190 research outputs found

    Seamless connectivity:investigating implementation challenges of multibroker MQTT platform for smart environmental monitoring

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    Abstract. This thesis explores the performance and efficiency of MQTT-based infrastructure Internet of Things (IoT) sensor networks for smart environment. The study focuses on the impact of network latency and broker switching in distributed multi-broker MQTT platforms. The research involves three case studies: a cloud-based multi-broker deployment, a Local Area Network (LAN)-based multi-broker deployment, and a multi-layer LAN network-based multi-broker deployment. The research is guided by three objectives: quantifying and analyzing the latency of multi-broker MQTT platforms; investigating the benefits of distributed brokers for edge users; and assessing the impact of switching latency at applications. This thesis ultimately seeks to answer three key questions related to network and switching latency, the merits of distributed brokers, and the influence of switching latency on the reliability of end-user applications

    Visible Light Communication System Design Using Raspberry Pi4B, LED Array, and MQTT Synchronization Protocol

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    Visible light communication is the next big thing in the future to overcome many limitations that RF-based communication has.  This study discusses the design of a wireless visible light communication system to transmit temperature and humidity information based on the Raspberry Pi and the MCP3008 Analog to Digital Converter. The system uses LEDs to transmit data. The photodiode is used to receive the optical signal. Raspberry Pi is used as the signal processor on both sides with the implementation of synchronization techniques and On-Off Keying modulation. The research was conducted in a dark room with a 2x2 LED Array configuration to minimize the effect of the external lighting prototype’s performance. The research carried out variations in the color of LED used, variations in the method of synchronization, and variations in the data rate transmission with BER value as the main parameter. This research contribution is to propose a simple visible light communication design that transmit and receive information in reference of room temperature and humidity using raspberry pi and DHT-11 sensor, while also implementing communications protocol to maximize synchronization in transmission thus minimizing the BER value in higher bit rate. The LED used is blue with an average voltage of 0.0423V for a value of 1 and 0.00448V for a value of 0. The transmission speed can be done from 1bps to 10kbps with BER 0.5 as a threshold parameter. The implementation of the synchronization method reduces the BER value by 0.0945 with the implementation of transmission calibration synchronization and decreases the BER value by 0.1221 using synchronization with the MQTT communication protocol. For further research, the development can be done by implementing Forward Error Correction (FEC) to minimize errors that occur in the transmission and collaborating with vendors with research in the same fiel

    Flatbuffers Implementation on MQTT Publish/Subscribe Communication as Data Delivery Format

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    Communication between devices can be done in various ways, one of them is the Publish / Subscribe model that uses the MQTT protocol From the shortcomings that exist in JSON, such as long processing time, Google recently introduced a new data format called Flatbuffers. Flatbuffers has a better data format serialization process than other data formats. This paper will discuss the implementation and testing of the Flatbuffers data format performance compared to other data formats through the MQTT Publish / Subscribe communication model. Testing is done by measuring the value of payload, latency, and throughput obtained from each data format. The test results show that the Flatbuffers data format is very well used as a data extraction format based on data processing latency of 0.5002 ms and throughput 518.4649 bytes/ms with payload 0.996108949 character/byte

    Data delivery performance on MongoDB generated by WSN over high data load

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) Environment is a collection of nodes that sensing and sending data to other nodes in a large number of nodes. One of the WSN concepts is continuous or periodic data collection, then the data obtained can be further processed. From this process, it is possible to produce large data, so the process of sending and storing data becomes a high load. Data obtained from WSN nodes vary greatly, which affects on sending and storing of data. Therefore, a study is needed to analyze WSN's ability to send and store large amounts of data. Message query telemetry protocol (MQTT) is used because it could save resources on communication and MongoDB used because it does not have the concept of tables and rows, this is very suitable for variations in data generated by WSN. In this study, it can be concluded that the performance of MongoDB on high data amount is acceptable, so MongoDB is highly recommended for WSN implementation

