2,090 research outputs found

    Handwritten Document Analysis for Automatic Writer Recognition

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    In this paper, we show that both the writer identification and the writer verification tasks can be carried out using local features such as graphemes extracted from the segmentation of cursive handwriting. We thus enlarge the scope of the possible use of these two tasks which have been, up to now, mainly evaluated on script handwritings. A textual based Information Retrieval model is used for the writer identification stage. This allows the use of a particular feature space based on feature frequencies. Image queries are handwritten documents projected in this feature space. The approach achieves 95% correct identification on the PSI_DataBase and 86% on the IAM_DataBase. Then writer hypothesis retrieved are analysed during a verification phase. We call upon a mutual information criterion to verify that two documents may have been produced by the same writer or not. Hypothesis testing is used for this purpose. The proposed method is first scaled on the PSI_DataBase then evaluated on the IAM_DataBase. On both databases, similar performance of nearly 96% correct verification is reported, thus making the approach general and very promising for large scale applications in the domain of handwritten document querying and writer verification

    Augmented incremental recognition of online handwritten mathematical expressions

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    This paper presents an augmented incremental recognition method for online handwritten mathematical expressions (MEs). If an ME is recognized after all strokes are written (batch recognition), the waiting time increases significantly when the ME becomes longer. On the other hand, the pure incremental recognition method recognizes an ME whenever a new single stroke is input. It shortens the waiting time but degrades the recognition rate due to the limited context. Thus, we propose an augmented incremental recognition method that not only maintains the advantage of the two methods but also reduces their weaknesses. The proposed method has two main features: one is to process the latest stroke, and the other is to find the erroneous segmentations and recognitions in the recent strokes and correct them. In the first process, the segmentation and the recognition by Cocke-Younger-Kasami (CYK) algorithm are only executed for the latest stroke. In the second process, all the previous segmentations are updated if they are significantly changed after the latest stroke is input, and then, all the symbols related to the updated segmentations are updated with their recognition scores. These changes are reflected in the CYK table. In addition, the waiting time is further reduced by employing multi-thread processes. Experiments on our dataset and the CROHME datasets show the effectiveness of this augmented incremental recognition method, which not only maintains recognition rate even compared with the batch recognition method but also reduces the waiting time to a very small level

    End-to-end optical music recognition for pianoform sheet music

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    End-to-end solutions have brought about significant advances in the field of Optical Music Recognition. These approaches directly provide the symbolic representation of a given image of a musical score. Despite this, several documents, such as pianoform musical scores, cannot yet benefit from these solutions since their structural complexity does not allow their effective transcription. This paper presents a neural method whose objective is to transcribe these musical scores in an end-to-end fashion. We also introduce the GrandStaff dataset, which contains 53,882 single-system piano scores in common western modern notation. The sources are encoded in both a standard digital music representation and its adaptation for current transcription technologies. The method proposed in this paper is trained and evaluated using this dataset. The results show that the approach presented is, for the first time, able to effectively transcribe pianoform notation in an end-to-end manner.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This paper is part of the MultiScore project (PID2020-118447RA-I00), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The first author is supported by Grant ACIF/2021/356 from the “Programa I+D+i de la Generalitat Valenciana.

    Deep Learning Based Real Time Devanagari Character Recognition

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    The revolutionization of the technology behind optical character recognition (OCR) has helped it to become one of those technologies that have found plenty of uses in the entire industrial space. Today, the OCR is available for several languages and have the capability to recognize the characters in real time, but there are some languages for which this technology has not developed much. All these advancements have been possible because of the introduction of concepts like artificial intelligence and deep learning. Deep Neural Networks have proven to be the best choice when it comes to a task involving recognition. There are many algorithms and models that can be used for this purpose. This project tries to implement and optimize a deep learning-based model which will be able to recognize Devanagari script’s characters in real time by analyzing the hand movements

    Advancements and Challenges in Arabic Optical Character Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Optical character recognition (OCR) is a vital process that involves the extraction of handwritten or printed text from scanned or printed images, converting it into a format that can be understood and processed by machines. This enables further data processing activities such as searching and editing. The automatic extraction of text through OCR plays a crucial role in digitizing documents, enhancing productivity, improving accessibility, and preserving historical records. This paper seeks to offer an exhaustive review of contemporary applications, methodologies, and challenges associated with Arabic Optical Character Recognition (OCR). A thorough analysis is conducted on prevailing techniques utilized throughout the OCR process, with a dedicated effort to discern the most efficacious approaches that demonstrate enhanced outcomes. To ensure a thorough evaluation, a meticulous keyword-search methodology is adopted, encompassing a comprehensive analysis of articles relevant to Arabic OCR, including both backward and forward citation reviews. In addition to presenting cutting-edge techniques and methods, this paper critically identifies research gaps within the realm of Arabic OCR. By highlighting these gaps, we shed light on potential areas for future exploration and development, thereby guiding researchers toward promising avenues in the field of Arabic OCR. The outcomes of this study provide valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders involved in Arabic OCR, ultimately fostering advancements in the field and facilitating the creation of more accurate and efficient OCR systems for the Arabic language

    Information scraps: how and why information eludes our personal information management tools

