434 research outputs found

    HERO Glove

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    Non-repetitive manipulation tasks that are easy for humans to perform are difficult for autonomous robots to execute. The Haptic Exoskeletal Robot Operator (HERO) Glove is a system designed for users to remotely control robot manipulators whilst providing sensory feedback to the user. This realistic haptic feedback is achieved through the use of toroidal air-filled actuators that stiffen up around the user’s fingers. Tactile sensor data is sent from the robot to the HERO Glove, where it is used to vary the pressure in the toroidal actuators to simulate the sense of touch. Curvature sensors and inertial measurement units are used to capture the glove’s pose to control the robot

    Teleoperation of MRI-Compatible Robots with Hybrid Actuation and Haptic Feedback

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    Image guided surgery (IGS), which has been developing fast recently, benefits significantly from the superior accuracy of robots and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which is a great soft tissue imaging modality. Teleoperation is especially desired in the MRI because of the highly constrained space inside the closed-bore MRI and the lack of haptic feedback with the fully autonomous robotic systems. It also very well maintains the human in the loop that significantly enhances safety. This dissertation describes the development of teleoperation approaches and implementation on an example system for MRI with details of different key components. The dissertation firstly describes the general teleoperation architecture with modular software and hardware components. The MRI-compatible robot controller, driving technology as well as the robot navigation and control software are introduced. As a crucial step to determine the robot location inside the MRI, two methods of registration and tracking are discussed. The first method utilizes the existing Z shaped fiducial frame design but with a newly developed multi-image registration method which has higher accuracy with a smaller fiducial frame. The second method is a new fiducial design with a cylindrical shaped frame which is especially suitable for registration and tracking for needles. Alongside, a single-image based algorithm is developed to not only reach higher accuracy but also run faster. In addition, performance enhanced fiducial frame is also studied by integrating self-resonant coils. A surgical master-slave teleoperation system for the application of percutaneous interventional procedures under continuous MRI guidance is presented. The slave robot is a piezoelectric-actuated needle insertion robot with fiber optic force sensor integrated. The master robot is a pneumatic-driven haptic device which not only controls the position of the slave robot, but also renders the force associated with needle placement interventions to the surgeon. Both of master and slave robots mechanical design, kinematics, force sensing and feedback technologies are discussed. Force and position tracking results of the master-slave robot are demonstrated to validate the tracking performance of the integrated system. MRI compatibility is evaluated extensively. Teleoperated needle steering is also demonstrated under live MR imaging. A control system of a clinical grade MRI-compatible parallel 4-DOF surgical manipulator for minimally invasive in-bore prostate percutaneous interventions through the patient’s perineum is discussed in the end. The proposed manipulator takes advantage of four sliders actuated by piezoelectric motors and incremental rotary encoders, which are compatible with the MRI environment. Two generations of optical limit switches are designed to provide better safety features for real clinical use. The performance of both generations of the limit switch is tested. MRI guided accuracy and MRI-compatibility of whole robotic system is also evaluated. Two clinical prostate biopsy cases have been conducted with this assistive robot

    Design and Implementation of Innovative Robotic Devices Using Twisted String Actuation (TSA) System

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    The twisted string actuation system is particularly suitable for very compact, low-cost and light-weight robotic devices, like artificial limbs and exoskeletons, since it allows the implementation of powerful tendon-based driving systems, based on small-size DC motors characterized by high speed, low torque and very limited inertia. The following activities has been done using the Twisted String Actuation System: - The basic properties of the twisted string actuation system. - An ongoing work for verifying the behavior of a twisted string actuator in contact with a sliding surface or guided through a sheath. - The implementation of a variable stiffness joint actuated by a couple of twisted string actuators in antagonistic configuration. - The design and the implementation of a force sensor based on a commercial optoelectronic component called light fork and characterized by the simple construction process. - A twisted string actuation module with an integrated force sensor based on optoelectronic components. - The preliminary experimental study toward the implementation of an arm rehabilitation device based on a twisted string actuation module. - A 6 DoF cable-driven haptic interface for applications in various robotic scenarios. - A wearable hand haptic interface driven by a couple of twisted string actuators

    A New Index for Detecting and Avoiding Type II Singularities for the Control of Non-Redundant Parallel Robots

