282 research outputs found

    The Novel PAPR Reduction Schemes for O‐OFDM‐Based Visible Light Communications

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    In this chapter, we propose two novel peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction schemes for the asymmetrically clipped optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ACO-OFDM) scheme used in the visible light communications (VLC) system. In the first scheme, we implement the Toeplitz matrix based Gaussian blur method to reduce the high PAPR of ACO-OFDM at the transmitter and use the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm to recover the original ACO-OFDM frame at the receiver. Simulation results show that for the 256-subcarrier ACO-OFDM system a ~6 dB improvement in PAPR is achieved compared with the original ACO-OFDM in terms of the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), while maintaining a competitive bit-error rate performance compared with the ideal ACO-OFDM lower bound. In the second scheme, we propose an improved hybrid optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) and pulse-width modulation (PWM) scheme to reduce the PAPR for ACO-OFDM. The bipolar O-OFDM signal without negative clipping is converted into a PWM format where the leading and trailing edges carry the frame synchronization and modulated information, respectively. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed OFDM-PWM scheme offers a significant PAPR reduction compared to the ACO-OFDM with an improved bit error rate

    Design and implementation of an uplink connection for a light-based IoT node

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    Abstract. In the wake of soaring demand for shrinking radio frequency (RF) spectrum, light-fidelity (LiFi) has been heralded as a solution to accommodate resources for future communication networks. Infrared (IR) and visible light communication (VLC) are meant to be used within LiFi because of numerous advantages. By combining the paradigm of internet of things (IoT) along with LiFi, light-based IoT (LIoT) emerges as a potential enabler of future 6G networks. With tremendous number of interconnected devices, LIoT nodes need to be able to receive and transmit data while being energy autonomous. One of the most promising clean energy sources comes from both natural and artificial light. In addition to providing illumination and energy, light can also be utilized as a robust information carrier. In order to provide bidirectional connectivity to LIoT node, both downlink and uplink have to be taken into consideration. Whereas downlink relies on visible light as a carrier, uplink approach can be engineered freely within specific requirements. With this in mind, this master’s thesis explores possible solutions for providing uplink connectivity. After analysis of possible solutions, the LIoT proof-of-concept was designed, implemented and validated. By incorporating printed solar cell, dedicated energy harvesting unit, power-optimised microcontroller unit (MCU) and light intensity sensor the LIoT node is able to autonomously transmit data using IR

    OFDM-PWM scheme for visible light communications

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    In this paper, we propose an improved hybrid optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (O-OFDM) and pulse-width modulation (PWM) scheme for visible light communications. In this scheme, a bipolar O-OFDM signal is converted into a PWM format where the leading and trailing edges convey the frame synchronization and modulated information, respectively. The proposed scheme is insensitive to the non-linearity of the light emitting diode (LED) as LEDs are switched ‘on’ and ‘off’ between two points. Therefore, the tight requirement on the high peak-to-average-power-ratio (PAPR) in O-OFDM is no longer a major issue. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme offers an improved bit error rate performance compared to the traditional asymmetrically clipped O-OFDM (ACO-OFDM)

    Employing VLC technology for transmitting data in biological tissue

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    Abstract. With the development in wireless communication methods, visible light communication (VLC), a subset of Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) has garnered much attention to employ the technology for a secure short-range wireless communication. We present a feasibility study to determine the performance of VLC in short range wireless transmission of data through biological tissue. VLC is a cost efficient and secure means of transmitting high volume of data wirelessly which can considerably reduce the interference issues caused by electromagnetic pulses and external electric fields. We present a simple measurement approach based on Monte Carlo simulation of photon propagation in tissue to estimate the strength of wireless communication with body implant devices. Using light for communication brings inherent security against unauthorized access of digital data which could be acquired from the low energy body implant devices used for medical diagnosis and other studies. This thesis discusses the typical components required to establish VLC such as, transmitter, receiver and the channel mediums. Furthermore, two cases of Monte Carlo simulation of photon-tissue interaction are studied to determine a possibility if VLC is a suitable substitute to radio frequency (RF) for a more wireless communication with the body implants. The process of theoretical measurement begins with conversion of light intensity into an electrical signal and an estimation of achievable data rate through a complex heterogeneous biological tissue model. The theoretically achieved data rates of the communication were found to be in the order of megabits per second (Mbps), ensuring a possibility to utilize this technology for short range reliable wireless communication with a wider range and application of implant medical devices. Biophotonics.fi presents a computational simulation of light propagation in different types of computational tissue models comprehensively validated by comparison with the team’s practical implementation of the same setup. This simulation is also used in this thesis (5.2.2) to approximate more accurate data rates of communication in case of a practical implementation

