19 research outputs found

    Extracting accurate strain measurements in bone mechanics: A critical review of current methods

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    Osteoporosis related fractures are a social burden that advocates for more accurate fracture prediction methods. Mechanistic methods, e.g. finite element models, have been proposed as a tool to better predict bone mechanical behaviour and strength. However, there is little consensus about the optimal constitutive law to describe bone as a material. Extracting reliable and relevant strain data from experimental tests is of fundamental importance to better understand bone mechanical properties, and to validate numerical models. Several techniques have been used to measure strain in experimental mechanics, with substantial differences in terms of accuracy, precision, time- and length-scale. Each technique presents upsides and downsides that must be carefully evaluated when designing the experiment. Moreover, additional complexities are often encountered when applying such strain measurement techniques to bone, due to its complex composite structure. This review of literature examined the four most commonly adopted methods for strain measurements (strain gauges, fibre Bragg grating sensors, digital image correlation, and digital volume correlation), with a focus on studies with bone as a substrate material, at the organ and tissue level. For each of them the working principles, a summary of the main applications to bone mechanics at the organ- and tissue-level, and a list of pros and cons are provided

    How accurately can subject-specific finite element models predict strains and strength of human femora? Investigation using full-field measurements

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    Subject-specific finite element models have been proposed as a tool to improve fracture risk assessment in individuals. A thorough laboratory validation against experimental data is required before introducing such models in clinical practice. Results from digital image correlation can provide full-field strain distribution over the specimen surface during in vitro test, instead of at a few pre-defined locations as with strain gauges. The aim of this study was to validate finite element models of human femora against experimental data from three cadaver femora, both in terms of femoral strength and of the full-field strain distribution collected with digital image correlation. The results showed a high accuracy between predicted and measured principal strains (R2=0.93, RMSE=10%, 1600 validated data points per specimen). Femoral strength was predicted using a rate dependent material model with specific strain limit values for yield and failure. This provided an accurate prediction (<2% error) for two out of three specimens. In the third specimen, an accidental change in the boundary conditions occurred during the experiment, which compromised the femoral strength validation. The achieved strain accuracy was comparable to that obtained in state-of-the-art studies which validated their prediction accuracy against 10–16 strain gauge measurements. Fracture force was accurately predicted, with the predicted failure location being very close to the experimental fracture rim. Despite the low sample size and the single loading condition tested, the present combined numerical-experimental method showed that finite element models can predict femoral strength by providing a thorough description of the local bone mechanical response

    Numerical modelling of hip fracture patterns in human femur

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    [EN] Background and Objective: Hip fracture morphology is an important factor determining the ulterior surgical repair and treatment, because of the dependence of the treatment on fracture morphology. Although numerical modelling can be a valuable tool for fracture prediction, the simulation of femur fracture is not simple due to the complexity of bone architecture and the numerical techniques required for simulation of crack propagation. Numerical models assuming homogeneous fracture mechanical properties commonly fail in the prediction of fracture patterns. This paper focuses on the prediction of femur fracture based on the development of a finite element model able to simulate the generation of long crack paths. Methods: The finite element model developed in this work demonstrates the capability of predicting fracture patterns under stance loading configuration, allowing the distinction between the main fracture paths: intracapsular and extracapsular fractures. It is worth noting the prediction of different fracture patterns for the same loading conditions, as observed during experimental tests. Results and conclusions: The internal distribution of bone mineral density and femur geometry strongly influences the femur fracture morphology and fracture load. Experimental fracture paths have been analysed by means of micro-computed tomography allowing the comparison of predicted and experimental crack surfaces, confirming the good accuracy of the numerical model.The authors are indebted to University Complutense of Madrid and to the radiological team of the Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor for supporting the experimental work on human bones included in this paper. The micro-CTs were performed in the Micro-Computed Tomography laboratory at CENIEH facilities with the collaboration of CENIEH staff. The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding support received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the FEDER operation program for funding the projects DPI2013-46641-R, DPI2017-89197-C2-1-R, DPI2017-89197-C2-2-R, RTC-2015-3887-8 and the Generalitat Valenciana through theproject Prometeo/2016/007. The authors also acknowledge the funding support received from the Fundacion Espanola de Investigacion Osea y del Metabolismo Mineral through the 2018 research fellowship program.Marco, M.; Giner Maravilla, E.; Caeiro-Rey, JR.; Miguélez, MH.; Larrainzar-Garijo, R. (2019). Numerical modelling of hip fracture patterns in human femur. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 173:67-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.03.010S677517

