16 research outputs found

    Multiple License Plate Detection for Complex Background

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    [[abstract]]This paper presents a wavelet transfonn based method for extracting license plates from cluttered images. The proposed system consists of three major stages. First, a wavelet transfonn based method is used for extracting important contrast features as guides to search for desired license plates. Then, finding a reference line in HL subimage plays an important role to locate the desired license plate region roughly. According to the reference line we can decrease the searching region of license plate and speed up the execution time. The last stage of the method is to locate the license plate accurately by license plate adjustment. More importantly, the proposed detection method can locate multiple plates with different orientations in one image. Since the feature extracted is robust to complex backgrounds, the proposed method works well in extracting differently illuminated and oriented license plates. The average accuracy of detection is 92.4%.[[sponsorship]]IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP); Tamkung University[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20050328~20050330[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺北縣, 臺

    Image recognition technique of road tax sticker in Malaysia

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    Plate Recognition became significant in daily life because of the unlimited increase of transportation systems which make it impossible to be fully managed and monitored by humans, examples are so many like traffic monitoring, tracking stolen cars, managing parking toll, red-light violation enforcement, border, toll gates and customs check points. This paper will propose a new image recognition technique for inspecting the validity of car Road Tax information in Malaysia based on Neural Network. The development of vehicle Road Tax Recognition (RTR) System will result in greater efficiency for vehicle monitoring system at Toll Gates in Malaysia. In Malaysia, the usage of recognition system is limited to the vehicle plates. It means that the system is unable to detect Road Tax stickers. Therefore, The Implementing of the Image Recognition of The Road Tax and Monitoring the License Plate Number Identification system helps to automatically detect the Road Tax sticker information and plate number. Previously, the police used to observe the expiry date of the Road Tax sticker and matched it with the car plate number manually. So this paper aimed to propose a technique to monitor the vehicle by automatically capturing and extracting the Road Tax sticker image

    An approach to license plate recognition in real time using multi-stage computational intelligence classifier

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    Automatic car license plate recognition (LPR) is widely used nowadays. It involves plate localization in the image, character segmentation and optical character recognition. In this paper, a set of descriptors of image segments (characters) was proposed as well as a technique of multi-stage classification of letters and digits using cascade of neural network and several parallel Random Forest or classification tree or rule list classifiers. The proposed solution was applied to automated recognition of number plates which are composed of capital Latin letters and Arabic numerals. The paper presents an analysis of the accuracy of the obtained classifiers. The time needed to build the classifier and the time needed to classify characters using it are also presented

    An approach to license plate recognition in real time using multi-stage computational intelligence classifier

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    Automatic car license plate recognition (LPR) is widely used nowadays. It involves plate localization in the image, character segmentation and optical character recognition. In this paper, a set of descriptors of image segments (characters) was proposed as well as a technique of multi-stage classification of letters and digits using cascade of neural network and several parallel Random Forest or classification tree or rule list classifiers. The proposed solution was applied to automated recognition of number plates which are composed of capital Latin letters and Arabic numerals. The paper presents an analysis of the accuracy of the obtained classifiers. The time needed to build the classifier and the time needed to classify characters using it are also presented

