4 research outputs found

    Verifying SystemC using stateful symbolic simulation

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    Formal verification of high-level SystemC designs is an im-portant and challenging problem. Recent works have pro-posed symbolic simulation in combination with Partial Or-der Reduction (POR) as a promising solution and experi-mentally demonstrated its potential. However, these sym-bolic simulation approaches have a fundamental limitation in handling cyclic state spaces. The reason is that they are based on stateless model checking and thus unable to avoid revisiting states in a cycle. In this paper, we propose a novel stateful symbolic simulation approach for SystemC. For the efficient detection of revisited symbolic states, we apply sym-bolic subsumption checking. Furthermore, our implementa-tion integrates a cycle proviso to preserve the soundness of POR in the presence of cycles. We demonstrate the scala-bility and the efficiency of the proposed approach using an extensive set of experiments. 1

    Symbooglix: A Symbolic Execution Engine for Boogie Programs

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    Abstract-We present the design and implementation of Symbooglix, a symbolic execution engine for the Boogie intermediate verification language. Symbooglix aims to find bugs in Boogie programs efficiently, providing bug-finding capabilities for any program analysis framework that uses Boogie as a target language. We discuss the technical challenges associated with handling Boogie, and describe how we optimised Symbooglix using a small training set of benchmarks. This empiricallydriven optimisation approach avoids over-fitting Symbooglix to our benchmarks, enabling a fair comparison with other tools. We present an evaluation across 3749 Boogie programs generated from the SV-COMP suite of C programs using the SMACK frontend, and 579 Boogie programs originating from several OpenCL and CUDA GPU benchmark suites, translated by the GPUVerify front-end. Our results show that Symbooglix significantly outperforms Boogaloo, an existing symbolic execution tool for Boogie, and is competitive with GPUVerify on benchmarks for which GPUVerify is highly optimised. While generally less effective than the Corral and Duality tools on the SV-COMP suite, Symbooglix is complementary to them in terms of bug-finding ability

    Verifying SystemC using an intermediate verification language and symbolic simulation

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    A framework for assertion-based timing verification and PC-based restbus simulation of automotive systems

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    Innovation in der Automobilindustrie wird durch Elektronik und vor allem durch Software ermöglicht. In der Regel wird eine Vielzahl von verteilten Funktionen realisiert. Typischerweise, wird diese Software über mehrere Steuergeräte verteilt. Durch die Verteilung und die Vielzahl an Funktionen ensteht eine immer wachsende Komplexität, die den Verifikations- und Validierungsprozess anspruchsvoller und schwieriger gestaltet. Daher ist für Ingenieure in der Automobilindustrie die Entwicklung von effizienten und effektiven Design-Methoden von großem Interesse.Ein zentrales Element in der Entwicklung automobiler Software ist der komponentebasierten Ansatz. Derzeit ist AUTOSAR der wichtigste Standard, der dieses Paradigma unterstützt. Die Systembeschreibungssprache SystemC ist ebenfalls ein Mittel, um AUTOSAR-Komponenten simulieren zu können. Desweiteren stellt SystemC einen Satz von Bibliotheken zur Verfügung wie zum Beispiel die „SystemC Verification Library“ (SCV), und einen diskreten Event-Simulationskern. Inzwischen ist das Interesse an der Verwendung von SystemC in der automobile Softwareentwicklung stark gestiegen.In dieser Arbeit stellen wir eine SystemC-basierte Entwurfsmethodik für eine frühe Validierung zeitkritischer automobile Systeme vor. Die Methodik reicht von einer reinen SystemC-Simulation bis zu einer PC-basierten Restbussimulation. Um die Synchronisation bezüglich Überabtastung und Unterabtastung zwischen dem SystemC-Simulationsmodell und dem Restbus während der Restbussimulation zu gewährleisten, präsentieren wir ein Synchronisationsverfahren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde für die Integration von SystemC-Komponenten IP-XACT als Modelierungsstandard verwendet. Um eine Zeitanalyse ermöglichen zu können, stellen wir Erweiterungen für den IP-XACT-Standard vor, mit deren Hilfe Zeitanforderungen anAutomotive system innovation is mainly driven by software which can be distributed over a large number of functions typically deployed over several ECUs. This growing design complexity makes the verification and validation process challenging and difficult. Therefore, the development of efficient and effective design methodologies is of great interest for automotive engineers.A central concept in the development of automotive software is the component-based approach. Currently, the most prominent approach that supports this design paradigm is the AUTOSAR. The SLDL SystemC provides means to simulate the behavior of AUTOSAR software components by means of a discrete-event simulation kernel. Additionally, SystemC comes with a set of libraries such as the SCV. Meanwhile, the interest of using SystemC has grown in the automotive software development community. In this thesis we present a SystemC-based design methodology for early validation of time-critical automotive systems. The methodology spans from pure SystemC simulation to PC-based Restbus simulation. To deal with synchronization issues (oversampling and undersampling) that arise during Restbus simulation between the SystemC simulation model and the remaining bus network, we also present a new synchronization approach. Finally, we make use IP-XACT for SystemC component integration. To capture timing constraints on the simulation model, we propose timing extensions for the IP-XACT standard. These timing constraints can then be used to verify the SystemC simulation model.Tag der Verteidigung: 11.09.2015Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 201