23 research outputs found

    VANET Connectivity Analysis

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are a peculiar subclass of mobile ad hoc networks that raise a number of technical challenges, notably from the point of view of their mobility models. In this paper, we provide a thorough analysis of the connectivity of such networks by leveraging on well-known results of percolation theory. By means of simulations, we study the influence of a number of parameters, including vehicle density, proportion of equipped vehicles, and radio communication range. We also study the influence of traffic lights and roadside units. Our results provide insights on the behavior of connectivity. We believe this paper to be a valuable framework to assess the feasibility and performance of future applications relying on vehicular connectivity in urban scenarios

    Connectivity of confined 3D Networks with Anisotropically Radiating Nodes

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    Nodes in ad hoc networks with randomly oriented directional antenna patterns typically have fewer short links and more long links which can bridge together otherwise isolated subnetworks. This network feature is known to improve overall connectivity in 2D random networks operating at low channel path loss. To this end, we advance recently established results to obtain analytic expressions for the mean degree of 3D networks for simple but practical anisotropic gain profiles, including those of patch, dipole and end-fire array antennas. Our analysis reveals that for homogeneous systems (i.e. neglecting boundary effects) directional radiation patterns are superior to the isotropic case only when the path loss exponent is less than the spatial dimension. Moreover, we establish that ad hoc networks utilizing directional transmit and isotropic receive antennas (or vice versa) are always sub-optimally connected regardless of the environment path loss. We extend our analysis to investigate boundary effects in inhomogeneous systems, and study the geometrical reasons why directional radiating nodes are at a disadvantage to isotropic ones. Finally, we discuss multi-directional gain patterns consisting of many equally spaced lobes which could be used to mitigate boundary effects and improve overall network connectivity.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Optimal RoadSide Units Distribution Approach in Vehicular Ad hoc Network

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    A vehicular ad hoc network is a particular type of ad hoc mobile network. It is characterized by high mobility and frequent disconnection between vehicles. For this, the roadside units (RSUs) deployment permits to enhance the network connectivity. The objective of this work is to provide an optimized RSUs placement for enhancing the network connectivity and maximizing the accident coverage with reducing the deployment cost. In this paper, we propose our approach called Optimized RoadSide units Deployment (ORSD). The proposed approach comprises a two-step, in the first step, ORSD finds the RSUs candidate locations based on network density and connectivity. We calculated the connectivity of each segment based on speed and arrival information’s.  The second step permit to find the optimal solution of our proposed objective function. The objective function permits to enhance the network connectivity and maximizing the accident coverage.  To find the optimal solution of our objective function is an NP-complete problem of order o(n²) .  Therefore, we propose to solve this problem in two phases, so that it becomes a simple linear problem to solve. The ORSD is proposed for urban and high way scenarios. The extensive simulation study is conducted in order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach. We use the Simulator of Urban MObility (SUMO) for generating different traffic scenarios. We develop scripts to extract different information as density, speed and travel time in each segment. Then, we develop an algorithm to calculate connectivity probability for each segment. Then, we implement our objective function to finds optimal RSUs positions in terms of connectivity, accident cover and cost

    The Dynamics of Vehicular Networks in Urban Environments

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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) have emerged as a platform to support intelligent inter-vehicle communication and improve traffic safety and performance. The road-constrained, high mobility of vehicles, their unbounded power source, and the emergence of roadside wireless infrastructures make VANETs a challenging research topic. A key to the development of protocols for inter-vehicle communication and services lies in the knowledge of the topological characteristics of the VANET communication graph. This paper explores the dynamics of VANETs in urban environments and investigates the impact of these findings in the design of VANET routing protocols. Using both real and realistic mobility traces, we study the networking shape of VANETs under different transmission and market penetration ranges. Given that a number of RSUs have to be deployed for disseminating information to vehicles in an urban area, we also study their impact on vehicular connectivity. Through extensive simulations we investigate the performance of VANET routing protocols by exploiting the knowledge of VANET graphs analysis.Comment: Revised our testbed with even more realistic mobility traces. Used the location of real Wi-Fi hotspots to simulate RSUs in our study. Used a larger, real mobility trace set, from taxis in Shanghai. Examine the implications of our findings in the design of VANET routing protocols by implementing in ns-3 two routing protocols (GPCR & VADD). Updated the bibliography section with new research work

