170 research outputs found

    An IoT reader for wireless passive electromagnetic sensors

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue State-of-the-Art Sensors Technology in Spain 2016.In the last years, many passive electromagnetic sensors have been reported. Some of these sensors are used for measuring harmful substances. Moreover, the response of these sensors is usually obtained with laboratory equipment. This approach highly increases the total cost and complexity of the sensing system. In this work, a novel low-cost and portable Internet-of-Things (IoT) reader for passive wireless electromagnetic sensors is proposed. The reader is used to interrogate the sensors within a short-range wireless link avoiding the direct contact with the substances under test. The IoT functionalities of the reader allows remote sensing from computers and handheld devices. For that purpose, the proposed design is based on four functional layers: the radiating layer, the RF interface, the IoT mini-computer and the power unit. In this paper a demonstrator of the proposed reader is designed and manufactured. The demonstrator shows, through the remote measurement of different substances, that the proposed system can estimate the dielectric permittivity. It has been demonstrated that a linear approximation with a small error can be extracted from the reader measurements. It is remarkable that the proposed reader can be used with other type of electromagnetic sensors, which transduce the magnitude variations in the frequency domain

    Ring-oscillator with multiple transconductors for linear analog-to-digital conversion

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    This paper proposes a new circuit-based approach to mitigate nonlinearity in open-loop ring-oscillator-based analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The approach consists of driving a current-controlled oscillator (CCO) with several transconductors connected in parallel with different bias conditions. The current injected into the oscillator can then be properly sized to linearize the oscillator, performing the inverse current-to-frequency function. To evaluate the approach, a circuit example has been designed in a 65-nm CMOS process, leading to a more than 3-ENOB enhancement in simulation for a high-swing differential input voltage signal of 800-mVpp, with considerable less complex design and lower power and expected area in comparison to state-of-the-art circuit based solutions. The architecture has also been checked against PVT and mismatch variations, proving to be highly robust, requiring only very simple calibration techniques. The solution is especially suitable for high-bandwidth (tens of MHz) medium-resolution applications (10–12 ENOBs), such as 5G or Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.This research was funded by Project TEC2017-82653-R, Spain

    Low Power Phase-Encoded MAC Accelerator for Smart Sensors with VCO-based ADCs

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    Proceeding of: 2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS): August 9-12, 2020, Springfield, MA, USA: on-line proceedings.A new phase-encoded MAC cell is proposed for low power smart sensing applications. If digitization of the raw data is made through voltage-controlled-oscillators based analog-to-digital converters (VCO-based ADCs), we may take the unsampled frequency-encoded output signal and connect it to the first layer of a neural network. Then that layer could be implemented with phase-encoded MAC accelerators, leading to an energy-efficient solution. The MAC cell does not only make the accumulation/subtraction and multiplication operation, but also the non-linear function which supposes a great advantage with respect to other equivalent cells. A circuit example is proposed in a 65-nm CMOS process and transient simulations prove the feasibility of the approach.Publicad

    Floating-Gate Design and Linearization for Reconfigurable Analog Signal Processing

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    Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits have found a place in modern electronics design as a viable alternative to digital pre-processing. With metrics that boast high accuracy and low power consumption, analog pre-processing has opened the door to low-power state-monitoring systems when it is utilized in place of a power-hungry digital signal-processing stage. However, the complicated design process required by analog and mixed-signal systems has been a barrier to broader applications. The implementation of floating-gate transistors has begun to pave the way for a more reasonable approach to analog design. Floating-gate technology has widespread use in the digital domain. Analog and mixed-signal use of floating-gate transistors has only become a rising field of study in recent years. Analog floating gates allow for low-power implementation of mixed-signal systems, such as the field-programmable analog array, while simultaneously opening the door to complex signal-processing techniques. The field-programmable analog array, which leverages floating-gate technologies, is demonstrated as a reliable replacement to signal-processing tasks previously only solved by custom design. Living in an analog world demands the constant use and refinement of analog signal processing for the purpose of interfacing with digital systems. This work offers a comprehensive look at utilizing floating-gate transistors as the core element for analog signal-processing tasks. This work demonstrates the floating gate\u27s merit in large reconfigurable array-driven systems and in smaller-scale implementations, such as linearization techniques for oscillators and analog-to-digital converters. A study on analog floating-gate reliability is complemented with a temperature compensation scheme for implementing these systems in ever-changing, realistic environments

    Contribution to time domain readout circuits design for multi-standard sensing system for low voltage supply and high-resolution applications

