17 research outputs found

    The derivation of performance expressions for communication protocols from timed Petri net models

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    Petri Net models have been extended in a variety of ways and have been used to prove the correctness and evaluate the performance of communication protocols. Several extensions have been proposed to model time. This work uses a form of Timed Petri Nets and presents a technique for symbolically deriving expressions which describe system performance. Unlike past work on performance evaluation of Petri Nets which assumes a priori knowledge of specific time delays, the technique presented here applies to a wide range of time delays so long as the delays satisfy a set of timing constraints. The technique is demonstrated using a simple communication protocol

    A behavior-driven approach for specifying and testing user requirements in interactive systems

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    Dans un processus de conception centré sur l'utilisateur, les artefacts évoluent par cycles itératifs jusqu'à ce qu'ils répondent aux exigences des utilisateurs et deviennent ensuite le produit final. Chaque cycle donne l'occasion de réviser la conception et d'introduire de nouvelles exigences qui pourraient affecter les artefacts qui ont été définis dans les phases de développement précédentes. Garder la cohérence des exigences dans tels artefacts tout au long du processus de développement est une activité lourde et longue, surtout si elle est faite manuellement. Actuellement, certains cadres d'applications implémentent le BDD (Développement dirigé par le comportement) et les récits utilisateur comme un moyen d'automatiser le test des systèmes interactifs en construction. Les tests automatisés permettent de simuler les actions de l'utilisateur sur l'interface et, par conséquent, de vérifier si le système se comporte correctement et conformément aux exigences de l'utilisateur. Cependant, les outils actuels supportant BDD requièrent que les tests soient écrits en utilisant des événements de bas niveau et des composants qui n'existent que lorsque le système est déjà implémenté. En conséquence d'un tel bas niveau d'abstraction, les tests BDD peuvent difficilement être réutilisés avec des artefacts plus abstraits. Afin d'éviter que les tests doivent être écrits sur chaque type d'artefact, nous avons étudié l'utilisation des ontologies pour spécifier à la fois les exigences et les tests, puis exécuter des tests dans tous les artefacts partageant les concepts ontologiques. L'ontologie fondée sur le comportement que nous proposons ici vise alors à élever le niveau d'abstraction tout en supportant l'automatisation de tests dans des multiples artefacts. Cette thèse présente tel ontologie et une approche fondée sur BDD et les récits utilisateur pour soutenir la spécification et l'évaluation automatisée des exigences des utilisateurs dans les artefacts logiciels tout au long du processus de développement des systèmes interactifs. Deux études de cas sont également présentées pour valider notre approche. La première étude de cas évalue la compréhensibilité des spécifications des récits utilisateur par une équipe de propriétaires de produit (POs) du département en charge des voyages d'affaires dans notre institut. À l'aide de cette première étude de cas, nous avons conçu une deuxième étude pour démontrer comment les récits utilisateur rédigés à l'aide de notre ontologie peuvent être utilisées pour évaluer les exigences fonctionnelles exprimées dans des différents artefacts, tels que les modèles de tâche, les prototypes d'interface utilisateur et les interfaces utilisateur à part entière. Les résultats ont montré que notre approche est capable d'identifier même des incohérences à grain fin dans les artefacts mentionnés, permettant d'établir une compatibilité fiable entre les différents artefacts de conception de l'interface utilisateur.In a user-centered design process, artifacts evolve in iterative cycles until they meet user requirements and then become the final product. Every cycle gives the opportunity to revise the design and to introduce new requirements which might affect the artifacts that have been set in former development phases. Keeping the consistency of requirements in such artifacts along the development process is a cumbersome and time-consuming activity, especially if it is done manually. Nowadays, some software development frameworks implement Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and User Stories as a means of automating the test of interactive systems under construction. Automated testing helps to simulate user's actions on the user interface and therefore check if the system behaves properly and in accordance with the user requirements. However, current tools supporting BDD requires that tests should be written using low-level events and components that only exist when the system is already implemented. As a consequence of such low-level of abstraction, BDD tests can hardly be reused with more abstract artifacts. In order to prevent that tests should be written to every type of artifact, we have investigated the use of ontologies for specifying both requirements and tests once, and then run tests on all artifacts sharing the ontological concepts. The resultant behavior-based ontology we propose herein is therefore aimed at raising the abstraction level while supporting test automation on multiple artifacts. This thesis presents this ontology and an approach based on BDD and User Stories to support the specification and the automated assessment of user requirements on software artifacts along the development process of interactive systems. Two case studies are also presented to validate our approach. The first case study evaluates the understandability of User Stories specifications by a team of Product Owners (POs) from the department in charge of business trips in our institute. With the help of this first case study, we designed a second one to demonstrate how User Stories written using our ontology can be used to assess functional requirements expressed in different artifacts, such as task models, user interface (UI) prototypes, and full-fledged UIs. The results have shown that our approach is able to identify even fine-grained inconsistencies in the mentioned artifacts, allowing establishing a reliable compatibility among different user interface design artifacts

