238 research outputs found

    BarrierPoint: sampled simulation of multi-threaded applications

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    Sampling is a well-known technique to speed up architectural simulation of long-running workloads while maintaining accurate performance predictions. A number of sampling techniques have recently been developed that extend well- known single-threaded techniques to allow sampled simulation of multi-threaded applications. Unfortunately, prior work is limited to non-synchronizing applications (e.g., server throughput workloads); requires the functional simulation of the entire application using a detailed cache hierarchy which limits the overall simulation speedup potential; leads to different units of work across different processor architectures which complicates performance analysis; or, requires massive machine resources to achieve reasonable simulation speedups. In this work, we propose BarrierPoint, a sampling methodology to accelerate simulation by leveraging globally synchronizing barriers in multi-threaded applications. BarrierPoint collects microarchitecture-independent code and data signatures to determine the most representative inter-barrier regions, called barrierpoints. BarrierPoint estimates total application execution time (and other performance metrics of interest) through detailed simulation of these barrierpoints only, leading to substantial simulation speedups. Barrierpoints can be simulated in parallel, use fewer simulation resources, and define fixed units of work to be used in performance comparisons across processor architectures. Our evaluation of BarrierPoint using NPB and Parsec benchmarks reports average simulation speedups of 24.7x (and up to 866.6x) with an average simulation error of 0.9% and 2.9% at most. On average, BarrierPoint reduces the number of simulation machine resources needed by 78x

    NPS: A Framework for Accurate Program Sampling Using Graph Neural Network

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    With the end of Moore's Law, there is a growing demand for rapid architectural innovations in modern processors, such as RISC-V custom extensions, to continue performance scaling. Program sampling is a crucial step in microprocessor design, as it selects representative simulation points for workload simulation. While SimPoint has been the de-facto approach for decades, its limited expressiveness with Basic Block Vector (BBV) requires time-consuming human tuning, often taking months, which impedes fast innovation and agile hardware development. This paper introduces Neural Program Sampling (NPS), a novel framework that learns execution embeddings using dynamic snapshots of a Graph Neural Network. NPS deploys AssemblyNet for embedding generation, leveraging an application's code structures and runtime states. AssemblyNet serves as NPS's graph model and neural architecture, capturing a program's behavior in aspects such as data computation, code path, and data flow. AssemblyNet is trained with a data prefetch task that predicts consecutive memory addresses. In the experiments, NPS outperforms SimPoint by up to 63%, reducing the average error by 38%. Additionally, NPS demonstrates strong robustness with increased accuracy, reducing the expensive accuracy tuning overhead. Furthermore, NPS shows higher accuracy and generality than the state-of-the-art GNN approach in code behavior learning, enabling the generation of high-quality execution embeddings

    Memory hierarchy characterization of SPEC CPU2006 and SPEC CPU2017 on the Intel Xeon Skylake-SP

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    SPEC CPU is one of the most common benchmark suites used in computer architecture research. CPU2017 has recently been released to replace CPU2006. In this paper we present a detailed evaluation of the memory hierarchy performance for both the CPU2006 and single-threaded CPU2017 benchmarks. The experiments were executed on an Intel Xeon Skylake-SP, which is the first Intel processor to implement a mostly non-inclusive last-level cache (LLC). We present a classification of the benchmarks according to their memory pressure and analyze the performance impact of different LLC sizes. We also test all the hardware prefetchers showing they improve performance in most of the benchmarks. After comprehensive experimentation, we can highlight the following conclusions: i) almost half of SPEC CPU benchmarks have very low miss ratios in the second and third level caches, even with small LLC sizes and without hardware prefetching, ii) overall, the SPEC CPU2017 benchmarks demand even less memory hierarchy resources than the SPEC CPU2006 ones, iii) hardware prefetching is very effective in reducing LLC misses for most benchmarks, even with the smallest LLC size, and iv) from the memory hierarchy standpoint the methodologies commonly used to select benchmarks or simulation points do not guarantee representative workloads