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThis research activity has the purpose of open new possibilities in the design of capacitance-to-digital converters (CDCs) by developing a solution based on time domain conversion. This can be applied to applications related with the Internet-of-Things (IoT). These applications are present in any electronic devices where sensing is needed. To be able to reduce the area of the whole system with the required performance, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors are used in these applications. We propose a new family of sensor readout electronics to be integrated with MEMS sensors. Within the time domain converters, Dual Slope (DS) topology is very interesting to explore a new compromise between performances, area and power consumption. DS topology has been extensively used in instrumentation. The simplicity and robustness of the blocks inside classical DS converters it is the main advantage. However, they are not efficient for applications where higher bandwidth is required. To extend the bandwidth, DS converters have been introduced into ΔΣ loops. This topology has been named as integrating converters. They increase the bandwidth compare to classical DS architecture but at the expense of higher complexity. In this work we propose the use of a new family of DS converters that keep the advantages of the classical architecture and introduce noise shaping. This way the bandwidth is increased without extra blocks. The Self-Compensated noise-shaped DS converter (the name given to the new topology) keeps the signal transfer function (STF) and the noise transfer function (NTF) of Integrating converters. However, we introduce a new arrangement in the core of the converter to do noise shaping without extra circuitry. This way the simplicity of the architecture is preserved. We propose to use the Self-Compensated DS converter as a CDC for MEMS sensors. This work makes a study of the best possible integration of the two blocks to keep the signal integrity considering the electromechanical behavior of the sensor. The purpose of this front-end is to be connected to any kind of capacitive MEMS sensor. However, to prove the concepts developed in this thesis the architecture has been connected to a pressure MEMS sensor. An experimental prototype was implemented in 130-nm CMOS process using the architecture mentioned before. A peak SNR of 103.9 dB (equivalent to 1Pa) has been achieved within a time measurement of 20 ms. The final prototype has a power consumption of 220 μW with an effective area of 0.317 mm2. The designed architecture shows good performance having competitive numbers against high resolution topologies in amplitude domain.Esta actividad de investigación tiene el propósito de explorar nuevas posibilidades en el diseño de convertidores de capacitancia a digital (CDC) mediante el desarrollo de una solución basada en la conversión en el dominio del tiempo. Estos convertidores se pueden utilizar en aplicaciones relacionadas con el mercado del Internet-de-las-cosas (IoT). Hoy en día, estas aplicaciones están presentes en cualquier dispositivo electrónico donde se necesite sensar una magnitud. Para poder reducir el área de todo el sistema con el rendimiento requerido, se utilizan sensores de sistemas micro-electromecánicos (MEMS) en estas aplicaciones. Proponemos una nueva familia de electrónica de acondicionamiento para integrar con sensores MEMS. Dentro de los convertidores de dominio de tiempo, la topología del doble-rampa (DS) es muy interesante para explorar un nuevo compromiso entre rendimiento, área y consumo de energía. La topología de DS se ha usado ampliamente en instrumentación. La simplicidad y la solidez de los bloques dentro de los convertidores DS clásicos es la principal ventaja. Sin embargo, no son eficientes para aplicaciones donde se requiere mayor ancho de banda. Para ampliar el ancho de banda, los convertidores DS se han introducido en bucles ΔΣ. Esta topología ha sido nombrada como Integrating converters. Esta topología aumenta el ancho de banda en comparación con la arquitectura clásica de DS, pero a expensas de una mayor complejidad. En este trabajo, proponemos el uso de una nueva familia de convertidores DS que mantienen las ventajas de la arquitectura clásica e introducen la configuración del ruido. De esta forma, el ancho de banda aumenta sin bloques adicionales. El convertidor Self-Compensated noise-shaped DS (el nombre dado a la nueva topología) mantiene la función de transferencia de señal (STF) y la función de transferencia de ruido (NTF) de los Integrating converters. Sin embargo, presentamos una nueva topología en el núcleo del convertidor para conformar el ruido sin circuitos adicionales. De esta manera, se preserva la simplicidad de la arquitectura. Proponemos utilizar el Self-Compensated noise-shaped DS como un CDC para sensores MEMS. Este trabajo hace un estudio de la mejor integración posible de los dos bloques para mantener la integridad de la señal considerando el comportamiento electromecánico del sensor. El propósito de este circuito de acondicionamiento es conectarse a cualquier tipo de sensor MEMS capacitivo. Sin embargo, para demostrar los conceptos desarrollados en esta tesis, la arquitectura se ha conectado a un sensor MEMS de presión. Se ha implementado dos prototipos experimentales en un proceso CMOS de 130-nm utilizando la arquitectura mencionada anteriormente. Se ha logrado una relación señal-ruido máxima de 103.9 dB (equivalente a 1 Pa) con un tiempo de medida de 20 ms. El prototipo final tiene un consumo de energía de 220 μW con un área efectiva de 0.317 mm2. La arquitectura diseñada muestra un buen rendimiento comparable con las arquitecturas en el dominio de la amplitud que muestran resoluciones equivalentes.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Pieter Rombouts.- Secretario: Alberto Rodríguez Pérez.- Vocal: Dietmar Strãußnig

