10 research outputs found

    Exploring the Internet of "Educational Things"(IoET) in rural underprivileged areas

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    Siswa penyandang disgrafia atau kesulitan belajar menulis merupakan salah satu dari ‘Learning Disorder’. Pada anak kesulitan belajar menulis, proses menuliskan informasi merupakan hal sangat sulit. Kemampuan motorik anak terganggu dan mengakibatkan kemampuan gerak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari juga mengalami kesulitan. Siswa disgrafia dapat disembuhkan dengan melakukan kegiatan menulis secara terus-menerus serta memberikan pelatihan motorik. Salah satu solusi untuk permasalahan ini pada bidang teknologi yaitu pengembangan aplikasi NULIS. Aplikasi NULIS memiliki dua jenis muatan yaitu pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dan Matematika yang dapat dipersonalisasikan oleh pendidik terhadap kebutuhan siswa. Penulis telah melakukan pembelajaran terhadap 5 siswa di Sekolah Aditama Surabaya, dan memperoleh hasil sebesar 65% parameter kemampuan menulis mengalami peningkatan. Selain itu aplikasi NULIS dapat membantu pembelajaran pada anak dengan keleluasaan pendidik dalam mengubah aktivitas. Pada akhirnya, penggunaan dari perangkat bergerak dengan muatan multimedia yang interaktif dapat meningkatkan minat siswa dalam pembelajaran.


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    O caso conta a história de uma professora que conta sua experiência com a disciplina de prática contábil com a utilização de software, ao orientar uma aluna, por telefone, com a utilização do mesmo. Em alguns momentos a professora tece comparações entre orientar em sala e por telefone, tendo como contexto e cenário, uma IES de ensino a distância. A personagem central da história, é uma aluna, que precisa baixar um software contábil, pois precisa utilizar o mesmo para fazer um trabalho de uma das disciplinas em modalidade EAD, do curso de Ciências Contábeis

    Učbeniki in učna gradiva podeželskih šol: sistematični pregled

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    This paper presents the results of a research project whose main purpose is to analyse the concept of multigrade teaching resources and the teaching materials used by teachers in rural schools, in particular the role of textbooks. The use and dimensions of teaching materials are studied in order to promote inclusion and learning in multigrade classrooms with children of different ages mixed together. The present systematic review aims to identify and analyse all of the research papers published internationally on teaching resources in rural schools for the Web of Science and Scopus databases (from 1992 to 2021) and Google Scholar (between 2010 and February 2021). Due to the dearth of publications focused on the topic of study, the reviewed articles have broad inclusion and exclusion criteria. This gives relevance and an innovative character to the research, allowing us to objectify the state of the question on multigrade didactic materials and their relation to teaching-learning processes. From a total of 332 research papers in the field of rural multigrade teaching identified for further analysis, only papers that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and passed all phases of the PRISMA flow diagram were used (N = 33). Some research publications contributed to identifying opportunities and needs, and to suggesting criteria to be taken into account for the selection and creation of materials to promote inclusion and active learning methodologies. The first results show the need to create one’s own materials that analyse the reality of these schools, as well as the need to personalise and adapt printed or digital textbooks and other teaching materials in order to involve the students actively in the learning process and to respond to the needs of rural students in multigrade classrooms. (DIPF/Orig.

    Global research on children’s online experiences: addressing diversities and inequalities

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    This Method Guide examines the connections between knowledge production, power, inequality and exclusion in the production of international research about children and new or emerging media. Drawing on feminist and postcolonial debates about knowledge, it points to the existing inequalities between research and theory from the global North and the global South. How are issues of power and privilege embedded in a research process that claims universality? How is the focus on children’s internet use globally already underpinned by particular biases and exclusions? The Guide points to evidence that persistent social inequalities and vulnerabilities are transposed to mediated environments, and discusses the challenges of thinking about ‘children online’ when children are never an homogeneous group. Finally, it considers the best ways of ensuring that knowledge produced about the media use of children from discriminated and excluded groups across the world represents them fairly, and is useful to children in those groups

    Designing a ubiquitous sensor-based platform to facilitate learning for young children in Thailand

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    Education plays an important role in helping developing nations reduce poverty and improving quality of life. Ubiquitous and mobile technologies could greatly enhance education in such regions by providing augmented access to learning. This paper presents a three-year iterative study where a ubiquitous sensor based learning platform was designed, developed and tested to support science learning among primary school students in underprivileged Northern Thailand. The platform is built upon the school’s existing mobile devices and was expanded to include sensor-based technology. Throughout the iterative design process, observations, interviews and group discussions were carried out with stakeholders. This lead to key reflections and design concepts such as the value of injecting anthropomorphic qualities into the learning device and providing personally and culturally relevant learning experiences through technology. Overall, the results outlined in this paper help contribute to knowledge regarding the design, development and implementation of ubiquitous sensor-based technology to support learning