    High speed energy efficient incoherent optical wireless communications

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    The growing demand for wireless communication capacity and the overutilisation of the conventional radio frequency (RF) spectrum have inspired research into using alternative spectrum regions for communication. Using optical wireless communications (OWC), for example, offers significant advantages over RF communication in terms of higher bandwidth, lower implementation costs and energy savings. In OWC systems, the information signal has to be real and non-negative. Therefore, modifications to the conventional communication algorithms are required. Multicarrier modulation schemes like orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) promise to deliver a more efficient use of the communication capacity through adaptive bit and energy loading techniques. Three OFDM-based schemes – direct-current-biased OFDM (DCO-OFDM), asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM(ACO-OFDM), and pulse-amplitude modulated discrete multitone (PAM-DMT) – have been introduced in the literature. The current work investigates the recently introduced scheme subcarrier-index modulation OFDM as a potential energy-efficient modulation technique with reduced peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) suitable for applications in OWC. A theoretical model for the analysis of SIM-OFDMin a linear additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is provided. A closed-form solution for the PAPR in SIM-OFDM is also proposed. Following the work on SIM-OFDM, a novel inherently unipolar modulation scheme, unipolar orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (U-OFDM), is proposed as an alternative to the existing similar schemes: ACO-OFDMand PAM-DMT. Furthermore, an enhanced U-OFDMsignal generation algorithm is introduced which allows the spectral efficiency gap between the inherently unipolar modulation schemes – U-OFDM, ACO-OFDM, PAM-DMT – and the conventionally used DCO-OFDM to be closed. This results in an OFDM-based modulation approach which is electrically and optically more efficient than any other OFDM-based technique proposed so far for intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) communication systems. Non-linear distortion in the optical front-end elements is one of the major limitations for high-speed communication in OWC. This work presents a generalised approach for analysing nonlinear distortion in OFDM-based modulation schemes. The presented technique leads to a closed-form analytical solution for an arbitrary memoryless distortion of the information signal and has been proven to work for the majority of the known unipolar OFDM-based modulation techniques - DCO-OFDM, ACO-OFDM, PAM-DMT and U-OFDM. The high-speed communication capabilities of novel Gallium Nitride based ÎŒm-sized light emitting diodes (ÎŒLEDs) are investigated, and a record-setting result of 3.5Gb/s using a single 50-ÎŒm device is demonstrated. The capabilities of using such devices at practical transmission distances are also investigated, and a 1 Gb/s link using a single device is demonstrated at a distance of up to 10m. Furthermore, a proof-of-concept experiment is realised where a 50-ÎŒm LED is successfully modulated using U-OFDM and enhanced U-OFDM to achieve notable energy savings in comparison to DCO-OFDM

    Theoretical-practical evaluation of the performance of modulation schemes compatible with VLC technology

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    Visible Light Communications (VLC) is a technology that has emerged in recent years proposing some improvements over traditional radio communications. The objective of this project is to evaluate the bit error rate of different modulations schemes and the requirements of optical communications are described. It is discussed which of them is better to set VLC transmissions. For this, the work has been divided into three sections. The first section describes the communication systems in visible light, as well as the modulations schemes that could be used, more specifically, those that are based on OFDM. In the second section, the MATLAB simulations performed are detailed, representing the bit error rate graph of each of the modulations, varying an added noise. In the third section, the simulations are moved into a real case. For this, two computers and two USRPs modules are used. One of the PC will act as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. The USRPs work as analog-digital/digital-analog converters and are connected to each other by a cable that introduces attenuation. The objective of this configuration is to estimate the bit error rate, varying the noise. Finally, the system is evaluated by replacing the cable that used to connect both USRPs with a LED and a photodetector. In this way, a real practical case of a system based on visible light communications is shown, its performance is studied, and the conclusions are presented

    Spectrum and energy efficient digital modulation techniques for practical visible light communication systems