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    In this paper we describe information scraps -- a class of personal information whose content is scribbled on Post-it notes, scrawled on corners of random sheets of paper, buried inside the bodies of e-mail messages sent to ourselves, or typed haphazardly into text files. Information scraps hold our great ideas, sketches, notes, reminders, driving directions, and even our poetry. We define information scraps to be the body of personal information that is held outside of its natural or We have much still to learn about these loose forms of information capture. Why are they so often held outside of our traditional PIM locations and instead on Post-its or in text files? Why must we sometimes go around our traditional PIM applications to hold on to our scraps, such as by e-mailing ourselves? What are information scraps' role in the larger space of personal information management, and what do they uniquely offer that we find so appealing? If these unorganized bits truly indicate the failure of our PIM tools, how might we begin to build better tools? We have pursued these questions by undertaking a study of 27 knowledge workers. In our findings we describe information scraps from several angles: their content, their location, and the factors that lead to their use, which we identify as ease of capture, flexibility of content and organization, and avilability at the time of need. We also consider the personal emotive responses around scrap management. We present a set of design considerations that we have derived from the analysis of our study results. We present our work on an application platform, jourknow, to test some of these design and usability findings

    Arbitrary Keyword Spotting in Handwritten Documents

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    Despite the existence of electronic media in today’s world, a considerable amount of written communications is in paper form such as books, bank cheques, contracts, etc. There is an increasing demand for the automation of information extraction, classification, search, and retrieval of documents. The goal of this research is to develop a complete methodology for the spotting of arbitrary keywords in handwritten document images. We propose a top-down approach to the spotting of keywords in document images. Our approach is composed of two major steps: segmentation and decision. In the former, we generate the word hypotheses. In the latter, we decide whether a generated word hypothesis is a specific keyword or not. We carry out the decision step through a two-level classification where first, we assign an input image to a keyword or non-keyword class; and then transcribe the image if it is passed as a keyword. By reducing the problem from the image domain to the text domain, we do not only address the search problem in handwritten documents, but also the classification and retrieval, without the need for the transcription of the whole document image. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of a generalized minimum edit distance for handwritten words, and to prove that this distance is equivalent to an Ergodic Hidden Markov Model (EHMM). To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to present an exact 2D model for the temporal information in handwriting while satisfying practical constraints. Some other contributions of this research include: 1) removal of page margins based on corner detection in projection profiles; 2) removal of noise patterns in handwritten images using expectation maximization and fuzzy inference systems; 3) extraction of text lines based on fast Fourier-based steerable filtering; 4) segmentation of characters based on skeletal graphs; and 5) merging of broken characters based on graph partitioning. Our experiments with a benchmark database of handwritten English documents and a real-world collection of handwritten French documents indicate that, even without any word/document-level training, our results are comparable with two state-of-the-art word spotting systems for English and French documents

    Character Recognition

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    Character recognition is one of the pattern recognition technologies that are most widely used in practical applications. This book presents recent advances that are relevant to character recognition, from technical topics such as image processing, feature extraction or classification, to new applications including human-computer interfaces. The goal of this book is to provide a reference source for academic research and for professionals working in the character recognition field

    Text Detection in Natural Scenes and Technical Diagrams with Convolutional Feature Learning and Cascaded Classification

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    An enormous amount of digital images are being generated and stored every day. Understanding text in these images is an important challenge with large impacts for academic, industrial and domestic applications. Recent studies address the difficulty of separating text targets from noise and background, all of which vary greatly in natural scenes. To tackle this problem, we develop a text detection system to analyze and utilize visual information in a data driven, automatic and intelligent way. The proposed method incorporates features learned from data, including patch-based coarse-to-fine detection (Text-Conv), connected component extraction using region growing, and graph-based word segmentation (Word-Graph). Text-Conv is a sliding window-based detector, with convolution masks learned using the Convolutional k-means algorithm (Coates et. al, 2011). Unlike convolutional neural networks (CNNs), a single vector/layer of convolution mask responses are used to classify patches. An initial coarse detection considers both local and neighboring patch responses, followed by refinement using varying aspect ratios and rotations for a smaller local detection window. Different levels of visual detail from ground truth are utilized in each step, first using constraints on bounding box intersections, and then a combination of bounding box and pixel intersections. Combining masks from different Convolutional k-means initializations, e.g., seeded using random vectors and then support vectors improves performance. The Word-Graph algorithm uses contextual information to improve word segmentation and prune false character detections based on visual features and spatial context. Our system obtains pixel, character, and word detection f-measures of 93.14%, 90.26%, and 86.77% respectively for the ICDAR 2015 Robust Reading Focused Scene Text dataset, out-performing state-of-the-art systems, and producing highly accurate text detection masks at the pixel level. To investigate the utility of our feature learning approach for other image types, we perform tests on 8- bit greyscale USPTO patent drawing diagram images. An ensemble of Ada-Boost classifiers with different convolutional features (MetaBoost) is used to classify patches as text or background. The Tesseract OCR system is used to recognize characters in detected labels and enhance performance. With appropriate pre-processing and post-processing, f-measures of 82% for part label location, and 73% for valid part label locations and strings are obtained, which are the best obtained to-date for the USPTO patent diagram data set used in our experiments. To sum up, an intelligent refinement of convolutional k-means-based feature learning and novel automatic classification methods are proposed for text detection, which obtain state-of-the-art results without the need for strong prior knowledge. Different ground truth representations along with features including edges, color, shape and spatial relationships are used coherently to improve accuracy. Different variations of feature learning are explored, e.g. support vector-seeded clustering and MetaBoost, with results suggesting that increased diversity in learned features benefit convolution-based text detectors