78 research outputs found

    Validating a neural network-based online adaptive system

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    Neural networks are popular models used for online adaptation to accommodate system faults and recuperate against environmental changes in real-time automation and control applications. However, the adaptivity limits the applicability of conventional verification and validation (V&V) techniques to such systems. We investigated the V&V of neural network-based online adaptive systems and developed a novel validation approach consisting of two important methods. (1) An independent novelty detector at the system input layer detects failure conditions and tracks abnormal events/data that may cause unstable learning behavior. (2) At the system output layer, we perform a validity check on the network predictions to validate its accommodation performance.;Our research focuses on the Intelligent Flight Control System (IFCS) for NASA F-15 aircraft as an example of online adaptive control application. We utilized Support Vector Data Description (SVDD), a one-class classifier to examine the data entering the adaptive component and detect potential failures. We developed a decompose and combine strategy to drastically reduce its computational cost, from O(n 3) down to O( n32 log n) such that the novelty detector becomes feasible in real-time.;We define a confidence measure, the validity index, to validate the predictions of the Dynamic Cell Structure (DCS) network in IFCS. The statistical information is collected during adaptation. The validity index is computed to reflect the trustworthiness associated with each neural network output. The computation of validity index in DCS is straightforward and efficient.;Through experimentation with IFCS, we demonstrate that: (1) the SVDD tool detects system failures accurately and provides validation inferences in a real-time manner; (2) the validity index effectively indicates poor fitting within regions characterized by sparse data and/or inadequate learning. The developed methods can be integrated with available online monitoring tools and further generalized to complete a promising validation framework for neural network based online adaptive systems

    User-Centric Active Learning for Outlier Detection

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    Outlier detection searches for unusual, rare observations in large, often high-dimensional data sets. One of the fundamental challenges of outlier detection is that ``unusual\u27\u27 typically depends on the perception of a user, the recipient of the detection result. This makes finding a formal definition of ``unusual\u27\u27 that matches with user expectations difficult. One way to deal with this issue is active learning, i.e., methods that ask users to provide auxiliary information, such as class label annotations, to return algorithmic results that are more in line with the user input. Active learning is well-suited for outlier detection, and many respective methods have been proposed over the last years. However, existing methods build upon strong assumptions. One example is the assumption that users can always provide accurate feedback, regardless of how algorithmic results are presented to them -- an assumption which is unlikely to hold when data is high-dimensional. It is an open question to which extent existing assumptions are in the way of realizing active learning in practice. In this thesis, we study this question from different perspectives with a differentiated, user-centric view on active learning. In the beginning, we structure and unify the research area on active learning for outlier detection. Specifically, we present a rigorous specification of the learning setup, structure the basic building blocks, and propose novel evaluation standards. Throughout our work, this structure has turned out to be essential to select a suitable active learning method, and to assess novel contributions in this field. We then present two algorithmic contributions to make active learning for outlier detection user-centric. First, we bring together two research areas that have been looked at independently so far: outlier detection in subspaces and active learning. Subspace outlier detection are methods to improve outlier detection quality in high-dimensional data, and to make detection results more easy to interpret. Our approach combines them with active learning such that one can balance between detection quality and annotation effort. Second, we address one of the fundamental difficulties with adapting active learning to specific applications: selecting good hyperparameter values. Existing methods to estimate hyperparameter values are heuristics, and it is unclear in which settings they work well. In this thesis, we therefore propose the first principled method to estimate hyperparameter values. Our approach relies on active learning to estimate hyperparameter values, and returns a quality estimate of the values selected. In the last part of the thesis, we look at validating active learning for outlier detection practically. There, we have identified several technical and conceptual challenges which we have experienced firsthand in our research. We structure and document them, and finally derive a roadmap towards validating active learning for outlier detection with user studies

