10,560 research outputs found

    Verification and Validation of JavaScript

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    JavaScript is a prototype-based, dynamically typed language with scope chains and higher-order functions. Third party web applications embedded in web pages rely on JavaScript to run inside every browser. Because of its dynamic nature, a JavaScript program is easily exploited by malicious manipulations and safety breach attacks. Therefore, it is highly desirable when developing a JavaScript application to be able to verify that it meets its expected specification and that it is safe. One of the challenges in achieving this objective is that it is hard to statically keep track of the heap-manipulating JavaScript program due to the mutability of data structures. This thesis focuses on developing a verification framework for both functional correctness and safety of JavaScript programs that involve heap-based data structures. Two automated inference-based verification frameworks are constructed based upon a variant of separation logic. The first framework defines a suitable subset of JavaScript, together with a set of operational semantics rules, a specification language and a set of inference rules. Furthermore, an axiomatic framework is presented to discover both pre/post-conditions of a JavaScript program. Hoare-style specification {Pre}prog{Post}, where program prog contains the language statements. The problem of verifying program can be reduced to the problem of proving that the execution of the statements meets the derived specification language. The second framework increases the expressiveness of the subset language to include this that can cause safety issues in JavaScript programs. It revises the operational rules and inference rules to manipulate the newly added feature. Furthermore, a safety verification algorithm is defined. Both verification frameworks have been proved sound, and the results ob- tained from evaluations validate the feasibility and precision of proposed approaches. The outcomes of this thesis confirm that it is possible to anal- yse heap-manipulating JavaScript programs automatically and precisely to discover unsafe programs

    Secure and trustworthy remote JavaScript execution

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    Javascript is used more and more as a programming language to develop web applications in order to increase the user experience and application interactivity. Although Javascript is a powerful technology that offers these characteristics, it is also a potential web application attack vector that can be exploited to impact the end-user, since it can be maliciously intercepted and modified. Today, web browsers act as worldwide open windows, executing, on a given user machine (computer, smartphone, tablet or any other), remote code. Therefore, it is important to ensure the trust on the execution of this remote code. This trust should be ensured at the JavaScript remote code producer, during transport and also locally before being executed on the end-user web-browser. In this paper, the authors propose and present a mechanism that allows the secure production and verification of web-applications JavaScript code. The paper also presents a set of tools that were developed to offer JavaScript code protection and ensure its trust at the production stage, but also a proxy-based mechanism that ensures end-users the un-modified nature and source validation of the remote JavaScript code prior to its execution by the end-user browser.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Glimmers: Resolving the Privacy/Trust Quagmire

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    Many successful services rely on trustworthy contributions from users. To establish that trust, such services often require access to privacy-sensitive information from users, thus creating a conflict between privacy and trust. Although it is likely impractical to expect both absolute privacy and trustworthiness at the same time, we argue that the current state of things, where individual privacy is usually sacrificed at the altar of trustworthy services, can be improved with a pragmatic GlimmerGlimmer ofof TrustTrust, which allows services to validate user contributions in a trustworthy way without forfeiting user privacy. We describe how trustworthy hardware such as Intel's SGX can be used client-side -- in contrast to much recent work exploring SGX in cloud services -- to realize the Glimmer architecture, and demonstrate how this realization is able to resolve the tension between privacy and trust in a variety of cases

    Browser-based Analysis of Web Framework Applications

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    Although web applications evolved to mature solutions providing sophisticated user experience, they also became complex for the same reason. Complexity primarily affects the server-side generation of dynamic pages as they are aggregated from multiple sources and as there are lots of possible processing paths depending on parameters. Browser-based tests are an adequate instrument to detect errors within generated web pages considering the server-side process and path complexity a black box. However, these tests do not detect the cause of an error which has to be located manually instead. This paper proposes to generate metadata on the paths and parts involved during server-side processing to facilitate backtracking origins of detected errors at development time. While there are several possible points of interest to observe for backtracking, this paper focuses user interface components of web frameworks.Comment: In Proceedings TAV-WEB 2010, arXiv:1009.330

    Uniform: The Form Validation Language

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    Digital forms are becoming increasingly more prevalent but the ease of creation is not. Web Forms are difficult to produce and validate. This design project seeks to simplify this process. This project is comprised of two parts: a logical programming language (Uniform) and a web application. Uniform is a language that allows its users to define logical relationships between web elements and apply simple rules to individual inputs to both validate the form and manipulate its components depending on user input. Uniform provides an extra layer of abstraction to complex coding. The web app implements Uniform to provide business-level programmers with an interface to build and manage forms. Users will create form templates, manage form instances, and cooperatively complete forms through the web app. Uniform’s development is ongoing, it will receive continued support and is available as open-source. The web application is software owned and maintained by HP Inc. which will be developed further before going to market

    ADsafety: Type-Based Verification of JavaScript Sandboxing

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    Web sites routinely incorporate JavaScript programs from several sources into a single page. These sources must be protected from one another, which requires robust sandboxing. The many entry-points of sandboxes and the subtleties of JavaScript demand robust verification of the actual sandbox source. We use a novel type system for JavaScript to encode and verify sandboxing properties. The resulting verifier is lightweight and efficient, and operates on actual source. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique by applying it to ADsafe, which revealed several bugs and other weaknesses.Comment: in Proceedings of the USENIX Security Symposium (2011
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