12 research outputs found

    The students’ perceptions on mobile games as learning media in sma 2 bae kudus in academic year 2019/2020

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    Mobile Games adalah bentuk materi otentik yang interaktif dan menarik yang saat ini menerima banyak perhatian dari pendidik. Mereka menawarkan potensi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa. Penelitian telah menunjukkan permainan yang diintegrasikan ke dalam ruang kelas utama mendukung keterampilan belajar dan berpikir tingkat tinggi, dan dapat sangat membantu dalam mengembangkan profesional masa depan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; (1) mendeskripsikan persepsi siswa tentang permainan mobile sebagai media pembelajaran di SMA 2 Bae Kudus pada tahun akademik 2019/2020; (2) mengetahui alasan siswa lebih menyukai game mobile sebagai media pembelajaran. Ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Peneliti menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengumpulkan data. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 29 siswa kelas XI SMA 2 Bae Kudus tahun akademik 2019/2020. Dan untuk menganalisis data, penelitian ini menggunakan persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa menurut siswa, dalam aspek motivasi siswa adalah aktivitas game mobile memberikan manfaat lebih, itu membuktikan siswa percaya bahwa aktivitas game mobile mendapatkan banyak manfaat. Sedangkan dalam aspek sikap siswa adalah Lebih fleksibel bagi siswa untuk menentukan waktu belajar mereka sendiri. Ini membuktikan bahwa siswa dapat memiliki waktu belajar mereka sendiri. Jadi para siswa tidak akan menggunakan hanya satu waktu belajar. Dan aspek perkembangan kognitif siswa adalah aspek terakhir adalah Permainan ini menantang pemahaman siswa tentang subjek. Ini menunjukkan bahwa permainan ini menantang pemahaman siswa dalam subjek. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA 2 Bae kudus berfikir bahwa dalam aspek motivasi siswa yang paling penting adalah game memberikan banyak keuntungan. Sedangkan pada aspek sikap siswa, siswa berfikir bahwa mobile game lebih fleksibel untuk siswa menentukan waktu belajarnya. Aspek terakhir adalah perkembangan kognitif siswa, paling penting adalah game menantang para siswa untuk memahami pelajaran. Terakhir, peneliti berharap penelitian ini bisa digunakan guru bahasa inggris sebagai masukan untuk membuat siswa menikmati kelas tanpa tekanan. Jadi pembelajaran akan berjalan lancar dan siswa akan menyukai guu bahasa inggris mereka


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    With the booming of digital gaming industry, numerous researchers have placed the focus on the use of online role-play games in language learning. However, the research focus of most prior studies was on the commercially-driven “massive multiplayer online role-play games” in the afterschool settings. The use of online single-player role-play games in the class was less studied. The present study hereby investigated sixty-five eighth graders’ use of one online single-player RPG called OzHigh in vocabulary learning. The participants came from three classes in one public junior high school in central Taiwan. By means of a single group design, the participants underwent the game treatment, pre-test, post-test, delayed post-test, questionnaire, and the semi-structured interview. The results showed that the participants had significant improvement on their vocabulary performance. They also responded positively to their role-play game learning experience. Nevertheless, that did not mean that they held negative attitudes toward the traditional face-to-face method of vocabulary instruction. Instead, they confirmed the positive effects of both instructional methods and were aware of the varied learning purposes of these two methods. It is hoped that the findings of this study shed light on language teachers in their efforts to enhance their students’ vocabulary learning

    Didactic Sequence for the Use of a Video game streaming-based Methodology to Teach Vocabulary to Eleventh Grade Students of a Public Institution in Dosquebradas

