275 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity Enhancement through Hybrid Encryption: Combining RSA and Vigenère Algorithms in the Cypher-X System

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    لا يزال أمن البيانات مصدر قلق في عصرنا الرقمي، مع فشل العديد من أنظمة التشفير بسبب تعقيدها وقابليتها للتهديدات السيبرانية. Cypher-X، هو نظام تشفير وفك تشفير متطور، يدمج الخوارزميات الكلاسيكية، RSA وVigenère، لحماية سرية البيانات. ويسعى مشروعنا إلى معالجة هذه المخاوف من خلال التركيز على ثلاثة أهداف رئيسية: تعزيز أمن البيانات، وتقييم كفاءة النظام، وتحديد نقاط الضعف التي يستغلها القراصنة. تؤكد النتائج التي توصلنا إليها قدرات التشفير القوية لـ Cypher-X، مع احتمالات تعزيزها بشكل أكبر من خلال تكامل المصادقة متعددة العوامل وآليات التحكم في الوصول. بينما نتعامل مع المشكلة المتمثلة في أمن البيانات، تبرز Cypher-X كمنارة للأمل، حيث تقدم حلاً واعدًا لحماية المعلومات الحساسة في المشهد الرقمي.In the contemporary digital landscape, the imperative issue of data security continues to be a prominent concern. Numerous encryption systems have faced challenges stemming from their intricate nature and susceptibility to cyber threats. This study introduces Cypher-X, an advanced encryption and decryption system that adeptly integrates classical algorithms, namely RSA and Vigenère, to fortify data confidentiality. This research endeavors to address prevailing concerns by focusing on three primary objectives: augmenting data security measures, evaluating system efficiency, and identifying vulnerabilities exploited by cyber adversaries. The outcomes of our investigation affirm the robust encryption capabilities of Cypher-X, underscoring its potential for further enhancement through the incorporation of multi-factor authentication and access control mechanisms. In the realm of data security, Cypher-X emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a promising solution to safeguard sensitive information in the digital sphere. It is essential to acknowledge the ongoing necessity for elucidating our research question, methodology, key findings, and practical implications as we navigate the complex landscape of data protection

    A Hybrid Cryptosystem Using Vigenère Cipher and Rabin-p Algorithm in Securing BMP Files

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    Vigenère cipher is a classical cryptography algorithm and similar to other classical algorithms, it produces smaller but less secure ciphertexts than a public key cryptography algorithm. Meanwhile, Rabin-p is a public key cryptography algorithm with a stronger encryption than Vigenère cipher. Nevertheless, as a public key algorithm, Rabin-p is inefficient to encrypt vast amounts of messages such as BMP image files, since the size of the cipherimages will increase manyfold and this would lead to a problem in storing and sending the cipherimages. To overcome these problems, in this study, we combined the Vigenère cipher and the Rabin-p algorithm in a hybrid cryptosystem scheme. In the experiment, the Vigenère cipher was used to encrypt the BMP files and the Rabin-p algorithm was used to encrypt the Vigenère keys. The result showed that the size of the cipherimages did not increase and the decryption procedure could recover the original BMP files while maintaining their integrity

    Analysis of Four Historical Ciphers Against Known Plaintext Frequency Statistical Attack

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    The need of keeping information securely began thousands of years. The practice to keep the information securely is by scrambling the message into unreadable form namely ciphertext. This process is called encryption. Decryption is the reverse process of encryption. For the past, historical ciphers are used to perform encryption and decryption process. For example, the common historical ciphers are Hill cipher, Playfair cipher, Random Substitution cipher and Vigenère cipher. This research is carried out to examine and to analyse the security level of these four historical ciphers by using known plaintext frequency statistical attack. The result had shown that Playfair cipher and Hill cipher have better security compare with Vigenère cipher and Random Substitution cipher

    Implementasi Kriptografi Vigenere Cipher dengan Php

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    - This research was conducted to create a cryptographic implementation of vigenere ciphers. This system is designed by analyzing the descriptive method, and the comparative method. After analysis, modeling is done with UML (Unified Modeling Language) and the design of vigenere cipher cryptography system with text encryption and decryption can be programmed using PHP software. The results of this study are an implementation of the vigenere cipher cryptographic system with PHP. Keywords - Cryptography, Vigenere Cipher, Encryption - Decryption, Text, PHP

    Peningkatan Ketahanan Algoritma Vigenere menggunakan Generator kunci Tiga Lapis

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    Vigenere merupakan algoritma enkripsi berbasis teks yang sederhana. Dalam kriptografi, vigenere telah mengalami banyak modifikasi untuk memperkuat kerahasiaan informasi dari pihak yang tidak berhak. Faktor penting yang mempengaruhi ialah penggunaan kunci. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat ketahanan informasi yang diamankan vigenere melalui proses penerbitan kunci. Eksperimen ini mengusulkan penggunaan Teknik penerbitan kunci secara berlapis. Fungsi random, penggunaan bilangan euler dan metode penerbitan kunci Blum Blum Shub dieksperimenkan pada model enkripsi “extended Vigenere”. Sebagai metrik performasi digunakan perhitungan nilai entropi. Eksperimen ini mendapatkan hasil berupa penggunaan penerbitan kunci secara berlapis pada model enkripsi “extended Vigenere” meningkatkan nilai entropi informasi rahasia yang berimbas pada peningkatan ketahanan informasi dari serangan kriptanalis

    Vigenère Score for Malware Detection

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    Previous research has applied classic cryptanalytic techniques to the malware detection problem. Speci cally, scores based on simple substitution cipher cryptanal- ysis and various generalizations have been considered. In this research, we analyze two new malware scoring techniques based on classic cryptanalysis. Our rst ap- proach relies on the Index of Coincidence, which is used, for example, to determine the length of the keyword in a Vigenère ciphertext. We also consider a score based on a more complete cryptanalysis of a Vigenère cipher. We nd that the Vigenère score is competitive with previous statistical-based malware scores

    Generative Adversarial Networks for Classic Cryptanalysis

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    The necessity of protecting critical information has been understood for millennia. Although classic ciphers have inherent weaknesses in comparison to modern ciphers, many classic ciphers are extremely challenging to break in practice. Machine learning techniques, such as hidden Markov models (HMM), have recently been applied with success to various classic cryptanalysis problems. In this research, we consider the effectiveness of the deep learning technique CipherGAN---which is based on the well- established generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture---for classic cipher cryptanalysis. We experiment extensively with CipherGAN on a number of classic ciphers, and we compare our results to those obtained using HMMs