this argument, it concludes in favor of the inclusion of videogames in the educational curriculum focused on the development of reading in the digital and media context. Esta investigación analiza la vinculación sistemática de los videojuegos hacia el desarrollo de la lectura dentro del entorno mediático y digital a través de la revisión teórica. Para ello, fueron examinadas diversas publicaciones académicas provenientes de bases de datos internacionales presentadas entre 2005 y 2016, relacionadas con la implicación de los videojuegos en la enseñanza de la lectura organizada según ámbito escolar, planteamiento teórico y diseño de la investigación. Los resultados demostraron la predominancia en la enseñanza secundaria, fundamentando su repercusión como agente educativo en los cambios de hábitos de la lectura, abriendo una ventana de conexión entre los lectores y motivando la interacción colaborativa. De igual modo, se vislumbró su impacto en la transformación de la lectura orientada a la búsqueda de información y a la adquisición de habilidades de comprensión. Tras esta argumentación, el artículo concluye a favor de la inclusión de los videojuegos en el programa curricular educativo, al fortalecer el interés por la lectura adaptada al contexto digital y mediático.