16 research outputs found


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    Artiklis antakse ülevaade TÜ eesti keele võõrkeelena osakonna teadusuuringutest, mis on seotud multimodaalse suhtluse uuringute grupi tegevusega, sealjuures koostööga germaani-romaani-slaavi filoloogia instituudiga, ning mida toetab Eesti Teadusfondi grandiprojekt. Mõned osakonna töötajad on kaasatud Põhjamaade ülikoole siduvasse PlaceME projekti, mille uurimisvaldkonnad on seotud osakonna doktorantide teemadega diskursusuuringute ja multimodaalse suhtluse meetodite rakendamise läbi. Meetodeid saab kasutada suhtluspädevuste ja suhtlusstrateegiate analüüsis ja edendamises, keeleõppes ja keelekasutuse uuringutes

    Littératie, littératie médiatique multimodale et paradigme multimodal : approches de l’éducation pour le 21e siècle

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    La massification et la multiplication des modes et des médias dans la société contemporaine transforment le contexte communicationnel. Le développement et l’accessibilité croissants et des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) contribuent fortement à ces changements. Leur omniprésence dans la vie des individus a des implications en éducation, car former les citoyens actifs et critiques du 21e siècle nécessite de considérer la nouvelle forme de littératie émergeant de ce contexte : la littératie médiatique et multimodale (LMM). Pour y parvenir, il importe de comprendre ses origines, ses composantes et le fonctionnement de ces diverses composantes entre elles dans un contexte éducatif. Il vise ainsi à 1) situer la LMM dans l'évolution du concept de la littératie en éducation, 2) présenter une synthèse des éléments de LMM, 3) présenter une synthèse du paradigme multimodal et 4) aborder la complexité des interactions médiatiques et multimodales en contexte éducatif

    Defining the methodological challenges and opportunities for an effective science of sociotechnical systems and safety

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    An important part of the application of sociotechnical systems theory (STS) is the development of methods, tools and techniques to assess human factors and ergonomics workplace requirements. We focus in this paper on describing and evaluating current STS methods for workplace safety, as well as outlining a set of six case studies covering the application of these methods to a range of safety contexts. We also describe an evaluation of the methods in terms of ratings of their ability to address a set of theoretical and practical questions (e.g. the degree to which methods capture static/dynamic aspects of tasks and interactions between system levels). The outcomes from the evaluation highlight a set of gaps relating to the coverage and applicability of current methods for STS and safety (e.g. coverage of external influences on system functioning; method usability). The final sections of the paper describe a set of future challenges, as well as some practical suggestions for tackling these. Practitioner Summary: We provide an up-to-date review of STS methods, a set of case studies illustrating their use and an evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses. The paper concludes with a ‘roadmap’ for future work

    Defining the methodological challenges and opportunities for an effective science of sociotechnical systems and safety

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    An important part of the application of sociotechnical systems theory (STS) is the development of methods, tools and techniques to assess human factors and ergonomics workplace requirements. We focus in this paper on describing and evaluating current STS methods for workplace safety, as well as outlining a set of six case studies covering the application of these methods to a range of safety contexts. We also describe an evaluation of the methods in terms of ratings of their ability to address a set of theoretical and practical questions (e.g. the degree to which methods capture static/dynamic aspects of tasks and interactions between system levels). The outcomes from the evaluation highlight a set of gaps relating to the coverage and applicability of current methods for STS and safety (e.g. coverage of external influences on system functioning; method usability). The final sections of the paper describe a set of future challenges, as well as some practical suggestions for tackling thes

    Modelling Automation–Human Driver Handovers Using Operator Event Sequence Diagrams

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    This research aims to show the effectiveness of Operator Event Sequence Diagrams (OESDs) in the normative modelling of vehicle automation to human drivers’ handovers and validate the models with observations from a study in a driving simulator. The handover of control from automation to human operators has proved problematic, and in the most extreme circumstances catastrophic. This is currently a topic of much concern in the design of automated vehicles. OESDs were used to inform the design of the interaction, which was then tested in a driving simulator. This test provided, for the first time, the opportunity to validate OESDs with data gathered from videoing the handover processes. The findings show that the normative predictions of driver activity determined during the handover from vehicle automation in a driving simulator performed well, and similar to other Human Factors methods. It is concluded that OESDs provided a useful method for the human-centred automation design and, as the predictive validity shows, can continue to be used with some confidence. The research in this paper has shown that OESDs can be used to anticipate normative behaviour of drivers engaged in handover activities with vehicle automation in a driving simulator. Therefore, OESDs offer a useful modelling tool for the Human Factors profession and could be applied to a wide range of applications and domains.</jats:p

    GCS: A Quick and Dirty Guideline Compliance Scale

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    Expert-based usability evaluation methods offer valuable alternatives to traditional user testing in Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) development. While general measures of usability for user-based empirical studies are well-known throughout the community of researchers, expert-based approaches often lack such general measures of usability. This research introduces the Guideline Compliance Scale (GCS), a measure that can be applied during guideline reviews to assess the overall level of usability. Several guidelines relevant for the system being evaluated are rated by the evaluators according to their compliance. In the case study for our research, an automotive user interface was empirically evaluated in a user study as well as a guideline review with experts. The usability problem lists, which form part of the output, were made comparable by classification using the Usability Problem Classifier (UPC). An in-depth analysis revealed differences and similarities in the problem identification of both applied methods. Comparing the results of the GCS from the guideline review with the results of the System Usability Scale (SUS) from the user study, regarding the overall level of usability, showed similar results for both scales

    Applying serious games to assess driver : information system ergonomics

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Modal alignment within videoconference pre-meetings

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    En el presente artículo se introduce el concepto de alineamiento modal, un fenómeno interactivo característico del preámbulo de reuniones por videoconferencia, en las que la interacción puede llevarse a cabo a través del chat escrito, la imagen y la voz. Con tal propósito, se parte del modelo de interacción de Erving Goffman y la metodología del Análisis de la Conversación (AC). A través de una selección de ejemplos extraídos de un corpus de dieciocho interacciones por Adobe Connect 7.0, el análisis muestra que la selección del canal, dentro del contexto analizado, constituye un recurso para el alineamiento y la (re)configuración del marco de participación de las reuniones. Asimismo, se sugiere que dicho recurso es utilizado por los participantes como estrategia para gestionar la orientación recíproca y la toma de turno durante los preámbulos.The present paper aims at outlining the notion of modal alignment, a typical phenomen within the preambles of videoconference meetings, in which interaction can be held through written chat, image broadcasting and the audio-oral channel. Based on the interaction model developed by Erving Goffman and the methodology proposed by Conversation Analysis (CA), the analysis of the data, which come from eighteen meetings in Adobe Connect 7.0, shows that the selection of the channel within the analyzed interactional environment is a resource for showing alignment along the process of configuration of the participation frame. Moreover, it is shown that such selection can also be used as a strategy for managing of mutual orientation as well as turn-takin

    Modal alignment within videoconference pre-meetings

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    En el presente artículo se introduce el concepto de alineamiento modal, un fenómeno interactivo característico del preámbulo de reuniones por videoconferencia, en las que la interacción puede llevarse a cabo a través del chat escrito, la imagen y la voz. Con tal propósito, se parte del modelo de interacción de Erving Goffman y la metodología del Análisis de la Conversación (AC). A través de una selección de ejemplos extraídos de un corpus de dieciocho interacciones por Adobe Connect 7.0, el análisis muestra que la selección del canal, dentro del contexto analizado, constituye un recurso para el alineamiento y la (re)configuración del marco de participación de las reuniones. Asimismo, se sugiere que dicho recurso es utilizado por los participantes como estrategia para gestionar la orientación recíproca y la toma de turno durante los preámbulos.The present paper aims at outlining the notion of modal alignment, a typical phenomen within the preambles of videoconference meetings, in which interaction can be held through written chat, image broadcasting and the audio-oral channel. Based on the interaction model developed by Erving Goffman and the methodology proposed by Conversation Analysis (CA), the analysis of the data, which come from eighteen meetings in Adobe Connect 7.0, shows that the selection of the channel within the analyzed interactional environment is a resource for showing alignment along the process of configuration of the participation frame. Moreover, it is shown that such selection can also be used as a strategy for managing of mutual orientation as well as turn-takin

    Corporizar la no presencia. La implementación de diseño sonoro dentro de un recurso didáctico para la enseñanza dancística

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    El Trabajo de Investigación Aplicada titulado “Corporizar la no-presencia: La implementación de diseño sonoro dentro de un recurso didáctico para la enseñanza dancística” consiste en el diseño de la experiencia inmersiva denominada “Cuerpo, disolución y éxtasis”, un recurso didáctico para estudiantes universitarios de danza, presentado en formato audiovisual y sonoro; y para ser consumido en dispositivo móvil. El proyecto consiste en una experiencia inmersiva e interactiva de estudio coreográfico que se alberga en la plataforma Instagram. La experiencia didáctica y el flujo del usuario están organizados en tres fases las cuales el usuario/estudiante recorre; y a su vez se compone de tres subproductos, -uno por cada fase-. Los subproductos que conforman la experiencia son: una pieza audiovisual donde se facilita y enseña la propuesta coreográfica al estudiante, una pieza sonora con la cual la o el estudiante realiza una improvisación de movimiento a partir de los conocimientos adquiridos en la primera fase; y finalmente, una pieza de videodanza generada por el usuario/estudiante, donde ocurre una reapropiación de la información que se le brinda inicialmente y se generan nuevos contenidos y saberes a partir de ella.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Ciencias Sociales::Maestría Profesional en Comunicación: Diseño de lenguaje audiovisual y multimedi