641 research outputs found

    Video Games In Education

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    The purpose of this paper is to review relevant literature that explored the impact of video games within the field of education. Through a review of studies on video games in education, between 2000 and 2015, I aim to discuss that video games do have educational value in multiple content areas k-12, and educators have effectively implemented video games consistently through the same approaches. In addition, I discuss that there are existing limitations within schools due to educators and a lack of adequate technology available to support the implementation of video games into education. My analysis of the current literature confirms Alexander et. al. (2010) claim that video games can be utilized in every content area, while refuting Alexander et. al. (2010) claim for the best approach for video game implementation into the classroom currently, as well as that I believe educators and a lack of technology are responsible for the very minimal implementation of video games into education. With this in mind, it is my hope that, with this knowledge, the education system can implement video games better to meet student needs and improve educational practice. Finally, I make recommendations for the future of student learning and instruction, as well as ideas for future research

    Usage and Effects of Video Games in Education

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    In modern society, the act of playing games entices certain prejudices towards those who decide to participate in such activities. Those prejudices normally revolve around negative stereotypes where games are meant for non-social adults and are seen as something akin to addiction if gone too far. But how much gaming is needed to be considered as an addiction and what actual effects does it have on mental growth, social capabilities and academics? As a community revolving around technology as much as we are, understanding how video games play a role in our social space is an important aspect to growth. We can also think about gaming in a positive light, where it is used for education, accessibility, and even in politics. Understanding the the different types of gamers and all the factors that are involved when identifying a negative gaming addiction as opposed to a healthy gaming experience is important to advancing research into the effects of video games


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    Games integration could be a catalyst for changing pedagogical practices. however, the effectiveness of using video games in education depend on teacher’s acceptance to use video games in their classroom. The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate Saudi teachers’ perspective toward video game integration in education at elementary, middle, and high schools’ levels in Saudi Arabia; and found differences in teachers’ attitudes between gender and teachers experiences and level of teaching. It also investigated relationships between teachers’ philosophy based on three main learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism) and their perspectives toward video game use in the classroom. There were 930 male and female teachers who participated in the study. Overall, the results of this study showed Saudi teachers’ attitudes toward video games were fairly positive. Analysis found a relationship between teachers’ philosophy of teaching and their perspectives toward using video games in their classroom for learning. A moderate negative correlation was found between behaviorist philosophy and teachers’ attitudes. On the other hand, there was a moderate positive correlation between cognitivism and constructivism philosophies Saudi teachers’ attitudes toward using video games in classrooms


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    Education is a very important aspect of our lives, a proper education system is linked closely to a better and easier life. Therefore, enhancing the education system should have a high priority for many people. A high number of lives can be improved, given the right tools to reach a desirable level of education. Many variables impact the education process, from social conditions, to mental conditions and motivation. Mixing games with education can reach many of these variables in different angles, easier for learners to grasp. This thesis provides more information to the limited research of how games can be used to enhance the education process. This thesis will discuss the effect that games can have to improve the education process, how learners can be motivated to spend more time learning while having fun at the same time

    Análise do desenvolvimento temático dos estudos sobre games na educação

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    Os estudos sobre games na educação contemplam uma variedade de áreas, bem como dizem respeito à interação lúdica promovida através dos jogos para proporcionar o engajamento de estudantes em tarefas educativas. Esses estudos são frutos de pesquisas teóricas, e principalmente empíricas, que tentam compreender, para além do game como entretenimento, sua inter-relação com a educação. Mas, como esse campo de estudo se desenvolve na contemporaneidade? Quais campos do conhecimento estão imbricados nessa construção? Quais os elementos atuais de discussão nesse campo de estudo? Para contribuir com esses questionamentos, este estudo tem por objetivo: analisar a produção científica de alto impacto relacionada aos games na educação; tendo como demais objetivos: descrever as relações dos campos envolvidos na construção do conhecimento de alto impacto sobre games na educação; e compreender os principais elementos da construção do conhecimento de alto impacto sobre games na educação. Nesse intento, toma-se por aporte metodológico a cientometria, utilizando a análise de desenvolvimento temática, mapas da ciência e diagrama de Sankey produzidos a partir de dados recuperados de uma importante base de dados. Como decorrência deste estudo, atenta-se para a interdisciplinaridade dos campos relacionados à construção do conhecimento sobre games na educação, sendo os serious games e o design de jogos os campos que mais corroboram a construção do conhecimento acerca dos jogos na educação, existindo uma forte crítica à gamificação entre os principais autores do campo.Studies about video games in education comprise a variety of fields and concern the ludic interaction that is enabled through video games in order to engage students in educative tasks. These studies result from theoretical and mainly empirical research that seeks to understand, beyond video games as entertainment, their interrelation with education. But how does this field of study develop in contemporary times? What fields of knowledge are imbricated in this construction? What are the current elements of discussion in this field of study? To contribute to understanding of these issues, the goals of this study are: to analyze high-impact scientific output related to video games in education; to describe the relationship of the fields involved in the construction of high-impact knowledge about video games in education; and to understand the main elements of the construction of high-impact knowledge about video games in education. To achieve these goals, the methodology adopted is scientometrics, using thematic development analysis, science maps and Sankey diagrams based on data retrieved from an important database. Results point to the interdisciplinarity of the fields related to the construction of knowledge about video games in education, with serious games and game design being the fields that reinforce most the construction of knowledge about video games in education; moreover, a strong criticism of gamification by the main authors in the field is observed

    The Practical Applications of Video Games Beyond Entertainment

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    Much of the attention directed toward video games is focused on their role as entertainment. However, researchers have found that video games can have other, more practical uses for society. This thesis is designed to examine three specific examples of the practical applications of video games: video games in education, video games as accessible technology, and the social uses of video games. This project is based on pre-existing research conducted by professionals studying the aforementioned subtopics. Anecdotal stories from educators, people with disabilities, and developers are also discussed. The thesis explores specific examples of video games being used practically, and the researcher suggests several opportunities for further research on the topic

    IT Education, Girls, and Game Modding

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    Researchers have argued that video games have great utility for learning. Games promote experiential learning and can be used to facilitate active learning. This paper examines the potential of video games in education. In particular, it examines the benefits of game modding compared to playing and/or creating games. However, video game classes have been primarily attended by male students. This paper looks further into the gender issue regarding the use of video game modding in education. This is demonstrated through a course developed by the authors on game design. The main goal of the course was to introduce middle school and high school female students to IT and assist them in acquiring five basic IT skills. During the course, survey data was collected from participating students. Results from the surveys as well as analysis of student projects and anecdotal evidence suggest that using video game modding is successful in increasing self-efficacy and motivation as well as teaching female students basic IT skills

    Mario Math with Millennials: The Impact of Playing the Nintendo DS on Student Achievement

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    One of the biggest innovations of the last century has been the invention of the video game. Video games are an extremely popular form of entertainment today. While some question the use of video games in education, others argue that video games are one innovation that if introduced into the classroom, might change how teachers effectively engage learners. This quantitative study examined the impact of Brain Age 2 for the Nintendo DS on seventh grade achievement in math and on student attitude towards school. A sample of eighty seventh graders from the same school played the Nintendo DS daily for fifteen minutes over nine weeks. No significant difference was found in math achievement after using the game. Achievement in mathematics was analyzed with a paired t-test. Student attitude was measured using a survey and analyzed using nonparametric statistics. On the survey, students who played the Nintendo DS daily reported a more positive attitude towards their teachers, classes, and school than those that did not play the Nintendo DS