    Adaptive V2V routing with RSUs and gateway support to enhance network performance in VANET

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    In a VANET communication, link stability can neither be guaranteed nor make the established route link permanent due to the dynamic nature of the network. In V2V communication without the involvement of any infrastructural units like RSU access points or gateway, the probability of successful link establishment decreases when vehicle’s speed varies, red traffic light increases, cross-road increases and finally when the density of the running vehicles is sparse. To ensure route establishment and control route request broadcast in a sparse VANET with crossroad layout, RSUs are used in this paper for route discovery within one gateway zone when a next hop vehicle to relay the route request packet is unavailable. RSUs are static but the vehicles are dynamic in nature, so relying completely on RSU for forwarding data is not recommended because chances of link failure, link re-establishment, and handoff overhead will be high. So, in this paper, RSUs and Gateways are evoked for route discovery and data forwarding only when necessary. Moreover, a local route repair is attempted in this paper when the path length is high to reduce or avoid loss of buffered packets along the route and to maintain a more stable link with the help of RSUs

    Temporal connectivity of vehicular networks: the power of store-carry-and-forward

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    Proceeding of: 2015 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Kyoto, Japan, 16-18 December, 2015Store-carry-and-forward is extensively used in vehicular environments for many and varied purposes, including routing, disseminating, downloading, uploading, or offloading delay-tolerant content. The performance gain of store-carry-and-forward over traditional connected forwarding is primarily determined by the fact that it grants a much improved network connectivity. Indeed, by letting vehicles physically carry data, store-carry-and-forward adds a temporal dimension to the (typically fragmented) instantaneous network topology that is employed by connected forwarding. Temporal connectivity has thus a important role in the operation of a wide range of vehicular network protocols. Still, our understanding of the dynamics of the temporal connectivity of vehicular networks is extremely limited. In this paper, we shed light on this underrated aspect of vehicular networking, by exploring a vast space of scenarios through an evolving graph-theoretical approach. Our results show that using store-carry-and-forward greatly increases connectivity, especially in very sparse networks. Moreover, using store-carry-and-forward mechanisms to share content within a geographically-bounded area can be very efficient, i.e., new entering vehicles can be reached rapidly.This work was done while Marco Gramaglia was at CNR-IEIIT. The research leading to these results has received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under REA grant agreement n.630211 ReFleX. The work of Christian Glacet was carried out during the tenure of an ERCIM “Alain Bensoussan” Fellowship Programme.Publicad

    Connectivity Analysis of Directed Highway VANETs using Graph Theory

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    Graph theory is a promising approach in handling the problem of estimating the connectivity probability of vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). With a communication network represented as graph, graph connectivity indicators become valid for connectivity analysis of communication networks as well. In this article, we discuss two different graph-based methods for VANETs connectivity analysis showing that they capture the same behavior as estimated using probabilistic models. The study is, then, extended to include the case of directed VANETs, resulting from the utilization of different communication ranges by different vehicles. Overall, the graph-based methods prove a robust performance, as they can be simply diversified into scenarios that are too complex to acquire a rigid probabilistic model for them.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Centrality Analysis in Vehicular Networks

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    To better understand networking and security aspects of VANETs, we have been investigating network connectivity issues and mappings of car networks to the underlying road topology. Using this mapping and various metrics based on centrality, we locate hot-spots in vehicular networks to determine the most vulnerable points for jamming. We also use these to optimize the placement of roadside units

    Modeling and Simulation of Vehicular Networks: towards Realistic and Efficient Models

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) have been envisioned with three types of applications in mind: safety, traffic management, and commercial applications. By using wireless interfaces to form an ad hoc network, vehicles will be able to inform other vehicles about traffic accidents, hazardous road conditions and traffic congestion. Commercial applications (e.g., data exchange, audio/video communication) are envisioned to provide incentive for faster adoption of the technology. To date, the majority of VANET research efforts have relied heavily on simulations, due to prohibitive costs of employing real world testbeds. Current VANET simulators have gone a long way from the early VANET simulation environments, which often assumed unrealistic models such as random waypoint mobility, circular transmission range, or interference-free environment Kotz et al. (2004). However, significant efforts still remain in order to enhance the realism of VANET simulators, at the same time providing a computationally inexpensive and efficient platform for performance evaluation of VANETs