4,301 research outputs found

    Time correlations for the parabolic Anderson model

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    We derive exact asymptotics of time correlation functions for the parabolic Anderson model with homogeneous initial condition and time-independent tails that decay more slowly than those of a double exponential distribution and have a finite cumulant generating function. We use these results to give precise asymptotics for statistical moments of positive order. Furthermore, we show what the potential peaks that contribute to the intermittency picture look like and how they are distributed in space. We also investigate for how long intermittency peaks remain relevant in terms of ageing properties of the model.Comment: 28 page

    On Envelope Theorems in Economics: Inspired by a Revival of a Forgotten Lecture

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    This paper studies how envelope theorems have been used in Economics, their history and also who first introduced them. The existing literature is full of them and the reason is that all families of optimal value functions can produce them. The paper is driven by curiosity, but hopefully it will give the reader some new insights.Envelope theorems; names and history; value functions

    Conservation laws for under determined systems of differential equations

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    This work extends the Ibragimov's conservation theorem for partial differential equations [{\it J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007 311-328}] to under determined systems of differential equations. The concepts of adjoint equation and formal Lagrangian for a system of differential equations whose the number of equations is equal to or lower than the number of dependent variables are defined. It is proved that the system given by an equation and its adjoint is associated with a variational problem (with or without classical Lagrangian) and inherits all Lie-point and generalized symmetries from the original equation. Accordingly, a Noether theorem for conservation laws can be formulated

    Eigenvector localization in the heavy-tailed random conductance model

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    We generalize our former localization result about the principal Dirichlet eigenvector of the i.i.d. heavy-tailed random conductance Laplacian to the first kk eigenvectors. We overcome the complication that the higher eigenvectors have fluctuating signs by invoking the Bauer-Fike theorem to show that the kkth eigenvector is close to the principal eigenvector of an auxiliary spectral problem.Comment: 14 pages. Generalizes the results of article arXiv:1608.02415 to higher order eigenvectors. For better readability, we have copied the main definition

    The quenched limiting distributions of a one-dimensional random walk in random scenery

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    For a one-dimensional random walk in random scenery (RWRS) on Z, we determine its quenched weak limits by applying Strassen's functional law of the iterated logarithm. As a consequence, conditioned on the random scenery, the one-dimensional RWRS does not converge in law, in contrast with the multi-dimensional case

    Brownian motion in attenuated or renormalized inverse-square Poisson potential

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    We consider the parabolic Anderson problem with random potentials having inverse-square singularities around the points of a standard Poisson point process in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, d≥3d \geq 3. The potentials we consider are obtained via superposition of translations over the points of the Poisson point process of a kernel K\mathfrak{K} behaving as K(x)≈θ∣x∣−2\mathfrak{K}(x) \approx \theta |x|^{-2} near the origin, where θ∈(0,(d−2)2/16]\theta \in (0,(d-2)^2/16]. In order to make sense of the corresponding path integrals, we require the potential to be either attenuated (meaning that K\mathfrak{K} is integrable at infinity) or, when d=3d=3, renormalized, as introduced by Chen and Kulik in [8]. Our main results include existence and large-time asymptotics of non-negative solutions via Feynman-Kac representation. In particular, we settle for the renormalized potential in d=3d=3 the problem with critical parameter θ=1/16\theta = 1/16, left open by Chen and Rosinski in [arXiv:1103.5717].Comment: 36 page
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