3,070 research outputs found


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    COVID-19, the deadly and infectious virus, is a devastating blow for the world. Every single person in the world today has been impaired by Coronavirus in a variety of ways. The educational system across the globe has thundered this new phenomenon. Many institutions have moved their programs from offline to online mode. This pandemic left no other option for the academy but to adopt a new method of pedagogy. Smartphones would be a better way to promote online education. Smartphone users have been rising excessively in Asia in recent years. The purpose of this study is to explore and describe the learners' perception in Asian countries concerning the effectiveness of smartphone on EFL reading. This research is a systematic analysis of a qualitative nature. Altogether, 39 studies were selected on the learning perception of the smartphone for EFL reading. The studies included the following countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand. These nine countries have been chosen from countries in Asia whose official language is different from English. The findings indicate that the reading habit of Asian EFL learners is less and is slowly decreasing, as conventional classrooms may not fulfill learners' needs at times, as printed books are not fun. Using a smartphone for an EFL-reading can be a better choice because the smartphone is accessible and affordable. Leaners spend a significant amount of time on smartphones, especially on social networking sites. Learners use smartphone apps to read vocabulary. The learners stress that smartphones help you find out what to learn and, most importantly, how to learn. Learners accept that using smartphones to learn English enhances their critical thinking, innovative thinking, questionability, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork to some degree. Specifically, the use of smartphone guides them to a lifelong learner who is self-reliant. The common problem with smartphones is interrupted Wi-Fi connectivity. Using a smartphone can contribute to several health issues. The learners' critical issue is the irritation of the eyes caused by the brightness of the screen. Some apps have a few pedagogical elements for reading. Nevertheless, learners agree that a smartphone cannot substitute a good teacher. They need guidance from teachers to decide what to learn and how to learn. Overall, reading smartphones in English has a positive effect in Asia. Article visualizations

    Effectively Teaching a Second Language: Principles and Practices

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    This portfolio is the amalgamation of the author’s research and experience during his time in the Master of Second Language Teaching program. The first section contains the Teaching Philosophy, which centers on applying effective teaching methods, increasing learner motivation, and incorporating technology into the classroom. The next section consists of three artifacts in which the author further investigates specific aspects of language teaching. The language paper focuses on the effect that identity has on motivation to learn a language. The literacy paper discusses how to increase vocabulary acquisition via a mobile-assisted language learning application called Duolingo. The culture paper addresses how to gain pragmatic competence in the speech act of apologizing among various Spanish-speaking communities. The portfolio concludes with two annotated bibliographies investigating communicative language teaching and mobile-assisted language learning

    Facilitating Development of Foreign Language, Literacy, and Culture

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    In this portfolio, the author describes integral components of his teaching philosophy which include how the instructor can become a supportive facilitator, how he can promote use of the target language for communication, and how motivation can reinforce language instruction and learning. Specific topics of interest were investigated further in support of the teaching philosophy. The artifacts discuss Utah’s dual language immersion program: its development, future, and expected outcomes; the acquisition of multiliteracy skills for educational achievement; as well as the use of technology in promoting target language use and intercultural communicative competence. Finally, the author includes an annotated bibliography on topics of communicative language teaching, sociocultural perspectives on second language learning and identity formation and the effects of code switching and identity

    Roots Reloaded. Culture, Identity and Social Development in the Digital Age

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    This edited volume is designed to explore different perspectives of culture, identity and social development using the impact of the digital age as a common thread, aiming at interdisciplinary audiences. Cases of communities and individuals using new technology as a tool to preserve and explore their cultural heritage alongside new media as a source for social orientation ranging from language acquisition to health-related issues will be covered. Therefore, aspects such as Art and Cultural Studies, Media and Communication, Behavioral Science, Psychology, Philosophy and innovative approaches used by creative individuals are included. From the Aboriginal tribes of Australia, to the Maoris of New Zealand, to the mystical teachings of Sufi brotherhoods, the significance of the oral and written traditions and their current relation to online activities shall be discussed in the opening article. The book continues with a closer look at obesity awareness support groups and their impact on social media, Facebook usage in language learning context, smartphone addiction and internet dependency, as well as online media reporting of controversial ethical issues. The Digital progress has already left its dominating mark as the world entered the 21st century. Without a doubt, as technology continues its ascent, society will be faced with new and altering values in an effort to catch-up with this extraordinary Digitization, adapt satisfactorily in order to utilize these strong developments in everyday life

    국제교류수업을 통한 초등학생들의 문화 간 의사소통능력과 의사소통에 참여하려는 태도 탐구

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 사범대학 외국어교육과(영어전공), 2021.8. 최서용.The present study explores how online intercultural exchanges (OIEs) impact Korean elementary school students intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and willingness to communicate (WTC) and seeks to reveal students perception of ICC and WTC during OIEs. As no previous studies of OIEs in the Korean context have focused on interactions with non-native partners, the current study examines OIEs with Japanese and Indian peers. In addition, while many researchers have quantitatively analyzed the effects of OIEs on language learners, there remains a relative lack of qualitative analysis. Therefore, this study aims to enable a deeper understanding by mixing quantitative and qualitative analyses of the impact of OIEs on students' ICC and WTC. For the purpose of the study, 61 Korean EFL elementary school students in Seongnam, Korea completed an Intercultural Communicative Scale (ICS) survey and WTC questionnaire before OIEs. Subsequently, the OIEs instruction was implemented for ten sessions using the regular English curriculum. After completing all of the intercultural telecollaboration, surveys and interviews related to participants ICC and WTC were conducted. This study has identified that OIEs have a significant impact on Korean elementary school students ICC. Regarding students ICC before and after OIEs, the result of the paired samples t-test revealed statistically significant differences. In addition, a qualitative analysis of participants' interviews showed a variety of pedagogical implications throughout the four related topics (Interaction Engagement and Enjoyment, Respect of Cultural Differences, Interaction Confidence and Interaction Attentiveness). Similarly, OIEs turned out to have positive effects with Korean elementary school students WTC. The paired samples t-test also revealed that there were statistically significant differences in students WTC before and after intercultural telecollaboration. Furthermore, the post-test interviews for participants WTC discovered that they showed active willingness to communicate, voluntary efforts for communication, and willingness to communicate with non-native partners. Hence, it could conceivably be hypothesized that when Korean EFL elementary school students participate in OIEs, their ICC and WTC can be improved. To develop a full picture of OIEs, however, additional studies that focus more attention on a variety of telecollaborative activities and student-centered OIEs lesson plans will be needed.본 연구는 한국 초등학생 영어 학습자들이 온라인을 활용한 문화간 국제교류수업을 받았을 때, 그들의 문화 간 의사소통능력과 의사소통에 참여하려는 태도에 어떠한 영향이 있는지 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 영어를 모국어로 사용하지 않는 비원어민 파트너와의 국제교류수업에 대한 기존의 연구가 드물었다는 점과 이전 연구들이 대부분 양적 연구에 치우쳐 있었다는 점을 발견하고, 비원어민 파트너와의 국제교류수업 환경을 조성하고 질적 연구와 결합한 연구방법을 사용하였다. 대한민국 성남시 소재의 초등학교에 재학중인 6학년 61명의 학생들을 대상으로 실시된 본 연구에서 학생들은 국제교류수업 전에 문화 간 의사소통능력과 의사소통에 참여하려는 태도에 관한 설문을 실시하였다. 그리고 10번(80분 수업)의 국제교류수업을 정규 영어교육과정 수업 시간을 활용하여 진행하였다. 연구 참여자들은 모든 국제교류수업을 마치고 다시 한번 동일한 문화 간 의사소통능력과 의사소통에 참여하려는 태도에 관한 설문을 실시하고 인터뷰에 참여하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 온라인을 활용한 문화 간 국제교류수업이 한국 초등학생 영어 학습자들의 문화간 의사소통 능력에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 드러났다. 대응표본 t검정을 통해 국제교류수업 전과 후에 연구 참여자들의 문화간 의사소통 능력에 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있음이 밝혀졌다. 더불어 학생들의 인터뷰를 질적으로 분석한 결과, 4가지 관련 주제 (상호작용 참여와 즐거움, 문화적 차이의 존중, 상호작용 자신감, 상호작용 주의력)를 통해 다양한 교육적 함의가 도출되었다. 둘째, 온라인을 활용한 문화 간 국제교류수업이 한국 초등학생 영어 학습자들의 의사소통에 참여하려는 의지에 유의미한 영향을 미친다는 결과를 얻었다. 대응표본 t검정을 통해 국제교류수업 전과 후에 연구 참여자들의 의사소통에 참여하려는 의지 역시 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있음이 드러났다. 더불어 학생들의 인터뷰를 질적으로 분석한 결과, 3가지 관련 주제 (적극적인 의사소통의지, 의사소통의지를 위한 자발적인 노력, 비원어민 파트너와의 의사소통 의지)를 통하여 학생들의 의사소통에 참여하려는 의지를 깊이 있게 이해할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 한국의 초등학생 영어 학습자가 온라인을 활용한 문화 간 국제교류수업에 참여했을 때, 그들의 문화 간 의사소통능력과 의사소통에 참여하려는 의지가 향상될 수 있음을 밝혀냈다. 이는 비원어민 파트너와의 국제교류수업이 가치 있는 영어교수방법 중 하나의 대안이 될 수 있으며, 학생 개개인의 특성을 고려한 국제교류수업 계획이 중요함을 시사한다. 이에 따라 온라인을 활용한 문화 간 국제교류수업에 대한 추가적인 연구와 교육 현장에서의 다양한 국제교류활동의 개발을 통해 한국 초등학생 영어 학습자들의 문화 간 의사소통 능력과 의사소통에 참여하려는 의지가 더욱 발전될 수 있을 것이다.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background of the Study 1 1.2. Purpose of the Study 4 1.3. Research Questions 7 1.4. Organization of the Thesis 7 Chapter 2. Literature Review 9 2.1. Online Intercultural Exchanges (OIEs) 9 2.2. Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) 14 2.3. Willingness to Communicate (WTC) 19 2.4. Previous Studies on Online Intercultural Exchanges 25 2.4.1. Intercultural Communicative Competence in OIEs 26 2.4.2. Willingness to Communicate in OIEs 28 2.4.3. OIEs in Korean EFL Context 30 Chapter 3. Methodology 33 3.1. Participants 33 3.2. Instruments 36 3.3. Procedures 40 3.4. OIEs Instruction 42 3.5. Data Analysis 45 Chapter 4. Results and Discussion 47 4.1. The Effects of OIEs on Students ICC 47 4.2. The Effects of OIEs on Students WTC 52 4.3. Students Perception of ICC during OIEs 56 4.3.1. Interaction Engagement and Enjoyment 57 4.3.2. Respect of Cultural Differences 60 4.3.3. Interaction Confidence 64 4.3.4. Interaction Attentiveness 67 4.4. Students Perception of WTC during OIEs 69 4.4.1. Active Willingness to Communicate 69 4.4.2. Voluntary Efforts for Willingness to Communicate 71 4.4.3. Willingness to Communicate with Non-native Peers 72 Chapter 5. Conclusion 77 5.1. Summary of the Major Findings 77 5.2. Pedagogical Implications 80 5.3. Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 82 References 84 Appendices 96 국 문 초 록 103석

    A study of Palestinian students’ perspectives on their willingness to communicate with foreigners in English

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    © 2024 The Authors. Published by Association for Scientific Computing Electronics and Engineering (ASCEE). This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.31763/ijele.v6i1.1380Willingness to communicate (WTC) in a foreign language (FL) has become one of the most important affective variables in the context of learning a foreign language including motivation, anxiety, learner beliefs, and many others. This study looks into the underlying causes of English students' propensity to speak English, particularly in higher education settings after the Covid-19 pandemic. The study also determines the WTC of college students in English classes. One thousand students who are presently enrolled in English programs at Palestinian universities constitute the study's participants. The study employed a descriptive research design: a questionnaire was used to collect the data, which were then analyzed using statistical analysis methods in the SPSS program. The findings of the study indicated that the two primary factors negatively affecting the WTC among English learners in Palestine's colleges and universities were personality traits and a lack of confidence in one's speaking abilities

    Linguistic Risk-Taking: A Bridge Between the Classroom and the Outside World

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    This article describes an initiative launched at a Canadian bilingual university in order to encourage L2 French and L2 English learners to take ‘linguistic risks’: authentic, autonomous communicative acts where learners are pushed out of their linguistic comfort zone. The initiative was operationalized through the development of a Linguistic Risk-Taking Passport, which contains 74 linguistic risks that students can take in their L2 across the university campus and in their everyday life. An analysis of interviews with participating teachers (n=6) and learner self-report data from completed passports (n=410) examines how the initiative was integrated into the classroom and which passport items were perceived by students as particularly high-risk. A cyclical process of risk-taking within a broad Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) framework is described in which risks are viewed as learner-selected tasks with a dynamic affective slant; risks can be used to connect classroom learning with real-life L2 use and vice versa. The data illustrate that linguistic risk-taking can help TBLT practitioners generate ideas on how to narrow the gap between the classroom and the real-world. The article concludes with a list of practical implications and suggestions for adapting linguistic risk-taking to other institutional contexts.Cet article s’intéresse à une initiative lancée à une université bilingue canadienne afin d'encourager les apprenants de L2 française et de L2 anglaise à prendre des « risques linguistiques », définis comme des actes communicatifs authentiques et autonomes où les apprenants sont poussés hors de leur zone de confort linguistique. L'initiative a été mise en place par le développement d'un Passeport de prise de risques linguistiques, qui contient 74 risques linguistiques que les étudiants peuvent prendre en utilisant leur L2 sur le campus universitaire et dans leur vie quotidienne. Une analyse des entretiens avec les enseignants ayant participé (n=6) et des données d'autoréflexion recueillies à partir des passeports remplis par des apprenants (n=410) examine comment l'initiative a été intégrée dans la salle de classe et quelles activités du passeport ont été perçues par les étudiants comme ayant un niveau de risque particulièrement élevé. Nous présentons un processus cyclique de prise de risque dans le cadre général d'une approche d'Apprentissage des langues basé sur les tâches (ALBT) dans lequel les risques sont considérés comme des tâches avec une orientation affective et dynamique et sont choisies par l'apprenant; les risques peuvent être utilisés pour faire le lien entre l'apprentissage dans la salle de classe et l'utilisation de la L2 dans la vie quotidienne et vice versa. Les données indiquent que la prise de risques linguistiques peut aider les professionnels de l'enseignement des langues qui utilisent l’approche ALBT à générer des idées sur la manière de réduire l'écart entre la salle de classe et le monde réel. L'article se termine par une liste d'implications pratiques et de suggestions pour adapter la prise de risque linguistique à d'autres contextes institutionnels