    Fuzzy and Neural Network Based License- Plate Localization and Recognition

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    ABSTRACT: This paper presents the extraction of vehicle license plate information from a sequence of various images. ALPR is used in the presence or absence of a database in various applications such as, toll payment, etc. The proposed technique implements the CAN image by using a camera and to extract the license plate from the image based on various characteristics, such as the boundary, the color, or the existence of the characters. Thus it is not suitable for location of variable number plate. Finally to recognize the extracted characters by template matching by using neural networks and fuzzy classifiers. KEYWORDS: vertical edge detection algorithm (VEDA), scale-invariant feature transform(SIFT), dynamic programming(DP). Observing the notion of cars and do not belong in a parking garage. I.INTRODUCTION Automated By eliminating the parking as expedited which is the need for human confirmation of parking passes. The organization of the paper is mentioned as follows. In section II, a detailed review of ALPR Technique. Section III , illustrates the various algorithms used in ALPR Technique. Section IV features out the proposed method. Section V and VI narrates the experimental and simulation results and Section VII concludes the paper and defines the future works. ISSN (Print Vol. 3, Issue 3, March 2014 Copyright to IJAREEIE www.ijareeie.com 8144 II. ALPR TECHNIQUE ALPR is known by several other names, including Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI), Car Plate Recognition (CPR), License Plate Recognition (LPR), and Lecture Automatique de Plaquesd' Immatriculation (LAPI). Other name of ALPR are followed as car plate recognition, automatic vehicle identification, and optical character recognition for cars Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated as OCR, is conversion by electronic and mechanical of scanned images which may be of writing by hand, or printed characters and numbers into machine-encoded format of characters and numbers. It is widely used as a form of data entry from some sort of original paper data source, whether documents, sales receipts, mail, or any number of printed records It is a common method of digitizing printed characters and numbers so that they can be electronically searched, stored more compactly, displayed on-line, and used in machine processes such as machine translation, textto-speech and text mining[6]- Early versions needed to be programmed with images of each and every texts at a time implied on a single font. "Intelligent" systems with a greater degree of recognition accuracy for most fonts are now common III. ALGORITHMS USED IN ALPR TECHNIQUE The ALPR system comprising of four levels from the input image results during the extraction of a license plate number. The first level is the location of an image of a car by utilizing a camera. Vol. 3, Issue 3, March 2014 Copyright to IJAREEIE www.ijareeie.com 8145 The second level is the extraction of a license plate from the given input image based on the following features as boundary, existence of the characters and the color. The third level is the character extraction and segmentation of license plate. The final level is the recognization of character extraction by the matching of templates such as fuzzy classifiers. This paper illustrates the procedural types of various algorithms, They are as follows: A. Block converter Block converter is the converter ,which is used to convert the image to sub blocks from the sub block , use selected box only for segmenting the number plate. The block-based method is also presented in which the blocks with greater magnitude edges are visualized as areas of license plate. Vol. 3, Issue 3, March 2014 Copyright to IJAREEIE www.ijareeie.com 8146 B. Otsu The number plate consist of fore ground information and back ground data. In this algorithm the necessity of numbers only utilize the threshold segmentation. C. State-of-Art It is the feature based process. Training data convert to feature points. Feature point only depends upon the shape of the training image. Then it is compared to the number plate feature points Backgrounds of license plate and characters has varying colors, possessing opposite binary values in the binary image. Horizontal projection of used to extract the characters along with noise removal and analyzing the simplicity. To convert grayscale im-age into a binary image by using a threshold operation. There are basically two types of threshold operation

    Research of Indonesian license plates recognition on moving vehicles

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    The recognition of the characters in the license plate has been widely studied, but research to recognize the character of the license plate on a moving car is still rarely studied. License plate recognition on a moving car has several difficulties, for example capturing still images on moving images with non-blurred results. In addition, there are also several problems such as environmental disturbances (low lighting levels and heavy rain). In this study, a novel framework for recognizing license plate numbers is proposed that can overcome these problems. The proposed method in this study: detects moving vehicles, judges the existence of moving vehicles, captures moving vehicle images, deblurring images, locates license plates, extracts vertical edges, removes unnecessary edge lines, segments license plate locations, Indonesian license plate cutting character segmenting, character recognition. Experiments were carried out under several conditions: suitable conditions, poor lighting conditions (dawn, evening, and night), and unfavourable weather conditions (heavy rain, moderate rain, and light rain). In the experiment to test the success of the license plate number recognition, it was seen that the proposed method succeeded in recognizing 98.1 % of the total images tested. In unfavorable conditions such as poor lighting or when there are many disturbances such as rain, there is a decrease in the success rate of license plate recognition. Still, the proposed method's experimental results were higher than the method without deblurring by 1.7 %. There is still unsuccessful in recognizing license plates from the whole experiment due to a lot of noise. The noise can occur due to unfavourable environmental conditions such as heavy rain

    Real-time search-free multiple license plate recognition via likelihood estimation of saliency

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    In this paper, we propose a novel search-free localization method based on 3-D Bayesian saliency estimation. This method uses a new 3-D object tracking algorithm which includes: object detection, shadow detection and removal, and object recognition based on Bayesian methods. The algorithm is tested over three image datasets with different levels of complexities, and the results are compared with those of benchmark methods in terms of speed and accuracy. Unlike most search-based license-plate extraction methods, our proposed 3-D Bayesian saliency algorithm has lower execution time (less than 60 ms), more accuracy, and it is a search-free algorithm which works in noisy backgrounds