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    [ES] Los robots paralelos (PR por sus siglas en inglés) son mecanismos donde el efector final está unido a la base, mediante al menos dos cadenas cinemáticas abiertas. Los PRs ofrecen una gran capacidad de carga y alta precisión, lo que los hace adecuados para diversas aplicaciones, entre ellas la interacción persona-robot. Sin embargo, en las proximidades de una singularidad Tipo II (singularidad dentro del espacio de trabajo), un PR pierde el control sobre los movimientos del efector final. La pérdida de control representa un riesgo importante para los usuarios, especialmente en rehabilitación robótica. En las últimas décadas, los PR se han popularizado en la rehabilitación de miembros inferiores debido al aumento del número de personas que viven con limitaciones físicas. Así, esta tesis trata sobre la detección y evitación de singularidades de Tipo II para asegurar total control de un PR no redundante para la rehabilitación y diagnóstico de rodilla, denominado 3UPS+RPU. En la literatura, existen varios índices para detectar y medir la cercanía a una singularidad basados en métodos analíticos y geométricos. Sin embargo, algunos de estos índices carecen de significado físico y son incapaces de identificar los actuadores responsables de la pérdida de control. Esta tesis aporta dos novedosos índices para detectar y medir la proximidad a una singularidad de Tipo II, capaces de identificar el par de actuadores responsables de la singularidad. Los dos índices son los ángulos entre los componentes lineal (T_i,j) y angular (O_i,j) de dos Twist Screw de Salida (OTS por sus siglas en inglés) normalizados i,j. Una singularidad Tipo II es detectada cuando T_i,j = O_i,j = 0 y su proximidad se mide mediante los mínimos ángulos T_i,j (minT) y O_i,j (minO) para los casos plano y espacial, respectivamente. La eficacia de los índices T_i,j y O_i,j se evalúa de forma teórica y experimental en un robot 3UPS+RPU y un mecanismo de cinco barras. Además, se propone un procedimiento experimental para el adecuado establecimiento del límite de cercanía a una singularidad de Tipo II mediante la aproximación progresiva del PR a una singularidad y la medición de la última posición controlable. Posteriormente, se desarrollan dos nuevos algoritmos deterministas para liberar y evitar una singularidad de Tipo II basados en minT y minO para PR no redundantes. minT y minO se utilizan para identificar los dos actuadores a mover para liberar o evitar el PR de una singularidad. Ambos algoritmos requieren una medición precisa de la pose alcanzada por el efector final. El algoritmo para liberar un PR de una configuración singular se aplica con éxito en un controlador híbrido basado en visión artificial para el PR 3UPS+RPU. El controlador utiliza un sistema de fotogrametría para medir la pose del robot debido a la degeneración del modelo cinemático en las proximidades de una singularidad. El algoritmo de evasión de singularidades Tipo II se aplica a la planificación offline y online de trayectorias no singulares para un mecanismo de cinco barras y el PR 3UPS+RPU. Estas aplicaciones verifican el bajo coste computacional y la mínima desviación introducida en la trayectoria original por los nuevos algoritmos. La implementación directa de un controlador de fuerza/posición en el PR 3UPS+RPU es insegura porque el paciente podría llevar involuntariamente al PR a una singularidad. Por lo tanto, esta tesis concluye presentando un novedoso controlador de fuerza/posición complementado con el algoritmo de evasión de singularidades de Tipo II. El nuevo controlador se evalúa durante rehabilitación activa de una pierna de maniquí y una pierna humana no lesionada. Los resultados muestran que el nuevo controlador combinado mantiene el PR 3UPS+RPU lejos de configuraciones singulares con una desviación mínima de la trayectoria original. Por lo tanto, esta tesis habilita el 3UPS+RPU PR para la rehabilitación segura de miembros inferiores lesionados.[CAT] Els robots paral·lels (PR per les seues sigles en anglés) són mecanismes on l'efector final està unit a la base, mitjançant almenys dues cadenes cinemàtiques obertes. Els PRs ofereixen una gran capacitat de càrrega i alta precisió, la qual cosa els fa adequats per a diverses aplicacions, entre elles la interacció persona-robot. No obstant això, en les proximitats d'una singularitat Tipus II (singularitat dins de l'espai de treball), un PR perd el control sobre els moviments de l'efector final. La pèrdua de control representa un risc important per als usuaris, especialment en rehabilitació robòtica. En les últimes dècades, els PR s'han popularitzat en la rehabilitació de membres inferiors a causa de l'augment del nombre de persones que viuen amb limitacions físiques. Així, aquesta tesi tracta sobre la detecció i evació de singularitats de Tipus II per a assegurar total control d'un PR no redundant per a la rehabilitació i diagnòstic de genoll, denominat 3UPS+RPU. En la literatura, existeixen diversos índexs per a detectar i mesurar la proximitat a una singularitat basats en mètodes analítics i geomètrics. No obstant això, alguns d'aquests índexs manquen de significat físic i són incapaços d'identificar els actuadors responsables de la pèrdua de control. Aquesta tesi aporta dos nous índexs per a detectar i mesurar la proximitat a una singularitat de Tipus II, capaços d'identificar el parell d'actuadors responsables de la singularitat. Els dos índexs són els angles entre els components lineal (T_i,j) i angular (O_i,j) de dues Twist Screw d'Eixida (OTS per les seues sigles en engonals) normalitzats i,j. Una singularitat Tipus II és detectada quan T_i,j = O_i,j = 0 i la seua proximitat es mesura mitjançant els minimos angles T_i,j (minT) i O_i,j (minO) per als casos pla i espacial, respectivament. L'eficàcia dels índexs T_i,j i O_i,j es evalua