2,534 research outputs found

    Larger-first partial parsing

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    Larger-first partial parsing is a primarily top-down approach to partial parsing that is opposite to current easy-first, or primarily bottom-up, strategies. A rich partial tree structure is captured by an algorithm that assigns a hierarchy of structural tags to each of the input tokens in a sentence. Part-of-speech tags are first assigned to the words in a sentence by a part-of-speech tagger. A cascade of Deterministic Finite State Automata then uses this part-of-speech information to identify syntactic relations primarily in a descending order of their size. The cascade is divided into four specialized sections: (1) a Comma Network, which identifies syntactic relations associated with commas; (2) a Conjunction Network, which partially disambiguates phrasal conjunctions and llly disambiguates clausal conjunctions; (3) a Clause Network, which identifies non-comma-delimited clauses; and (4) a Phrase Network, which identifies the remaining base phrases in the sentence. Each automaton is capable of adding one or more levels of structural tags to the tokens in a sentence. The larger-first approach is compared against a well-known easy-first approach. The results indicate that this larger-first approach is capable of (1) producing a more detailed partial parse than an easy first approach; (2) providing better containment of attachment ambiguity; (3) handling overlapping syntactic relations; and (4) achieving a higher accuracy than the easy-first approach. The automata of each network were developed by an empirical analysis of several sources and are presented here in detail

    Syntactic and Semantic Analysis and Visualization of Unstructured English Texts

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    People have complex thoughts, and they often express their thoughts with complex sentences using natural languages. This complexity may facilitate efficient communications among the audience with the same knowledge base. But on the other hand, for a different or new audience this composition becomes cumbersome to understand and analyze. Analysis of such compositions using syntactic or semantic measures is a challenging job and defines the base step for natural language processing. In this dissertation I explore and propose a number of new techniques to analyze and visualize the syntactic and semantic patterns of unstructured English texts. The syntactic analysis is done through a proposed visualization technique which categorizes and compares different English compositions based on their different reading complexity metrics. For the semantic analysis I use Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) to analyze the hidden patterns in complex compositions. I have used this technique to analyze comments from a social visualization web site for detecting the irrelevant ones (e.g., spam). The patterns of collaborations are also studied through statistical analysis. Word sense disambiguation is used to figure out the correct sense of a word in a sentence or composition. Using textual similarity measure, based on the different word similarity measures and word sense disambiguation on collaborative text snippets from social collaborative environment, reveals a direction to untie the knots of complex hidden patterns of collaboration

    Resolving pronominal anaphora using commonsense knowledge

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    Coreference resolution is the task of resolving all expressions in a text that refer to the same entity. Such expressions are often used in writing and speech as shortcuts to avoid repetition. The most frequent form of coreference is the anaphor. To resolve anaphora not only grammatical and syntactical strategies are required, but also semantic approaches should be taken into consideration. This dissertation presents a framework for automatically resolving pronominal anaphora by integrating recent findings from the field of linguistics with new semantic features. Commonsense knowledge is the routine knowledge people have of the everyday world. Because such knowledge is widely used it is frequently omitted from social communications such as texts. It is understandable that without this knowledge computers will have difficulty making sense of textual information. In this dissertation a new set of computational and linguistic features are used in a supervised learning approach to resolve the pronominal anaphora in document. Commonsense knowledge sources such as ConceptNet and WordNet are used and similarity measures are extracted to uncover the elaborative information embedded in the words that can help in the process of anaphora resolution. The anaphoric system is tested on 350 Wall Street Journal articles from the BBN corpus. When compared with other systems available such as BART (Versley et al. 2008) and Charniak and Elsner 2009, our system performed better and also resolved a much wider range of anaphora. We were able to achieve a 92% F-measure on the BBN corpus and an average of 85% F-measure when tested on other genres of documents such as children stories and short stories selected from the web

    All mixed up? Finding the optimal feature set for general readability prediction and its application to English and Dutch

