596 research outputs found

    How Unsplittable-Flow-Covering helps Scheduling with Job-Dependent Cost Functions

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    Generalizing many well-known and natural scheduling problems, scheduling with job-specific cost functions has gained a lot of attention recently. In this setting, each job incurs a cost depending on its completion time, given by a private cost function, and one seeks to schedule the jobs to minimize the total sum of these costs. The framework captures many important scheduling objectives such as weighted flow time or weighted tardiness. Still, the general case as well as the mentioned special cases are far from being very well understood yet, even for only one machine. Aiming for better general understanding of this problem, in this paper we focus on the case of uniform job release dates on one machine for which the state of the art is a 4-approximation algorithm. This is true even for a special case that is equivalent to the covering version of the well-studied and prominent unsplittable flow on a path problem, which is interesting in its own right. For that covering problem, we present a quasi-polynomial time (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm that yields an (e+ϵ)(e+\epsilon)-approximation for the above scheduling problem. Moreover, for the latter we devise the best possible resource augmentation result regarding speed: a polynomial time algorithm which computes a solution with \emph{optimal }cost at 1+ϵ1+\epsilon speedup. Finally, we present an elegant QPTAS for the special case where the cost functions of the jobs fall into at most logn\log n many classes. This algorithm allows the jobs even to have up to logn\log n many distinct release dates.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Truthful Online Scheduling with Commitments

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    We study online mechanisms for preemptive scheduling with deadlines, with the goal of maximizing the total value of completed jobs. This problem is fundamental to deadline-aware cloud scheduling, but there are strong lower bounds even for the algorithmic problem without incentive constraints. However, these lower bounds can be circumvented under the natural assumption of deadline slackness, i.e., that there is a guaranteed lower bound s>1s > 1 on the ratio between a job's size and the time window in which it can be executed. In this paper, we construct a truthful scheduling mechanism with a constant competitive ratio, given slackness s>1s > 1. Furthermore, we show that if ss is large enough then we can construct a mechanism that also satisfies a commitment property: it can be determined whether or not a job will finish, and the requisite payment if so, well in advance of each job's deadline. This is notable because, in practice, users with strict deadlines may find it unacceptable to discover only very close to their deadline that their job has been rejected

    Energy Efficient Scheduling and Routing via Randomized Rounding

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    We propose a unifying framework based on configuration linear programs and randomized rounding, for different energy optimization problems in the dynamic speed-scaling setting. We apply our framework to various scheduling and routing problems in heterogeneous computing and networking environments. We first consider the energy minimization problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a set of parallel speed scalable processors in a fully heterogeneous setting. For both the preemptive-non-migratory and the preemptive-migratory variants, our approach allows us to obtain solutions of almost the same quality as for the homogeneous environment. By exploiting the result for the preemptive-non-migratory variant, we are able to improve the best known approximation ratio for the single processor non-preemptive problem. Furthermore, we show that our approach allows to obtain a constant-factor approximation algorithm for the power-aware preemptive job shop scheduling problem. Finally, we consider the min-power routing problem where we are given a network modeled by an undirected graph and a set of uniform demands that have to be routed on integral routes from their sources to their destinations so that the energy consumption is minimized. We improve the best known approximation ratio for this problem.Comment: 27 page

    Optimal Algorithms for Scheduling under Time-of-Use Tariffs

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    We consider a natural generalization of classical scheduling problems in which using a time unit for processing a job causes some time-dependent cost which must be paid in addition to the standard scheduling cost. We study the scheduling objectives of minimizing the makespan and the sum of (weighted) completion times. It is not difficult to derive a polynomial-time algorithm for preemptive scheduling to minimize the makespan on unrelated machines. The problem of minimizing the total (weighted) completion time is considerably harder, even on a single machine. We present a polynomial-time algorithm that computes for any given sequence of jobs an optimal schedule, i.e., the optimal set of time-slots to be used for scheduling jobs according to the given sequence. This result is based on dynamic programming using a subtle analysis of the structure of optimal solutions and a potential function argument. With this algorithm, we solve the unweighted problem optimally in polynomial time. For the more general problem, in which jobs may have individual weights, we develop a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) based on a dual scheduling approach introduced for scheduling on a machine of varying speed. As the weighted problem is strongly NP-hard, our PTAS is the best possible approximation we can hope for.Comment: 17 pages; A preliminary version of this paper with a subset of results appeared in the Proceedings of MFCS 201