    Integration of a cellular Internet-of-Things transceiver into 6G test network and evaluation of its performance

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    Abstract. This thesis focuses on the integration and deployment of an aftermarket cellular IoT transceiver on a 6G/5G test network for the purpose of evaluating the feasibility of such device for monitoring the network performance. The cellular technology employed was NB-IoT paired with a Raspberry Pi device as the microprocessor that collects network telemetry and uses MQTT protocol to provide constant data feed. The system was first tested in a public cellular network through a local service provider and was successfully connected to the network, establishing TCP/IP connections, and allowing internet connectivity. To monitor network information and gathering basic telemetry data, a network monitoring utility was developed. It collected data such as network identifiers, module registration status, band/channel, signal strength and GPS position. This data was then published to a MQTT broker. The Adafruit IO platform served as the MQTT broker, providing an interface to visualize the collected data. Furthermore, the system was configured for and deployed on a 6G/5G test network successfully. The device functionality that was developed and tested in the public network remained intact, enabling continuous monitoring and analysis of network data. Through this study, valuable insights into the integration and deployment of cellular IoT transceivers into cellular networks that employ the latest IoT technology were gained. The findings highlight the feasibility of utilizing such a system for network monitoring and demonstrate the potential for IoT applications in cellular networks

    IoT architecture proposal from a survey of pedestrian-oriented applications

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    The significant improvement in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) has made human life more sophisticated. In fact, the IoT is covering devices and appliances that support one or more common ecosystems, and can be controlled via devices associated with that ecosystem. This control is only possible by building an architecture. Whether in indoor or outdoor environments, IoT services are only available to individuals or pedestrians because a IoT architecture enables that the quality of its components (i.e. Cloud/Fog servers, protocol communication and IoT devices) and the way they interact are directly correlated in terms of effectiveness and applicability. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of an architecture in pedestrian-oriented applications in an IoT environment. Moreover, our survey has taken into account the main challenges and limitations of each component of IoT technology

    Scalable IoT Architecture for Monitoring IEQ Conditions in Public and Private Buildings

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    This paper presents a scalable IoT architecture based on the edge–fog–cloud paradigm for monitoring the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) parameters in public buildings. Nowadays, IEQ monitoring systems are becoming important for several reasons: (1) to ensure that temperature and humidity conditions are adequate, improving the comfort and productivity of the occupants; (2) to introduce actions to reduce energy consumption, contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); and (3) to guarantee the quality of the air—a key concern due to the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. Two kinds of nodes compose the proposed architecture; these are the so-called: (1) smart IEQ sensor nodes, responsible for acquiring indoor environmental measures locally, and (2) the IEQ concentrators, responsible for collecting the data from smart sensor nodes distributed along the facilities. The IEQ concentrators are also responsible for configuring the acquisition system locally, logging the acquired local data, analyzing the information, and connecting to cloud applications. The presented architecture has been designed using low-cost open-source hardware and software—specifically, single board computers and microcontrollers such as Raspberry Pis and Arduino boards. WiFi and TCP/IP communication technologies were selected, since they are typically available in corporative buildings, benefiting from already available communication infrastructures. The application layer was implemented with MQTT. A prototype was built and deployed at the Faculty of Engineering of Vitoria-Gasteiz, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), using the existing network infrastructure. This prototype allowed for collecting data within different academic scenarios. Finally, a smart sensor node was designed including low-cost sensors to measure temperature, humidity, eCO2, and VOC.The authors wish to express their gratitude, for supporting this work, to the Fundación Vital through project VITAL21/05 and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), through the Campus Bizia Lab (CBL) program. Partial support has been also received from the Basque Government, through project EKOHEGAZ (ELKARTEK KK-2021/00092), the Diputación Foral de Álava (DFA) through the project CONAVANTER, and the UPV/EHU through the GIU20/063 grant