15 research outputs found


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    Pseudoexhaustive testing of combinational circuits has become of great importance recently. These methods are keeping most of the benefits of the classical exhaustive testing which check every combination of the input signals, but they need a considerably shorter sequence of test patterns. In this paper we give a survey of pseudoexhaustive testing. Two new code construction methods are presented: a systematic procedure to generate an effective exhaustive code for every two dimensional subspace of the inputs; and an extension of the codes from the k dimensional space to k+1. The efficiency of the new methods is compared to the ones described in the literature

    A study of pseudorandom test for VLSI

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    Proof that akers' algorithm for locally exhaustive testing gives minimum test sets of combinational circuits with up to four outputs

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    In this paper, we prove that Akers' test generation algorithm for the locally exhaustive testing gives a minimum test set (MLTS) for every combinational circuit (CUT) with up to four outputs. That is, we clarify that Akers' test pattern generator can generate an MLTS for such CUT</p

    Functional Testing of an ALU

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    This paper considers a test set for an ALU with look ahead carry generators(LCGs). The ALU is logically partitioned into two groups of blocks, the group of one-bit operation units and LCG group. Each group is tested in parallel and exhaustively, independent of the other. And an easily testable design is applied to several blocks for decreasing the number of the input combinations of them. Under the easily testable design, a minimum test set for each group is generated, and the upper and lower bounds for a minimum test for the ALU are derived. The difference of the lower and upper bounds is not large, and a test set whose number of test vectors is equal to the upper bound can be easily obtained as the union of minimum test sets for two groups. Hence, the union can be used as a complete and practical test set for the ALU

    A timing-driven pseudo-exhaustive testing of VLSI circuits

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    [[abstract]]The object of this paper is to reduce the delay penalty of bypass storage cell (bsc) insertion for pseudo-exhaustive testing. We first propose a tight delay lower bound algorithm which estimates the minimum circuit delay for each node after bsc insertion. By understanding how the lower bound algorithm loses optimality, we can propose a bsc insertion heuristic which tries to insert bscs so that the final delay is as close to the lower bound as possible. Our experiments show that the results of our heuristic are either optimal because they are the same as the delay lower bounds or they are very close to the optimal solutions.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20000528~20000531[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]Geneva, Switzerlan

    Balance testing and balance-testable design of logic circuits

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    We propose a low-cost method for testing logic circuits, termed balance testing, which is particularly suited to built-in self testing. Conceptually related to ones counting and syndrome testing, it detects faults by checking the difference between the number of ones and the number of zeros in the test response sequence. A key advantage of balance testing is that the testability of various fault types can be easily analyzed. We present a novel analysis technique which leads to necessary and sufficient conditions for the balance testability of the standard single stuck-line (SSL) faults. This analysis can be easily extended to multiple stuck-line and bridging faults. Balance testing also forms the basis for design for balance testability (DFBT), a systematic DFT technique that achieves full coverage of SSL faults. It places the unit under test in a low-cost framework circuit that guarantees complete balance testability. Unlike most existing DFT techniques, DFBT requires only one additional control input and no redesign of the underlying circuit is necessary. We present experimental results on applying balance testing to the ISCAS 85 benchmark circuits, which show that very high fault coverage is obtained for large circuits even with reduced deterministic test sets. This coverage can always be made 100% either by adding tests or applying DFBT.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43016/1/10836_2004_Article_BF00136077.pd

    Pelabelan Klaster Artikel Ilmiah Menggunakan Topic Rank dan Maximum Common Subgraph