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    Readability research has a long and rich tradition, but there has been too little focus on general readability prediction without targeting a specific audience or text genre. Moreover, though NLP-inspired research has focused on adding more complex readability features there is still no consensus on which features contribute most to the prediction. In this article, we investigate in close detail the feasibility of constructing a readability prediction system for English and Dutch generic text using supervised machine learning. Based on readability assessments by both experts and a crowd, we implement different types of text characteristics ranging from easy-to-compute superficial text characteristics to features requiring a deep linguistic processing, resulting in ten different feature groups. Both a regression and classification setup are investigated reflecting the two possible readability prediction tasks: scoring individual texts or comparing two texts. We show that going beyond correlation calculations for readability optimization using a wrapper-based genetic algorithm optimization approach is a promising task which provides considerable insights in which feature combinations contribute to the overall readability prediction. Since we also have gold standard information available for those features requiring deep processing we are able to investigate the true upper bound of our Dutch system. Interestingly, we will observe that the performance of our fully-automatic readability prediction pipeline is on par with the pipeline using golden deep syntactic and semantic information

    A distributional investigation of German verbs

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    Diese Dissertation bietet eine empirische Untersuchung deutscher Verben auf der Grundlage statistischer Beschreibungen, die aus einem großen deutschen Textkorpus gewonnen wurden. In einem kurzen Überblick über linguistische Theorien zur lexikalischen Semantik von Verben skizziere ich die Idee, dass die Verbbedeutung wesentlich von seiner Argumentstruktur (der Anzahl und Art der Argumente, die zusammen mit dem Verb auftreten) und seiner Aspektstruktur (Eigenschaften, die den zeitlichen Ablauf des vom Verb denotierten Ereignisses bestimmen) abhängt. Anschließend erstelle ich statistische Beschreibungen von Verben, die auf diesen beiden unterschiedlichen Bedeutungsfacetten basieren. Insbesondere untersuche ich verbale Subkategorisierung, Selektionspräferenzen und Aspekt. Alle diese Modellierungsstrategien werden anhand einer gemeinsamen Aufgabe, der Verbklassifikation, bewertet. Ich zeige, dass im Rahmen von maschinellem Lernen erworbene Merkmale, die verbale lexikalische Aspekte erfassen, für eine Anwendung von Vorteil sind, die Argumentstrukturen betrifft, nämlich semantische Rollenkennzeichnung. Darüber hinaus zeige ich, dass Merkmale, die die verbale Argumentstruktur erfassen, bei der Aufgabe, ein Verb nach seiner Aspektklasse zu klassifizieren, gut funktionieren. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass diese beiden Facetten der Verbbedeutung auf grundsätzliche Weise zusammenhängen.This dissertation provides an empirical investigation of German verbs conducted on the basis of statistical descriptions acquired from a large corpus of German text. In a brief overview of the linguistic theory pertaining to the lexical semantics of verbs, I outline the idea that verb meaning is composed of argument structure (the number and types of arguments that co-occur with a verb) and aspectual structure (properties describing the temporal progression of an event referenced by the verb). I then produce statistical descriptions of verbs according to these two distinct facets of meaning: In particular, I examine verbal subcategorisation, selectional preferences, and aspectual type. All three of these modelling strategies are evaluated on a common task, automatic verb classification. I demonstrate that automatically acquired features capturing verbal lexical aspect are beneficial for an application that concerns argument structure, namely semantic role labelling. Furthermore, I demonstrate that features capturing verbal argument structure perform well on the task of classifying a verb for its aspectual type. These findings suggest that these two facets of verb meaning are related in an underlying way

    Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2010

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    This book contains state-of-the-art contributions to the 10th conference on Natural Language Processing, KONVENS 2010 (Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache), with a focus on semantic processing. The KONVENS in general aims at offering a broad perspective on current research and developments within the interdisciplinary field of natural language processing. The central theme draws specific attention towards addressing linguistic aspects ofmeaning, covering deep as well as shallow approaches to semantic processing. The contributions address both knowledgebased and data-driven methods for modelling and acquiring semantic information, and discuss the role of semantic information in applications of language technology. The articles demonstrate the importance of semantic processing, and present novel and creative approaches to natural language processing in general. Some contributions put their focus on developing and improving NLP systems for tasks like Named Entity Recognition or Word Sense Disambiguation, or focus on semantic knowledge acquisition and exploitation with respect to collaboratively built ressources, or harvesting semantic information in virtual games. Others are set within the context of real-world applications, such as Authoring Aids, Text Summarisation and Information Retrieval. The collection highlights the importance of semantic processing for different areas and applications in Natural Language Processing, and provides the reader with an overview of current research in this field