32 research outputs found

    The Optimisation of Stochastic Grammars to Enable Cost-Effective Probabilistic Structural Testing

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    The effectiveness of probabilistic structural testing depends on the characteristics of the probability distribution from which test inputs are sampled at random. Metaheuristic search has been shown to be a practical method of optimis- ing the characteristics of such distributions. However, the applicability of the existing search-based algorithm is lim- ited by the requirement that the software’s inputs must be a fixed number of numeric values. In this paper we relax this limitation by means of a new representation for the probability distribution. The repre- sentation is based on stochastic context-free grammars but incorporates two novel extensions: conditional production weights and the aggregation of terminal symbols represent- ing numeric values. We demonstrate that an algorithm which combines the new representation with hill-climbing search is able to effi- ciently derive probability distributions suitable for testing software with structurally-complex input domains

    Semantics-based Automated Web Testing

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    We present TAO, a software testing tool performing automated test and oracle generation based on a semantic approach. TAO entangles grammar-based test generation with automated semantics evaluation using a denotational semantics framework. We show how TAO can be incorporated with the Selenium automation tool for automated web testing, and how TAO can be further extended to support automated delta debugging, where a failing web test script can be systematically reduced based on grammar-directed strategies. A real-life parking website is adopted throughout the paper to demonstrate the effectivity of our semantics-based web testing approach.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    Comparing general-purpose and domain-specific languages: an empirical study

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    Many domain-specific languages, that try to bring feasible alternatives for existing solutions while simplifying programming work, have come up in recent years. Although, these little languages seem to be easy to use, there is an open issue whether they bring advantages in comparison to the application libraries, which are the most commonly used implementation approach. In this work, we present an experiment, which was carried out to compare such a domain-specific language with a comparable application library. The experiment was conducted with 36 programmers, who have answered a questionnaire on both implementation approaches. The questionnaire is more than 100 pages long. For a domain-specific language and the application library, the same problem domain has been used – construction of graphical user interfaces. In terms of a domain-specific language, XAML has been used and C# Forms for the application library. A cognitive dimension framework has been used for a comparison between XAML and C# Forms

    Domain-specific languages

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    Domain-Specific Languages are used in software engineering in order to enhance quality, flexibility, and timely delivery of software systems, by taking advantage of specific properties of a particular application domain. This survey covers terminology, risks and benefits, examples, design methodologies, and implementation techniques of domain-specific languages as used for the construction and maintenance of software systems. Moreover, it covers an annotated selection of 75 key publications in the area of domain-specific languages

    Automated Oracle Generation via Denotational Semantics

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    Software failure detection is typically done by comparing the running behaviors from a software under test (SUT) against its expected behaviors, called test oracles. In this paper, we present a formal approach to specifying test oracles in denotational semantics for systems with structured inputs. The approach introduces formal semantic evaluation rules, based on the denotational semantics methodology, defined on each productive grammar rule. We extend our grammar-based test generator, GENA, with automated test oracle generation. We provide three case studies of software testing: (i) a benchmark of Java programs on arithmetic calculations, (ii) an open source software on license identification, and (ii) selenium-based web testing. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and illustrate the success of the application on the software testing

    MediaWiki Grammar Recovery

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    The paper describes in detail the recovery effort of one of the official MediaWiki grammars. Over two hundred grammar transformation steps are reported and annotated, leading to delivery of a level 2 grammar, semi-automatically extracted from a community created semi-formal text using at least five different syntactic notations, several non-enforced naming conventions, multiple misspellings, obsolete parsing technology idiosyncrasies and other problems commonly encountered in grammars that were not engineered properly. Having a quality grammar will allow to test and validate it further, without alienating the community with a separately developed grammar.Comment: 47 page

    DeepFuzzer: Accelerated Deep Greybox Fuzzing

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    Fuzzing is one of the most effective vulnerability detection techniques, widely used in practice. However, the performance of fuzzers may be limited by their inability to pass complicated checks, inappropriate mutation frequency, arbitrary mutation strategy, or the variability of the environment. In this paper, we present DeepFuzzer, an enhanced greybox fuzzer with qualified seed generation, balanced seed selection, and hybrid seed mutation. First, we use symbolic execution in a lightweight approach to generate qualified initial seeds which then guide the fuzzer through complex checks. Second, we apply a statistical seed selection algorithm to balance the mutation frequency between different seeds. Further, we develop a hybrid mutation strategy. The random and restricted mutation strategies are combined to maintain a dynamic balance between global exploration and deep search. We evaluate DeepFuzzer on the widely used benchmark Google fuzzer-test-suite which consists of real-world programs. Compared with AFL, AFLFast, FairFuzz, QSYM, and MOPT in the 24-hour experiment, DeepFuzzer discovers 30%, 240%, 102%, 147%, and 257% more unique crashes, executes 40%, 36%, 36%, 98%, and 15% more paths, and covers 37%, 34%, 34%, 101%, and 11% more branches, respectively. Furthermore, we present the practice of fuzzing a message middleware from Huawei with DeepFuzzer, and 9 new vulnerabilities are reported

    Exploiting model morphology for event-based testing

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    Model-based testing employs models for testing. Model-based mutation testing (MBMT) additionally involves fault models, called mutants, by applying mutation operators to the original model. A problem encountered with MBMT is the elimination of equivalent mutants and multiple mutants modeling the same faults. Another problem is the need to compare a mutant to the original model for test generation. This paper proposes an event-based approach to MBMT that is not fixed on single events and a single model but rather operates on sequences of events of length k ≥ 1 and invokes a sequence of models that are derived from the original one by varying its morphology based on k. The approach employs formal grammars, related mutation operators, and algorithms to generate test cases, enabling the following: (1) the exclusion of equivalent mutants and multiple mutants; (2) the generation of a test case in linear time to kill a selected mutant without comparing it to the original model; (3) the analysis of morphologically different models enabling the systematic generation of mutants, thereby extending the set of fault models studied in related literature. Three case studies validate the approach and analyze its characteristics in comparison to random testing and another MBMT approach