    Decoupled Thermal Simulation

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    Small transistors and high clock frequency have resulted in high power density, which makes temperature a strong constraint in today's microprocessor design. For maximizing performance, the thermal design power must be set according to average, instead of worst case, conditions. Consequently, current processors feature temperature sensors and throt-tling mechanisms to keep the chip temperature at a safe level. To study future thermally-constrained processors and systems, researchers and engineers use cycle-accurate performance simulators modeling power consumption and temperature. Cycle-accurate simulators are relatively slow and make it difficult to study long-term thermal behaviors that may require to simulate several minutes or even hours of processor execution. Sampling or phase analysis cannot be applied directly in this case because temperature depends on all past energy events. We propose a partial solution to this problem, which consists in decoupling cycle-accurate simulations and thermal ones. Temperature-unaware cycle-accurate simulation is used to generate an energy trace representing the complete execution of an application. Phase analysis can be used to decrease the trace generation time and make compact traces. Temperature and thermal-throttling are simulated in a separate thermal simulator that reads energy traces. The thermal simulator is faster than the cycle-accurate one and can be used to explore, with the same energy trace, parameters that are not modeled in cycle-accurate simulation

    Reducing cache hierarchy energy consumption by predicting forwarding and disabling associative sets

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    The first level data cache in modern processors has become a major consumer of energy due to its increasing size and high frequency access rate. In order to reduce this high energy consumption, we propose in this paper a straightforward filtering technique based on a highly accurate forwarding predictor. Specifically, a simple structure predicts whether a load instruction will obtain its corresponding data via forwarding from the load-store structure - thus avoiding the data cache access - or if it will be provided by the data cache. This mechanism manages to reduce the data cache energy consumption by an average of 21.5% with a negligible performance penalty of less than 0.1%. Furthermore, in this paper we focus on the cache static energy consumption too by disabling a portion of sets of the L2 associative cache. Overall, when merging both proposals, the combined L1 and L2 total energy consumption is reduced by an average of 29.2% with a performance penalty of just 0.25%

    MEGsim: A Novel methodology for efficient simulation of graphics workloads in GPUs

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    An important drawback of cycle-accurate microarchitectural simulators is that they are several orders of magnitude slower than the system they model. This becomes an important issue when simulations have to be repeated multiple times sweeping over the desired design space. In the specific context of graphics workloads, performing cycle-accurate simulations are even more demanding due to the high number of triangles that have to be shaded, lighted and textured to compose a single frame. As a result, simulating a few minutes of a video game sequence is extremely time-consuming.In this paper, we make the observation that collecting information about the vertices and primitives that are processed, along with the times that shader programs are invoked, allows us to characterize the activity performed on a given frame. Based on that, we propose a novel methodology for the efficient simulation of graphics workloads called MEGsim, an approach that is capable of accurately characterizing entire video sequences by using a small subset of selected frames which substantially drops the simulation time. For a set of popular Android games, we show that MEGsim achieves an average simulation speedup of 126×, achieving remarkably accurate results for the estimated final statistics, e.g., with average relative errors of just 0.84% for the total number of cycles, 0.99% for the number of DRAM accesses, 1.2% for the number of L2 cache accesses, and 0.86% for the number of L1 (tile cache) accesses.This work has been supported by the CoCoUnit ERC Advanced Grant of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program (grant No 833057), the Spanish State Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) under grant PID2020-113172RB-I00, and the ICREA Academia program.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Pac-Sim: Simulation of Multi-threaded Workloads using Intelligent, Live Sampling

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    High-performance, multi-core processors are the key to accelerating workloads in several application domains. To continue to scale performance at the limit of Moore's Law and Dennard scaling, software and hardware designers have turned to dynamic solutions that adapt to the needs of applications in a transparent, automatic way. For example, modern hardware improves its performance and power efficiency by changing the hardware configuration, like the frequency and voltage of cores, according to a number of parameters such as the technology used, the workload running, etc. With this level of dynamism, it is essential to simulate next-generation multi-core processors in a way that can both respond to system changes and accurately determine system performance metrics. Currently, no sampled simulation platform can achieve these goals of dynamic, fast, and accurate simulation of multi-threaded workloads. In this work, we propose a solution that allows for fast, accurate simulation in the presence of both hardware and software dynamism. To accomplish this goal, we present Pac-Sim, a novel sampled simulation methodology for fast, accurate sampled simulation that requires no upfront analysis of the workload. With our proposed methodology, it is now possible to simulate long-running dynamically scheduled multi-threaded programs with significant simulation speedups even in the presence of dynamic hardware events. We evaluate Pac-Sim using the multi-threaded SPEC CPU2017, NPB, and PARSEC benchmarks with both static and dynamic thread scheduling. The experimental results show that Pac-Sim achieves a very low sampling error of 1.63% and 3.81% on average for statically and dynamically scheduled benchmarks, respectively. Pac-Sim also demonstrates significant simulation speedups as high as 523.5×\times (210.3×\times on average) for the train input set of SPEC CPU2017.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure