2,379 research outputs found

    The measurement of enhancement in mathematical abilities as a result of joint cognitive trainings in numerical and visual-spatial skills: A preliminary study

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    A body of literature shows the significant role of visual-spatial skills played in the improvement of mathematical skills in the primary school. The main goal of the current study was to investigate the impact of a combined visuo-spatial and mathematical training on the improvement of mathematical skills in 146 second graders of several schools located in Italy. Participants were presented single pencil-and-paper visuo-spatial or mathematical trainings, computerised version of the above mentioned treatments, as well as a combined version of computer-assisted and pencil-and-paper visuo-spatial and mathematical trainings, respectively. Experimental groups were presented with training for 3 months, once a week. All children were treated collectively both in computer-assisted or pencil-and-paper modalities. At pre and post-test all our participants were presented with a battery of objective tests assessing numerical and visuo-spatial abilities. Our results suggest the positive effect of different types of training for the empowerment of visuo-spatial and numerical abilities. Specifically, the combination of computerised and pencil-and-paper versions of visuo-spatial and mathematical trainings are more effective than the single execution of the software or of the pencil-and-paper treatment

    Learning Document Similarity Using Natural Language Processing

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    The recent considerable growth in the amount of easily available on-line text has brought to the foreground the need for large-scale natural language processing tools for text data mining. In this paper we address the problem of organizing documents into meaningful groups according to their content and to visualize a text collection, providing an overview of the range of documents and of their relationships, so that they can be browsed more easily. We use Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) (Kohonen 1984). Great efficiency challenges arise in creating these maps. We study linguistically-motivated ways of reducing the representation of a document to increase efficiency and ways to disambiguate the words in the documents

    Linguistic Analysis of Users' Queries: towards an adaptive Information Retrieval System

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    International audienceMost of Information Retrieval Systems transform natural language users'queries into bags of words that are matched to documents also represented as bags of words. Through such process, the richness of the query is lost. In this paper we show that linguistic features of a query are good indicators to predict systems failure to answer it. The experiments are based on 42 systems or system variants and 50 TREC topics that consist of a descriptive part expressed in natural language

    Syntactic and Semantic Analysis and Visualization of Unstructured English Texts

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    People have complex thoughts, and they often express their thoughts with complex sentences using natural languages. This complexity may facilitate efficient communications among the audience with the same knowledge base. But on the other hand, for a different or new audience this composition becomes cumbersome to understand and analyze. Analysis of such compositions using syntactic or semantic measures is a challenging job and defines the base step for natural language processing. In this dissertation I explore and propose a number of new techniques to analyze and visualize the syntactic and semantic patterns of unstructured English texts. The syntactic analysis is done through a proposed visualization technique which categorizes and compares different English compositions based on their different reading complexity metrics. For the semantic analysis I use Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) to analyze the hidden patterns in complex compositions. I have used this technique to analyze comments from a social visualization web site for detecting the irrelevant ones (e.g., spam). The patterns of collaborations are also studied through statistical analysis. Word sense disambiguation is used to figure out the correct sense of a word in a sentence or composition. Using textual similarity measure, based on the different word similarity measures and word sense disambiguation on collaborative text snippets from social collaborative environment, reveals a direction to untie the knots of complex hidden patterns of collaboration

    Bubble World - A Novel Visual Information Retrieval Technique

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    With the tremendous growth of published electronic information sources in the last decade and the unprecedented reliance on this information to succeed in day-to-day operations, comes the expectation of finding the right information at the right time. Sentential interfaces are currently the only viable solution for searching through large infospheres of unstructured information, however, the simplistic nature of their interaction model and lack of cognitive amplification they can provide severely limit the performance of the interface. Visual information retrieval systems are emerging as possible candidate replacements for the more traditional interfaces, but many lack the cognitive framework to support the knowledge crystallization process found to be essential in information retrieval. This work introduces a novel visual information retrieval technique crafted from two distinct design genres: (1) the cognitive strategies of the human mind to solve problems and (2) observed interaction patterns with existing information retrieval systems. Based on the cognitive and interaction framework developed in this research, a functional prototype information retrieval system, called Bubble World, has been created to demonstrate that significant performance gains can be achieved using this technique when compared to more traditional text-based interfaces. Bubble World does this by successfully transforming the internal mental representation of the information retrieval problem to an efficient external view, and then through visual cues, provides cognitive amplification at key stages of the information retrieval process. Additionally, Bubble World provides the interaction model and the mechanisms to incorporate complex search schemas into the retrieval process either manually or automatically through the use of predefined ontological models

    Navigating in Complex Process Model Collections

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    The increasing adoption of process-aware information systems (PAIS) has led to the emergence of large process model collections. In the automotive and healthcare domains, for example, such collections may comprise hundreds or thousands of process models, each consisting of numerous process elements (e.g., process tasks or data objects). In existing modeling environments, process models are presented to users in a rather static manner; i.e., as image maps not allowing for any context-specific user interactions. As process participants have different needs and thus require specific presentations of available process information, such static approaches are usually not sufficient to assist them in their daily work. For example, a business manager only requires an abstract overview of a process model collection, whereas a knowledge worker (e.g., a requirements engineer) needs detailed information on specific process tasks. In general, a more flexible navigation and visualization approach is needed, which allows process participants to flexibly interact with process model collections in order to navigate from a standard (i.e., default) visualization of a process model collection to a context-specific one. With the Process Navigation and Visualization (ProNaVis) framework, this thesis provides such a flexible navigation approach for large and complex process model collections. Specifically, ProNaVis enables the flexible navigation within process model collections along three navigation dimensions. First, the geographic dimension allows zooming in and out of the process models. Second, the semantic dimension may be utilized to increase or decrease the level of detail. Third, the view dimension allows switching between different visualizations. All three navigation dimensions have been addressed in an isolated fashion in existing navigation approaches so far, but only ProNaVis provides an integrated support for all three dimensions. The concepts developed in this thesis were validated using various methods. First, they were implemented in the process navigation tool Compass, which has been used by several departments of an automotive OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Second, ProNaVis concepts were evaluated in two experiments, investigating both navigation and visualization aspects. Third, the developed concepts were successfully applied to process-oriented information logistics (POIL). Experimental as well as empirical results have provided evidence that ProNaVis will enable a much more flexible navigation in process model repositories compared to existing approaches

    An Introduction to Programming for Bioscientists: A Python-based Primer

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    Computing has revolutionized the biological sciences over the past several decades, such that virtually all contemporary research in the biosciences utilizes computer programs. The computational advances have come on many fronts, spurred by fundamental developments in hardware, software, and algorithms. These advances have influenced, and even engendered, a phenomenal array of bioscience fields, including molecular evolution and bioinformatics; genome-, proteome-, transcriptome- and metabolome-wide experimental studies; structural genomics; and atomistic simulations of cellular-scale molecular assemblies as large as ribosomes and intact viruses. In short, much of post-genomic biology is increasingly becoming a form of computational biology. The ability to design and write computer programs is among the most indispensable skills that a modern researcher can cultivate. Python has become a popular programming language in the biosciences, largely because (i) its straightforward semantics and clean syntax make it a readily accessible first language; (ii) it is expressive and well-suited to object-oriented programming, as well as other modern paradigms; and (iii) the many available libraries and third-party toolkits extend the functionality of the core language into virtually every biological domain (sequence and structure analyses, phylogenomics, workflow management systems, etc.). This primer offers a basic introduction to coding, via Python, and it includes concrete examples and exercises to illustrate the language's usage and capabilities; the main text culminates with a final project in structural bioinformatics. A suite of Supplemental Chapters is also provided. Starting with basic concepts, such as that of a 'variable', the Chapters methodically advance the reader to the point of writing a graphical user interface to compute the Hamming distance between two DNA sequences.Comment: 65 pages total, including 45 pages text, 3 figures, 4 tables, numerous exercises, and 19 pages of Supporting Information; currently in press at PLOS Computational Biolog

    Animating the evolution of software

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    The use and development of open source software has increased significantly in the last decade. The high frequency of changes and releases across a distributed environment requires good project management tools in order to control the process adequately. However, even with these tools in place, the nature of the development and the fact that developers will often work on many other projects simultaneously, means that the developers are unlikely to have a clear picture of the current state of the project at any time. Furthermore, the poor documentation associated with many projects has a detrimental effect when encouraging new developers to contribute to the software. A typical version control repository contains a mine of information that is not always obvious and not easy to comprehend in its raw form. However, presenting this historical data in a suitable format by using software visualisation techniques allows the evolution of the software over a number of releases to be shown. This allows the changes that have been made to the software to be identified clearly, thus ensuring that the effect of those changes will also be emphasised. This then enables both managers and developers to gain a more detailed view of the current state of the project. The visualisation of evolving software introduces a number of new issues. This thesis investigates some of these issues in detail, and recommends a number of solutions in order to alleviate the problems that may otherwise arise. The solutions are then demonstrated in the definition of two new visualisations. These use historical data contained within version control repositories to show the evolution of the software at a number of levels of granularity. Additionally, animation is used as an integral part of both visualisations - not only to show the evolution by representing the progression of time, but also to highlight the changes that have occurred. Previously, the use of animation within software visualisation has been primarily restricted to small-scale, hand generated visualisations. However, this thesis shows the viability of using animation within software visualisation with automated visualisations on a large scale. In addition, evaluation of the visualisations has shown that they are suitable for showing the changes that have occurred in the software over a period of time, and subsequently how the software has evolved. These visualisations are therefore suitable for use by developers and managers involved with open source software. In addition, they also provide a basis for future research in evolutionary visualisations, software evolution and open source development
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