6 research outputs found

    Architecture à qualité de service pour systèmes satellites DVB-S/RCS dans un contexte NGN

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    L'objet de cette thèse est de doter les réseaux satellites d'accès géostationnaires d'une architecture de QoS compatible avec l'infrastructure NGN (Next Generation Network) qui entend réaliser la convergence des réseaux et services de communication existants et à venir. Dans une première étape, nous établissons un modèle de QoS NGN s'inspirant principalement de l'évolution des architectures de QoS dans les réseaux IP. Dans une deuxième étape, nous démontrons que les réseaux satellites ne disposent pas, en l'état actuel, d'une architecture de QoS suffisamment mature pour assurer un accès large bande aux futurs services IP multimédias. Afin d'y remédier, nous spécifions une architecture de QoS NGN unifiée assurant une étroite collaboration entre les mécanismes de QoS déployés à différents niveaux de communication (Application, Session, Réseau et MAC). Elle assure à la fois une différenciation de la QoS adaptée aux besoins des différentes classes d'applications au niveau IP tout en optimisant l'utilisation des ressources satellites via des mécanismes de bande passante à la demande au niveau MAC. Deux solutions applicatives assurant la corrélation dynamique entre les applications et les services réseaux différenciés sont également spécifiées et implémentées. Enfin un émulateur satellite de niveau réseau a été implémenté et nous a permis d'évaluer les garanties de QoS offertes par notre architecture et de valider leur conformité avec les besoins d'applications multimédias réelles. ABSTRACT : This thesis deals with the integration of geostationary access satellite networks in the NGN (Next Generation Network) infrastructure, a global QoS-enabled communication network based on IP. The first part depicts this multiservice ubiquitous infrastructure anchored on a clean separation between a transport/network domain and a service/application domain. Then a unified NGN control and management architecture, mainly inspired by the past and current IP QoS architectures, is proposed. In a second part, starting from this model and through a critical analysis of current DVB-S/RCS satellite systems, we demonstrate that satellite QoS architectures are not mature enough to support broadband access to future multimedia services and to integrate into the emerging NGN infrastructure. In order to cope with these issues, a NGNcompliant QoS architecture for DVB-S/RCS systems is defined. It relies on a cross-layer approach based on a tight interaction between QoS mechanisms available at different communication layers (Application, Session, Network and MAC). It aims at maximizing satellite capacity utilization at different granularity levels through a relevant configuration of DiffServ services using session/application signalling information and the use of optimized bandwidth on demand allocation schemes at the MAC layer. Application solutions (QoS Agent and QoS SIP Proxy) were developed while the satellite network with its associated QoS architecture was implemented through a network emulator. This latter enables us to evaluate the QoS guarantees provided by this architecture and to validate its appropriateness with real multimedia applications needs

    Contributions based on cross-layer design for quality-of-service provisioning over DVB-S2/RCS broadband satellite system

