32 research outputs found

    Analysis of Improved µ-Law Companding Technique for OFDM Systems

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    YesHigh Peak-to-Average-Power Ratio (PAPR) of transmitted signals is a common problem in broadband telecommunication systems using an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation scheme, as it increases transmitter power consumption. In consumer applications where it impacts mobile terminal battery life and infrastructure running costs, this is a major factor in customer satisfaction. Companding techniques have been recently used to alleviate this high PAPR. In this paper, a companding scheme with an offset, amidst two nonlinear companding levels, is proposed to achieve better PAPR reduction while maintaining an acceptable bit error rate (BER) level, resulting in electronic products of higher power efficiency. Study cases have included the effect of companding on the OFDM signal with and without an offset. A novel closed-form approximation for the BER of the proposed companding scheme is also presented, and its accuracy is compared against simulation results. A method for choosing best companding parameters is presented based on contour plots. Practical emulation of a real time OFDM-based system has been implemented and evaluated using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

    New Hybrid Schemes for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    الـ 3GPP قدمت مشروع LTE لتلبية الطلبات المتزايدة لخدمات الاتصالات ذات السرعة العالية والجودة العالية. يستخدم نظام الـ LTE تقنية مضاعفة تقسيم التردد المتعامد (OFDM) في شكل (OFDMA) في الوصلة الهابطة (Downlink) وشكل الـ (SCFDMA) في الوصلة الصاعدة (Uplink) مجتمعة مع تقنية الـ MIMO لتقديم معدل بيانات عالي، قدرة عالية، وحصانة ضد القنوات متعددة المسارات. ومع ذلك لا يزال ارتفاع نسبة القدرة العظمة إلى المتوسط (PAPR) لإشارة الـ LTE المرسلة هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي تعمل على تدهور كفاءة النظام بشك عام وإمكانية استهلاك الطاقة. لذلك كرست الكثير من البحوث للحد من تدهور الأداء بسبب مشكلة الـ PAPR في أنظمة LTE-OFDM. تعتبر طرق ضغط الإشارة (Companding Methods) جزءاً من الطرق المعروفة والتي تعتبر سهلة ومنخفضة التعقيد، وبلا قيود على شكل التضمين وحجم عدد الحوامل (Subcarrier Size)، ولها خصائص طيفية جيدة، ومع ذلك فإن هذه الطرق تقلل الـ PAPR بمقدار ضئيل. وقد اقترح هذا البحث سبعة طرق هجينة جديدة على أساس مزيج من Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع ست أساليب مختلفة من طرق ضغط الإشارة وهي Rooting Companding (RCT)، New Error Function Companding (NERF)، Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP)، Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR)، Cosine Companding (COS)، وTangent Rooting Companding (TanhR). بالإضافة إلى ذلك تم تطوير الطريقة الهجينة السابعة وتجمع الـ Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع طريقة جديدة مقترحة تسمى Advanced AEXP (AAEXP). أظهرت النتائج أن هذه الطرق المتطورة تجمع بين خصائص طريقة الـ ZCT مع خصائص طرق ضغط الإشارة، وتحقق أداء أمثل وانخفاضاً أفضل من حيث PAPR وBER. كما حققت طريقة الـ ZCT+AAEXP أفضل النتائج مقارنة بالطرق الأخرى.The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) introduced LTE to meet increasingly demands for communication services with high speed and quality. LTE uses OFDM in the form of OFDMA in the downlink and SCFDMA in the uplink combined with MIMO offering high data rate, high capacity and immunity against multipath channels. However, still the high PAPR of the LTE transmitted signal is the major problem affecting overall system performance degradation and power efficiency. A plenty of research has been devoted to reduce the performance degradation due to the PAPR problem inherent to LTE OFDM systems. A portion of the current techniques such companding methods have low-complexity, no constraint on modulation format and subcarrier size, good distortion and spectral properties; however, they have limited PAPR reduction capabilities. This paper proposes seven new hybrid schemes including Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) precoding and six modern companding methods; Rooting Companding (RCT), New Error Function Companding (NERF), Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP), Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR), Cosine Companding (COS) and Tangent Rooting Companding (TanhR) companding. Furthermore, the seventh proposed hybrid scheme has been added incorporating ZCT precoding with new proposed companding called Advanced AEXP (AAEXP) companding. The developed methods are combining properties of both ZCT & Compandings, and achieving superior PAPR performance and optimal BER. Simulations results illustrate that the new seven proposed hybrid schemes can achieve better PAPR reduction, and BER performance and the best achievement has been achieved by ZCT+AAEXP scheme

    A Review on PAPR Reduction in Perspective of BER Performance in MIMO-OFDM Based Next Generation Wireless Systems.

