15 research outputs found

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Website sebagai Media Survei Kualitas Video Berdasarkan ITU-P.910

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    Pengukuran kualitas video adalah proses penting dalam menjaga kualitas layanan video. Proses ini bisa dilakukan dengan dua pendekatan. Pendekatan pertama dilakukan dengan menggunakan algoritma pengukur kualitas video secara objektif. Pendekatan ini unggul dalam kecepatan namun lemah dalam akurasi pengukuran. Pendekatan kedua dilakukan berdasarkan hasil survei kualitas video secara subjektif. Pendekatan ini lebih akurat dibandingkan dengan yang pertama namun membutuhkan banyak waktu dan tenaga. Untuk menanggulangi masalah waktu dan tenaga, penelitian ini fokus pada perancangan dan implementasi website sebagai media survei kualitas video. Sebagai panduan, penelitian menggunakan standar ITU-P.910. Website telah dirancang dan berhasil diimplementasikan. Website telah diuji untuk melakukan pengukuran lima sampel video dengan melibatkan 30 responden. Hasil pengujian dengan metode Black Box menunjukkan keberhasilan 100%. Sedangkan, hasil pengujian skala Likert menghasilkan 48.89% responden sangat setuju dalam enam pertanyaan terkait kualitas website. Website hasil penelitian ini diharapkan meningkatkan efektivitas pengukuran kualitas video secara subjektif dalam hal waktu dan tenaga

    Adapting x264 to asynchronous video telephony for the Deaf

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    Deaf people want to communicate remotely with sign language. Sign language requires sufficient video quality to be intelligible. Internet-based real-time video tools do not provide that quality. Our approach is to use asynchronous transmission to maintain video quality. Unfortunately, this entails a corresponding increase in latency. To reduce latency as much as possible, we sought to adapt a synchronous video codec to an asynchronous video application. First we compared several video codecs with subjective and objective metrics. This paper describes the process by which we chose x264 and integrated it into a Deaf telephony video application, and experimented to configure x264 optimally for the asynchronous environment.Telkom, Cisco, THRIP, SANPADDepartment of HE and Training approved lis

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Website sebagai Media Survei Kualitas Video berdasarkan ITU-P.910

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    Pengukuran kualitas video adalah proses penting dalam menjaga kualitas layanan video. Proses ini bisa dilakukan dengan dua pendekatan. Pendekatan pertama dilakukan dengan menggunakan algoritma pengukur kualitas video secara objektif. Pendekatan ini unggul dalam kecepatan namun lemah dalam akurasi pengukuran. Pendekatan kedua dilakukan berdasarkan hasil survei kualitas video secara subjektif. Pendekatan ini lebih akurat dibandingkan dengan yang pertama namun membutuhkan banyak waktu dan tenaga. Untuk menanggulangi masalah waktu dan tenaga, penelitian ini fokus pada perancangan dan implementasi website sebagai media survei kualitas video. Sebagai panduan, penelitian menggunakan standar ITU-P.910. Website telah dirancang dan berhasil diimplementasikan. Website telah diuji untuk melakukan pengukuran lima sampel video dengan melibatkan 30 responden. Hasil pengujian dengan metode Black Box menunjukkan keberhasilan 100%. Sedangkan, hasil pengujian skala Likert menghasilkan 48.89% responden sangat setuju dalam enam pertanyaan terkait kualitas website. Website hasil penelitian ini diharapkan meningkatkan efektivitas pengukuran kualitas video secara subjektif dalam hal waktu dan tenaga

    No-reference depth map quality evaluation model based on depth map edge confidence measurement in immersive video applications

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    When it comes to evaluating perceptual quality of digital media for overall quality of experience assessment in immersive video applications, typically two main approaches stand out: Subjective and objective quality evaluation. On one hand, subjective quality evaluation offers the best representation of perceived video quality assessed by the real viewers. On the other hand, it consumes a significant amount of time and effort, due to the involvement of real users with lengthy and laborious assessment procedures. Thus, it is essential that an objective quality evaluation model is developed. The speed-up advantage offered by an objective quality evaluation model, which can predict the quality of rendered virtual views based on the depth maps used in the rendering process, allows for faster quality assessments for immersive video applications. This is particularly important given the lack of a suitable reference or ground truth for comparing the available depth maps, especially when live content services are offered in those applications. This paper presents a no-reference depth map quality evaluation model based on a proposed depth map edge confidence measurement technique to assist with accurately estimating the quality of rendered (virtual) views in immersive multi-view video content. The model is applied for depth image-based rendering in multi-view video format, providing comparable evaluation results to those existing in the literature, and often exceeding their performance

    Objective and Subjective Evaluation of Spatially Transcoded Videos for Mobile Receivers

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    Digital television produces video signals with different bit rates, encoding formats, and spatial resolutions. To deliver video to users with different receivers, the content needs to be dynamically adapted. Transcoding devices convert video from one format into another. The reception of digital videos using mobile receivers, implies that the spatial resolution of the video must be adjusted to fit the small display. This paper presents subjective and objective quality analysis of spatially transcoded videos. Transcoding algorithms that downsample the video frames using the moving average, median, mode, weighted average and sigma filters are considered

