13 research outputs found

    Vectorising Bitmaps into Semi-Transparent Gradient Layers

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    International audienceWe present an interactive approach for decompositing bitmap drawings and studio photographs into opaque and semi-transparent vector layers. Semi-transparent layers are especially challenging to extract, since they require the inversion of the non-linear compositing equation. We make this problem tractable by exploiting the parametric nature of vector gradients, jointly separating and vectorising semi-transparent regions. Specifically, we constrain the foreground colours to vary according to linear or radial parametric gradients, restricting the number of unknowns and allowing our system to efficiently solve for an editable semi-transparent foreground. We propose a progressive workflow, where the user successively selects a semi-transparent or opaque region in the bitmap, which our algorithm separates as a foreground vector gradient and a background bitmap layer. The user can choose to decompose the background further or vectorise it as an opaque layer. The resulting layered vector representation allows a variety of edits, such as modifying the shape of highlights, adding texture to an object or changing its diffuse colour

    Vectorising Bitmaps into Semi-Transparent Gradient Layers

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    International audienceWe present an interactive approach for decompositing bitmap drawings and studio photographs into opaque and semi-transparent vector layers. Semi-transparent layers are especially challenging to extract, since they require the inversion of the non-linear compositing equation. We make this problem tractable by exploiting the parametric nature of vector gradients, jointly separating and vectorising semi-transparent regions. Specifically, we constrain the foreground colours to vary according to linear or radial parametric gradients, restricting the number of unknowns and allowing our system to efficiently solve for an editable semi-transparent foreground. We propose a progressive workflow, where the user successively selects a semi-transparent or opaque region in the bitmap, which our algorithm separates as a foreground vector gradient and a background bitmap layer. The user can choose to decompose the background further or vectorise it as an opaque layer. The resulting layered vector representation allows a variety of edits, such as modifying the shape of highlights, adding texture to an object or changing its diffuse colour

    Photo2ClipArt: Image Abstraction and Vectorization Using Layered Linear Gradients

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    International audienceWe present a method to create vector cliparts from photographs. Our approach aims at reproducing two key properties of cliparts: they should be easily editable, and they should represent image content in a clean, simplified way. We observe that vector artists satisfy both of these properties by modeling cliparts with linear color gradients, which have a small number of parameters and approximate well smooth color variations. In addition, skilled artists produce intricate yet editable artworks by stacking multiple gradients using opaque and semi-transparent layers. Motivated by these observations, our goal is to decompose a bitmap photograph into a stack of layers, each layer containing a vector path filled with a linear color gradient. We cast this problem as an optimization that jointly assigns each pixel to one or more layer and finds the gradient parameters of each layer that best reproduce the input. Since a trivial solution would consist in assigning each pixel to a different, opaque layer, we complement our objective with a simplicity term that favors decompositions made of few, semi-transparent layers. However, this formulation results in a complex combinatorial problem combining discrete unknowns (the pixel assignments) and continuous unknowns (the layer parameters). We propose a Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm that efficiently explores this solution space by leveraging layering cues at image junctions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by reverse-engineering existing cliparts and by creating original cliparts from studio photographs

    Adaptive image vectorisation and brushing using mesh colours

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    We propose the use of curved triangles and mesh colours as a vector primitive for image vectorisation. We show that our representation has clear benefits for rendering performance, texture detail, as well as further editing of the resulting vector images. The proposed method focuses on efficiency, but it still leads to results that compare favourably with those from previous work. We show results over a variety of input images ranging from photos, drawings, paintings, all the way to designs and cartoons. We implemented several editing workflows facilitated by our representation: interactive user-guided vectorisation, and novel raster-style feature-aware brushing capabilities

    High Relief from Brush Painting

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    Relief is an art form part way between 3D sculpture and 2D painting. We present a novel approach for generating a texture-mapped high-relief model from a single brush painting. Our aim is to extract the brushstrokes from a painting and generate the individual corresponding relief proxies rather than recovering the exact depth map from the painting, which is a tricky computer vision problem, requiring assumptions that are rarely satisfied. The relief proxies of brushstrokes are then combined together to form a 2.5D high-relief model. To extract brushstrokes from 2D paintings, we apply layer decomposition and stroke segmentation by imposing boundary constraints. The segmented brushstrokes preserve the style of the input painting. By inflation and a displacement map of each brushstroke, the features of brushstrokes are preserved by the resultant high-relief model of the painting. We demonstrate that our approach is able to produce convincing high-reliefs from a variety of paintings(with humans, animals, flowers, etc.). As a secondary application, we show how our brushstroke extraction algorithm could be used for image editing. As a result, our brushstroke extraction algorithm is specifically geared towards paintings with each brushstroke drawn very purposefully, such as Chinese paintings, Rosemailing paintings, etc