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    Contributions based on cross-layer design for Quality-of-Service provisioning over DVB-S2/RCS Broadband Satellite Systems Nowadays, geostationary (GEO) satellite infrastructure plays a crucial role for the provisioning of IP services. Such infrastructure can provide ubiquity and broadband access, being feasible to reach disperse populations located worldwide within remote areas where terrestrial infrastructure can not be deployed. Nevertheless, due to the expansion of the World Wide Web (WWW), new IP applications such as Voice over IP (VoIP) and multimedia services requires considering different levels of individual packet treatment through the satellite network. This differentiation must include not only the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters to specify packet transmission priorities across the network nodes, but also the required amount of bandwidth assignment to guarantee its transport. In this context, the provisioning of QoS guarantees over GEO satellite systems becomes one of the main research areas of organizations such as the European Space Agency (ESA). Mainly because, their current infrastructures require continuous exploitation, as launching a new communication satellite is associated with excessive costs. Therefore, the support of IP services with QoS guarantees must be developed on the terrestrial segment to enable using the current assets. In this PhD thesis several contributions to improve the QoS provisioning over DVB-S2/RCS Broadband Satellite Systems have been developed. The contributions are based on cross-layer design, following the layered model standardized in the ETSI TR 102 157 and 462. The proposals take into account the drawbacks posed by GEO satellite systems such as delay, losses and bandwidth variations. The first contribution proposes QoSatArt, an architecture defined to improve QoS provisioning among services classes considering the physical layer variations due to the presence of rain events. The design is developed inside the gateway, including the specification of the main functional blocks to provide QoS guarantees and mechanisms to minimize de delay and jitter values experienced at the application layer. Here, a cross-layer design between the physical and the network layer has been proposed, to enforce the QoS specifications based on the available bandwidth. The proposed QoSatArt architecture is evaluated using the NS-2 simulation tool. In addition, the performance analysis of several standard Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) variants is also performed. This is carry out to find the most suitable TCP variant that enhances TCP transmission over a QoS architecture such as the QoSatArt. The second contribution proposes XPLIT, an architecture developed to enhance TCP transmission with QoS for DVB-S2/RCS satellite systems. Complementary to QoSatArt, XPLIT introduces Performance Enhanced Proxies (PEPs), which breaks the end-to-end semantic of TCP connections. However, it considers a cross-layer design between the network layer and the transport layer to enhance TCP transmission while providing them with QoS guarantees. Here, a modified TCP variant called XPLIT-TCP is proposed to send data through the forward and the return channel. XPLIT-TCP uses two control loops (the buffer occupancy and the service rate to provide optimized congestion control functions. The proposed XPLIT architecture is evaluated using the NS-2 simulation tool. Finally, the third contribution of this thesis consists on the development of a unified architecture to provide QoS guarantees based on cross-layer design over broadband satellite systems. It adopts the enhancements proposed by the QoSatArt architecture working at the network layer, in combination with the enhancements proposed by the XPLIT architecture working at the transport layer.Actualmente, los satélites Geoestacionarios (GEO) juegan un papel muy importante en la provisión de servicios IP. Esta infraestructura permite proveer ubicuidad y acceso de banda ancha, haciendo posible alcanzar poblaciones dispersas en zonas remotas donde la infraestructura terrestre es inexistente. Sin embargo, en la provisión de aplicaciones como Voz sobre IP (VoIP) y servicios multimedia, es importante considerar el tratamiento diferenciado de paquetes a través de la red satelital. Esta diferenciación debe considerar no solo los requerimientos de Calidad de Servicio (QoS) que especifican las prioridades de los paquetes a través de los nodos de red, si no también el ancho de banda asignado para garantizar su transporte. En este contexto, la provisión de garantías de QoS sobre satélites GEO es una de las Principales áreas de investigación de organizaciones como la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) persiguen. Esto se debe principalmente ya que dichas organizaciones requieren la explotación continua de sus activos, dado que lanzar un nuevo satélite al espacio representa costos excesivos. Como resultado, el soporte de servicios IP con calidad de servicio sobre la infraestructura satelital actual es de vital importancia. En esta tesis doctoral se presentan varias contribuciones para el soporte a la Calidad de Servicio en redes DVB-S2/RCS satelitales de banda ancha. Las contribuciones propuestas se basan principalmente en el diseño ”cross-layer” siguiendo el modelo de capas definido y estandarizado en las especificaciones ETSI TR 102 157 [ETS03] y 462 [10205]. Las contribuciones propuestas consideran las limitaciones presentes de los sistemas satelitales GEO como lo son el retardo de propagación, la perdida de paquetes y las variaciones de ancho de banda causados por eventos atmosféricos. La primera contribución propone QoSatArt, una arquitectura definida para mejorar el soporte a la QoS. Esta arquitectura considera las variaciones en la capa física debido a la presencia de eventos de lluvia para priorizar los niveles de QoS. El diseño se desarrolla en el gateway e incluye las especificaciones de los principales elementos funcionales y mecanismos para garantizar la QoS y minimizar el retardo presente en la capa de aplicación. Aquí, se propone un diseño ”cross-layer” entre la capa física y la capa de red, con el objetivo de reforzar las especificaciones de QoS considerando el ancho de banda disponible. La arquitectura QoSatArt es simulada y evaluada empleando la herramienta de simulación NS-2. Adicionalmente, un análisis de desempeño de diversas variantes de TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) es realizado con el objetivo de encontrar la variante de TCP más adecuada para trabajar en un ambiente con QoS como QoSatArt. La segunda contribución propone XPLIT, una arquitectura desarrollada para mejorar las transmisiones TCP con QoS en un sistema satelital DVB-S2/RCS. Complementario a QoSatArt, XPLIT emplea PEPs (Performance Enhanced Proxies), afectando la semántica end-to-end de las conexiones TCP. Sin embargo, XPLIT considera un diseño ”cross-layer” entre la capa de red y la capa de transporte con el objetivo de mejorar las transmisiones TCP considerando los parámetros de QoS como la ocupación de la cola y la tasa de transmisión (_i, _i). Aquí, se propone el uso de una nueva variante de TCP es propuesta llamada XPLIT-TCP, que usa dos bucles para proveer funciones mejoradas en el control de congestión. La arquitectura XPLIT es simulada y evaluada empleando la herramienta de simulación NS-2. Finalmente, la tercera contribución de esta tesis consiste en el desarrollo de un arquitectura unificada para el soporte a la QoS en redes satelitales de banda ancha basada en técnicas ”cross-layer”. Esta arquitectura adopta las mejoras propuestas por QoSatArt en la capa de red en combinación con las mejoras propuestas por XPLIT en la capa de transporte

    Satellite Communications

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    This study is motivated by the need to give the reader a broad view of the developments, key concepts, and technologies related to information society evolution, with a focus on the wireless communications and geoinformation technologies and their role in the environment. Giving perspective, it aims at assisting people active in the industry, the public sector, and Earth science fields as well, by providing a base for their continued work and thinking

    Virtual Satellite Network Simulator (VSNeS) - A novel engine to evaluate satellite networks over virtual infrastructure and networks

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    Space has been populated by a wide range of satellite systems from governmental and private space entities. Monolithic satellites have been ruling it by providing a custom design that accomplishes a specific mission. Nevertheless, novel user demands emerged have required global coverage, low revisit time, and ubiquitous service. The possibility to integrate in-orbit infrastructure to support current communications systems has been discussed persistently during the last years. Specifically, the concept of deploying networks composed of aircraft and spacecraft (creating the so-called Non-Terrestrial Networks), has emerged as a potential architecture to satisfy this new demand. This novel concept has enabled to investigate mobile technologies in space infrastructure. For example, this is the case of the Software-Defined Satellite, which aims at managing in-orbit infrastructure by using Software-Defined Network techniques. These novel concepts pose multiple challenges which dedicated developments shall address. Likewise, specific equipment and simulation environments shall support them. Currently, open source satellite network emulators have certain limitations or are not easily accessible. This project aims at presenting the Virtual Satellite Network Simulator, a novel simulation engine capable to represent satellites as well as ground nodes in virtual machines and deploy a virtual network that depicts the channel effects and dynamics. VSNeS has been generated from different modules, that thanks to the joint work is able to generate the virtualization. First of all, a Python3 program has been developed, which works as a manager and is responsible for running the rest of the modules according to the virtualized scenario. Furthermore, Kernel-based Virtual Machine has been implemented for the execution of the virtual machines. The channel management is done with the NetEm emulator. Finally, a graphical user interface is delivered by Cesium. This dissertation presents formally a preliminary design with the essential steps to select each technology. Then, the networking design is also discussed. Different tests are also shown in order to verify the correct functioning of the tool. In addition, tests about the performance of the final release have been performed. The program has been tested with the following protocols in different realistic scenarios: TCP, UDP, and ICMP. This allowed us to verify the correct operation of the program, checking the delays and channel losses. Moreover, it is empirically demonstrated that some protocols are not functional for geostationary satellites, due to the long latency caused by the large distances