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    AbstractTh is study aims to determine students’ understanding regarding the bene? ts and Adab within the group using WhatsApp Messenger. Th is research uses descriptive quantitative approach. Th is research was conducted in Madina STIT Sragen with the subjects of the study were students of the 6th grade with total of 11 responden. Data taken with a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Th e results showed that 1) WhatsApp Messenger is an Instant Messaging application that its use by internetbased student Madina STIT increased from three (3) years. 2) WhatsApp Messenger makes it easy to organize various academic community-based online virtual classroom system and multimedia features without limitations of time and space. 3) WhatsApp Messenger adaptable to its social culture including adab-adab in communicating without reducing the quantity, quality and modernity of the way of communication.Keywords: WhatsApp, Benefits, Adab


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    AbstractTh is study aims to determine students’ understanding regarding the bene? ts and Adab within the group using WhatsApp Messenger. Th is research uses descriptive quantitative approach. Th is research was conducted in Madina STIT Sragen with the subjects of the study were students of the 6th grade with total of 11 responden. Data taken with a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Th e results showed that 1) WhatsApp Messenger is an Instant Messaging application that its use by internetbased student Madina STIT increased from three (3) years. 2) WhatsApp Messenger makes it easy to organize various academic community-based online virtual classroom system and multimedia features without limitations of time and space. 3) WhatsApp Messenger adaptable to its social culture including adab-adab in communicating without reducing the quantity, quality and modernity of the way of communication.Keywords: WhatsApp, Benefits, Adab


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    Facebook (FB) dan WhatsApp (WA) telah menjadi "portal komunikasi" untuk jaringan sosial, yang telah dengan cepat mengubah cara orang berkomunikasi dan tetap terhubung. Dari perspektif pendidikan, situs jejaring sosial telah menerima ulasan ambigu. Beberapa penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan FB menjadi lebih luas dalam pembelajaran bahasa dan dapat menjadi alat yang efektif. FB tidak hanya mudah digunakan, tetapi juga membantu mendorong belajar mandiri dalam lingkungan sosial bagi siswa dan menempatkan kontrol untuk belajar ke tangan siswa. Artikel ini berfokus pada situs jejaring sosial FB, dan aplikasi WA dalam konteks UT. Ia mencoba untuk menjelaskan kegiatan berbagi informasi dilakukan melalui diskusi online menggunakan FB dan kelompok WA dan melibatkan siswa pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian ini meneliti partisipasi siswa dalam diskusi online dan umpan balik mereka pada penggunaan FB dan forum WA sebagai platform untuk activity. FB dan WA diadopsi untuk mendukung tutorial online di Universitas Terbuka Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan guru-murid dan partisipasi rekan-berbasis, dan meningkatkan pengiriman pedagogis dan pembelajaran inklusif di ruang formal dan informal. Temuan menunjukkan FB dan WA berubah pedagogi dengan meningkatkan lingkungan sosial konstruktif untuk guru-siswa dan rekan-berbasis co-konstruksi pengetahuan. Peran guru berubah dari instruktur untuk fasilitator dan mentor memberikan bimbingan pada permintaan. Peran mahasiswa juga berubah dari penerima informasi ke generator informasi, kolaborator, organizer informasi / pencari / pemberi, pemikir kritis dan pemimpin kelompok. Namun tantangan menggunakan Facebook dan WhatsApp termasuk guru 'kebencian penggabungan akademik dan keluarga hidup disebabkan oleh konsultasi WhatsApp setelah jam.   Facebook (FB) and WhatsApp (WA) have become the communication portal for social networking, which has rapidly transformed the way people communicate and stay connected. From an educational perspective, social networking sites have received ambiguous reviews. Some studies have shown that the use of FB is becoming more widespread in language learning and it can be an effective tool. FB is not only easy to use, but it also helps encourage autonomous learning within a social environment for students and puts control for learning into the students hands. This article focuses on the social networking site, FB, and WA application within the context of UT. It attempts to shed light on an information-sharing activity conducted via online discussion using FB and WA groups and involving distance learning students. This study investigated students participation in the online discussion and their feedback on the use of FBs and WAs forums as the platform for the activity.FB and WA were adopted for supporting an online tutorial at the Open University of Indonesia with a view to heighten tutorstudent and peer-based participation, and enhance pedagogical delivery and inclusive learning in formal and informal spaces. The findings suggest FB and WA transformed pedagogy by fostering social constructivist environments for tutorstudent and peer-based co-construction of knowledge. The teachers role was transformed from an instructor to a facilitator and mentor providing guidance on demand. Student roles were also transformed from information receivers to information generators, collaborators, information organizer/seekers/givers, critical thinkers and group leaders. However, the challenges of using Facebook and WhatsApp included tutor resentment of the merging of academic and family life occasioned by WhatsApp consultations after hours

    An empirical analysis of the determinants of mobile instant messaging appropriation in university learning

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    Published ArticleResearch on technology adoption often profiles device usability (such as perceived usefulness) and user dispositions (such as perceived ease of use) as the prime determinants of effective technology adoption. Since any process of technology adoption cannot be conceived out of its situated contexts, this paper argues that any pre-occupation with technology acceptance from the perspective of device usability and user dispositions potentially negates enabling contexts that make successful adoption a reality. Contributing to contemporary debates on technology adoption, this study presents flexible mobile learning contexts comprising cost (device cost and communication cost), device capabilities (portability, collaborative capabilities), and learner traits (learner control) as antecedents that enable the sustainable uptake of emerging technologies. To explore the acceptance and capacity of mobile instant messaging systems to improve student performance, the study draws on these antecedents, develops a factor model and empirically tests it on tertiary students at a South African University of Technology. The study involved 223 national diploma and bachelor’s degree students and employed partial least squares for statistical analysis. Overall, the proposed model displayed a good fit with the data and rendered satisfactory explanatory power for students’ acceptance of mobile learning. Findings suggest that device portability, communication cost, collaborative capabilities of device and learner control are the main drivers of flexible learning in mobile environments. Flexible learning context facilitated by learner control was found to have a positive influence on attitude towards mobile learning and exhibited the highest path coefficient of the overall model. The study implication is that educators need to create varied learning opportunities that leverage learner control of learning in mobile learning systems to enhance flexible mobile learning. The study also confirmed the statistical significance of the original Technology Acceptance Model constructs

    The Effect of Social Media Usage on Course Achievement and Behavior

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    This study investigated the effects of social media usage as a classroom management tool on students’ achievement and their behavior in class. Groups were determined by choosing random samples of different classes. The treatment group included the social media application “whatsapp” which all students and the instructor were asked to join that enabled constant communication and announcements related to class. The control group consisted of the same number of classes taught by the same instructors without using the social media application of “whatsapp.” The control group received communication from the instructor through traditional use of blackboard and email communication. Results of the study showed no statistically significant differences between the treatment and the control groups with regards to course achievement, however, the results did indicate that students in the treatment groups had notably less class absences and missed assignments, which indicated better class behavior. Further, findings related to gender differences and class type are discussed as well as implications of the findings on future research and current classroom management processes. Keywords: Classroom management, Social media in education, classroom behavior, whatsapp


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    WhatsApp is one of the social media that is used to communicate in the learning process. At present, students cannot be separated from their daily activities away from this social media. This opportunity can be utilized as well as possible by the students. This research was conducted to find out of using WhatsApp toward undergraduate students’ behavior in the teaching and learning process. This study was descriptive qualitative research. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. The data were collected using interviews, observation, and documentation. The aim of this study to analyze the impact of WhatsApp toward undergraduate students’ behavior and to analyze students’ behavior in their learning process. The result of this research showed that are a positive impact on student behavior as it affects the learning process as, students’ sharing knowledge, student preparation for class, attention, student participation in class, student learning, desires to take additional classes or in subject matter and the negative impact such as, students are more focused

    Las opiniones de los estudiantes de formaciĂłn pedagĂłgica sobre la aplicaciĂłn de dispositivos mĂłviles y aplicaciones de comunicaciĂłn mĂłvil en la educaciĂłn

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the pedagogical formation students' views on the use of mobile devices and mobile communication applications for educational purposes. The universe of the study consists of all students who studies pedagogical formation at Education Faculty of Near East University in 2015-2016 academic year. The sample includes 391 students. The data were collected using “Educational Mobile Communication Applications Usage Scale” which was developed by Özçınar, Ekizoğlu & Kanbul. The study was conducted using relative screening model and employed Mann-Whitney U, t- test and Kruskal-Wallis test in determining the scores obtained by students from the entire scale and its subdimensions according to their age groups, mobile deice usage and employment of mobile communication applications in classes. In the end of the study, it was found out that students wanted to use mobile devices and mobile communication applications in classes, that their favorite application in daily life was WhatsApp application and that they chose “I agree” option in the entire scale and its sub-dimensions.El propósito de esta investigación es examinar la opinión pedagógica de los estudiantes sobre el uso de dispositivos móviles y aplicaciones de comunicación móvil con fines educativos. El universo del estudio está formado por todos los estudiantes que estudian formación pedagógica en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad del Cercano Oriente en el año académico 2015-2016. La muestra incluye 391 alumnos. Los datos se recopilaron utilizando la "Escala de uso de aplicaciones de comunicación móvil educativa", que fue desarrollado por Özçınar, Ekizoğlu & Kanbul. El estudio se realizó utilizando un modelo de detección relativo y empleó la prueba U de Mann-Whitney y la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis para determinar los puntajes obtenidos por los estudiantes de toda la escala y sus subdimensiones según sus grupos de edad, uso de dispositivos móviles y empleo. de aplicaciones de comunicación móvil en las clases. Al final del estudio, se descubrió que los estudiantes querían usar dispositivos móviles y aplicaciones de comunicación móvil en las clases, que su aplicación favorita en la vida diaria era la aplicación WhatsApp y que eligieron la opción "Estoy de acuerdo" en toda la escala y sus subdimensiones

    Towards more inclusive electronic tutoring: tutors’ experiences of using a data-free mobile instant messenger in a first-year accounting class

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    The use of data-intensive synchronous tutoring options, such as Zoom, can be exclusionary in South Africa where there is limited access to the internet in homes. The literature indicates the following challenges for electronic tutoring in South Africa: a lack of devices, high data costs, network connectivity issues, inadequate digital skills and competencies. To address the challenge of high data costs, a South African data-free mobile instant messenger was tested for electronic tutoring. The research model used the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Framework (TPACK) as the theoretical basis. This research used a case study in a large, first-year accounting course of 496 students with fifteen tutors, at a historically disadvantaged institution. Qualitative data was collected from accounting tutors using a survey and purposive sampling. The data was analysed using thematic content analysis. The findings highlighted Technology Knowledge was key to using a mobile instant messenger to tutor effectively online. Tutors with good accounting Content Knowledge found it easier to use the data-free application to explain concepts. Tutors used their Pedagogical Knowledge to be more flexible and provide support to students after hours. Tutors indicated Technological Content Knowledge as they used the features of the data-free instant messenger students to assist student learning. Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge was evidenced by tutors’ use of multimodal approaches such as using voice notes and pictures to explain concepts to students at convenient times, even without data. However, students with Apple devices were still excluded. The findings from this study can assist in designing more inclusive student electronic tutoring interventions

    Undergraduate nurses reflections on Whatsapp use in improving primary health care education

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    Background: The global use of mobile devices with their connectivity capacity, and integrated with the affordances of social media networks, provides a resource-rich platform for innovative student-directed learning experiences. Objective: The objective of this study was to review the experiences of undergraduate nurses on the improvement of primary health care education at a School of Nursing at a University in the Western Cape, South Africa, through the incorporation of a social media application, WhatsApp. Method: A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive, and contextual design was used to explore and describe data collected from a purposive sample of 21 undergraduate nursing students. The study population was engaged in a WhatsApp discussion group to enhance their integration of theory and clinical practice of the health assessment competency of the Primary Health Care Module. Participants submitted electronic reflections on their experiences in the WhatsApp discussion group via email on completion of the study. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data collected was done according to Tesch’s (1990) steps of descriptive data analysis in order to identify the major themes in the study. The electronic reflections were analysed to explore their rich, reflective data. Results: Seven themes were identified that included: positive experiences using the WhatsApp group; the usefulness of WhatsApp for integrating theory and clinical practice; the availability of resources for test preparation; opportunity for clarification; anonymity; exclusion of students as a result of the lack of an appropriate device, and the application caused the battery of the device to run flat quickly. Conclusion: The results of the experiences of students in the WhatsApp discussion group could be used to inform the use of social media applications in teaching and learning, with the purpose of enhancing the integration of the theory and clinical practice.Department of HE and Training approved lis

    Guidelines for Sustainable Use of Mobile Instant Messaging Apps in Higher Education: A South African Case Study

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    Objective: The purpose of the study was to propose guidelines to facilitate the sustainable and successful use of mobile instant messaging apps for learning and teaching based on a review of the literature and perceptions of educators. Fraser’s model of redistribution, recognition, and representation served as the theoretical framework. This study provides a mechanism for the development of a socially just and inclusive online classroom environment. Method: We conducted two focus groups (n = 4 and n = 3) in November 2021 at a university of technology in South Africa to explore the perceptions of educators on using mobile instant messaging (MIM) apps for learning and teaching, to identify challenges, and to suggest solutions. The data were thematically coded and analyzed to detect themes using Saldana’s six-step process. Results: Sustainable and successful use of MIM apps for learning and teaching requires guidelines in three areas: practical management, privacy and security, and sustainable use. Key considerations include uniformity of use, student consultation, data control, operating hours, appointment of a chat moderator, language communication, access control, monitoring communication, regular feedback, and formalizing MIM app use through institutional policies. Conclusion: The proposed guidelines promote the sustainable and successful use of MIM applications in learning and teaching environments. The guidelines offer practical solutions to ensure that the use of MIM apps is ethical, inclusive, and effective in supporting student learning
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