    Causes of and solutions to decrease speaking anxiety in EFL learners

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    Esta síntesis de investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar las causas y las soluciones para disminuir la ansiedad al hablar de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Con el fin de recolectar los datos respectivos para esta investigación bibliográfica descriptiva, se analizaron minuciosamente veintidós artículos empíricos. Los objetivos de este artículo son identificar los principales factores que provocan ansiedad al hablar en los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera, reconocer las mejores estrategias y métodos adecuados para ayudar a los estudiantes a aliviar este trastorno y comprender las perspectivas de los estudiantes sobre las estrategias y métodos utilizados por los profesores para reducir la ansiedad al hablar. Los resultados revelaron que las principales causas de la ansiedad al hablar son la aprensión a la comunicación, el miedo a la evaluación negativa, y la ansiedad ante los exámenes. Además, hay otros factores que aumentan esta condición en los estudiantes de inglés: falta de vocabulario y confianza, pronunciación inapropiada, poca participación en actividades de habla en las escuelas, poca atención del maestro a la ansiedad de hablar en el aula y retroalimentación negativa. También los resultados demostraron que los métodos y estrategias para disminuir la ansiedad al hablar son las tecnológicas y no tecnológicas. Las estrategias tecnológicas son sitios web equipados con Reconocimiento Automático de Voz (ASR por sus siglas en inglés), modelo integrado con smartphone, y aplicaciones móviles: WhatsApp. Las estrategias no tecnológicas son crear un ambiente de aula adecuado y empatía de los docentes hacia los estudiantes, técnica de dramatización, actividades grupales orales y una forma adecuada de proporcionar retroalimentación. Además, los hallazgos mostraron que los estudiantes tienen una perspectiva positiva hacia las estrategias y metodologías tecnológicas y no tecnológicas porque ayudan a los estudiantes a reducir significativamente sus altos niveles de ansiedad si los docentes los implementan correctamente. Finalmente, sería interesante desarrollar más investigaciones sobre las causas y soluciones para disminuir la ansiedad al hablar de los estudiantes en Ecuador debido a que la mayoría de los estudios se realizaron en AsiaThis research synthesis aimed to analyze the causes of and solutions to decrease EFL learners’ speaking anxiety. In order to collect the respective data for this descriptive bibliographic research, twenty-two empirical articles were meticulously analyzed. The objectives of this paper are to identify the main factors that provoke speaking anxiety in EFL learners, to recognize the best suitable strategies and methods to aid students to alleviate this disorder, and to understand positive students’ perspectives toward strategies and methods used by teachers to reduce language anxiety. The results revealed that the main causes of speaking anxiety are communication apprehension, fear of negative evaluation, and test anxiety. Additionally, there are other factors that raise this condition in EFL learners. They are lack of vocabulary and confidence, inappropriate pronunciation, poor participation in speaking activities at schools, teacher’s poor attention to speaking anxiety in the classroom, and negative feedback. Besides, the results demonstrated that the strategies and methods to decrease speaking anxiety are technological and non-technological. The technological strategies are websites equipped with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), SmartphoneIntegrated model, and Mobile Apps: WhatsApp. The non-technological ones are the creation of an adequate classroom atmosphere and teachers’ empathy toward students, use of drama techniques as well as oral group activities, and appropriate way of providing feedback. In addition, the findings showed that students have a positive perspective toward the technological and non-technological strategies and methods because they help students significantly to reduce their high levels of anxiety if teachers implement them correctly. Finally, it would be interesting to develop more research about causes of and solutions to decrease EFL students’ speaking anxiety in Ecuador because most of the research studies were performed in AsiaLicenciado en Pedagogía del Idioma InglesCuenc

    Social media in the english classroom: a study on the use of whatsapp messenger by english teaching training program students of Universidad Andrés Bello Casona de Las Condes campus

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)The reason behind the use of WhatsApp Messenger (WM) by the English Teaching Training Program (ETTP) students and its possible effects on their engagement is a problem that has not been addressed in the Chilean context. The present study was designed to fill this gap. The purpose of this study was to examine the dynamics of the English class regarding the use of mobile devices. Moreover, this study aimed at examining the reasons behind the use of WM by ETTP students of UNAB Casona Las Condes Campus and its possible effects on their engagement in the English class. The method used in this investigation followed the characteristics of a sequential explanatory design. The results were obtained through two observations, a questionnaire, and a focus group. This research study concluded that the use of smartphones and specifically WM has grown exponentially as it is constantly affecting our daily routine and habits, and also what happens inside the classroom. The results revealed there were several themes attributed to disengagement that might trigger students to use WM in the English class, such as boredom, short attention span, and demotivation.Las razones de los estudiantes de Pedagogía en Inglés para usar WhatsApp Messenger (WM) y sus posibles efectos sobre el involucramiento que estos tienen en las clases de inglés es un problema que aún no ha sido tratado en el contexto chileno. El presente estudio fue diseñado para suplir esta falencia. El propósito de esta investigación fue examinar las dinámicas de la clase de inglés en relación con el uso de dispositivos móviles. Además, este estudio tenía el propósito de examinar las razones de los estudiantes de Pedagogía en Inglés de UNAB Campus Casona de Las Condes para usar WM y los posibles efectos que su involucramiento pudiera tener en la sala de inglés. El método usado en esta investigación siguió las características de un diseño secuencial explanatorio. Los resultados se obtuvieron a través de dos observaciones, un cuestionario y un grupo focal. Este estudio de investigación nos permitió concluir que el uso de smartphones y específicamente el uso de WM han crecido de forma exponencial de manera que este afecta constantemente nuestras rutinas diarias y hábitos. Los resultados revelaron que existen varios temas que se pueden atribuir al desenganche y que pueden causar que los estudiantes usen WM en la clase de inglés, como el aburrimiento, el corto periodo de concentración y la desmotivación

    The Role of Mobile Devices on Online EFL Skill Courses During Covid-19 Emergency Remote Education

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    The recent Covid-19 based emergency remote education caught educational practitioners unprepared and caused learners to rely on any technology which offered them the best pedagogical solution. Since mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and notebooks are widely used in daily life, EFL learners also preferred to utilize them for online courses due to their undisputable mobility. However, using mobile devices in long online EFL courses is not without its limitations. This study aimed to examine the mobile experience during EFL skill courses in emergency remote education. 47 EFL preparatory class students who were attending online courses for 4 months with their mobile devices were asked to write a reflection for each skill course based on three main categories: Limitations of mobile devices, effects of mobile devices on in-classroom interaction, and device satisfaction rates. The initial findings addressed that EFL learners commonly used smartphones or notebooks for online courses rather than desktop PCs and tablets. Secondly, our results revealed various limitations for each EFL course such as limited screen size, overheating, microphone problems, and internet connection efficiency. On the other hand, although mobile devices were reported to have worked fine for in-class communication, device satisfaction rates regarding online courses were low, especially for smartphones.&nbsp