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    This paper presents a didactic sequence which is aimed at developing a video game streaming-based methodology that intends to create a new way of learning English based on the likes of this new generation. The expected results will be that professors and students will find this methodology helpful to improve language learning, as well as an entertaining way to get involved in the English language. We also expect to contribute to language education by using a methodology that takes advantage of technologies that constantly evolve and that are very useful in education.Este artículo presenta una secuencia didáctica que tiene como objetivo desarrollar una metodología basada en streaming de videojuegos la cual busca crear una nueva forma de aprender inglés basadas en los gustos de esta nueva generación. Los resultados esperados serán que profesores y estudiantes encuentren esta metodología útil para mejorar el aprendizaje del idioma, así como una forma entretenida de involucrarse en el idioma inglés. También esperamos contribuir a la educación de idiomas utilizando una metodología que aprovecha las tecnologías que evolucionan constantemente y que son de gran utilidad en la educación.PregradoLicenciado(a) en Bilingüismo con Énfasis en InglésContent Justification............................................................................................................... 11 Objectives............................................................................................................. 14 Learning objectives............................................................................................... 14 Conceptual Framework............................................................................................. 16 Didactic Sequence ................................................................................................ 16 Preparation phase.............................................................................................. 17 Execution phase................................................................................................ 17 Evaluation phase............................................................................................... 17 Video Game Streaming ........................................................................................ 18 Streaming.............................................................................................................. 18 Types of Streaming........................................................................................... 19 Video Games ........................................................................................................ 20 Types of Games................................................................................................ 21 Social Groups Behind Video Games................................................................ 21 Communities of Speech................................................................................ 23 Video Games for Education ............................................................................. 24 Vocabulary............................................................................................................ 26 10 Productive vocabulary ...................................................................................... 26 Receptive vocabulary ....................................................................................... 27 Teaching vocabulary......................................................................................... 28 Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 29 Methodology............................................................................................................. 34 Type of project...................................................................................................... 34 Context and Participants....................................................................................... 34 Practitioners’ role: ............................................................................................ 35 Instructional Design.............................................................................................. 35 Ethical considerations............................................................................................... 53 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 55 References ................................................................................................................ 57 Appendix 1: Lesson plan .......................................................................................... 6

    Entertainment Games for Teaching English as a Second Language: Characteristics and Potential

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    This article explores the use of entertainment games for teaching English as a second language. It is a narrative literature review of theories of motivation and learning. To facilitate the choice of didactic resources to be used in the English classroom by teachers, this study brings to light the characteristics relevant to teaching that can be found in games, associated with different genres. In this sense, 14 researches involving digital games of entertainment were analyzed, using as basis Gardner’s theories of motivation in the teaching, games and the active learner of Gee, zone of proximal development of Vygotsky, tangential learning model of Portnow and Brown, model of the monitor, Krashen’s input hypothesis, Schumann’s acculturation model, and the hypothesis of the interaction proposed by several authors such as Gass and Larsen-Freeman and Long. The results obtained were the definition of the relevant characteristics to teaching and learning in games and the identification of the genres associated to these characteristics. The discussion used the following characteristics found in the analyzed texts: motivation, classroom interaction, social interaction in the game, tangential learning, grades, complementary material, vocabulary, repetitive written content, big written content, need for text interpretation, audio and text

    The Effect of Multiplayer Video Games on Incidental and Intentional L2 Vocabulary Learning: The Case of Among Us

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    Vocabulary learning has been traditionally considered central to second language learning. It may take place either intentionally, by means of deliberate attempts to commit factual information to memory, or incidentally, as a consequence of other cognitive processes involving comprehension. Video games, which have been extensively employed in educational contexts to understand lexical development in foreign languages, foster both exposure to and the production of authentic and meaning-focused vocabulary. An empirical study was conducted to explore the effect of playing an online multiplayer social deduction game (i.e., a game in which players attempt to uncover each other’s hidden role) on incidental and intentional second language (L2) vocabulary learning. Secondary school pre-intermediate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students (n = 54) took a vocabulary pre-test that identified eight unknown words likely to appear in the video game Among Us. Then, students were randomly assigned to different groups of players and to different learning conditions—within each group, half of the players were given a list of phrases containing such target words, which they were encouraged to meaningfully use in the game by means of written interaction. In doing so, students learnt some target words intentionally and provided contextualized incidental exposure to other players. They took a vocabulary test after two sessions of practice with the game to explore intentional and incidental L2 vocabulary learning gains. The pre- and post-tests suggested, among other results, that players using new L2 words in the game Among Us would retain more vocabulary than players only encountering them, that vocabulary intentionally input helped other users trigger incidental vocabulary learning, and that repetition had a positive effect on L2 vocabulary learning