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    Today, high speed and trustworthy wireless communication over mobile is the requirement of society. As the mobile applications and the users are rapidly increasing, it is obligatory to have more reliable, high speed wireless network with high throughput, which will combat the disadvantages in existing system in this multiuser environment. In wireless system the received signal may be corrupted due to noise and interferences such as ‘inter symbol interference’ and ‘inter carrier interference’ when subjected to multi-path fading. Also the performance the system may be affected due to poor ‘bit error rate’ and high ‘peak to average power ratio’ value, which further affect the signal power and spectral efficiency of transmitted signal. The blend of ‘orthogonal frequency division multiplexing’ and ‘multi input multi output’ antenna system referred as MIMO-OFDM system, which offers the improvement in quality of service and higher throughput to satisfy the tomorrow’s need. This review article mainly focuses on various technologies adopted by different researchers for enhancing the ‘bit error rates’, ‘peak to average power ratio’, ‘signal to noise ratio’ and ‘spectral efficiency’ performances in wireless systems. We continue by highlighting the limitations and comparing results of conventional methods, schemes and algorithms proposed by different researchers.  We also focus on the multiple antenna system (MIMO), which is designed for future multiuser environment to enhance the capacity or to have high throughput along with good quality services

    Enhanced Next Generation Millimeter-Wave Multicarrier System with Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a popular multicarrier technique used to attain high spectral efficiencies. It also has other advantages such as multipath tolerance and ease of implementation. However, OFDM based systems suffer from high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) problem. Because of the nonlinearity of the power amplifiers, the high PAPR causes significant distortion in the transmitted signal for millimeter-wave (mmWave) systems. To alleviate the high PAPR problem, this paper utilizes Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) which can achieve high spectral efficiency as well as low PAPR. In this paper, we show the performance of GFDM using the IEEE 802.11ad multicarrier frame structures. IEEE 802.11ad is considered one of the most successful industry standards utilizing unlicensed mmWave frequency band. In addition, this paper indicates the feasibility of using GFDM for the future standards such as IEEE 802.11ay. This paper studies the performance improvements in terms of PAPR reduction for GFDM. Based on the performance results, the optimal numbers of subcarriers and subsymbols are calculated for PAPR reduction while minimizing the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance degradation. Moreover, transmitter side ICI (Intercarrier Interference) reduction is introduced to reduce the receiver load

    Waveforms and channel coding for 5G

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    Abstract. The fifth generation (5G) communication systems are required to perform significantly better than the existing fourth generation (4G) systems in data rate, capacity, coverage, latency, energy consumption and cost. Hence, 5G needs to achieve considerable enhancements in the areas of bandwidth, spectral, energy, and signaling efficiencies and cost per bit. The new radio access technology (RAT) of 5G physical layer needs to utilize an efficient waveform to meet the demands of 5G. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is considered as a baseline for up to 30 GHz. However, a major drawback of OFDM systems is their large peak to average power ratio (PAPR). Here in this thesis, a simple selective-mapping (SLM) technique using scrambling is proposed to reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals. This technique selects symbol sequences with high PAPR and scrambles them until a PAPR sequence below a specific threshold is generated. The computational complexity of the proposed scheme is considerably lower than that of the traditional SLM. Also, performance of the system is investigated through simulations and more than 4.5 dB PAPR reduction is achieved. In addition, performance of single carrier waveforms is analyzed in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems as an alternative to OFDM. Performance of a single carrier massive MIMO system is presented for both uplink and downlink with single user and multiple user cases and the effect of pre-coding on the PAPR is studied. A variety of channel configurations were investigated such as correlated channels, practical channels and the channels with errors in channel estimate. Furthermore, the candidate coding schemes are investigated for the new RAT in the 5G standard corresponding the activities in the third generation partnership project (3GPP). The schemes are evaluated in terms of block error rate (BLER), bit error rate (BER), computational complexity, and flexibility. These parameters comprise a suitable set to assess the performance of different services and applications. Turbo, low density parity check (LDPC), and polar codes are considered as the candidate schemes. These are investigated in terms of obtaining suitable rates, block lengths by proper design for a fair comparison. The simulations have been carried out in order to obtain BLER / BER performance for various code rates and block lengths, in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. Although polar codes perform well at short block lengths, LDPC has a relatively good performance at all the block lengths and code rates. In addition, complexity of the LDPC codes is relatively low. Furthermore, BLER/BER performances of the coding schemes in Rayleigh fading channels are investigated and found that the fading channel performance follows a similar trend as the performance in the AWGN channel

    Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction of DOCSIS 3.1 Downstream Signals

