32,665 research outputs found

    ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs

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    SAT/SMT-solvers and model checkers automate formal verification of sequential programs. Formal reasoning about scalable concurrent programs is still manual and requires expert knowledge. But scalability is a fundamental requirement of current and future programs. Sequential imperative programs compose statements, function/method calls and control flow constructs. Concurrent programming models provide constructs for concurrent composition. Concurrency abstractions such as threads and synchronization primitives such as locks compose the individual parts of a concurrent program that are meant to execute in parallel. We propose to rather compose the individual parts again using sequential composition and compile this sequential composition into a concurrent one. The developer can use existing tools to formally verify the sequential program while the translated concurrent program provides the dearly requested scalability. Following this insight, we present ConDRust, a new programming model and compiler for Rust programs. The ConDRust compiler translates sequential composition into a concurrent composition based on threads and message-passing channels. During compilation, the compiler preserves the semantics of the sequential program along with much desired properties such as determinism. Our evaluation shows that our ConDRust compiler generates concurrent deterministic code that can outperform even non-deterministic programs by up to a factor of three for irregular algorithms that are particularly hard to parallelize

    ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs (Artifact)

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    SAT/SMT-solvers and model checkers automate formal verification of sequential programs. Formal reasoning about scalable concurrent programs is still manual and requires expert knowledge. But scalability is a fundamental requirement of current and future programs. Sequential imperative programs compose statements, function/method calls and control flow constructs. Concurrent programming models provide constructs for concurrent composition. Concurrency abstractions such as threads and synchronization primitives such as locks compose the individual parts of a concurrent program that are meant to execute in parallel. We propose to rather compose the individual parts again using sequential composition and compile this sequential composition into a concurrent one. The developer can use existing tools to formally verify the sequential program while the translated concurrent program provides the dearly requested scalability. Following this insight, we present ConDRust, a new programming model and compiler for Rust programs. The ConDRust compiler translates sequential composition into a concurrent composition based on threads and message-passing channels. During compilation, the compiler preserves the semantics of the sequential program along with much desired properties such as determinism. Our evaluation shows that our ConDRust compiler generates concurrent deterministic code that can outperform even non-deterministic programs by up to a factor of three for irregular algorithms that are particularly hard to parallelize

    Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs

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    Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs

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    Reachability in Concurrent Uninterpreted Programs

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    We study the safety verification (reachability problem) for concurrent programs with uninterpreted functions/relations. By extending the notion of coherence, recently identified for sequential programs, to concurrent programs, we show that reachability in coherent concurrent programs under various scheduling restrictions is decidable by a reduction to multistack pushdown automata, and establish precise complexity bounds for them. We also prove that the coherence restriction for these various scheduling restrictions is itself a decidable property

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Designing and verifying concurrent programs is a notoriously challenging, time consuming, and error prone task, even for experts. This is due to the sheer number of possible interleavings of a concurrent program, all of which have to be tracked and accounted for in a formal proof. Inventing an inductive invariant that captures all interleavings of a low-level implementation is theoretically possible, but practically intractable. We develop a refinement-based verification framework that provides mechanisms to simplify proof construction by decomposing the verification task into smaller subtasks. In a first line of work, we present a foundation for refinement reasoning over structured concurrent programs. We introduce layered concurrent programs as a compact notation to represent multi-layer refinement proofs. A layered concurrent program specifies a sequence of connected concurrent programs, from most concrete to most abstract, such that common parts of different programs are written exactly once. Each program in this sequence is expressed as structured concurrent program, i.e., a program over (potentially recursive) procedures, imperative control flow, gated atomic actions, structured parallelism, and asynchronous concurrency. This is in contrast to existing refinement-based verifiers, which represent concurrent systems as flat transition relations. We present a powerful refinement proof rule that decomposes refinement checking over structured programs into modular verification conditions. Refinement checking is supported by a new form of modular, parameterized invariants, called yield invariants, and a linear permission system to enhance local reasoning. In a second line of work, we present two new reduction-based program transformations that target asynchronous programs. These transformations reduce the number of interleavings that need to be considered, thus reducing the complexity of invariants. Synchronization simplifies the verification of asynchronous programs by introducing the fiction, for proof purposes, that asynchronous operations complete synchronously. Synchronization summarizes an asynchronous computation as immediate atomic effect. Inductive sequentialization establishes sequential reductions that captures every behavior of the original program up to reordering of coarse-grained commutative actions. A sequential reduction of a concurrent program is easy to reason about since it corresponds to a simple execution of the program in an idealized synchronous environment, where processes act in a fixed order and at the same speed. Our approach is implemented the CIVL verifier, which has been successfully used for the verification of several complex concurrent programs. In our methodology, the overall correctness of a program is established piecemeal by focusing on the invariant required for each refinement step separately. While the programmer does the creative work of specifying the chain of programs and the inductive invariant justifying each link in the chain, the tool automatically constructs the verification conditions underlying each refinement step

    Software Testing and Metrics for Concurrent Computation

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    [[abstract]]Verification and validation are two important technologies to assure the reliability and quality of software. Software testing and metrics are two approaches to execute the verification and validation. In sequential computation, a fairly mature process exists, with various methodologies and tools available for use in building and demonstrating the correctness of a program being tested. The emergence of concurrent computation in recent years, however, introduces new testing problems and difficulties that cannot be solved by the traditional sequential program testing techniques. Many concurrent program testing methodologies have been proposed to solve controlled execution and determinism. There have been few discussions of concurrent software testing from the inter-task viewpoint, even though the common characteristics of concurrent programming are the explicit identification of the large-grain parallel computation units (tasks) and the explicit inter-task communication via a rendezvous-style mechanism. In this paper, we focus on testing concurrent programs through task decomposition. We propose four testing criteria to test a concurrent program. A programmer can choose an appropriate testing strategy depending on the properties of the concurrent programs. Associated with the strategies, four equations are provided to measure the complexity of concurrent programs[[conferencetype]]ĺś‹éš›[[conferencedate]]19961204~19961204[[conferencelocation]]Seoul, Kore

    Towards Reliable Concurrent Software

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    As the use of concurrent software is increasing, we urgently need techniques to establish the correctness of such applications. Over the last years, significant progress has been made in the area of software verification, making verification techniques usable for realistic applications. However, much of this work concentrates on sequential software, and a next step is necessary to apply these results also on realistic concurrent software. In this paper, we outline a research agenda to realise this goal. We argue that current techniques for verification of concurrent software need to be further developed in multiple directions: extending the class of properties that can be established, improving the level of automation that is available for this kind of verification, and enlarging the class of concurrent programs that can be verified

    Reasoning about Partial Correctness Assertions in Isabelle/HOL

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    Hoare Logic has a long tradition in formal verification and has been continuously developed and used to verify a broad class of programs, including sequential, object-oriented and concurrent programs. The purpose of this work is to provide a detailed and accessible exposition of the several ways the user can conduct, explore and write proofs of correctness of sequential imperative programs with Hoare logic and the ISABELLE proof assistant. With the proof language Isar, it is possible to write structured, readable proofs that are suitable for human understanding and communication
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