    Resolution Enhancement of VCO-based ADCs by Passive Interpolation and Phase Injection

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    Proceeding of: 2019 XXXIV Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), 20-22 November 2019, Bilbao, SpainThis work describes a simple way to improve the resolution of low-pass voltage-controlled-oscillators based analog-to-digital converters (VCO-based ADCs) implemented with ring-oscillators. We propose to insert a passive resistive network into the differential delay cells of the oscillator to get additional interpolated phases. These interpolated phases are then injected to other similar oscillators. By increasing the number of phases coming from all the oscillators, the effective gain of the system is higher and enhances the resolution of the converter. To validate the idea, a prototype of an open-loop VCO-based ADC was built in VerilogA language with ring-oscillators designed with a 65-nm CMOS process. The results of transient simulations were compared to the results of a behavioral ideal model of the system built in MATLAB. As expected, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was improved in concordance with the increase in the number of phases. Finally, it was checked that the proposed circuit used to extract and inject the interpolated phases did not penalize the total power consumption. The proposed circuit structure is particularly suitable for high-bandwidth applications, where the oversampling ratio (OSR) is strongly restricted and the gain is limited because of the oscillator non-linearity. Due to the highly digital nature of the VCO-based ADC structures, this solution may be of special interest to be implemented in new deep-submicron CMOS processes.This work was supported by the CICYT project TEC2017-82653-R, Spain.Publicad

    High-Bandwidth Voltage-Controlled Oscillator based architectures for Analog-to-Digital Conversion

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    The purpose of this thesis is the proposal and implementation of data conversion open-loop architectures based on voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) built with ring oscillators (RO-based ADCs), suitable for highly digital designs, scalable to the newest complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) nodes. The scaling of the design technologies into the nanometer range imposes the reduction of the supply voltage towards small and power-efficient architectures, leading to lower voltage overhead of the transistors. Additionally, phenomena like a lower intrinsic gain, inherent noise, and parasitic effects (mismatch between devices and PVT variations) make the design of classic structures for ADCs more challenging. In recent years, time-encoded A/D conversion has gained relevant popularity due to the possibility of being implemented with mostly digital structures. Within this trend, VCOs designed with ring oscillator based topologies have emerged as promising candidates for the conception of new digitization techniques. RO-based data converters show excellent scalability and sensitivity, apart from some other desirable properties, such as inherent quantization noise shaping and implicit anti-aliasing filtering. However, their nonlinearity and the limited time delay achievable in a simple NOT gate drastically limits the resolution of the converter, especially if we focus on wide-band A/D conversion. This thesis proposes new ways to alleviate these issues. Firstly, circuit-based techniques to compensate for the nonlinearity of the ring oscillator are proposed and compared to equivalent state-of-the-art solutions. The proposals are designed and simulated in a 65-nm CMOS node for open-loop RO-based ADC architectures. One of the techniques is also validated experimentally through a prototype. Secondly, new ways to artificially increase the effective oscillation frequency are introduced and validated by simulations. Finally, new approaches to shape the quantization noise and filter the output spectrum of a RO-based ADC are proposed theoretically. In particular, a quadrature RO-based band-pass ADC and a power-efficient Nyquist A/D converter are proposed and validated by simulations. All the techniques proposed in this work are especially devoted for highbandwidth applications, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) nodes or maximally digital radio receivers. Nevertheless, their field of application is not restricted to them, and could be extended to others like biomedical instrumentation or sensing.El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es la propuesta y la implementación de arquitecturas de conversión de datos basadas en osciladores en anillos, compatibles con diseños mayoritariamente digitales, escalables en los procesos CMOS de fabricación más modernos donde las estructuras digitales se ven favorecidas. La miniaturización de las tecnologías CMOS de diseño lleva consigo la reducción de la tensión de alimentación para el desarrollo de arquitecturas pequeñas y eficientes en potencia. Esto reduce significativamente la disponibilidad de tensión para saturar transistores, lo que añadido a una ganancia cada vez menor de los mismos, ruido y efectos parásitos como el “mismatch” y las variaciones de proceso, tensión y temperatura han llevado a que sea cada vez más complejo el diseño de estructuras analógicas eficientes. Durante los últimos años la conversión A/D basada en codificación temporal ha ganado gran popularidad dado que permite la implementación de estructuras mayoritariamente digitales. Como parte de esta evolución, los osciladores controlados por tensión diseñados con topologías de oscilador en anillo han surgido como un candidato prometedor para la concepción de nuevas técnicas de digitalización. Los convertidores de datos basados en osciladores en anillo son extremadamente sensibles (variación de frecuencia con respecto a la señal de entrada) así como escalables, además de otras propiedades muy atractivas, como el conformado espectral de ruido de cuantificación y el filtrado “anti-aliasing”. Sin embargo, su respuesta no lineal y el limitado tiempo de retraso alcanzable por una compuerta NOT restringen la resolución del conversor, especialmente para conversión A/D en aplicaciones de elevado ancho de banda. Esta tesis doctoral propone nuevas técnicas para aliviar este tipo de problemas. En primer lugar, se proponen técnicas basadas en circuito para compensar el efecto de la no linealidad en los osciladores en anillo, y se comparan con soluciones equivalentes ya publicadas. Las propuestas se diseñan y simulan en tecnología CMOS de 65 nm para arquitecturas en lazo abierto. Una de estas técnicas presentadas es también validada experimentalmente a través de un prototipo. En segundo lugar, se introducen y validan por simulación varias formas de incrementar artificialmente la frecuencia de oscilación efectiva. Para finalizar, se proponen teóricamente dos enfoques para configurar nuevas formas de conformación del ruido de cuantificación y filtrado del espectro de salida de los datos digitales. En particular, son propuestos y validados por simulación un ADC pasobanda en cuadratura de fase y un ADC de Nyquist de gran eficiencia en potencia. Todas las técnicas propuestas en este trabajo están destinadas especialmente para aplicaciones de alto ancho de banda, tales como módulos para el Internet de las cosas o receptores de radiofrecuencia mayoritariamente digitales. A pesar de ello, son extrapolables también a otros campos como el de la instrumentación biomédica o el de la medición de señales mediante sensores.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Juan Pablo Alegre Pérez.- Secretario: Celia López Ongil.- Vocal: Fernando Cardes Garcí