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    The growth in mobile data traffic is rapidly increasing in an unsustainable direction given the radio frequency (RF) spectrum limits. Visible light communication (VLC) offers a lucrative solution based on an alternative license-free frequency band that is safe to use and inexpensive to utilize. Improving the spectral and energy efficiency of intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) systems is still an on-going challenge in VLC. The energy efficiency of inherently unipolar modulation techniques such as pulse-amplitude modulation discrete multitone modulation (PAM-DMT) and asymmetrically clipped optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ACO-OFDM) degrades at high spectral efficiency. Two novel superposition modulation techniques are proposed in this thesis based on PAM-DMT and ACO-OFDM. In addition, a practical solution based on the computationally efficient augmented spectral efficiency discrete multi-tone (ASE-DMT) is proposed. The system performance of the proposed superposition modulation techniques offers significant electrical and optical power savings with up to 8 dB in the electrical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) when compared with DC-biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DCO-OFDM). The theoretical bit error ratio (BER) performance bounds for all of the proposed modulation techniques are in agreement with the Monte-Carlo simulation results. The proposed superposition modulation techniques are promising candidates for spectrum and energy efficient IM/DD systems. Two experimental studies are presented for a VLC system based on DCO-OFDM with adaptive bit and energy loading. Micrometer-sized Gallium Nitride light emitting diode (m-LED) and light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation diode (LD) are used in these studies due to their high modulation bandwidth. Record data rates are achieved with a BER below the forward error correction (FEC) threshold at 7.91 Gb/s using the violet m-LED and at 15 Gb/s using the blue LD. These results highlight the potential of VLC systems in practical high speed communication solutions. An additional experimental study is demonstrated for the proposed superposition modulation techniques based on ASE-DMT. The experimentally achieved results confirm the theoretical and simulation based performance predictions of ASE-DMT. A significant gain of up to 17.33 dB in SNR is demonstrated at a low direct current (DC) bias. Finally, the perception that VLC systems cannot work under the presence of sunlight is addressed in this thesis. A complete framework is presented to evaluate the performance of VLC systems in the presence of solar irradiance at any given location and time. The effect of sunlight is investigated in terms of the degradations in SNR, data rate and BER. A reliable high speed communication system is achieved under the sunlight effect. An optical bandpass blue filter is shown to compensate for half of the reduced data rate in the presence of sunlight. This thesis demonstrates data rates above 1 Gb/s for a practical VLC link under strong solar illuminance measured at 50350 lux in clear weather conditions

    Optical MIMO communication systems under illumination constraints

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    Technology for wireless information access has enabled innovation of 'smart' portable consumer devices. These have been widely adopted and have become an integral part of our daily lives. They need ubiquitous connectivity to the internet to provide value added services, maximize their functionality and create a smarter world to live in. Cisco's visual networking index currently predicts wireless data consumption to increase by 61% per year. This will put additional stress on the already stressed wireless access network infrastructure creating a phenomenon called 'spectrum crunch'. At the same time, the solid state devices industry has made remarkable advances in energy efficient light-emitting-diodes (LED). The lighting industry is rapidly adopting LEDs to provide illumination in indoor spaces. Lighting fixtures are positioned to support human activities and thus are well located to act as wireless access points. The visible spectrum (380 nm - 780 nm) is yet unregulated and untapped for wireless access. This provides unique opportunity to upgrade existing lighting infrastructure and create a dense grid of small cells by using this additional 'optical' wireless bandwidth. Under the above model, lighting fixtures will service dual missions of illumination and access points for optical wireless communication (OWC). This dissertation investigates multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) optical wireless broadcast system under unique constraints imposed by the optical channel and illumination requirements. Sample indexed spatial orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (SIS-OFDM) and metameric modulation (MM) are proposed to achieve higher spectral efficiency by exploiting dimensions of space and color respectively in addition to time and frequency. SIS-OFDM can provide significant additional spectral efficiency of up to (Nsc/2 - 1) x k bits/sym where Nsc is total number of subcarriers and k is number of bits per underlying spatial modulation symbol. MM always generates the true requested illumination color and has the potential to provide better color rendering by incorporating multiple LEDs. A normalization framework is then developed to analyze performance of optical MIMO imaging systems. Performance improvements of up to 45 dB for optical systems have been achieved by decorrelating spatially separate links by incorporating an imaging receiver. The dissertation also studies the impact of visual perception on performance of color shift keying as specified in IEEE 802.15.7 standard. It shows that non-linearity for a practical system can have a performance penalty of up to 15 dB when compared to the simplified linear system abstraction as proposed in the standard. Luminous-signal-to-noise ratio, a novel metric is introduced to compare performance of optical modulation techniques operating at same illumination intensity. The dissertation then introduces singular value decomposition based OWC system architecture to incorporate illumination constraints independent of communication constraints in a MIMO system. It then studies design paradigm for a multi-colored wavelength division multiplexed indoor OWC system