    Fault analysis using state-of-the-art classifiers

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    Fault Analysis is the detection and diagnosis of malfunction in machine operation or process control. Early fault analysis techniques were reserved for high critical plants such as nuclear or chemical industries where abnormal event prevention is given utmost importance. The techniques developed were a result of decades of technical research and models based on extensive characterization of equipment behavior. This requires in-depth knowledge of the system and expert analysis to apply these methods for the application at hand. Since machine learning algorithms depend on past process data for creating a system model, a generic autonomous diagnostic system can be developed which can be used for application in common industrial setups. In this thesis, we look into some of the techniques used for fault detection and diagnosis multi-class and one-class classifiers. First we study Feature Selection techniques and the classifier performance is analyzed against the number of selected features. The aim of feature selection is to reduce the impact of irrelevant variables and to reduce computation burden on the learning algorithm. We introduce the feature selection algorithms as a literature survey. Only few algorithms are implemented to obtain the results. Fault data from a Radio Frequency (RF) generator is used to perform fault detection and diagnosis. Comparison between continuous and discrete fault data is conducted for the Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Radial Basis Function Network (RBF) classifiers. In the second part we look into one-class classification techniques and their application to fault detection. One-class techniques were primarily developed to identify one class of objects from all other possible objects. Since all fault occurrences in a system cannot be simulated or recorded, one-class techniques help in identifying abnormal events. We introduce four one-class classifiers and analyze them using Receiver-Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. We also develop a feature extraction method for the RF generator data which is used to obtain results for one-class classifiers and Radial Basis Function Network two class classification. To apply these techniques for real-time verification, the RIT Fault Prediction software is built. LabView environment is used to build a basic data management and fault detection using Radial Basis Function Network. This software is stand alone and acts as foundation for future implementations

    A hybrid one-class approach for detecting anomalies in industrial systems

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    Financiado para publicación en aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract]: The significant advance of Internet of Things in industrial environments has provided the possibility of monitoring the different variables that come into play in an industrial process. This circumstance allows the supervision of the current state of an industrial plant and the consequent decision making possibilities. Then, the use of anomaly detection techniques are presented as a powerful tool to determine unexpected situations. The present research is based on the implementation of one-class classifiers to detect anomalies in two industrial systems. The proposal is validated using two real datasets registered during different operating points of two industrial plants. To ensure a better performance, a clustering process is developed prior the classifier implementation. Then, local classifiers are trained over each cluster, leading to successful results when they are tested with both real and artificial anomalies. Validation results present in all cases, AUC values above 90%.Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional; ED431G 2019/0

    Cost-Quality Trade-Offs in One-Class Active Learning

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    Active learning is a paradigm to involve users in a machine learning process. The core idea of active learning is to ask a user to annotate a specific observation to improve the classification performance. One important application of active learning is detecting outliers, i.e., unusual observations that deviate from the regular ones in a data set. Applying active learning for outlier detection in practice requires to design a system that consists of several components: the data, the classifier that discerns between inliers and outliers, the query strategy that selects the observations for feedback collection, and an oracle, e.g., the human expert that annotates the queries. Each of these components and their interplay influences the classification quality. Naturally, there are cost budgets limiting certain parts of the system, e.g., the number of queries one can ask a human. Thus, to configure efficient active learning systems, one must decide on several trade-offs between costs and quality. The existing literature on active learning systems does not provide an overview nor a formal description of the cost-quality trade-offs of active learning. All this makes the configuration of efficient active learning systems in practice difficult. In this thesis, we study different cost-quality trade-offs that are pivotal for configuring an active learning system for outlier detection. We first provide an overview of the costs of an active learning system. Then, we analyze three important trade-offs and propose ways to model and quantify them. In our first contribution, we study how one can reduce classification training costs by training only on a sample of the data set. We formalize the sampling trade-off between classifier training costs and resulting quality as an optimization problem and propose an efficient algorithm to solve it. Compared to the existing sampling methods in literature, our approach guarantees that a classifier trained on our sample makes the same predictions as if trained on the complete data set. We can therefore reduce the classification training costs without a loss of classification quality. In our second contribution, we investigate how selecting multiple queries allows trading off costs against quality. So-called batch queries reduce classifier training costs because the system only updates the classifier once for each batch. But the annotation of a batch may give redundant information, which reduces the achievable quality with a fixed query budget. We are the first to consider batch queries for outlier detection, a generalization of the more common case to query sequentially. We formalize batch active learning and propose several strategies to construct batches by modeling the expected utility of a batch. In our third contribution, we propose query synthesis for outlier detection. Query synthesis allows to artificially generate queries at any point in the data space without being restricted by a pool of query candidates. We propose a framework to efficiently synthesize queries and develop a novel query strategy to improve the generalization of a classifier beyond a biased data set with active learning. For all contributions, we derive recommendations for the cost-quality trade-offs from formal investigations and empirical studies to facilitate the configuration of robust and efficient active learning systems for outlier detection