    Full-Reference Video Quality Assessment using Structural Similarity (SSIM) Index

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    Video Quality Assessment is one of the key words in the field of Quality of Service (QoS) for mobile phones, today. The goal of video quality assessment is to evaluate if a distorted video is of a good quality by quantifying the difference between the original and distorted video. To assess the video quality of an arbitrary distorted or compressed video, the visual features of the distorted video are compared with those of the original video. Objective video quality measures play important roles in a variety of video processing applications, such as compression, communication, printing, analysis, registration, restoration, enhancement and watermarking. Most proposed quality assessment approaches in the literature are error sensitivity-based methods. In this paper, we follow a new algorithm Structural Similarity (SSIM) Index in designing video quality metrics, which uses structural distortion as an estimate of perceived visual distortion. This algorithm is simple, straight forward, makes real time implementation easy, very consistent relation with the subjective measures and delivers more accurate results compared to other objective video quality measures MSE and PSNR and computationally efficient for full-reference (FR) video quality assessment

    360-Degree Panoramic Video Coding

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    Virtual reality (VR) creates an immersive experience of real world in virtual environment through computer interface. Due to the technological advancements in recent years, VR technology is growing very fast and as a result industrial usage of this technology is feasible nowadays. This technology is being used in many applications for example gaming, education, streaming live events, etc. Since VR is visualizing the real world experience, the image or video content which is used must represent the whole 3D world characteristics. Omnidirectional images/videos demonstrate such characteristics and hence are used in VR applications. However, these contents are not suitable for conventional video coding standards, which use only 2D image/video format content. Accordingly, the omnidirectional content are projected onto a 2D image plane using cylindrical or pseudo-cylindrical projections. In this work, coding methods for two types of projection formats that are popular among the VR contents are studied: Equirectangular panoramic projection and Pseudo-cylindrical panoramic projection. The equirectangular projection is the most commonly used format in VR applications due to its rectangular image plane and also wide support in software development environments. However, this projection stretches the nadir and zenith areas of the panorama and as a result contain a relatively large portion of redundant data in these areas. The redundant information causes extra bitrate and also higher encoding/decoding time. Regional downsampling (RDS) methods are used in this work in order to decrease the extra bitrate caused by over-stretched polar areas. These methods are categorized into persistent regional down-sampling (P-RDS) and temporal regional down-sampling (T-RDS) methods. In the P-RDS method, the down-sampling is applied to all frames of the video, but in the T-RDS method, only inter frames are down-sampled and the intra frames are coded in full resolution format in order to maintain the highest possible quality of these frames. The pseudo-cylindrical projections map the 3D spherical domain to a non-rectangular 2D image plane in which the polar areas do not have redundant information. Therefore, the more realistic sample distribution of 3D world is achieved by using these projection formats. However, because of non-rectangular image plane format, pseudocylindrical panoramas are not favorable for image/video coding standards and as a result the compression performance is not efficient. Therefore, two methods are investigated for improving the intra-frame and inter-frame compression of these panorama formats. In the intra-frame coding method, border edges are smoothed by modifying the content of the image in non-effective picture area. In the interframe coding method, gaining the benefit of 360-degree property of the content, non-effective picture area of reference frames at the border is filled with the content of the effective picture area from the opposite border to improve the performance of motion compensation. As a final contribution, the quality assessment methods in VR applications are studied. Since the VR content are mainly displayed in head mounted displays (HMDs) which use 3D coordinate system, measuring the quality of decoded image/video with conventional methods does not represent the quality fairly. In this work, spherical quality metrics are investigated for measuring the quality of the proposed coding methods of omnidirectional panoramas. Moreover, a novel spherical quality metric (USS-PSNR) is proposed for evaluating the quality of VR images/video

    MQV3D: monitor de qualidade de vídeo 3D

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    Devido à crescente evolução das tecnologias 3D, nos próximos anos o IPTV 3D pode vir a tornar-se um serviço largamente distribuído pelos operadores, desta forma é importante que estes possam ter uma forma fácil e barata de monitorizar a qualidade do serviço que oferecem. A instalação de um monitor de qualidade de experiência de vídeo 3D em qualquer ponto da rede vai permitir aos operadores adaptarem o seu serviço e infra-estrutura de forma a poderem garantir uma determinada qualidade de experiência aos seus utilizadores, por exemplo para uma aplicação de IPTV Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta o desenvolvimento do protótipo de um monitor de qualidade de vídeo 3D que permite a avaliação de vídeo H.264 para diferentes tipos de modelos de avaliação de qualidade de vídeo. O protótipo oferece uma arquitetura que permite uma fácil integração de novos modelos de avaliação, flexibilidade de gestão dos dados de entrada, execução pela linha de comando, gestão de Logs e monitorização em tempo real. Foi ainda implementado um modelo de avaliação de qualidade de vídeo V+P com o qual foram realizados testes, onde se introduziram erros com o simulador G.1050. Com o monitor desenvolvido obtiveram-se resultados de qualidade com uma forte correlação com a qualidade medida dos vídeos utilizados. Estes resultados permitiram validar o modelo de avaliação de qualidade mesmo com as considerações tomadas para que este funcionasse num cenário operacional.Due to the increasing evolution of 3D technology in the coming years, the 3D IPTV may prove to become a service widely distributed by the operators. So it is important that they can have an easy and inexpensive way to monitor the quality of service they offer. The installation of a 3D video experience quality monitor anywhere in the network will enable operators to adapt their service and infrastructure so that they can ensure a certain quality of experience for theirs users, for example to an IPTV application. This dissertation presents the prototype developed of a 3D video quality monitor. This prototype enables H.264 video assessment of multiple video evaluation models. The prototype provides an architecture that allows an easy integration of new evaluation models, support for multiple input data, command line mode, log management and monitoring in real time. It was also implemented a video-plus-depth quality assessment model with which tests were performed. We have introduced errors with G.1050 simulator. With the developed monitor we’ve obtained quality results with a high correlation with the measured quality values. These results allowed us to validate the evaluation model even with the assumptions made so that it worked in a real scenario