de manera teòrica i experimental en un robot 3UPS+RPU i un mecanisme de cinc barres. A més, es proposa un procediment experimental per a l'adequat establiment del límit de proximitat a una singularitat de Tipus II mitjançant l'aproximació progressiva del PR a una singularitat i el mesurament de l'última posició controlable. Posteriorment, es desenvolupen dos nous algorismes deterministes per a alliberar i evadir una singularitat de Tipus II basats en minT i minO per a PR no redundants. minT i minO s'utilitzen per a identificar els dos actuadors a moure per a alliberar o evadir el PR d'una singularitat. Aquests algorismes requereixen un mesurament precís de la posa aconseguida per l'efector final. L'algorisme per a alliberar un PR d'una configuració singular s'aplica amb èxit en un controlador híbrid basat en visió artificial per al PR 3UPS+RPU. El controlador utilitza un sistema de fotogrametria per a mesurar la posa del robot a causa de la degeneració del model cinemàtic en les proximitats d'una singularitat. L'algorisme d'evació de singularitats Tipus II s'aplica a la planificació offline i en línia de trajectòries no singulars per a un mecanisme de cinc barres i el PR 3UPS+RPU. Aquestes aplicacions verifiquen el baix cost computacional i la mínima desviació introduïda en la trajectòria original pels nous algorismes. La implementació directa d'un controlador de força/posició en el PR 3UPS+RPU és insegura perquè el pacient podria portar involuntàriament al PR a una singularitat. Per tant, aquesta tesi conclou presentant un nou controlador de força/posició complementat amb l'algorisme d'evació de singularitats de Tipus II. El nou controlador s'avalua durant la rehabilitació activa d'una cama de maniquí i una cama humana no lesionada. Els resultats mostren que el nou controlador combinat manté el PR 3UPS+RPU lluny de configuracions singulars amb una desviació mínima de la trajectòria original. Per tant, aquesta tesi habilita el 3UPS+RPU PR per a la rehabilitació segura dels membres inferiors lesionats.[EN] Parallel Robots (PR)s are mechanisms where the end-effector is linked to the base by at least two open kinematics chains. The PRs offer a high payload and high accuracy, making them suitable for various applications, including human robot interaction. However, in proximity to a Type II singularity (singularity within the workspace), a PR loses control over the movements of the end-effector. The loss of control represents a major risk for users, especially in robotic rehabilitation. In the last decades, PRs have become popular in lower limb rehabilitation because of the increment in the number of people living with physical limitations. Thus, this thesis is about the detection and avoidance of Type II singularities to ensure complete control of a non-redundant PR for knee rehabilitation and diagnosis named 3UPS+RPU. In the literature, several indices exist to detect and measure the closeness to a singular configuration based on analytical and geometrical methods. However, some of these indices have no physical meaning, and they are unable to identify the actuators responsible for the loss of control. This thesis contributes two novel indices to detect and measure the proximity to a Type II singularity capable of identifying the pair of actuators responsible for the singularity. The two indices are the angles between the linear (T_i,j) and the angular (O_i,j) components of two i,j normalised Output Twist Screws (OTSs). A Type II singularity is detected when the angles T_i,j = O_i,j = 0 and its closeness is measured by the minimum T_i,j (minT) and minimum O_i,j (minO) for planar and spatial cases, respectively. The effectiveness of the indices T_i,j and O_i,j is evaluated from a theoretical and experimental perspective in a 3UPS+RPU and a five bars mechanism. Moreover, an experimental procedure is proposed for setting a proper limit of closeness to a Type II singularity by the progressive approach of the PR to singular configuration and measuring the last controllable pose. Subsequently, two novel deterministic algorithms for releasing and avoiding Type II singularities based on minT and minO are developed for non-redundant PRs. The minT and minO are used to identify the two actuators to move for release or prevent the PR from the singularity. Both algorithms require an accurate measuring of the pose reached by the end-effector. The algorithm to release a PR from a singular configuration is successfully applied in a vision-based hybrid controller for the 3UPS+RPU PR. The controller uses a photogrammetry system to measure the pose of the robot due to the degeneration of the kinematic model in the vicinity of a singularity. The Type II singularity avoidance algorithm is applied to offline and online free-singularity trajectory planning for a five-bar mechanism and the 3UPS+RPU PR. These applications verify the low computation cost and the minimum deviation introduced in the original trajectory for both novel algorithms. The direct implementation of a force/position controller in the 3UPS+RPU PR is unsafe because the patient could unintentionally drive the PR to a Type II singularity. Therefore, this thesis concludes by presenting a novel force/position controller complemented with the Type II singularity avoidance algorithm. The complemented controller is evaluated during patient-active exercises in a mannequin leg and an uninjured human limb. The results show that the novel combined controller keeps the 3UPS+RPU PR far from singular configurations with a minimum deviation on the original trajectory. Hence, this thesis enables the 3UPS+RPU PR for the safe rehabilitation of injured lower limbs.Pulloquinga Zapata, JL. (2023). A New Index for Detecting and Avoiding Type II Singularities for the Control of Non-Redundant Parallel Robots [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19427

    Haptic Feedback for Transesophageal Echocardiogram Transducer

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    This project focused on developing a haptic feedback control system for a transesophageal echocardiogram probe. The project group researched current haptic technologies available today to create feasible design ideas while focusing on combining simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. A customized haptic feedback sensor system was then designed for our application and a 3D model was developed. The project group built a functional prototype using a combination of self-manufactured parts and parts from several suppliers. Test procedures were then designed and implemented to prove the prototype’s functionality

    Symmetric Subspace Motion Generators

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    When moving an object endowed with continuous symmetry, an ambiguity arises in its underlying rigid body transformation, induced by the arbitrariness of the portion of motion that does not change the overall body shape. The functional redundancy caused by continuous symmetry is ubiquitously present in a broad range of robotic applications, including robot machining and haptic interface (revolute symmetry), remote center of motion devices for minimal invasive surgery (line symmetry), and motion modules for hyperredundant robots (plane symmetry). In this paper, we argue that such functional redundancy can be systematically resolved by resorting to symmetric subspaces (SSs) of the special Euclidean group SE(3), which motivates us to systematically investigate the structural synthesis of SS motion generators. In particular, we develop a general synthesis procedure that allows us to generate a wide spectrum of novel mechanisms for use in the applications mentioned

    3D printed pneumatic soft actuators and sensors: their modeling, performance quantification, control and applications in soft robotic systems

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    Continued technological progress in robotic systems has led to more applications where robots and humans operate in close proximity and even physical contact in some cases. Soft robots, which are primarily made of highly compliant and deformable materials, provide inherently safe features, unlike conventional robots that are made of stiff and rigid components. These robots are ideal for interacting safely with humans and operating in highly dynamic environments. Soft robotics is a rapidly developing field exploiting biomimetic design principles, novel sensor and actuation concepts, and advanced manufacturing techniques. This work presents novel soft pneumatic actuators and sensors that are directly 3D printed in one manufacturing step without requiring postprocessing and support materials using low-cost and open-source fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers that employ an off-the-shelf commercially available soft thermoplastic poly(urethane) (TPU). The performance of the soft actuators and sensors developed is optimized and predicted using finite element modeling (FEM) analytical models in some cases. A hyperelastic material model is developed for the TPU based on its experimental stress-strain data for use in FEM analysis. The novel soft vacuum bending (SOVA) and linear (LSOVA) actuators reported can be used in diverse robotic applications including locomotion robots, adaptive grippers, parallel manipulators, artificial muscles, modular robots, prosthetic hands, and prosthetic fingers. Also, the novel soft pneumatic sensing chambers (SPSC) developed can be used in diverse interactive human-machine interfaces including wearable gloves for virtual reality applications and controllers for soft adaptive grippers, soft push buttons for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education platforms, haptic feedback devices for rehabilitation, game controllers and throttle controllers for gaming and bending sensors for soft prosthetic hands. These SPSCs are directly 3D printed and embedded in a monolithic soft robotic finger as position and touch sensors for real-time position and force control. One of the aims of soft robotics is to design and fabricate robotic systems with a monolithic topology embedded with its actuators and sensors such that they can safely interact with their immediate physical environment. The results and conclusions of this thesis have significantly contributed to the realization of this aim

    Mechatronic Systems

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    Mechatronics, the synergistic blend of mechanics, electronics, and computer science, has evolved over the past twenty five years, leading to a novel stage of engineering design. By integrating the best design practices with the most advanced technologies, mechatronics aims at realizing high-quality products, guaranteeing at the same time a substantial reduction of time and costs of manufacturing. Mechatronic systems are manifold and range from machine components, motion generators, and power producing machines to more complex devices, such as robotic systems and transportation vehicles. With its twenty chapters, which collect contributions from many researchers worldwide, this book provides an excellent survey of recent work in the field of mechatronics with applications in various fields, like robotics, medical and assistive technology, human-machine interaction, unmanned vehicles, manufacturing, and education. We would like to thank all the authors who have invested a great deal of time to write such interesting chapters, which we are sure will be valuable to the readers. Chapters 1 to 6 deal with applications of mechatronics for the development of robotic systems. Medical and assistive technologies and human-machine interaction systems are the topic of chapters 7 to 13.Chapters 14 and 15 concern mechatronic systems for autonomous vehicles. Chapters 16-19 deal with mechatronics in manufacturing contexts. Chapter 20 concludes the book, describing a method for the installation of mechatronics education in schools

    Design and development of robotic system for endovascular procedures

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    Endovascular surgeries are highly preferred minimally invasive procedures performed through blood vessels for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. In conventional open surgery, surgeons have complete control on the surgical tool, but in the case of endovascular procedures, a highly flexible tool, which is operated from distal end provides an indirect control. Moreover, the operating end of these flexible tools inside a patient are controlled from distal end, outside patient's body, with an imperceptible force feedback from the tool. Even though fluoroscopic images like X-rays provide a temporary solution, the perceptive of depth is not available in these visual feedback and the prolonged hazardous radiations do not provide a safer working environment for surgeons. A tele-operated robotic systems have enhanced the surgical conditions nevertheless, it decline to provide a better system which can help surgeons to use their intuitive surgical skills. Additionally, these robotic system requires replacement of the low cost conventional surgical tools with expensive one, thus increasing the procedural cost. This thesis work addresses these two issues in the endovascular robotic systems by 1. Developing an intuitive user interface console to help ease of transfer of surgical skills for surgeons, 2. Developing an in-built force feedback sensing mechanism in the robot that is adaptable to conventional surgical tool. A new interventional robotic system (IRS) with teleoperation control was developed to isolating the surgeons from hazardous radiation. The master console of IRS is design to capture surgeon’s conventional surgical gestures thus, eliminating the need for learning new skills to manipulate surgical robots. IRS ensures patient’s safety by providing haptic feedback to surgeons using reactive force experienced by surgical tool. IRS also has the adaptability to use the conventional surgical tool of wide range of dimensions. Finally, the force measurement evaluation and performance assessment of the IRS were presented. The future scopes of this research work are briefly discussed