    Metabolic profiling on 2D NMR TOCSY spectra using machine learning

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    Due to the dynamicity of biological cells, the role of metabolic profiling in discovering biological fingerprints of diseases, and their evolution, as well as the cellular pathway of different biological or chemical stimuli is most significant. Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D NMR) is one of the fundamental and strong analytical instruments for metabolic profiling. Though, total correlation spectroscopy (2D NMR 1H -1H TOCSY) can be used to improve spectral overlap of 1D NMR, strong peak shift, signal overlap, spectral crowding and matrix effects in complex biological mixtures are extremely challenging in 2D NMR analysis. In this work, we introduce an automated metabolic deconvolution and assignment based on the deconvolution of 2D TOCSY of real breast cancer tissue, in addition to different differentiation pathways of adipose tissue-derived human Mesenchymal Stem cells. A major alternative to the common approaches in NMR based machine learning where images of the spectra are used as an input, our metabolic assignment is based only on the vertical and horizontal frequencies of metabolites in the 1H-1H TOCSY. One- and multi-class Kernel null foley–Sammon transform, support vector machines, polynomial classifier kernel density estimation, and support vector data description classifiers were tested in semi-supervised learning and novelty detection settings. The classifiers’ performance was evaluated by comparing the conventional human-based methodology and automatic assignments under different initial training sizes settings. The results of our novel metabolic profiling methods demonstrate its suitability, robustness, and speed in automated nontargeted NMR metabolic analysis

    Proposta para validação de um kit de monitoramento remoto de pacientes – uma revisão de escopo / Proposal for validation of a remote patient monitoring kit - a scoping review

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    Dispositivos para o monitoramento remoto de pacientes possuem capacidade para coletar dados do paciente. Tendo isso em vista, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta para um modelo de validação dos dados coletados a partir de um sensor conectado a uma plataforma de monitoramento remoto. O modelo foi escolhido após uma revisão de escopo feita na literatura, buscando identificar quais métodos são utilizados para fazer a validação e análise de dados provenientes de sensores de monitoramento remoto. O modelo selecionado recebe como entrada os dados coletados pelo sistema e identifica os outliers presentes no conjunto de dados. Em relação ao modelo selecionado, foi possível identificar que o mesmo é capaz de lidar adequadamente com a detecção de outliers no cenário proposto

    A Novel Unsupervised Graph Wavelet Autoencoder for Mechanical System Fault Detection

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    Reliable fault detection is an essential requirement for safe and efficient operation of complex mechanical systems in various industrial applications. Despite the abundance of existing approaches and the maturity of the fault detection research field, the interdependencies between condition monitoring data have often been overlooked. Recently, graph neural networks have been proposed as a solution for learning the interdependencies among data, and the graph autoencoder (GAE) architecture, similar to standard autoencoders, has gained widespread use in fault detection. However, both the GAE and the graph variational autoencoder (GVAE) have fixed receptive fields, limiting their ability to extract multiscale features and model performance. To overcome these limitations, we propose two graph neural network models: the graph wavelet autoencoder (GWAE), and the graph wavelet variational autoencoder (GWVAE). GWAE consists mainly of the spectral graph wavelet convolutional (SGWConv) encoder and a feature decoder, while GWVAE is the variational form of GWAE. The developed SGWConv is built upon the spectral graph wavelet transform which can realize multiscale feature extraction by decomposing the graph signal into one scaling function coefficient and several spectral graph wavelet coefficients. To achieve unsupervised mechanical system fault detection, we transform the collected system signals into PathGraph by considering the neighboring relationships of each data sample. Fault detection is then achieved by evaluating the reconstruction errors of normal and abnormal samples. We carried out experiments on two condition monitoring datasets collected from fuel control systems and one acoustic monitoring dataset from a valve. The results show that the proposed methods improve the performance by around 3%~4% compared to the comparison methods