    Real-time Global Illumination Decomposition of Videos

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    We propose the first approach for the decomposition of a monocular color video into direct and indirect illumination components in real time. We retrieve, in separate layers, the contribution made to the scene appearance by the scene reflectance, the light sources and the reflections from various coherent scene regions to one another. Existing techniques that invert global light transport require image capture under multiplexed controlled lighting, or only enable the decomposition of a single image at slow off-line frame rates. In contrast, our approach works for regular videos and produces temporally coherent decomposition layers at real-time frame rates. At the core of our approach are several sparsity priors that enable the estimation of the per-pixel direct and indirect illumination layers based on a small set of jointly estimated base reflectance colors. The resulting variational decomposition problem uses a new formulation based on sparse and dense sets of non-linear equations that we solve efficiently using a novel alternating data-parallel optimization strategy. We evaluate our approach qualitatively and quantitatively, and show improvements over the state of the art in this field, in both quality and runtime. In addition, we demonstrate various real-time appearance editing applications for videos with consistent illumination

    Decomposing Single Images for Layered Photo Retouching

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    Photographers routinely compose multiple manipulated photos of the same scene into a single image, producing a fidelity difficult to achieve using any individual photo. Alternately, 3D artists set up rendering systems to produce layered images to isolate individual aspects of the light transport, which are composed into the final result in post-production. Regrettably, these approaches either take considerable time and effort to capture, or remain limited to synthetic scenes. In this paper, we suggest a method to decompose a single image into multiple layers that approximates effects such as shadow, diffuse illumination, albedo, and specular shading. To this end, we extend the idea of intrinsic images along two axes: first, by complementing shading and reflectance with specularity and occlusion, and second, by introducing directional dependence. We do so by training a convolutional neural network (CNN) with synthetic data. Such decompositions can then be manipulated in any off-the-shelf image manipulation software and composited back. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our decomposition on synthetic (i. e., rendered) and real data (i. e., photographs), and use them for photo manipulations, which are otherwise impossible to perform based on single images. We provide comparisons with state-of-the-art methods and also evaluate the quality of our decompositions via a user study measuring the effectiveness of the resultant photo retouching setup. Supplementary material and code are available for research use at geometry.cs.ucl.ac.uk/projects/2017/layered-retouching

    Locally refinable gradient meshes supporting branching and sharp colour transitions:Towards a more versatile vector graphics primitive

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    We present a local refinement approach for gradient meshes, a primitive commonly used in the design of vector illustrations with complex colour propagation. Local refinement allows the artist to add more detail only in the regions where it is needed, as opposed to global refinement which often clutters the workspace with undesired detail and potentially slows down the workflow. Moreover, in contrast to existing implementations of gradient mesh refinement, our approach ensures mathematically exact refinement. Additionally, we introduce a branching feature that allows for a wider range of mesh topologies, as well as a feature that enables sharp colour transitions similar to diffusion curves, which turn the gradient mesh into a more versatile and expressive vector graphics primitive

    Fast Accurate and Automatic Brushstroke Extraction

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    Brushstrokes are viewed as the artist’s “handwriting” in a painting. In many applications such as style learning and transfer, mimicking painting, and painting authentication, it is highly desired to quantitatively and accurately identify brushstroke characteristics from old masters’ pieces using computer programs. However, due to the nature of hundreds or thousands of intermingling brushstrokes in the painting, it still remains challenging. This article proposes an efficient algorithm for brush Stroke extraction based on a Deep neural network, i.e., DStroke. Compared to the state-of-the-art research, the main merit of the proposed DStroke is to automatically and rapidly extract brushstrokes from a painting without manual annotation, while accurately approximating the real brushstrokes with high reliability. Herein, recovering the faithful soft transitions between brushstrokes is often ignored by the other methods. In fact, the details of brushstrokes in a master piece of painting (e.g., shapes, colors, texture, overlaps) are highly desired by artists since they hold promise to enhance and extend the artists’ powers, just like microscopes extend biologists’ powers. To demonstrate the high efficiency of the proposed DStroke, we perform it on a set of real scans of paintings and a set of synthetic paintings, respectively. Experiments show that the proposed DStroke is noticeably faster and more accurate at identifying and extracting brushstrokes, outperforming the other methods