    Designing a ubiquitous sensor-based platform to facilitate learning for young children in Thailand

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    Education plays an important role in helping developing nations reduce poverty and improving quality of life. Ubiquitous and mobile technologies could greatly enhance education in such regions by providing augmented access to learning. This paper presents a three-year iterative study where a ubiquitous sensor based learning platform was designed, developed and tested to support science learning among primary school students in underprivileged Northern Thailand. The platform is built upon the school’s existing mobile devices and was expanded to include sensor-based technology. Throughout the iterative design process, observations, interviews and group discussions were carried out with stakeholders. This lead to key reflections and design concepts such as the value of injecting anthropomorphic qualities into the learning device and providing personally and culturally relevant learning experiences through technology. Overall, the results outlined in this paper help contribute to knowledge regarding the design, development and implementation of ubiquitous sensor-based technology to support learning

    Biologian opettajien teknologian käytön ja teknologiavalintojen taustat

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tutkimuskohde oli teknologian käyttö ja teknologiavalinnat. Teknologia on kasvavassa roolissa yhteiskunnassamme ja opettajien odotetaan pysyvän kehityksen mukana. Opettaja suunnittelee opetuksen, joten on tärkeää ymmärtää opettajan perusteita käyttää tai olla käyttämättä teknologiaa. Tärkeää on myös tarjota opettajalle teknologiaa, jota hän haluaa hyödyntää. Tämän jälkeen selvitettäväksi jää, käyttääkö opettaja teknologiaa merkityksekkäästi. Merkityksekästä teknologian käyttöä pidetään tehokkaan opetuksen edellytyksenä. Teknologian opetuskäytön taustat ovat monimutkaiset, mutta tärkeä tutkimuksen kohde, jotta pystytään kehittämään keinoja tukea opettajia teknologian käyttöönotossa. Tutkielmani tavoitteena oli selvittää opettajien syitä käyttää teknologiaa tai jotakin tiettyä laitetta tai ohjelmaa opetuksessaan. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli saada näyttöä opettajien teknologisen, pedagogisen ja sisältötiedon (TPACK) hyödyntämisestä. Tärkeimpinä osina teoreettista viitekehystäni olivat Koehlerin ja Mishran (2005) kehittämä TPACK-lähestymistapa ja Davisin (1986) kehittämä teknologian hyväksymismalli. Kohderyhmäni olivat biologian opettajat. Tutkimukseeni valittiin seitsemän opettajaa. He osoittivat esikyselyssä käyttävänsä teknologiaa paljon ja mielellään. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin strukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla. Aineisto kirjoitettiin kirjalliseen muotoon ja litterointia käytettiin merkitsemään oleellisia kohtia. Sisällönanalyysi oli pääosin teorialähtöistä eli teoreettiseen viitekehykseen perustuvaa. Analyysin avulla aineisto teemoiteltiin ja luokiteltiin tutkielman alaotsikoiden alle. Teknologian käyttöä ohjasi se, pitääkö opettaja teknologiaa hyödyllisenä oppimiselle ja onko aikaa opetella teknologian käyttöä. Biologian opetuksessa teknologiaa pidettiin ylivertaisena havainnollistamisen keinona, mutta epäsopivuutta ilmeni oppiaineen kokemuksellisuuteen ja haastaviin aiheisiin. Syitä laitteen tai ohjelman käytölle olivat sopivuus opetukseen ja omat ja kollegoiden käyttökokemukset. Teknologian käyttöä edisti kokemus käytettävästä teknologiasta. Opettajat osoittivat TPACK:in hyödyntämistä ja merkityksekästä teknologian käyttöä. Oppimisen priorisoiminen oli tulosten kantava teema. Tulosten perusteella teknologia käytön edistämiseksi opettajille tulee tarjota mahdollisuuksia saada kokemuksia teknologiasta, joka on opetuskäyttöön sopivaa. Opettajille tulee varata aikaa perehtyä teknologiaan ja tarjota teknologiaa, joka todennäköisemmin päätyy käyttöön

    Practical, appropriate, empirically-validated guidelines for designing educational games

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    There has recently been a great deal of interest in the potential of computer games to function as innovative educational tools. However, there is very little evidence of games fulfilling that potential. Indeed, the process of merging the disparate goals of education and games design appears problematic, and there are currently no practical guidelines for how to do so in a coherent manner. In this paper, we describe the successful, empirically validated teaching methods developed by behavioural psychologists and point out how they are uniquely suited to take advantage of the benefits that games offer to education. We conclude by proposing some practical steps for designing educational games, based on the techniques of Applied Behaviour Analysis. It is intended that this paper can both focus educational games designers on the features of games that are genuinely useful for education, and also introduce a successful form of teaching that this audience may not yet be familiar with