    Future trends and research issues of technology-enhanced language learning: A technological perspective

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    With recent advancements in information technologies and language learning models, rapid innovations of technology-enhanced language learning have been widely witnessed by research communities and educational institutions globally. Powerful new technologies, such as social media and networks, mobile applications, wearable computing, cloud computing, and virtual reality have been integrated into language learning to facilitate various aspects, such as interactivity, immediacy, and authenticity. In this study, we present the Future TELL Model considering learning objectives, theories, and strategies by briefly reviewing recent progresses in this area. Future trends and research issues in technology-enhanced language learning are also discussed in relation to cutting-edge technologies, such as deep neural networks, which have not yet been fully recognized by education technology communities


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir as características dos jogos educacionais e suas contribuições à aprendizagem, procurando estabelecer relações com os conhecimentos da neurociência. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa teórica para sistematização de conceitos, características e elementos presentes nos jogos, como regras e restrições, narrativa, objetivos, interação, desafio, competição e conflito, resultados, recompensas e feedback, destacando suas contribuições à aprendizagem. Além disso, a pesquisa teórica abordou a cognição e a aprendizagem, apresentando considerações importantes de Vygotsky, como a mediação, a Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal e as funções executivas. Ao mesmo tempo, apresenta conceitos da neurociência que reforçam as contribuições do uso dos jogos educacionais para a aprendizagem.

    The effects of videogaming on secondary students willingness to communicate and their self-directed learning

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    Tesina Magíster en la Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua ExtranjeraThe aim of this study is to explore the effects that video gaming (VG) has on the willingness to communicate (WTC) and self-directed learning (SDL) of a small group of learners in a private secondary school in Santiago, Chile. The participants of this study were eight students ranging from first to third year of secondary education. The tools used to collect data included an initial online questionnaire intended as a means to select participants, one-on-one interviews, and focus group interviews. The period of the study began in August and ended in December of 2020. The data analysis was conducted using an inductive model. The findings reveal that those learners in the group who spend more time VG prefer using English as the language in which to play. Also, the effect that VG has on English learning varies in terms of the extension of time that students play. Finally, VG appears to have little impact on the learners’ WTC in the classroom. These findings both support and at the same time contradict previous research that reveals a certain connection between VG with WTC and SDL.La presente investigación tiene como objetivo explorar los efectos que los videojuegos tienen en la voluntad de comunicarse y en el aprendizaje autodidacta en un pequeño grupo de estudiantes secundarios en un colegio privado de Santiago, Chile. Los participantes de este estudio fueron ocho alumnos desde primero a tercero medio de educación secundaria. Las herramientas para recopilar datos fueron un cuestionario en línea que sirvió para seleccionar participantes, entrevistas personales y entrevistas grupales. El período del estudio comenzó en agosto y terminó en diciembre del 2020. El análisis de los datos fue hecho utilizando un modelo inductivo. Los hallazgos revelan que los estudiantes que pasan más tiempo jugando videojuegos prefieren usar inglés mientras juegan. También, el efecto que los videojuegos tienen en el aprendizaje del inglés varía conforme la cantidad de tiempo que los estudiantes juegan y otros factores que están fuera del foco de este estudio. Finalmente, los videojuegos parecen tener poco impacto en la voluntad de comunicarse en clases. Estos hallazgos apoyan y se contradicen con el conjunto de estudios que revelan una conexión entre el uso de videojuegos y la voluntad de comunicarse y en el aprendizaje autodidacta