    A Hardware Verification Methodology for an Interconnection Network with fast Process Synchronization

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    Shrinking process node sizes allow the integration of more and more functionality into a single chip design. At the same time, the mask costs to manufacture a new chip increases steadily. For the industry this cost increase can be absorbed by selling more chips. Furthermore, new innovative chip designs have a higher risk. Therefore, the industry only changes small parts of a chip design between different generations to minimize their risks. Thus, new innovative chip designs can only be realized by research institutes, which do not have the cost restrictions and the pressure from the markets as the industry. Such an innovative research project is EXTOLL, which is developed by the Computer Architecture Group of the University of Heidelberg. It is a new interconnection network for High performance Computing, and targets the problems of existing interconnection networks commercially available. EXTOLL is optimized for a high bandwidth, a low latency, and a high message rate. Especially, the low latency and high message rate become more important for modern interconnection networks. As the size of networks grow, the same computational problem is distributed to more nodes. This leads to a lower data granularity and more smaller messages, that have to be transported by the interconnection network. The problem of smaller messages in the interconnection network is addressed by this thesis. It develops a new network protocol, which is optimized for small messages. It reduces the protocol overhead required for sending small messages. Furthermore, the growing network sizes introduce a reliability problem. This is also addressed by the developed efficient network protocol. The smaller data granularity also increases the need for an efficient barrier synchronization. Such a hardware barrier synchronization is developed by thesis, using a new approach of integrating the barrier functionality into the interconnection network. The masks costs to manufacture an ASIC make it difficult for a research institute to build an ASIC. A research institute cannot afford re-spin, because of the costs. Therefore, there is the pressure to make it right the first time. An approach to avoid a re-spin is the functional verification in prior to the submission. A complete and comprehensive verification methodology is developed for the EXTOLL interconnection network. Due to the structured approach, it is possible to realize the functional verification with limited resources in a small time frame. Additionally, the developed verification methodology is able to support different target technologies for the design with a very little overhead

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subject garnering increasing attention in both academia and the industry today. The understanding is that AI-enhanced methods and techniques create a variety of opportunities related to improving basic and advanced business functions, including production processes, logistics, financial management and others. As this collection demonstrates, AI-enhanced tools and methods tend to offer more precise results in the fields of engineering, financial accounting, tourism, air-pollution management and many more. The objective of this collection is to bring these topics together to offer the reader a useful primer on how AI-enhanced tools and applications can be of use in today’s world. In the context of the frequently fearful, skeptical and emotion-laden debates on AI and its value added, this volume promotes a positive perspective on AI and its impact on society. AI is a part of a broader ecosystem of sophisticated tools, techniques and technologies, and therefore, it is not immune to developments in that ecosystem. It is thus imperative that inter- and multidisciplinary research on AI and its ecosystem is encouraged. This collection contributes to that

    On-board B-ISDN fast packet switching architectures. Phase 1: Study

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    The broadband integrate services digital network (B-ISDN) is an emerging telecommunications technology that will meet most of the telecommunications networking needs in the mid-1990's to early next century. The satellite-based system is well positioned for providing B-ISDN service with its inherent capabilities of point-to-multipoint and broadcast transmission, virtually unlimited connectivity between any two points within a beam coverage, short deployment time of communications facility, flexible and dynamic reallocation of space segment capacity, and distance insensitive cost. On-board processing satellites, particularly in a multiple spot beam environment, will provide enhanced connectivity, better performance, optimized access and transmission link design, and lower user service cost. The following are described: the user and network aspects of broadband services; the current development status in broadband services; various satellite network architectures including system design issues; and various fast packet switch architectures and their detail designs