31 research outputs found

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2018

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    This Research Report presents the FY18 research statistics and contributions of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management (EN) at AFIT. AFIT research interests and faculty expertise cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to USAF needs, as reflected by the range of topics addressed in the faculty and student publications listed in this report. In most cases, the research work reported herein is directly sponsored by one or more USAF or DOD agencies. AFIT welcomes the opportunity to conduct research on additional topics of interest to the USAF, DOD, and other federal organizations when adequate manpower and financial resources are available and/or provided by a sponsor. In addition, AFIT provides research collaboration and technology transfer benefits to the public through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs). Interested individuals may discuss ideas for new research collaborations, potential CRADAs, or research proposals with individual faculty using the contact information in this document

    Learning Approaches to Analog and Mixed Signal Verification and Analysis

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    The increased integration and interaction of analog and digital components within a system has amplified the need for a fast, automated, combined analog, and digital verification methodology. There are many automated characterization, test, and verification methods used in practice for digital circuits, but analog and mixed signal circuits suffer from long simulation times brought on by transistor-level analysis. Due to the substantial amount of simulations required to properly characterize and verify an analog circuit, many undetected issues manifest themselves in the manufactured chips. Creating behavioral models, a circuit abstraction of analog components assists in reducing simulation time which allows for faster exploration of the design space. Traditionally, creating behavioral models for non-linear circuits is a manual process which relies heavily on design knowledge for proper parameter extraction and circuit abstraction. Manual modeling requires a high level of circuit knowledge and often fails to capture critical effects stemming from block interactions and second order device effects. For this reason, it is of interest to extract the models directly from the SPICE level descriptions so that these effects and interactions can be properly captured. As the devices are scaled, process variations have a more profound effect on the circuit behaviors and performances. Creating behavior models from the SPICE level descriptions, which include input parameters and a large process variation space, is a non-trivial task. In this dissertation, we focus on addressing various problems related to the design automation of analog and mixed signal circuits. Analog circuits are typically highly specialized and fined tuned to fit the desired specifications for any given system reducing the reusability of circuits from design to design. This hinders the advancement of automating various aspects of analog design, test, and layout. At the core of many automation techniques, simulations, or data collection are required. Unfortunately, for some complex analog circuits, a single simulation may take many days. This prohibits performing any type of behavior characterization or verification of the circuit. This leads us to the first fundamental problem with the automation of analog devices. How can we reduce the simulation cost while maintaining the robustness of transistor level simulations? As analog circuits can vary vastly from one design to the next and are hardly ever comprised of standard library based building blocks, the second fundamental question is how to create automated processes that are general enough to be applied to all or most circuit types? Finally, what circuit characteristics can we utilize to enhance the automation procedures? The objective of this dissertation is to explore these questions and provide suitable evidence that they can be answered. We begin by exploring machine learning techniques to model the design space using minimal simulation effort. Circuit partitioning is employed to reduce the complexity of the machine learning algorithms. Using the same partitioning algorithm we further explore the behavior characterization of analog circuits undergoing process variation. The circuit partitioning is general enough to be used by any CMOS based analog circuit. The ideas and learning gained from behavioral modeling during behavior characterization are used to improve the simulation through event propagation, input space search, complexity and information measurements. The reduction of the input space and behavioral modeling of low complexity, low information primitive elements reduces the simulation time of large analog and mixed signal circuits by 50-75%. The method is extended and applied to assist in analyzing analog circuit layout. All of the proposed methods are implemented on analog circuits ranging from small benchmark circuits to large, highly complex and specialized circuits. The proposed dependency based partitioning of large analog circuits in the time domain allows for fast identification of highly sensitive transistors as well as provides a natural division of circuit components. Modeling analog circuits in the time domain with this partitioning technique and SVM learning algorithms allows for very fast transient behavior predictions, three orders of magnitude faster than traditional simulators, while maintaining 95% accuracy. Analog verification can be explored through a reduction of simulation time by utilizing the partitions, information and complexity measures, and input space reduction. Behavioral models are created using supervised learning techniques for detected primitive elements. We will show the effectiveness of the method on four analog circuits where the simulation time is decreased by 55-75%. Utilizing the reduced simulation method, critical nodes can be found quickly and efficiently. The nodes found using this method match those found by an experienced layout engineer, but are detected automatically given the design and input specifications. The technique is further extended to find the tolerance of transistors to both process variation and power supply fluctuation. This information allows for corrections in layout overdesign or guidance in placing noise reducing components such as guard rings or decoupling capacitors. The proposed approaches significantly reduce the simulation time required to perform the tasks traditionally, maintain high accuracy, and can be automated

    Feasibility Study of High-Level Synthesis : Implementation of a Real-Time HEVC Intra Encoder on FPGA

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    High-Level Synthesis (HLS) on automatisoitu suunnitteluprosessi, joka pyrkii parantamaan tuottavuutta perinteisiin suunnittelumenetelmiin verrattuna, nostamalla suunnittelun abstraktiota rekisterisiirtotasolta (RTL) käyttäytymistasolle. Erilaisia kaupallisia HLS-työkaluja on ollut markkinoilla aina 1990-luvulta lähtien, mutta vasta äskettäin ne ovat alkaneet saada hyväksyntää teollisuudessa sekä akateemisessa maailmassa. Hidas käyttöönottoaste on johtunut pääasiassa huonommasta tulosten laadusta (QoR) kuin mitä on ollut mahdollista tavanomaisilla laitteistokuvauskielillä (HDL). Uusimmat HLS-työkalusukupolvet ovat kuitenkin kaventaneet QoR-aukkoa huomattavasti. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii HLS:n soveltuvuutta videokoodekkien kehittämiseen. Se esittelee useita HLS-toteutuksia High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) -koodaukselle, joka on keskeinen mahdollistava tekniikka lukuisille nykyaikaisille mediasovelluksille. HEVC kaksinkertaistaa koodaustehokkuuden edeltäjäänsä Advanced Video Coding (AVC) -standardiin verrattuna, saavuttaen silti saman subjektiivisen visuaalisen laadun. Tämä tyypillisesti saavutetaan huomattavalla laskennallisella lisäkustannuksella. Siksi reaaliaikainen HEVC vaatii automatisoituja suunnittelumenetelmiä, joita voidaan käyttää rautatoteutus- (HW ) ja varmennustyön minimoimiseen. Tässä väitöskirjassa ehdotetaan HLS:n käyttöä koko enkooderin suunnitteluprosessissa. Dataintensiivisistä koodaustyökaluista, kuten intra-ennustus ja diskreetit muunnokset, myös enemmän kontrollia vaativiin kokonaisuuksiin, kuten entropiakoodaukseen. Avoimen lähdekoodin Kvazaar HEVC -enkooderin C-lähdekoodia hyödynnetään tässä työssä referenssinä HLS-suunnittelulle sekä toteutuksen varmentamisessa. Suorituskykytulokset saadaan ja raportoidaan ohjelmoitavalla porttimatriisilla (FPGA). Tämän väitöskirjan tärkein tuotos on HEVC intra enkooderin prototyyppi. Prototyyppi koostuu Nokia AirFrame Cloud Server palvelimesta, varustettuna kahdella 2.4 GHz:n 14-ytiminen Intel Xeon prosessorilla, sekä kahdesta Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA kiihdytinkortista, jotka voidaan kytkeä serveriin käyttäen joko peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) liitäntää tai 40 gigabitin Ethernettiä. Prototyyppijärjestelmä saavuttaa reaaliaikaisen 4K enkoodausnopeuden, jopa 120 kuvaa sekunnissa. Lisäksi järjestelmän suorituskykyä on helppo skaalata paremmaksi lisäämällä järjestelmään käytännössä minkä tahansa määrän verkkoon kytkettäviä FPGA-kortteja. Monimutkaisen HEVC:n tehokas mallinnus ja sen monipuolisten ominaisuuksien mukauttaminen reaaliaikaiselle HW HEVC enkooderille ei ole triviaali tehtävä, koska HW-toteutukset ovat perinteisesti erittäin aikaa vieviä. Tämä väitöskirja osoittaa, että HLS:n avulla pystytään nopeuttamaan kehitysaikaa, tarjoamaan ennen näkemätöntä suunnittelun skaalautuvuutta, ja silti osoittamaan kilpailukykyisiä QoR-arvoja ja absoluuttista suorituskykyä verrattuna olemassa oleviin toteutuksiin.High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is an automated design process that seeks to improve productivity over traditional design methods by increasing design abstraction from register transfer level (RTL) to behavioural level. Various commercial HLS tools have been available on the market since the 1990s, but only recently they have started to gain adoption across industry and academia. The slow adoption rate has mainly stemmed from lower quality of results (QoR) than obtained with conventional hardware description languages (HDLs). However, the latest HLS tool generations have substantially narrowed the QoR gap. This thesis studies the feasibility of HLS in video codec development. It introduces several HLS implementations for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) , that is the key enabling technology for numerous modern media applications. HEVC doubles the coding efficiency over its predecessor Advanced Video Coding (AVC) standard for the same subjective visual quality, but typically at the cost of considerably higher computational complexity. Therefore, real-time HEVC calls for automated design methodologies that can be used to minimize the HW implementation and verification effort. This thesis proposes to use HLS throughout the whole encoder design process. From data-intensive coding tools, like intra prediction and discrete transforms, to more control-oriented tools, such as entropy coding. The C source code of the open-source Kvazaar HEVC encoder serves as a design entry point for the HLS flow, and it is also utilized in design verification. The performance results are gathered with and reported for field programmable gate array (FPGA) . The main contribution of this thesis is an HEVC intra encoder prototype that is built on a Nokia AirFrame Cloud Server equipped with 2.4 GHz dual 14-core Intel Xeon processors and two Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA Development Kits, that can be connected to the server via peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) generation 3 or 40 Gigabit Ethernet. The proof-of-concept system achieves real-time. 4K coding speed up to 120 fps, which can be further scaled up by adding practically any number of network-connected FPGA cards. Overcoming the complexity of HEVC and customizing its rich features for a real-time HEVC encoder implementation on hardware is not a trivial task, as hardware development has traditionally turned out to be very time-consuming. This thesis shows that HLS is able to boost the development time, provide previously unseen design scalability, and still result in competitive performance and QoR over state-of-the-art hardware implementations

