6 research outputs found

    Penerapan Blog Refleksi untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Ilmiah Calon Guru Fisika

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    AbstractStudi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai peranan blog refleksi untuk membatu mahasiswa calon guru fisika dalam berpikir kritis dan ilmiah. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa calon guru fisika dijurusan fisika FMIPA UM yang sedang menempuh perkuliahan penilaian formatif. 36 responden yang terpilih secara random terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Studi ini menggunakan tugas menulis blog sebagai bahan refleksi mahasiswa selama belajar pada perkuliahan. Mahasiswa pada awalnya masih belum terbiasa menggunakan referensi, memberikan cuplikan yang tepat, serta, masih belum sistematis dalam melakukan kegiatan penulisan secara ilmiah dan kritis. Mahasiswa juga masih belum terbiasa untuk memberikan evaluasi terhadap jurnal yang dibaca serta membandingkannya dengan kenyataan yang dialami. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan cara menulis secara ilmiah berupa kemampuan memberi cuplikan dan referensi yang sesuai dengan kaidah ilmiah setelah melakukan tugas penulisan blog refleksi dan mendapatkan balikan dari dosen. Mahasiswa juga dilatih untuk menentukan permasalahan yang terdapat dalam pembelajaran fisika yang mereka temui serta berusaha mencari solusi dengan menggabungkan antara pemahaman selama perkuliahan dan usaha pencarian solusi melalui buku dan jurmal ilmiah sebagai latihan berpikir kritis dan ilmiah.Kata Kunci: Refleksi Blog, Berpikir kritis, Berpikir ilmiah, calon guru fisika

    Digital competences for teacher professional development. Systematic review

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    This paper provides a systematic review of the literature on digital competencies and teacher professional development. The purpose of this study is identifying research trends and potential directions on this topic for future research. The method followed is based on the PRISMA Statement Guidelines for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis. After applying criteria of inclusion, exclusion and thematic belonging, the sample was constituted in 21 studies. The selected studies emphasize the importance of digital competence as one of the challenges facing teachers today, being mainly qualitative methodology studies. Among the conclusions we highlight that most of the selected studies reveal a lack of teacher training and insufficient ICT training

    Utilización de los blogs por futuros docentes de Educación Infantil

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    This study examines those factors which affect the possibility of using blogs as a tool for continued learning by future infant-school teachers. 222 students participated (3 cohorts spread over 13 class groups) who were in basic infant teacher training classes in a Spanish university. The students, following their experience using blogs throughout the course, responded to a self-administered electronic questionnaire that had been previously validated. A model was created underpinned by various constructs which produced relevant hypotheses based on social-cognitive theory and the technology acceptance model. The partial least squares (PLS) method was used to examine the proposed hypotheses, of which ten were accepted. The results indicated that the variables which significantly contributed to students continuing to use blogs to learn were perceived self-efficacy, personal outcome expectations, perceived support for enhancing social ties, along with perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude and perception of playfulness. The results are discussed and compared with results of other similar research, which allowed the model’s predictive capacity to be replicated and confirmed). Finally, the study provides useful recommendations based on the findings for those teachers who want to use blogs with their university students and want their students to continue using them in their learning.En esta investigación se analizan aquellos factores que inciden en la posibilidad de uso de los blogs como herramienta para continuar aprendiendo por parte de quienes van a ser futuros docentes en el ámbito de educación infantil. En el estudio participaron un total de 222 estudiantes (pertenecientes a 3 cohortes distribuidas en 13 grupos de aula) que cursaron una asignatura de formación básica perteneciente al grado de maestro de educación infantil en una universidad española. El alumnado, tras su experiencia a lo largo del curso en el uso de blogs, respondió a un cuestionario electrónico auto-administrado y previamente validado. Se elaboró un modelo sustentado por diversos constructos que dieron lugar a hipótesis relevantes derivadas primordialmente de la teoría socio-cognitiva y del modelo de aceptación tecnológica. Se utilizó la técnica de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS) para el contraste de las doce hipótesis planteadas, de las cuales se aceptaron diez. Los resultados indican que la auto-eficacia percibida, las expectativas de resultados personales, el apoyo percibido para mejorar los vínculos sociales, así como la percepción de utilidad, la facilidad de uso percibida, la actitud y la percepción de alegría y disfrute, son variables significativas que contribuyen a que los estudiantes continúen utilizando los blogs como mecanismo para aprender. Asimismo, se discuten y comparan los resultados obtenidos con otras investigaciones internacionales similares, lo que ha permitido replicar y confirmar la capacidad predictiva del modelo. Finalmente, se aportan recomendaciones útiles, derivadas de los hallazgos obtenidos, para aquellos docentes que pretendan utilizar blogs con sus estudiantes universitarios, a fin de que estos continúen utilizando dichas herramientas para desarrollar sus aprendizajes

    Collaboration through blogging to develop writing and speaking skills in English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

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    The primary aim of this research was to explore peer collaboration through blogging to support English language learning within English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses at a university setting. This thesis provides an exploration of whether the integration of a blog in university ESP courses might help support students’ English language learning skills, as well as an exploration of the students’ perceptions about using blogging in their ESP courses. I integrated blogs in the English for Specific Purpose courses that I teach: Business Communication for Management and English for Computer Science Majors. I evaluated the use of blogging through action research. The use of weblogs for enhancing writing and speaking in a foreign language is supported in research literature, particularly through the use of peer feedback. However, the use of blogging in an ESP context has not been thoroughly researched. To provide an understanding of the role of blogging in my ESP courses, I gathered and analyzed three data sets: i) the students’ blog posts, blog comments, and written and spoken assignments (which were analyzed using error analysis), ii) focus group discussions and iii) individual interviews (both were analyzed using thematic analysis). Data were gathered from five student groups over three teaching semesters. The error analysis of the written tasks identified common patterns of error repetition. The error analysis indicated that, following posting and peer feedback on the blog, most of the mistakes recorded during the course were not repeated in the final examination. Findings suggested that the blogs had played a positive role in supporting students’ language learning with respect to the accuracy of their writing and speaking skills. Interview and focus group analysis revealed that students felt positively about the integration of a blog in their English language courses. They felt that it was a novel, fun way to learn and practice language, it was easy to use, and it allowed them the possibility to learn in their own time and place and at their own pace. They also stated that engaging in peer feedback allowed them to become aware of their classmates’ errors and then to reflect on their own work to check whether they had made similar errors and, if they had, to correct them. Some implications that can be drawn from the findings are that the integration of blogging in an ESP course can support learners to enhance their English writing and speaking skills, by helping them become more aware of the learning process and more reflective of their own learning. The value of the learning designs used in this study lie in the use of blogging as a platform for language learners to engage in practicing their English language written and oral skills both inside and outside the classroom through written and oral tasks, as well as through engaging in online peer feedback. Students can also enhance their critical thinking skills via blogging and become autonomous and active participants in learning by engaging in online collaborative peer feedback

    Using blogs to be aware of the development and adoption of professional skills

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    [eng] In view of the challenges facing universities in our days and in accordance with the guidelines of the EHEA, the present article presents the results of a project which aims to unite the use of blogs and a competency approach. Specifically, the project is structured around two basic, complementary aims: 1. The design and implementation of a teaching innovation project which through the use of blogs promotes the development of certain professional competencies and 2. To assess the experiences and comments of students regarding the use of blogs in a university context, in order to appraise how students assess the use of this new learning tool. To achieve the latter aim, we used a methodology that combines a questionnaire with content analysis, using a sample of 82 subjects. The article shows that university students consider the blog as a tool that enables the acquisition of professional competencies, boosts the teaching-learning process, and foments the development of reflection. Based on these results, several proposals are made concerning the use of blogs, including activities related to reflection, provision of training-focused feedback, and the use of labels as an exercise of metareflection, amongst others

    Using blogs to be aware of the development and adoption of professional skills

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    Abstract n view of the challenges facing universities in our days and in accordancewith the guidelines of the EHEA, the present article presents the results of a projectwhich aims to unite the use of blogs and a competency approach. Specifically, theproject is structured around two basic, complementary aims: 1. The design andimplementation of a teaching innovation project which through the use of blogspromotes the development of certain professional competencies and 2. To assess theexperiences and comments of students regarding the use of blogs in a universitycontext, in order to appraise how students assess the use of this new learning tool. Toachieve the latter aim, we used a methodology that combines a questionnaire withcontent analysis, using a sample of 82 subjects. The article shows that universitystudents consider the blog as a tool that enables the acquisition of professionalcompetencies, boosts the teaching-learning process, and foments the development ofreflection. Based on these results, several proposals are made concerning the use ofblogs, including activities related to reflection, provision of training-focused feedback,and the use of labels as an exercise of metareflection, amongst others.16 Halama