1,825 research outputs found

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    Scalable parallel evolutionary optimisation based on high performance computing

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been successfully applied to solve various challenging optimisation problems. Due to their stochastic nature, EAs typically require considerable time to find desirable solutions; especially for increasingly complex and large-scale problems. As a result, many works studied implementing EAs on parallel computing facilities to accelerate the time-consuming processes. Recently, the rapid development of modern parallel computing facilities such as the high performance computing (HPC) bring not only unprecedented computational capabilities but also challenges on designing parallel algorithms. This thesis mainly focuses on designing scalable parallel evolutionary optimisation (SPEO) frameworks which run efficiently on the HPC. Motivated by the interesting phenomenon that many EAs begin to employ increasingly large population sizes, this thesis firstly studies the effect of a large population size through comprehensive experiments. Numerical results indicate that a large population benefits to the solving of complex problems but requires a large number of maximal fitness evaluations (FEs). However, since sequential EAs usually requires a considerable computing time to achieve extensive FEs, we propose a scalable parallel evolutionary optimisation framework that can efficiently deploy parallel EAs over many CPU cores at CPU-only HPC. On the other hand, since EAs using a large number of FEs can produce massive useful information in the course of evolution, we design a surrogate-based approach to learn from this historical information and to better solve complex problems. Then this approach is implemented in parallel based on the proposed scalable parallel framework to achieve remarkable speedups. Since demanding a great computing power on CPU-only HPC is usually very expensive, we design a framework based on GPU-enabled HPC to improve the cost-effectiveness of parallel EAs. The proposed framework can efficiently accelerate parallel EAs using many GPUs and can achieve superior cost-effectiveness. However, since it is very challenging to correctly implement parallel EAs on the GPU, we propose a set of guidelines to verify the correctness of GPU-based EAs. In order to examine these guidelines, they are employed to verify a GPU-based brain storm optimisation that is also proposed in this thesis. In conclusion, the comprehensively experimental study is firstly conducted to investigate the impacts of a large population. After that, a SPEO framework based on CPU-only HPC is proposed and is employed to accelerate a time-consuming implementation of EA. Finally, the correctness verification of implementing EAs based on a single GPU is discussed and the SPEO framework is then extended to be deployed based on GPU-enabled HPC

    Novel sampling techniques for reservoir history matching optimisation and uncertainty quantification in flow prediction

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    Modern reservoir management has an increasing focus on accurately predicting the likely range of field recoveries. A variety of assisted history matching techniques has been developed across the research community concerned with this topic. These techniques are based on obtaining multiple models that closely reproduce the historical flow behaviour of a reservoir. The set of resulted history matched models is then used to quantify uncertainty in predicting the future performance of the reservoir and providing economic evaluations for different field development strategies. The key step in this workflow is to employ algorithms that sample the parameter space in an efficient but appropriate manner. The algorithm choice has an impact on how fast a model is obtained and how well the model fits the production data. The sampling techniques that have been developed to date include, among others, gradient based methods, evolutionary algorithms, and ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). This thesis has investigated and further developed the following sampling and inference techniques: Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO), Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, and Population Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The inspected techniques have the capability of navigating the parameter space and producing history matched models that can be used to quantify the uncertainty in the forecasts in a faster and more reliable way. The analysis of these techniques, compared with Neighbourhood Algorithm (NA), has shown how the different techniques affect the predicted recovery from petroleum systems and the benefits of the developed methods over the NA. The history matching problem is multi-objective in nature, with the production data possibly consisting of multiple types, coming from different wells, and collected at different times. Multiple objectives can be constructed from these data and explicitly be optimised in the multi-objective scheme. The thesis has extended the PSO to handle multi-objective history matching problems in which a number of possible conflicting objectives must be satisfied simultaneously. The benefits and efficiency of innovative multi-objective particle swarm scheme (MOPSO) are demonstrated for synthetic reservoirs. It is demonstrated that the MOPSO procedure can provide a substantial improvement in finding a diverse set of good fitting models with a fewer number of very costly forward simulations runs than the standard single objective case, depending on how the objectives are constructed. The thesis has also shown how to tackle a large number of unknown parameters through the coupling of high performance global optimisation algorithms, such as PSO, with model reduction techniques such as kernel principal component analysis (PCA), for parameterising spatially correlated random fields. The results of the PSO-PCA coupling applied to a recent SPE benchmark history matching problem have demonstrated that the approach is indeed applicable for practical problems. A comparison of PSO with the EnKF data assimilation method has been carried out and has concluded that both methods have obtained comparable results on the example case. This point reinforces the need for using a range of assisted history matching algorithms for more confidence in predictions

    Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique influenced by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA). The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field

    Knowledge Migration Strategies for Optimization of Multi-Population Cultural Algorithm

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    Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are meta-heuristic algorithms used for optimization of complex problems. Cultural Algorithm (CA) is one of the EA which incorporates knowledge for optimization. CA with multiple population spaces each incorporating culture and genetic evolution to obtain better solutions are known as Multi-Population Cultural Algorithm (MPCA). MPCA allows to introduce a diversity of knowledge in a dynamic and heterogeneous environment. In an MPCA each population represents a solution space. An individual belonging to a given population could migrate from one population to another for the purpose of introducing new knowledge that influences other individuals in the population. In this thesis, we provide different migration strategies which are inspired from game theory model to improve the quality of solutions. Migration among the different population in MPCA can address the problem of knowledge sharing among population spaces. We have introduced five different migration strategies which are related to the field of economics. The principal idea behind incorporating these strategies is to improve the rate of convergence, increase diversity, better exploration of the search space, to avoid premature convergence and to escape from local optima. Strategies are particularly taken from the economics background as it allows the individual and the population to use their knowledge and make a decision whether to cooperate or to defect with other individuals and populations. We have tested the proposed algorithms against CEC 2015 expensive benchmark problems. These problems are a set of 15 functions which includes varied function categories. Results depict that it leads a to better solution when proposed algorithms used for problems with complex nature and higher dimensions. For 10 dimensional problems the proposed strategies have 7 out 15 better results and for 30 dimensional problems we have 12 out of 15 better results when compared to the existing algorithms