    Sustainable international experience: A collaborative teaching project

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    Within engineering education, there is an increasing need for providing our students with international experiences. This is most often done by exchange studies abroad. However, a majority of the students on engineering programs do not engage in any international exchange. This paper presents insights from a collaborative cross-disciplinary international project to give students international experience without having to travel. From both a sustainability perspective and a situation where e.g. a global virus outbreak stop students from travelling, solutions that give engineering students experience of working in an international setting are becoming increasingly important. Initial challenges, for the teachers involved in the project, that were addressed before the project started, included the assessment of students, the use of online collaborative tools, assessment of students and the dependence between the two courses. The learnings from the first and second iteration of the collaborative project were mainly focused around transparency, introduction of students to each other, communication, real-time issues and deadlines. By gradually remove these peripheral challenges for the students, resulting in making the students focus on the actual challenges surrounding the actual collaborative project. Even though this project is ongoing, the initial results clearly show that by integrating courses between different countries and disciplines, it is possible to create an environment that strengthens the students’ ability in teamwork, communication and addresses the cultural and professional aspects of working as an engineer in an international context

    Compositional circuit design with asynchronous concepts

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    PhD ThesisSynchronous circuits are pervasive in modern digital systems, such as smart-phones, wearable devices and computers. Synchronous circuits are controlled by a global clock signal, which greatly simplifies their design but is also a limitation in some applications. Asynchronous circuits are a logical alternative: they do not use a global clock to synchronise their components. Instead, every component reacts to input events at the rate they occur. Asynchronous circuits are not widely adopted by industry, because they are often harder to design and require more sophisticated tools and formal models. Signal Transition Graphs (STGs) is a well-studied formal model for the specification, verification and synthesis of asynchronous circuits with state-of-the-art tool support. STGs use a graphical notation where vertices and arcs specify the operation of an asynchronous circuit. These graphical specifications can be difficult to describe compositionally, and provide little reusability of useful sections of a graph. In this thesis we present Asynchronous Concepts, a new design methodology for asynchronous circuit design. A concept is a self-contained description of a circuit requirement, which is composable with any other concept, allowing compositional specification of large asynchronous circuits. Concepts can be shared, reused and extended by users, promoting the reuse of behaviours within single or multiple specifications. Asynchronous Concepts can be translated to STGs to benefit from the existing theory and tools developed by the asynchronous circuits community. Plato is a software tool developed for Asynchronous Concepts that supports the presented design methodology, and provides automated methods for translation to STGs. The design flow which utilises Asynchronous Concepts is automated using Plato and the open-source toolsuite Workcraft, which can use the translated STGs in verification and synthesis using integrated tools. The proposed language, the design flow, and the supporting tools are evaluated on real-world case studies

    Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society

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    This book features the manuscripts accepted for the Special Issue “Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society—Sensing Systems and Pervasive Intelligence” of the MDPI journal Sensors. Most of the papers come from a selection of the best papers of the 2019 edition of the “Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society” (APPLEPIES) Conference, which was held in November 2019. All these papers have been significantly enhanced with novel experimental results. The papers give an overview of the trends in research and development activities concerning the pervasive application of electronics in industry, the environment, and society. The focus of these papers is on cyber physical systems (CPS), with research proposals for new sensor acquisition and ADC (analog to digital converter) methods, high-speed communication systems, cybersecurity, big data management, and data processing including emerging machine learning techniques. Physical implementation aspects are discussed as well as the trade-off found between functional performance and hardware/system costs