    Optimal Algorithms for Scheduling under Time-of-Use Tariffs

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    We consider a natural generalization of classical scheduling problems in which using a time unit for processing a job causes some time-dependent cost which must be paid in addition to the standard scheduling cost. We study the scheduling objectives of minimizing the makespan and the sum of (weighted) completion times. It is not difficult to derive a polynomial-time algorithm for preemptive scheduling to minimize the makespan on unrelated machines. The problem of minimizing the total (weighted) completion time is considerably harder, even on a single machine. We present a polynomial-time algorithm that computes for any given sequence of jobs an optimal schedule, i.e., the optimal set of time-slots to be used for scheduling jobs according to the given sequence. This result is based on dynamic programming using a subtle analysis of the structure of optimal solutions and a potential function argument. With this algorithm, we solve the unweighted problem optimally in polynomial time. For the more general problem, in which jobs may have individual weights, we develop a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) based on a dual scheduling approach introduced for scheduling on a machine of varying speed. As the weighted problem is strongly NP-hard, our PTAS is the best possible approximation we can hope for

    Optimal Algorithms for Scheduling under Time-of-Use Tariffs

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    We consider a natural generalization of classical scheduling problems in which using a time unit for processing a job causes some time-dependent cost which must be paid in addition to the standard scheduling cost. We study the scheduling objectives of minimizing the makespan and the sum of (weighted) completion times. It is not difficult to derive a polynomial-time algorithm for preemptive scheduling to minimize the makespan on unrelated machines. The problem of minimizing the total (weighted) completion time is considerably harder, even on a single machine. We present a polynomial-time algorithm that computes for any given sequence of jobs an optimal schedule, i.e., the optimal set of time-slots to be used for scheduling jobs according to the given sequence. This result is based on dynamic programming using a subtle analysis of the structure of optimal solutions and a potential function argument. With this algorithm, we solve the unweighted problem optimally in polynomial time. For the more general problem, in which jobs may have individual weights, we develop a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) based on a dual scheduling approach introduced for scheduling on a machine of varying speed. As the weighted problem is strongly NP-hard, our PTAS is the best possible approximation we can hope for

    Approximation Schemes for Machine Scheduling

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    In the classical problem of makespan minimization on identical parallel machines, or machine scheduling for short, a set of jobs has to be assigned to a set of machines. The jobs have a processing time and the goal is to minimize the latest finishing time of the jobs. Machine scheduling is well known to be NP-hard and thus there is no polynomial time algorithm for this problem that is guaranteed to find an optimal solution unless P=NP. There is, however, a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for machine scheduling, that is, a family of approximation algorithms with ratios arbitrarily close to one. Whether a problem admits an approximation scheme or not is a fundamental question in approximation theory. In the present work, we consider this question for several variants of machine scheduling. We study the problem where the machines are partitioned into a constant number of types and the processing time of the jobs is also dependent on the machine type. We present so called efficient PTAS (EPTAS) results for this problem and variants thereof. We show that certain cases of machine scheduling with assignment restrictions do not admit a PTAS unless P=NP. Moreover, we introduce a graph framework based on the restrictions of the jobs and use it in the design of approximation schemes for other variants. We introduce an enhanced integer programming formulation for assignment problems, show that it can be efficiently solved, and use it in the EPTAS design for variants of machine scheduling with setup times. For one of the problems, we show that there is also a PTAS in the case with uniform machines, where machines have speeds influencing the processing times of the jobs. We consider cases in which each job requires a certain amount of a shared renewable resource and the processing time is depended on the amount of resource it receives or not. We present so called asymptotic fully polynomial time approximation schemes (AFPTAS) for the problems