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    Metode klasterisasi dapat memudahkan pengelompokkan artikel ilmiah. Pelabelan klaster diperlukan untuk mengetahui frasa kunci yang merepresentasikan topik bahasan kelompok artikel ilmiah. Beberapa klaster artikel ilmiah perlu digabung karena masih memiliki kemiripan topik untuk memberikan hasil label klaster yang lebih baik. Kemiripan topik dapat diwakili dengan kesamaan relasi kata yang dimodelkan dengan graf. Penelitian ini memiliki usulan metode pelabelan klaster artikel ilmiah dengan proses penggabungan klaster berdasarkan kesamaan struktur graf representasi klaster. Usulan metode terdiri dari : (1) Pengelompokkan artikel ilmiah menggunakan metode klasterisasi K-Means++. (2) Ekstraksi kandidat frasa menggunakan Frequent Phrase Mining (FPM). (3) Konstruksi graf menggunakan kata – kata pembentuk frasa sebagai vertex dan relasi kata sebagai edge berdasarkan Word2Vec. (4) Penggabungan klaster dengan pengukuran similaritas klaster berdasarkan struktur Maximum Common Subgraph (MCS). (5) Pelabelan klaster pada hasil penggabungan klaster menggunakan metode TopicRank. Usulan metode dievaluasi pada 2 dataset artikel ilmiah yang memiliki variasi tingkat pemisahan dan kohesi klaster. Koherensi topik digunakan sebagai pengukuran evaluasi untuk mengukur tingkat keterkaitan topik label klaster pada sebuah klaster. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dataset yang memiliki tingkat pemisahan dan kohesi klaster yang tinggi (homogen) menghasilkan koherensi topik label klaster gabungan yang lebih tinggi. Penggunaan relasi kata co-occurrence pada pembuatan graf representasi klaster menghasilkan koherensi topik yang lebih baik dibandingkan relasi kata Word2Vec. Hal ini disebabkan oleh relasi kata co-occurrence berbasis frekuensi sehingga merepresentasikan topik mayoritas klaster. ========================================================================================================== Unstructured scientific articles can benefited by clustering method to group scientific articles based on topic similarity. Cluster labeling on the yielded cluster is required to discover key phrases that best represent the topics covered. Several clusters still need to be bundled because they still have similar topics to give better cluster labels results. In addition to word occurences, the similarity of the topic can also be represented by word semantic relation that can be modeled with the graph. This research proposes labeling clusters of scientific articles with cluster merging as research contribution to provide a more representative label of cluster topics. This research proposed cluster labeling method with cluster merging process using graph model. Graph model approach is choosen because it can map the relationship between words, hence representing text semantic information. There are several stages in the proposed method. First, K-Means++ clustering method is applied on a collection of scientific articles. Second, for each cluster, phrase extraction is executed using Frequent Phrase Mining to get word tokens that capable to constitute representative phrase for cluster topics. Acquired word tokens used as input to constructing graph representation of a cluster. After that, cluster merging is done based on cluster graph similarity using Maximum Common Subgraph (MCS) method. Then, the cluster labeling process is performed on clusters that have been merged using the TopicRank method. Proposed method evaluated on 2 dataset based on the merged cluster label topic coherence score, using Word2Vec-based graph model and co-occurence-based graph model. Result show that homogenous dataset 1 yield better result than heterogenous dataset 2. In addition, the use of co-occurence-based graph produce prefereable result on cluster merging process

    Embedding deterministic patterns in partial pseudo-exhaustive test

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    The topic of this thesis is related to testing of very large scale integration circuits. The thesis presents the idea of optimizing mixed-mode built-in self-test (BIST) scheme. Mixed-mode BIST consists of two phases. The first phase is pseudo-random testing or partial pseudo-exhaustive testing (P-PET). For the faults not detected by the first phase, deterministic test patterns are generated and applied in the second phase. Hence, the defect coverage of the first phase influences the number of patterns to be generated and stored. The advantages of P-PET in comparison with usual pseudo-random test are in obtaining higher fault coverage and reducing the number of deterministic patterns in the second phase of mixed-mode BIST. Test pattern generation for P-PET is achieved by selecting characteristic polynomials of multiple-polynomial linear feedback shift register (MP-LFSR). In this thesis, the mixed-mode BIST scheme with P-PET in the first phase is further improved in terms of the fault coverage of the first phase. This is achieved by optimization of polynomial selection of P-PET. In usual mixed-mode BIST, the set of undetected by the first phase faults is handled in the second phase by generating deterministic test patterns for them. The method in the thesis is based on consideration of these patterns during polynomial selection. In other words, we are embedding deterministic test patterns in P-PET. In order to solve the problem, the algorithm for the selection of characteristic polynomials covering the pre-generated patterns is developed. The advantages of the proposed approach in terms of the defect coverage and the number of faults left after the first phase are presented using contemporary industrial circuits. A comparison with usual pseudo-random testing is also performed. The results prove the benefits of P-PET with embedded test patterns in terms of the fault coverage, while maintaining comparable test length and time


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    In the field of product development, many organizations struggle to create a value proposition that can overcome the headwinds of technology change, regulatory requirements, and intense competition, in an effort to satisfy the long-term goals of sustainability. Today, organizations are realizing that they have lost portfolio value due to poor reliability, early product retirement, and abandoned design platforms. Beyond Lean and Green Manufacturing, shareholder value can be enhanced by taking a broader perspective, and integrating sustainability innovation elements into product designs in order to improve the delivery process and extend the life of product platforms. This research is divided into two parts that lead to closing the loop towards Sustainable Value Creation in product development. The first section presents a framework for achieving Sustainable Lifetime Value through a toolset that bridges the gap between financial success and sustainable product design. Focus is placed on the analysis of the sustainable value proposition between producers, consumers, society, and the environment and the half-life of product platforms. The Half-Life Return Model is presented, designed to provide feedback to producers in the pursuit of improving the return on investment for the primary stakeholders. The second part applies the driving aspects of the framework with the development of an Adaptive Genetic Search Algorithm. The algorithm is designed to improve fault detection and mitigation during the product delivery process. A computer simulation is used to study the effectiveness of primary aspects introduced in the search algorithm, in order to attempt to improve the reliability growth of the system during the development life-cycle. The results of the analysis draw attention to the sensitivity of the driving aspects identified in the product development lifecycle, which affect the long term goals of sustainable product development. With the use of the techniques identified in this research, cost effective test case generation can be improved without a major degradation in the diversity of the search patterns required to insure a high level of fault detection. This in turn can lead to improvements in the driving aspects of the Half-Life Return Model, and ultimately the goal of designing sustainable products and processes