    Digital image correlation in dental materials and related research: A review

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    OBJECTIVE: Digital image correlation (DIC) is a non-contact image processing technique for full-field strain measurement. Although DIC has been widely used in engineering and biomechanical fields, it is in the spotlight only recently in dental materials. Therefore, the purpose of this review paper is introducing the working principle of the DIC technique with some modifications and providing further potential applications in various dental materials and related fields. METHODS: The accuracy of the algorithm depending on the environmental characteristics of the DIC technique, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of strain measurement using optical measurements, have been elaborated in dental materials and related fields. Applications to those researches have been classified into the following categories: shrinkage behavior of light-cured resin composite, resin-tooth interface, mechanical properties of tooth structure, crack extension and elastic properties of dental materials, and deformation of dental restoration and prosthesis. This classification and discussion were performed using literature survey and review based on numerous papers in the international journals published over the past 20 years. The future directions for predicting the precise deformation of dental materials under various environments, as well as limitations of the DIC technique, was presented in this review. RESULTS: The DIC technique was demonstrated as a more effective tool to measure full-field polymerization shrinkage of composite resin, even in a simulated clinical condition over the existing methods. Moreover, the DIC combined with other technologies can be useful to evaluate the mechanical behavior of material-tooth interface, dentine structure and restorative and prosthetic materials with high accuracy. Three-dimensional DIC using two cameras extended the measurement range in-plane to out-of-plane, enabling measure of the strain directly on the surface of dental restorations or prosthesis. SIGNIFICANCE: DIC technique is a potential tool for measuring and predicting the full-field deformation/strain of dental materials and actual prostheses in diverse clinical conditions. The versatility of DIC can replace the existing complex sensor devices in those studies

    The Mechanical Environment of the Supraspinatus During Arm Elevation: A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis

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    University of Minnesota M.S. thesis. May 2019. Major: Biomedical Engineering. Advisor: Paula Ludewig. 1 computer file (PDF); iv, 30 pages.Rotator cuff pathology is extremely common, and can significantly reduce one’s function in activities of daily living. The mechanisms of rotator cuff pathology are not well understood. This study aims to understand how supraspinatus stress and strain vary across a range of scapular plane elevation. Secondarily, to understand how imposing humeral head translations in the superior and inferior directions (±2 and ±5 mm) affect tendon mechanics. It was found that both stress and strain increased across the range of arm elevation. The posterior portion of the tendon underwent the greatest amount of strain, while the anterior portion near the footprint experienced the greatest levels of stress. With superior humeral head translation, the maximum stress and strain decreased, while inferior translation caused stress and strain increased. Further study is required to validate the finite element model. Alterations to the model may be done in order to address more clinical questions, such as how varying anatomy and subject specific kinematics affect rotator cuff mechanics

    The use of digital image correlation in the biomechanical area: a review

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    This paper offers an overview of the potentialities and limitations of digital image correlation (DIC) as a technique for measuring displacements and strain in biomechanical applications. This review is mainly intended for biomechanists who are not yet familiar with DIC. This review includes over 150 papers and covers different dimensional scales, from the microscopic level (tissue level) up to macroscopic one (organ level). As DIC involves a high degree of computation, and of operator- dependent decisions, reliability of displacement and strain measurements by means of DIC cannot be taken for granted. Methodological problems and existing solutions are summarized and compared, whilst open issues are addressed. Topics addressed include: preparation methods for the speckle pattern on different tissues; software settings; systematic and random error associated with DIC measurement. Applications to hard and soft tissues at different dimensional scales are described and analyzed in terms of strengths and limitations. The potentialities and limitations of DIC are highlighted, also in comparison with other experimental techniques (strain gauges, other optical techniques, digital volume correlation) and numerical methods (finite element analysis), where synergies and complementarities are discussed. In order to provide an overview accessible to different scientists working in the field of biomechanics, this paper intentionally does not report details of the algorithms and codes used in the different studies