10,691 research outputs found

    New Damped-Jerk trajectory for vibration reduction

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    This paper derives a jerk-shaped profile to address the vibration reduction of underdamped flexible dynamics of motion system. The jerk-limited profile is a widespread smooth command pattern used by modern motion systems. The ability of the jerk-limited profile to cancel the residual vibration of an undamped flexible mode is clearly explained using an equivalent continuous filter representation and the input shaping formalism. This motivates the design of a new jerk-shaped profile, named Damped-Jerk profile, to extend the previous result to the more common case of underdamped systems. Both simulations and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed Damped-Jerk profile to reduce damped vibration

    Genetic algorithm optimization and control system design of flexible structures

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    This paper presents an investigation into the deployment of genetic algorithm (GA)-based controller design and optimization for vibration suppression in flexible structures. The potential of GA is explored in three case studies. In the first case study, the potential of GA is demonstrated in the development and optimization of a hybrid learning control scheme for vibration control of flexible manipulators. In the second case study, an active control mechanism for vibration suppression of flexible beam structures using GA optimization technique is proposed. The third case study presents the development of an effective adaptive command shaping control scheme for vibration control of a twin rotor system, where GA is employed to optimize the amplitudes and time locations of the impulses in the proposed control algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed control schemes is verified in both an experimental and a simulation environment, and their performances are assessed in both the time and frequency domains

    MIT Space Engineering Research Center

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    The Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) at MIT, started in Jul. 1988, has completed two years of research. The Center is approaching the operational phase of its first testbed, is midway through the construction of a second testbed, and is in the design phase of a third. We presently have seven participating faculty, four participating staff members, ten graduate students, and numerous undergraduates. This report reviews the testbed programs, individual graduate research, other SERC activities not funded by the Center, interaction with non-MIT organizations, and SERC milestones. Published papers made possible by SERC funding are included at the end of the report

    Vibration control of pitch movement using command shaping techniques– Experimental investigation

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    This paper investigates the development of feedforward control strategies for vibration control of pitch movement (1 DOF) of a twin rotor multi-input multi-output system (TRMS) using command shaping techniques. Command shaping is a feedforward method used to reduce residual vibrations during motion in flexible systems. The TRMS is a laboratory platform designed for control experiments. In certain aspects, its behaviour resembles that of a helicopter. Feedforward controllers are designed for resonance suppression produced by the main rotor, which produces pitch movement around the longitudinal axis, while the lateral axis (yaw movement) is physically constrained. Three feed-forward controllers: input-shaper, low-pass filter and band-stop filter are designed based on the natural frequencies and damping ratios of the system. The three controllers are assessed in terms of level of vibration reduction at the system’s natural frequencies. Their performances are compared with an unshaped input (single-switch bang-bang signal) that is used to determine the dynamic response of the system

    Command shaping techniques for vibration control of a flexible robot manipulator

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    This paper presents an investigation into development of feed-forward control strategies for vibration control of a flexible robot manipulator using command shaping techniques based on input shaping, low-pass and band-stop filtering. A constrained planar single-link flexible manipulator is considered and the dynamic model of the system is derived using the finite element method. An unshaped bang–bang torque input is used to determine the characteristic parameters of the system for design and evaluation of the control techniques. Feed-forward controllers are designed based on the natural frequencies and damping ratios of the system. Simulation results of the response of the manipulator to the shaped and filtered inputs are presented in time and frequency domains. Performances of the techniques are assessed in terms of level of vibration reduction at resonance modes, speed of response, robustness and computational complexity. The effects of number of impulse sequence and filter order on the performance of the system are investigated. Finally, a comparative assessment of the input shaping and input-filtering techniques is presented and discussed

    Intelligent Backstepping System to Increase Input Shaping Performance in Suppressing Residual Vibration of a Flexible-Joint Robot Manipulator

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    Input shaping technique can be used to suppress residual vibration, occurring from moving rapidly a flexible system from one point to another point. An input shaping filter produces a shaped input signal that avoids exciting the flexible modes of the flexible system. The technique requires accurate knowledge of mode parameters. When the plant model is not accurate, performance of the input shaper degrades. Several robust input shapers were proposed to handle this inaccuracy at the expense of longer move time. The purpose of this paper is, for the first time, to present an application of an intelligent backstepping system to matching of the resulting closed-loop system with a reference model. The input shaper can then be designed from the mode parameters of the reference model. Because the reference model is accurate even when the plant model is not, the input shaper needs not be robust, resulting in shorter move time. The intelligent backstepping system consists of a three-layer neural network, a variable structure controller, and a backstepping controller. The neural network is used as a black-box model in case when the plant model is unknown, making the proposed system model-independent. The adaptive property of the neural network also makes the proposed system suitable for nonlinear, time-varying, or configuration-dependent systems. The variable structure controller handles the uncertainty arisen in the system. The backstepping controller, through its virtual controls, provides a means for the control authority to reach the unmatched uncertainty in the system. This study contains simulation and experimental results on a flexible-joint robot manipulator. The results showed that this proposed intelligent input shaping system outperformed previously proposed robust input shapers in terms of allowable uncertainty amount and move time. The proposed system is also relatively easy to apply because it does not require the plant model

    Manipulation strategies for massive space payloads

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    The industrial and environmental applications for robots with a relatively large workspace has increased significantly in the last few years. To accommodate the demands, the manipulator is usually designed with long, lightweight links that are inherently flexible. Ongoing research at Georgia Tech into the behavior and design of these flexible links is discussed

    Chemical propulsion research at MSFC

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    Chemical propulsion research reviews at Marshall Space Flight Cente

    Recent activities within the Aeroservoelasticity Branch at the NASA Langley Research Center

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    The objective of research in aeroservoelasticity at the NASA Langley Research Center is to enhance the modeling, analysis, and multidisciplinary design methodologies for obtaining multifunction digital control systems for application to flexible flight vehicles. Recent accomplishments are discussed, and a status report on current activities within the Aeroservoelasticity Branch is presented. In the area of modeling, improvements to the Minimum-State Method of approximating unsteady aerodynamics are shown to provide precise, low-order aeroservoelastic models for design and simulation activities. Analytical methods based on Matched Filter Theory and Random Process Theory to provide efficient and direct predictions of the critical gust profile and the time-correlated gust loads for linear structural design considerations are also discussed. Two research projects leading towards improved design methodology are summarized. The first program is developing an integrated structure/control design capability based on hierarchical problem decomposition, multilevel optimization and analytical sensitivities. The second program provides procedures for obtaining low-order, robust digital control laws for aeroelastic applications. In terms of methodology validation and application the current activities associated with the Active Flexible Wing project are reviewed