    A VCO-based CMOS readout circuit for capacitive MEMS microphones

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    Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) microphone sensors have significantly improved in the past years, while the readout electronic is mainly implemented using switched-capacitor technology. The development of new battery powered 'always-on” applications increasingly requires a low power consumption. In this paper, we show a new readout circuit approach which is based on a mostly digital Sigma Delta (SigmaDelta) analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The operating principle of the readout circuit consists of coupling the MEMS sensor to an impedance converter that modulates the frequency of a stacked-ring oscillator—a new voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) circuit featuring a good trade-off between phase noise and power consumption. The frequency coded signal is then sampled and converted into a noise-shaped digital sequence by a time-to-digital converter (TDC). A time-efficient design methodology has been used to optimize the sensitivity of the oscillator combined with the phase noise induced by 1/𝑓 and thermal noise. The circuit has been prototyped in a 130 nm CMOS process and directly bonded to a standard MEMS microphone. The proposed VCO-based analog-to-digital converter (VCO-ADC) has been characterized electrically and acoustically. The peak signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) obtained from measurements is 77.9 dB-A and the dynamic range (DR) is 100 dB-A. The current consumption is 750 muA at 1.8 V and the effective area is 0.12 mm2. This new readout circuit may represent an enabling advance for low-cost digital MEMS microphones.This research was funded by project TEC2017-82653-R of CICYT, Spain

    Data Conversion Within Energy Constrained Environments

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    Within scientific research, engineering, and consumer electronics, there is a multitude of new discrete sensor-interfaced devices. Maintaining high accuracy in signal quantization while staying within the strict power-budget of these devices is a very challenging problem. Traditional paths to solving this problem include researching more energy-efficient digital topologies as well as digital scaling.;This work offers an alternative path to lower-energy expenditure in the quantization stage --- content-dependent sampling of a signal. Instead of sampling at a constant rate, this work explores techniques which allow sampling based upon features of the signal itself through the use of application-dependent analog processing. This work presents an asynchronous sampling paradigm, based off the use of floating-gate-enabled analog circuitry. The basis of this work is developed through the mathematical models necessary for asynchronous sampling, as well the SPICE-compatible models necessary for simulating floating-gate enabled analog circuitry. These base techniques and circuitry are then extended to systems and applications utilizing novel analog-to-digital converter topologies capable of leveraging the non-constant sampling rates for significant sample and power savings

    High-Speed and Energy-Efficient Ring-Oscillator for Analog-to-Digital Conversion

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    The aim of this conference is to offer the possibility to present and discuss new research results on the area of integrated circuits and systems and all its fields of application. A major emphasis has been given in the technical program to emerging topics such as electronic systems for artificial intelligence, reliability of circuits and devices, unconventional computing, smart sensors and other relevant topics. The conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS) is an international meeting for researchers in the highly active fields of micro- and nano-electronic circuits and integrated systems. It provides an excellent forum to present and discuss works on the emerging challenges offered by technology, in the areas of modeling, design, implementation and test of devices, circuits and systems. The 35th edition will be organized by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid