13 research outputs found

    Running virtual: The effect of virtual reality on exercise

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    Research has shown that exercise among college aged persons has dropped over recent years (Lindahl, 2015; Sheppard, 2016). Many factors could be contributing to this reduction in exercise including: large workloads, the need to work during school, or perhaps technology use. A number of recent studies are showing the benefits of using virtual reality systems in exercise and are demonstrating that the use of such technology can lead to an increase in the number of young adults engaging in exercise. This study focuses on the effects that virtual reality has on heart rate and other bodily sensations during a typical work out. This study also analyses the participants ability to pay less attention to their bodily sensations during exercise when using a virtual reality system. During this experiment, participants were exposed to two different conditions. Condition one being a traditional work out, riding an exercise bike at a middle tension level. Condition two was the same but the participant was wearing a virtual reality headset. The data collected led to the conclusion that working out while wearing a virtual reality headset will lead to a higher heart rate, and in turn can lead to burning more calories during a workout. The study also found participants who wore the virtual reality headset were able to remove themselves from their bodily sensations allowing them to workout longer

    A review of the applications of the Information and Communication Technologies in Clinical and Health Psychology in childhood and adolescence

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    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) han supuesto un cambio radical en una diversidad de disciplinas, entre ellas está la Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. En la infancia y adolescencia la interacción con las TICs es frecuente y habitual y se ve facilitada porque son na- tivos digitales que se identifican de forma natural con los avances tecnológicos. La última década ha supuesto una clara revolución respecto a la utilización de diferentes tecnologías para la aplicación de tratamientos psicológicos y la promoción de la salud, de manera que se facilite y mejore el aprendizaje de una diversidad de competencias emocionales y conductas saludables en estas poblaciones que están en continuo proceso de desarrollo y cambio. La orientación cognitivo-comportamental y los tratamientos psicológicos basados en la evidencia han sido transferidos con éxito a las TICs y existen numerosos estudios que lo ponen de manifiesto. El presente artículo aborda una revisión de las principales aplicaciones basadas en TICs para el tratamiento de diferentes trastornos psicológicos en la infancia y adolescencia, así como en otras áreas destacadas de la salud en estas edades. Se analizan las implicaciones que esto puede tener y, además, se plantean retos futuros para optimizar estos recursos y abrir nuevas líneas de investigación relevantes para esta temática.The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has meant a radical change in a variety of disciplines, including Clinical and Health Psychology. During childhood and adolescence, interaction with the ICTs is common and regular, and it is also facilitated because they are digital natives who are naturally identified with the technological advances. The last decade has seen a clear revolution regarding the use of different technologies for the application of psychological treatments and the promotion of health, so as to facilitate and improve the learning of a variety of emotional competences and healthy behaviors in those populations that are in a continuous process of development and change. Cogni- tive-behavioral orientation and evidence-based psychological treatments have been successfully transferred to the ICTs and there are many studies that support this. The present article addresses a review of the main ICT-based devices for the treatment of different psychological disorders during childhood and adolescence, as well as in other important areas of health at these ages. The implications that these devices may have are being analyzed, as well as the possible potential challenges to optimize these resources. For these reasons new research lines relevant to this topic are to be opened and explored

    Revisión de aplicaciones de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en psicología clínica y de la salud en infancia y adolescencia

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    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) han supuesto un cambio radical en una diversidad de disciplinas, entre ellas está la Psicología Clínica y de la Salud. En la infancia y adolescencia la interacción con las TICs es frecuente y habitual y se ve facilitada porque son nativos digitales que se identifican de forma natural con los avances tecnológicos. La última década ha supuesto una clara revolución respecto a la utilización de diferentes tecnologías para la aplicación de tratamientos psicológicos y la promoción de la salud, de manera que se facilite y mejore el aprendizaje de una diversidad de competencias emocionales y conductas saludables en estas poblaciones que están en continuo proceso de desarrollo y cambio. La orientación cognitivo-comportamental y los tratamientos psicológicos basados en la evidencia han sido transferidos con éxito a las TICs y existen numerosos estudios que lo ponen de manifiesto. El presente artículo aborda una revisión de las principales aplicaciones basadas en TICs para el tratamiento de diferentes trastornos psicológicos en la infancia y adolescencia, así como en otras áreas destacadas de la salud en estas edades. Se analizan las implicaciones que esto puede tener y, además, se plantean retos futuros para optimizar estos recursos y abrir nuevas líneas de investigación relevantes para esta temática

    Virtual self-conversation using motivational interviewing techniques to promote healthy eating and physical activity : A usability study

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    We aim to examine the usability of a Virtual Reality (VR) platform, called ConVRSelf, which has been designed to address the needs of People Living With Obesity (PLWO). Fourteen participants with a desire to eat healthier and exercise more (6 normal weight and 8 PLWO; Mean age = 41.86, SD = 13.89) were assigned to the experimental group (EG) or the control group (CG). EG participants, after being trained on motivational interviewing skills, engaged in a virtual self-conversation using embodiment and body swapping techniques, which aimed to normalize and resolve their ambivalence to change lifestyle habits. CG participants, embodied in their virtual bodies, participated in a pre-established discourse with a virtual counselor giving them psychoeducational advice about how to change lifestyle habits. A mixed-methods design was used, involving a semi-structured interview and self-report questionnaires, including readiness to change habits (Readiness Rulers), body ownership (Body Ownership Questionnaire, BOQ), and system usability (System Evaluation Questionnaire, SEQ). Thematic content analysis was carried out for qualitative data while statistical data analysis was carried out using SPSS 20.0. Participants from both groups showed high readiness to change lifestyle (Readiness Rulers) before engaging with the virtual experiences, which was maintained at the same level after the interventions and their scores on the SEQ and BOQ were satisfactory. Regarding qualitative information obtained from the interviews, almost all participants found the VR experience to be novel, interesting, and enjoyable. A higher acceptability was observed among PLWO from the EG than normal weight participants from the same group, a promising finding for the ConVRSelf platform, which had been specifically designed to address the needs of PLWO. The ConVRSelf system is well-accepted by participants and is ready to be tested with PLWO in a clinical setting

    Effects of physical activity program based on technological progress: exer-games as health promoters

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    La finalidad de este trabajo es analizar la mejora en la salud y calidad de vida de los niños/as y jóvenes detectados con sedentarismo y/o sobrepeso, mediante la aplicación de un programa de entrenamiento basado en los entornos virtuales motrices. En el estudio participaron un total de 359 niños y niñas de entre 3 y 12 años pertenecientes a cuatro centros escolares, de los que se seleccionaron 20 niños de entre 5 y 12 años, para formar dos grupos de 10 niños/as cada uno. El grupo experimental llevó a cabo el programa de entrenamiento, junto a pautas nutricionales, mientras que el grupo control no tuvo ninguna intervención. Las variables analizadas fueron el IMC y perímetro de la cintura, mediante mediciones antropométricas, el tiempo de uso de pantalla, el tipo de desplazamiento al colegio y el nivel de adherencia a la dieta mediterránea, medidos mediante cuestionario, y la imagen corporal, evaluado a través de las siluetas. Para complementar la investigación, se efectuaron valoraciones nutricionales iniciales y finales al grupo experimental. Se analizaron los estadísticos descriptivos para todas las variables, calculando para las variables cuantitativas la media, mediana y desviación típica; porcentajes y frecuencias para las variables cualitativas. Los resultados obtenidos pueden indicar que un programa de intervención motriz basado en los entornos virtuales motrices contribuye a promover la salud de los escolares con rasgos de sedentarismo y/o sobrepeso.The purpose of this work is to analyse the improvement in the health and quality of life of children and youth detected with sedentary lifestyle and/or overweight, through the application of a training program based on exer-games. A total of 359 boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 12 from four schools participated in the study, from which 20 children between the ages of 5 and 12 were selected, to form two groups of 10 children each. The experimental group carried out the training program, together with nutritional guidelines, while the control group had no intervention. The variables analysed were the BMI and waist circumference, through anthropometric measurements, screen time, the type of commute to school and the level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet, measured by questionnaire, and body image, evaluated at through the silhouettes. To complement the research, initial and final nutritional evaluations were carried out on the experimental group. Descriptive statistics for all variables were analysed, calculating the mean, median and standard deviation for the quantitative variables; percentages and frequencies for qualitative variables. The results obtained may indicate that a motor intervention program based on exer-games contributes to promoting the health of students with sedentary and/or overweight traits

    Using Virtual Reality to Distract Overweight Children from Bodily Sensations During Exercise

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    This study analyzes the potential of virtual reality (VR) to enhance attentional distraction in overweight children as they experience bodily sensations during exercise. It has been suggested that one reason why obese children stop exercising is the perception of bodily sensations. In a counterbalanced design, a total of 109 children (33 overweight, 10-15 years old) were asked to walk twice for 6 minutes on a treadmill under one of two conditions: (a) traditional condition (TC)-focusing their attention on their physical feelings and sensations or (b) distraction condition (DC)-focusing their attention on a virtual environment. Attentional focus during exercise, bad-good feeling states (pre- and postexperimental), perceived exertion (3 minutes and post), heart rate, and enjoyment were assessed. Results indicated that overweight children focused on internal information under the TC, but they significantly shifted their attention to regard the external environment in the DC. This attentional distraction effect of VR was more intense in overweight than in normal-weight children. No differences between groups were found when examining changes in feeling states and perceived exertion. VR increased enjoyment during exercise, and children preferred exercise using virtual environments. VR is useful to promote distraction and may help overweight and obese children to enjoy exercise.This study was funded in part by ACTIOBE (MINECO, Spain, Plan Nacional I+D+I 2008-2011 PSI2011-25767), PROMOSAM(MINECO, Spain, PSI2014-56303-REDT), and CIBEROBN, an initiative of ISCIII (ISC III CB06 03/0052).Baños, RM.; Escobar, P.; Cebolla, A.; Guixeres Provinciale, J.; Alvarez Pitti, J.; Lisón, JF.; Botella, C. (2016). Using Virtual Reality to Distract Overweight Children from Bodily Sensations During Exercise. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 19(2):115-119. https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2015.0283S11511919

    Back to the roots: the role of sensory sensitivity and respiration pattern variability in mental health

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    Sensory perception and respiration are two core features fundamental for human life, behavior and well-being. We are only able to live when we breathe and to understand the world when we perceive stimuli from it which we then interpret. Both features vary between individuals and between situations, for example during emotional challenges, and are likely relevant for mental health. Initial evidence suggests that body perception and respiration are coupled, but systematic research about their relationship and their association with mental disorders is currently lacking. The presented work aims at advancing the understanding of sensory sensitivity and respiration pattern variability with regard to mental disorders and proposes biological mechanisms linking both together. Based on the results of two studies, one with autistic and one with remitted depressed participants, and supplemental analyses of a large independent sample these relationships are addressed. In a sample of autistic individuals, sensory sensitivity was assessed with the sensory inventory, a newly developed standardized questionnaire on sensory sensitivity in which higher sensory sensitivity in autistic individuals was found. Scores of the inventory could further be used to discriminate autistic individuals with a sensitivity of 92% correctly from controls. In another sample more sensory content of memories was found to be related to increased memory for autobiographical events, pointing to a high relevance of sensory features in autism. In the second study, remitted depressed participants underwent a sad mood induction functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm with negative autobiographical events as cues and were also assessed with the sensory inventory. In the remitted depressed participants higher respiration pattern variability during sad mood was found which was associated with lower body perception ability, worse outcome and relapse, and increased default mode network connectivity in comparison to healthy controls, demonstrating the importance of both concepts and their relationship in depression. Furthermore, in autistic and formerly depressed participants body perception was lower in comparison to controls, suggesting a broader distribution of this sensory alteration in mental disorders. These relationships of sensory features as well as respiration and associated alterations with the intensity and course of mental disorders might also highlight important concepts for the development of future sensory and respiration-based interventions. Sensory aided trainings for everyday activities and interactions could be helpful to better memorize learned content. Respiration focused training could be a promising additional tool as it might not only influence respiration directly but also body perception, default mode connectivity and could be helpful for coping with stress and relaxing in general. Taken together, the present thesis might stimulate an increased attention of body related processes like sensory sensitivity and respiration pattern variability in the investigation of causes and treatments of mental disorders

    A Mixed Methods Examination of Immersive Virtual Reality Green Exercise.

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    There is increasing research suggesting virtual reality (VR) can enhance exercise experience, yielding additional psychophysiological benefits. Combining VR, nature and exercise may provide additional health benefits compared to indoor (control) and virtual urban exercise; thus, this thesis’ aims are: a) to examine how VR environments can influence psychophysiological outcomes of exercise b) to explore individual expectations and reactions to using VR exercise. The first study was designed to assess green (nature) and urban VR environments on psychophysiological outcomes during a controlled cycling-based exercise. Participants (n=12) cycled at an RPE of 12 for ten minutes. Participants reported improvements in positive and negative affect from pre- to post-exercise in the virtual green condition (p0.05). A significant difference was observed in positive affect between the control condition (no VR) and the virtual green condition (p>0.001). Heart rate was significantly higher in the control condition compared to the urban (p=0.005) and green (p=0.02) conditions. Distance travelled (m) was significantly higher in the control condition compared to the urban (p=0.003); there was no significant difference between the green and urban; and green and control condition (p>0.05). Results revealed virtual green exercise can be beneficial to psychological outcomes but compared to urban/indoor environments, the results can vary. Little is known about participant thoughts and beliefs regarding VR, Study 2 was a qualitative study designed to assess expectations and reactions to VR exercise. Participants reported limited VR experience. VR improved enjoyment, and motivation and lowered perceived effort (despite RPE 12 instructions. Participants preferred the green over urban and indoor environments and suggested VR should be a substitute for real outdoor exercise. Overall, VR improved the exercise experience of participants. Future research should branch into clinical populations that may benefit from virtual green exercise

    The use of virtual reality to promote the practice of physical activity

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    La práctica de la actividad física (AF) tiene indudables beneficios para la salud física y mental de las personas. Sin embargo, una gran parte de la población no cumple con los mínimos recomendados. Existen diferentes barreras hacia la práctica de la AF, entre las que se encuentran las interpersonales y la existencia de recursos prácticos y materiales como el tiempo y los recursos económicos. Además, existen otras barreras relacionadas con el yo (por ejemplo, la falta de confianza en las propias habilidades, los sentimientos de incomodidad durante la AF, la falta de motivación y la conciencia de sí mismo sobre el cuerpo y la apariencia física). La realidad virtual (RV) ha demostrado ser útil para combatir esos obstáculos. Que la RV es una herramienta útil para mejorar la AF parece ser una afirmación consistente y concluyente. Sin embargo, en relación con su influencia sobre variables psicológicas y fisiológicas todavía hay cuestiones por resolver. En los últimos años se ha puesto de relieve el papel de las representaciones virtuales del yo (por ejemplo, los avatares) en los entornos de RV. Parece que la apariencia física del avatar es un factor clave a tener en cuenta. Sin embargo, los estudios son escasos y sus resultados no son concluyentes. Esta tesis tiene varios objetivos. En primer lugar, validar el Cuestionario de Regulación del Comportamiento en el Ejercicio (BREQ-2) en la población adolescente española y analizar el papel de la motivación en la práctica de la AF. En segundo lugar, analizar la influencia de los entornos de RV y las representaciones virtuales de los usuarios en la práctica de AF y las intervenciones específicas diseñadas para promover este comportamiento. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo cuatro experimentos. El estudio 1 tiene como objetivo validar la estructura psicométrica BREQ-2 para confirmar la existencia de cinco niveles de motivación hacia la AF en la población adolescente española; así como analizar las diferencias en la motivación de acuerdo al sexo y la edad; y el papel de la edad y el sexo en la relación entre la motivación y el disfrute. Los estudios 2, 3 y 4 se centran en analizar cómo la RV puede promover la práctica de la AF. Los resultados muestran que (1) el cuestionario BREQ-2 es una herramienta útil para medir la motivación hacia la AF en la población española. Esta tesis confirma que la motivación hacia la AF es una variable a tener en cuenta para entender el comportamiento de la AF; (2) los ambientes de RV son efectivos para manipular la retroalimentación recibida durante una tarea de AF y, consecuentemente, su influencia en las respuestas de AF; (3) los modelos de avatares virtuales pueden fomentar la AF. Una vez más, se destaca la importancia de la personalización de los avatares utilizados en las intervenciones destinadas a aumentar la práctica de AF; (4) la breve intervención en línea utilizada en esta tesis fue eficaz en el aumento de la práctica de AF en las mujeres con sobrepeso; y (5) la manipulación de las dimensiones corporales de los avatares no mejora las intervenciones en las mujeres con sobrepeso. Esta tesis destaca el papel de la motivación en la comprensión del comportamiento de la práctica de AF y el uso de la RV para promover la práctica de AF.The physical activity (PA) practice has undoubted benefits on the physical and mental health of individuals. However, a large part of the population does not meet the recommended minimums. There are different barriers to the PA practice among which are interpersonal and the existence of practical and material resources such as time and economic resources. In addition, there are other barriers related to the self (e.g., lack of confidence in one's abilities, feelings of discomfort during PA, lack of motivation, and self-awareness about the body and physical appearance). Virtual reality (VR) has proven to be a useful tool in combating these obstacles. That VR is a useful tool to enhance PA seems to be a consistent and conclusive statement. However, in relation to its influence on psychological and physiological variables there are still questions to be resolved. During the last few years, the role of virtual representations (e.g., avatars) of the self in VR environments has been highlighted. It seems that the physical appearance of the avatar is a key factor to take into account. However, studies are scarce and their results inconclusive. This thesis has several purposes. Firstly, to validate the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire (BREQ-2) in the Spanish adolescent population and to analyze the role of motivation in the PA practice. Secondly, to analyze the influence of VR environments and virtual representations of users on PA practice and specific interventions designed to promote this behavior. To do so, four experiments were carried out. Study 1 aims to validate the psychometric structure BREQ-2 to confirm the existence of five levels of motivation towards PA in the Spanish adolescent population; as well as to analyze the differences in motivation according to sex and age; and the role of age and sex in the relationship between motivation and enjoyment. Studies 2, 3 and 4 focus on analyzing how VR can promote PA practice. The results show that (1) the BREQ-2 questionnaire is a useful tool to measure motivation towards PA in the Spanish population. This thesis confirms that motivation towards PA is a variable to be taken into account in order to understand PA behavior; (2) VR environments are effective in manipulating the feedback received during a PA task and, consequently, its influence on PA responses; (3) the virtual avatar models can to encourage PA. Once again, the importance of customizing avatars used in interventions aimed at increasing PA practice is highlighted; (4) the brief online intervention used in this dissertation was effective in increasing PA practice in overweight women; and (5) the manipulation of the body dimensions of avatars does not improve the interventions in overweight women. This thesis highlights the role of motivation in understanding PA practice behaviour and the use of VR to promote PA practice

    Promoción de la salud mental, la competencia emocional y la autoestima en adolescentes: diseño e implementación de una plataforma tecnológica de educación emocional

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    La adolescencia es un período crucial del desarrollo en el que se producen cambios físicos, emocionales y sociales. Por un lado, se ha considerado una etapa de vulnerabilidad, debido a las dificultades en el ajuste psicológico y los problemas afectivos que suelen emerger durante la adolescencia. Por otro lado, se ha estimado como una etapa de oportunidad, debido a la gran plasticidad neuronal y al desarrollo de la responsabilidad. Por ello, podría ser el período óptimo para el fomento de competencias y fortalezas como la competencia emocional y la autoestima mediante programas de promoción, prevención e intervención. Los programas de educación emocional son eficaces para la promoción de la salud mental, pero resulta complejo motivar a los adolescentes para que se involucren. La inclusión de la tecnología y los juegos podría resultar atractiva para ellos, facilitar el aprendizaje y potenciar su motivación. Por tanto, el objetivo de la tesis doctoral fue promocionar la salud mental, la competencia emocional y la autoestima en adolescentes mediante un programa de educación emocional implementado sobre una plataforma tecnológica. Para ello, se plantearon 6 estudios, tres centrados en la parte evaluativa y tres en la parte de implementación del programa. Los participantes fueron adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 18 años (41.7%–53.7% chicas). Se utilizaron instrumentos validados para evaluar la competencia emocional, la autoestima, el bienestar subjetivo, las dificultades en el ajuste psicológico, los problemas afectivos y la conducta suicida. También, se utilizaron cuestionarios ad hoc para las variables sociodemográficas y la percepción subjetiva, y se incluyó una medida de cortisol. El procedimiento variaba en función de cada estudio, pero en todos ellos las madres, los padres o los tutores legales de los adolescentes firmaron el consentimiento informado y fueron informados acerca del objetivo y la voluntariedad del estudio. Los estudios I, II, III y IV siguen un diseño transversal, mientras que los estudios V y VI presentan un diseño cuasi-experimental longitudinal. Los análisis de datos fueron diversos: metodología QCA, modelos de regresión jerárquica y logística, modulaciones, índices kappa y delta, análisis de varianza y de covarianza, y RCI. Los resultados mostraron que la competencia emocional y la autoestima podrían promover el bienestar y prevenir los problemas de ajuste psicológico. Además, la atención emocional y el bienestar predecían el estrés, mientras que la autoestima amortiguaba la relación entre los problemas de ajuste y la conducta suicida. La plataforma tecnológica de educación emocional mejoró la autoestima, el balance afectivo, los conocimientos acerca de la competencia emocional, así como los problemas emocionales, conductuales y de hiperactividad. Además, el uso de la tecnología y el juego resultó atractivo para los adolescentes. En conclusión, esta tesis doctoral realiza dos aportaciones: (1) profundiza en el funcionamiento de la competencia emocional y las fortalezas personales cuyo conocimiento permitirá un diseño más adecuado de programas de intervención dirigidos a promover la salud mental y el bienestar en la adolescencia; y (2) ofrece un programa de educación emocional basado en un modelo teórico sólido que se implementa mediante la tecnología y cuya eficacia ha sido probada empíricamente.Adolescence is a crucial period of development that entails deep physical, emotional and social changes. On the one hand, it is considered a vulnerable stage, due to the difficulties in psychological adjustment and affective problems that often emerge during adolescence. On the other hand, it is considered a stage of opportunity, due to the great neuronal plasticity and the development of responsibility. Therefore, it could be the optimal period for the promotion of competences and strengths such as emotional competence and self-esteem through promotion, prevention and intervention programmes. Emotional education programmes are effective in promoting mental health, but it may be difficult to motivate adolescents to get involved in them. Thus, the inclusion of technology and games could be attractive. Therefore, the aim of the doctoral thesis was to promote mental health, emotional competence and self-esteem in adolescents through an emotional education programme implemented on a technological platform. For this purpose, 6 studies were proposed, three of them focused on the evaluative part and the other three, on the implementation part of the programme. The participants were adolescents aged between 11 and 18 years (41.7%–53.7% girls). Validated instruments were used to assess emotional competence, self-esteem, subjective well-being, difficulties in psychological adjustment, affective problems and suicidal behaviour. Also, ad hoc questionnaires were used for socio-demographic variables and subjective perception, and a cortisol measure was included. The procedure varied from study to study, but in all of them parents signed an informed consent. Studies I, II, III and IV follow a cross-sectional design, while studies V and VI present a longitudinal quasi-experimental design. Data analyses were diverse: QCA methodology, hierarchical regression models, logistic regressions, moderations, kappa and delta indices, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance and RCI. Results showed that emotional competence and self-esteem could promote well-being and prevent psychological adjustment problems. In addition, emotional attention and well-being predicted stress, while self-esteem buffered the relationship between adjustment problems and suicidal behaviour. The emotional education technology platform improved self-esteem, affective balance, knowledge about emotional competence, as well as emotional, behavioural and hyperactivity problems. In addition, the use of technology and play was attractive to adolescents. In conclusion, this doctoral thesis makes two contributions: (1) it delves into the functioning of emotional competence and personal strengths in relation to mental health; and (2) it offers an emotional education programme based on a sound theoretical model that is implemented through technology and whose effectiveness has been empirically teste