14 research outputs found

    การพัฒนาระบบสนับสนุนการตัดสินใจ ด้านการบริหารจัดการน้ำในพื้นที่ชลประทาน ด้วยวิธี Penman Monteith กรณีศึกษาฝ่ายส่งน้ำและบำรุงรักษาที่ 1 โครงการส่งน้ำและบำรุงรักษาดงเศรษฐี

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    การพัฒนาระบบสนับสนุนการตัดสินใจ ด้านการบริหารจัดการน้ำในพื้นที่ชลประทาน ด้วยวิธี Penman Monteith กรณีศึกษาฝ่ายส่งน้ำและบำรุงรักษาที่ 1 โครงการส่งน้ำและบำรุงรักษาดงเศรษฐ

    Developing an e-logistics system : a case study

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    Author name used in this publication: E. W. T. NgaiAuthor name used in this publication: T. C. E. Cheng2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Information Technology Impact on Work Practices: A Study of 3D CAD Capabilities in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction

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    The current set of concerns for research on the impacts of information technology (IT) on organizational work is unduly restricted. The intent behind the use of new IT is to alter work practices of an organization, but how this happens and in what form has received limited attention; in particular, how specific types of use relate to specific impacts. Theoretical explanations have moved us already beyond simplistic determinism where IT impact is direct without due analysis of the context and the use. Such explanations include socio-technical theory, social construction of technology, structuration theory, and social representations. These studies have expanded considerably our understanding how IT use will lead to changes in work practices and thereby to organizational transformation. The way in which IT impact is currently conceptualized falls short in the current business environment where IT use is embedded, pervasive and diverse. Based on calls to theorize rigorously about the IT artifact we explore in more detail how specific IT capabilities and how they impact work practices. To this end we suggest several analytical dimensions to analyze work practices to understand in more detail how changes in IT use and work practices interact in dynamic, interorganizational settings. We illustrate the breadth and diversity of potential IT impact by illustrating how the use of novel capabilities associated with 3D technologies in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry impacted multiple dimensions of work practice and ultimately played a significant role in changing work practices of builders, architects and engineers. We conclude by identifying implications to research and potential future research directions

    Analysis on P shipping company\u27s capacity rearrangement in SE Asia feeder route

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    Web-based Spatial Decision Support Systems (WebSDSS): Evolution, Architecture, Examples and Challenges

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    Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS), which support spatial analysis and decision making, are currently receiving much attention. Research on SDSS originated from two distinct sources, namely, the GIS community and the DSS community. The synergy between these two research groups has lead to the adoption of state of the art technical solutions and the development of sophisticated SDSS that satisfy the needs of geographers and top-level decision makers. Recently, the Web has added a new dimension to SDSS and Web-based SDSS (WebSDSS) that are being developed in a number of application domains. This article provides an overview of the emergence of SDSS, its architecture and applications, and discusses some of the enabling technologies and research challenges for future SDSS development and deployment

    The GHG emission reduction toolkit : a case study of Blacktown City, Australia

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    This PhD thesis is in line with Australia’s national policy of a 26-28% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions to 2005 levels. According to a review of its climate change policy in 2017, the Australian Government is committed to tackling climate change, while maintaining a strong economy, providing affordable energy and security for industries. This requires new initiatives in existing technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or the emergence of new technologies altogether. Whatever the strategy, the final goal is to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This national target is now disseminated among different sectors and governmental bodies in Australia, requesting them to submit their action plans against climate change. This includes all Australian City Councils and incorporates Blacktown City Council as the Case Study for this study. As part of the Blacktown City Council’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this research study is the result of collaboration between the Council and Western Sydney University. The authorities of both sides have signed a research collaboration agreement, ample evidence of a local university tackling local problems. This research agreement is unique as it opens a door for other local Councils to collaborate with universities. Blacktown City Council, on the other side of this agreement, can improve its body of knowledge through a comprehensive investigation of greenhouse gas mitigation using its available tools. Therefore, this research study developed a toolkit to help reduce the Council’s GHG Emission

    Caracterización de la cosecha mecanizada de maíz forrajero en Galicia. Estudios de caso y desarrollo de herramientas de ayuda a la decisión

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    Las cosechadoras de forraje son el componente que más afecta el coste del proceso de ensilado de maíz, debido a sus altos costos de operación. Por lo tanto, la gestión eficiente de la cosechadora es esencial. El sistema de ayuda a la decisión desarrollado se centra en la búsqueda de rutas que reduzcan las distancias de desplazamiento de la cosechadora. La utilización de este sistema permite un ahorro significativo de tiempo y dinero para la cooperativa, proporcionando una mayor disponibilidad de la cosechadora de forraje autopropulsada

    Sistemas de Informação de Marketing, Geomarketing e níveis estratégicos em organizações no Brasil

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    Este trabalho procura verificar qual aplicação dos SIM - Sistemas de Informação de Marketing e do Geomarketing (através do recurso aos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica) nos vários níveis estratégicos em organizações no Brasil, mais precisamente na cidade de São Paulo. Outro objectivo é descortinar quais as principais vantagens reconhecidas pelas organizações no que toca à utilização do Geomarketing para apoio à tomada de decisão. São apresentadas várias definições para proporcionar um claro entendimento do tema, e destacam-se as seis actividades que segundo a literatura consultada concentram a maioria das aplicações do Geomarketing: segmentação do mercado, análise do potencial do mercado, organização e avaliação da força de vendas, localização do negócio, roteirização e programação de veículos, e, promoção de marketing. Em cada uma das actividades citadas, é feita referência a um case brasileiro para que o leitor possa familiarizar-se com o panorama deste país no que concerne à utilização do Geomarketing. Para alcançar os referidos objectivos, além de uma cuidada revisão bibliográfica, foi também desenhada uma pesquisa qualitativa que levou em conta o Modelo Conceitual de Goñi (2008) que integra os SIM - Sistemas de Informação de Marketing e os vários níveis estratégicos e apresenta as suas diferentes aplicações em cada um desses níveis: operacional, táctico e estratégico. O referido modelo foi já aplicado no México em 30 empresas de grande e médio porte, pelo que se buscou replicar essa pesquisa no Brasil, através de entrevistas em profundidade, numa amostra de 10 organizações de grande porte pertencentes a dois segmentos distintos (Segmento Comércio e Segmento Educação). Este estudo revelou que, tal como nas empresas mexicanas, os gestores e CEOs brasileiros, utilizam e reconhecem a importância dos Sistemas de Informação de Marketing, aos quais recorrem, na maioria das vezes, em todos os níveis estratégicos. O grau de utilização dos vários tipos de informações de marketing elencados no Modelo Conceitual de Goñi (49 tipos de informação de marketing diferentes) é superior nas organizações brasileiras pois a maioria afirmou recorrer à sua totalidade. Estas informações podem também ser fornecidas por vários SIM e utilizadas em vários níveis estratégicos, não existindo uma regra relativamente ao sistema de output da informação, ou layer estratégica em que é utilizada. O Segmento Comércio, composto essencialmente por empresas do ramo supermercadista recorre ao Geomarketing em 60% das actividades pesquisadas, já o Segmento Educação, composto por instituições de ensino superior, utiliza o Geomarketing em 49% das suas acções. Ambos os segmentos identificaram diversas iv vantagens na prática do Geomarketing como a possibilidade de cruzamento de várias variáveis em simultâneo, a disposição dessa informação em mapas ou o carácter intuitivo das interfaces gráficas dos softwares SIG. Tudo isso permite encontrar padrões nos dados que de outra forma não seriam facilmente identificados, uma maior rapidez e facilidade na análise dos dados, melhor percepção da informação, possibilidade de criação de novos indicadores, entre outros. Estas vantagens resultam numa tomada de decisão mais rápida e assertiva