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    Tone reservation (TR) is an attractive and widely used method for peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals, where both transmitter and receiver agree upon a number of subcarriers or tones to be reserved to generate a peak canceling signal that can reduce the peak power of the transmitted signals. The tones are selected to be mutually exclusive with the tones used for data transmission, which allows the receiver to extract the data symbols without distortions. This thesis presents two novel PAPR reduction algorithms for OFDM signals based on the TR principle, which do not distort the transmitted signals. The first proposed algorithm is performed in the time domain, whereas the second algorithm is a new clipping-and-filtering method. Both algorithms consist of two stages. The first stage, which is done off-line, creates a set of canceling signals based on the settings of the OFDM system. In particular, these signals are constructed to cancel signals at different levels of maximum instantaneous power that are above a predefined threshold. The second stage, which is online and iterative, reduces the signal peaks by using the canceling signals constructed in the first stage. The precalculated canceling signals can be updated when different tone sets are selected for data transmission, accommodating many practical applications. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms achieve slightly better PAPR reduction performance than the conventional algorithms. Moreover, such performance is achieved with much lower computational complexity in terms of numbers of multiplications and additions per iteration. Among the two proposed algorithms, the time-domain algorithm gives the best peak reduction performance but the clipping-and-filtering algorithm requires considerably less number of multiplications per iteration and can be efficiently implemented using the fast Fourier transform (FFT)/inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) structure

    A hybrid-structure offset-QAM filter-bank multi-carrier MIMO system

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    Offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM) filter-bank multi-carrier (FBMC), has great potential for boosting the spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) of future communication systems. This is due to its superior spectral localization, CP-less transmission and relaxed synchronization requirements. Our research focuses on three main OQAM/FBMC research problems: the computational complexity reduction taking equalization into consideration, its integration with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and its high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). OQAM/FBMC systems are mainly implemented either using frequency spreading (FS) or polyphase network (PPN) techniques. The PPN technique is generally less complex, but when using frequency domain equalization (FDE) to equalize multipath channel effects at the receiver, there is a computational complexity overhead when using PPN. A novel hybrid-structure OQAM/FBMC MIMO space-frequency block coding (SFBC) system is proposed, to achieve the lowest possible overall complexity in conjunction with FDE at the receiver in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel. The Alamouti SFBC block coding is performed on the complex-orthogonal signal before OQAM processing, which resolves the problems of intrinsic interference when integrating OQAM/FBMC with MIMO. In better multipath channel conditions with a line-of-sight (LOS) path, a zero-forcing (ZF) time domain equalization (TDE) is exploited to further reduce the computational complexity with comparable performance bit-error-rate (BER). On the other hand, to tackle the high PAPR problem of the OQAM/FBMC system in the uplink, a novel single carrier (SC)-OQAM/FBMC MIMO system is proposed. The system uses DFT-spreading applied to the OQAM modulated signal, along with interleaved subcarrier mapping to significantly reduce the PAPR and enhance the BER performance over Rayleigh fading channels, with relatively low additional computational complexity compared to the original complexity of the FBMC system and compared to other FBMC PAPR reduction techniques.The proposed hybrid-structure system has shown significant BER performance in frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels compared to OFDM, with significantly lower OOB emissions in addition to the enhanced SE due to the absence of CP. In mild multipath fading channels with a LOS component, the PPN OQAM/FBMC MIMO using TDE has a comparable BER performance with significantly less computational complexity. As for the uplink, the SC-OQAM/FBMC MIMO system significantly reduces the PAPR and enhances the BER performance, with relatively low additional computational complexity

    Intelligent genetic algorithms for next-generation broadband multi-carrier CDMA wireless networks

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    This dissertation proposes a novel intelligent system architecture for next-generation broadband multi-carrier CDMA wireless networks. In our system, two novel and similar intelligent genetic algorithms, namely Minimum Distance guided GAs (MDGAs) are invented for both peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction at the transmitter side and multi-user detection (MUD) at the receiver side. Meanwhile, we derive a theoretical BER performance analysis for the proposed MC-CDMA system in A WGN channel. Our analytical results show that the theoretical BER performance of synchronized MC-CDMA system is the same as that of the synchronized DS-CDMA system which is also used as a theoretical guidance of our novel MUD receiver design. In contrast to traditional GAs, our MDGAs start with a balanced ratio of exploration and exploitation which is maintained throughout the process. In our algorithms, a new replacement strategy is designed which increases significantly the convergence rate and reduces dramatically computational complexity as compared to the conventional GAs. The simulation results demonstrate that, if compared to those schemes using exhaustive search and traditional GAs, (1) our MDGA-based P APR reduction scheme achieves 99.52% and 50+% reductions in computational complexity, respectively; (2) our MDGA-based MUD scheme achieves 99.54% and 50+% reductions in computational complexity, respectively. The use of one core MDGA solution for both issues can ease the hardware design and dramatically reduce the implementation cost in practice.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo