107 research outputs found

    Machine learning for ancient languages: a survey

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    Ancient languages preserve the cultures and histories of the past. However, their study is fraught with difficulties, and experts must tackle a range of challenging text-based tasks, from deciphering lost languages to restoring damaged inscriptions, to determining the authorship of works of literature. Technological aids have long supported the study of ancient texts, but in recent years advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have enabled analyses on a scale and in a detail that are reshaping the field of humanities, similarly to how microscopes and telescopes have contributed to the realm of science. This article aims to provide a comprehensive survey of published research using machine learning for the study of ancient texts written in any language, script, and medium, spanning over three and a half millennia of civilizations around the ancient world. To analyze the relevant literature, we introduce a taxonomy of tasks inspired by the steps involved in the study of ancient documents: digitization, restoration, attribution, linguistic analysis, textual criticism, translation, and decipherment. This work offers three major contributions: first, mapping the interdisciplinary field carved out by the synergy between the humanities and machine learning; second, highlighting how active collaboration between specialists from both fields is key to producing impactful and compelling scholarship; third, highlighting promising directions for future work in this field. Thus, this work promotes and supports the continued collaborative impetus between the humanities and machine learning

    Proceedings of the IATS 2022 Panel on Tibetan Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing

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    Improved clustering approach for junction detection of multiple edges with modified freeman chain code

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    Image processing framework of two-dimensional line drawing involves three phases that are detecting junction and corner that exist in the drawing, representing the lines, and extracting features to be used in recognizing the line drawing based on the representation scheme used. As an alternative to the existing frameworks, this thesis proposed a framework that consists of improvement in the clustering approach for junction detection of multiple edges, modified Freeman chain code scheme and provide new features and its extraction, and recognition algorithm. This thesis concerns with problem in clustering line drawing for junction detection of multiple edges in the first phase. Major problems in cluster analysis such as time taken and particularly number of accurate clusters contained in the line drawing when performing junction detection are crucial to be addressed. Two clustering approaches are used to compare with the result obtained from the proposed algorithm: self-organising map (SOM) and affinity propagation (AP). These approaches are chosen based on their similarity as unsupervised learning class and do not require initial cluster count to execute. In the second phase, a new chain code scheme is proposed to be used in representing the direction of lines and it consists of series of directional codes and corner labels found in the drawing. In the third phase, namely feature extraction algorithm, three features proposed are length of lines, angle of corners, and number of branches at each corner. These features are then used in the proposed recognition algorithm to match the line drawing, involving only mean and variance in the calculation. Comparison with SOM and AP clustering approaches resulting in up to 31% reduction for cluster count and 57 times faster. The results on corner detection algorithm shows that it is capable to detect junction and corner of the given thinned binary image by producing a new thinned binary image containing markers at their locations

    Neural Networks for Document Image and Text Processing

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    Nowadays, the main libraries and document archives are investing a considerable effort on digitizing their collections. Indeed, most of them are scanning the documents and publishing the resulting images without their corresponding transcriptions. This seriously limits the document exploitation possibilities. When the transcription is necessary, it is manually performed by human experts, which is a very expensive and error-prone task. Obtaining transcriptions to the level of required quality demands the intervention of human experts to review and correct the resulting output of the recognition engines. To this end, it is extremely useful to provide interactive tools to obtain and edit the transcription. Although text recognition is the final goal, several previous steps (known as preprocessing) are necessary in order to get a fine transcription from a digitized image. Document cleaning, enhancement, and binarization (if they are needed) are the first stages of the recognition pipeline. Historical Handwritten Documents, in addition, show several degradations, stains, ink-trough and other artifacts. Therefore, more sophisticated and elaborate methods are required when dealing with these kind of documents, even expert supervision in some cases is needed. Once images have been cleaned, main zones of the image have to be detected: those that contain text and other parts such as images, decorations, versal letters. Moreover, the relations among them and the final text have to be detected. Those preprocessing steps are critical for the final performance of the system since an error at this point will be propagated during the rest of the transcription process. The ultimate goal of the Document Image Analysis pipeline is to receive the transcription of the text (Optical Character Recognition and Handwritten Text Recognition). During this thesis we aimed to improve the main stages of the recognition pipeline, from the scanned documents as input to the final transcription. We focused our effort on applying Neural Networks and deep learning techniques directly on the document images to extract suitable features that will be used by the different tasks dealt during the following work: Image Cleaning and Enhancement (Document Image Binarization), Layout Extraction, Text Line Extraction, Text Line Normalization and finally decoding (or text line recognition). As one can see, the following work focuses on small improvements through the several Document Image Analysis stages, but also deals with some of the real challenges: historical manuscripts and documents without clear layouts or very degraded documents. Neural Networks are a central topic for the whole work collected in this document. Different convolutional models have been applied for document image cleaning and enhancement. Connectionist models have been used, as well, for text line extraction: first, for detecting interest points and combining them in text segments and, finally, extracting the lines by means of aggregation techniques; and second, for pixel labeling to extract the main body area of the text and then the limits of the lines. For text line preprocessing, i.e., to normalize the text lines before recognizing them, similar models have been used to detect the main body area and then to height-normalize the images giving more importance to the central area of the text. Finally, Convolutional Neural Networks and deep multilayer perceptrons have been combined with hidden Markov models to improve our transcription engine significantly. The suitability of all these approaches has been tested with different corpora for any of the stages dealt, giving competitive results for most of the methodologies presented.Hoy en día, las principales librerías y archivos está invirtiendo un esfuerzo considerable en la digitalización de sus colecciones. De hecho, la mayoría están escaneando estos documentos y publicando únicamente las imágenes sin transcripciones, limitando seriamente la posibilidad de explotar estos documentos. Cuando la transcripción es necesaria, esta se realiza normalmente por expertos de forma manual, lo cual es una tarea costosa y propensa a errores. Si se utilizan sistemas de reconocimiento automático se necesita la intervención de expertos humanos para revisar y corregir la salida de estos motores de reconocimiento. Por ello, es extremadamente útil para proporcionar herramientas interactivas con el fin de generar y corregir la transcripciones. Aunque el reconocimiento de texto es el objetivo final del Análisis de Documentos, varios pasos previos (preprocesamiento) son necesarios para conseguir una buena transcripción a partir de una imagen digitalizada. La limpieza, mejora y binarización de las imágenes son las primeras etapas del proceso de reconocimiento. Además, los manuscritos históricos tienen una mayor dificultad en el preprocesamiento, puesto que pueden mostrar varios tipos de degradaciones, manchas, tinta a través del papel y demás dificultades. Por lo tanto, este tipo de documentos requiere métodos de preprocesamiento más sofisticados. En algunos casos, incluso, se precisa de la supervisión de expertos para garantizar buenos resultados en esta etapa. Una vez que las imágenes han sido limpiadas, las diferentes zonas de la imagen deben de ser localizadas: texto, gráficos, dibujos, decoraciones, letras versales, etc. Por otra parte, también es importante conocer las relaciones entre estas entidades. Estas etapas del pre-procesamiento son críticas para el rendimiento final del sistema, ya que los errores cometidos en aquí se propagarán al resto del proceso de transcripción. El objetivo principal del trabajo presentado en este documento es mejorar las principales etapas del proceso de reconocimiento completo: desde las imágenes escaneadas hasta la transcripción final. Nuestros esfuerzos se centran en aplicar técnicas de Redes Neuronales (ANNs) y aprendizaje profundo directamente sobre las imágenes de los documentos, con la intención de extraer características adecuadas para las diferentes tareas: Limpieza y Mejora de Documentos, Extracción de Líneas, Normalización de Líneas de Texto y, finalmente, transcripción del texto. Como se puede apreciar, el trabajo se centra en pequeñas mejoras en diferentes etapas del Análisis y Procesamiento de Documentos, pero también trata de abordar tareas más complejas: manuscritos históricos, o documentos que presentan degradaciones. Las ANNs y el aprendizaje profundo son uno de los temas centrales de esta tesis. Diferentes modelos neuronales convolucionales se han desarrollado para la limpieza y mejora de imágenes de documentos. También se han utilizado modelos conexionistas para la extracción de líneas: primero, para detectar puntos de interés y segmentos de texto y, agregarlos para extraer las líneas del documento; y en segundo lugar, etiquetando directamente los píxeles de la imagen para extraer la zona central del texto y así definir los límites de las líneas. Para el preproceso de las líneas de texto, es decir, la normalización del texto antes del reconocimiento final, se han utilizado modelos similares a los mencionados para detectar la zona central del texto. Las imagenes se rescalan a una altura fija dando más importancia a esta zona central. Por último, en cuanto a reconocimiento de escritura manuscrita, se han combinado técnicas de ANNs y aprendizaje profundo con Modelos Ocultos de Markov, mejorando significativamente los resultados obtenidos previamente por nuestro motor de reconocimiento. La idoneidad de todos estos enfoques han sido testeados con diferentes corpus en cada una de las tareas tratadas., obtenieAvui en dia, les principals llibreries i arxius històrics estan invertint un esforç considerable en la digitalització de les seues col·leccions de documents. De fet, la majoria estan escanejant aquests documents i publicant únicament les imatges sense les seues transcripcions, fet que limita seriosament la possibilitat d'explotació d'aquests documents. Quan la transcripció del text és necessària, normalment aquesta és realitzada per experts de forma manual, la qual cosa és una tasca costosa i pot provocar errors. Si s'utilitzen sistemes de reconeixement automàtic es necessita la intervenció d'experts humans per a revisar i corregir l'eixida d'aquests motors de reconeixement. Per aquest motiu, és extremadament útil proporcionar eines interactives amb la finalitat de generar i corregir les transcripcions generades pels motors de reconeixement. Tot i que el reconeixement del text és l'objectiu final de l'Anàlisi de Documents, diversos passos previs (coneguts com preprocessament) són necessaris per a l'obtenció de transcripcions acurades a partir d'imatges digitalitzades. La neteja, millora i binarització de les imatges (si calen) són les primeres etapes prèvies al reconeixement. A més a més, els manuscrits històrics presenten una major dificultat d'analisi i preprocessament, perquè poden mostrar diversos tipus de degradacions, taques, tinta a través del paper i altres peculiaritats. Per tant, aquest tipus de documents requereixen mètodes de preprocessament més sofisticats. En alguns casos, fins i tot, es precisa de la supervisió d'experts per a garantir bons resultats en aquesta etapa. Una vegada que les imatges han sigut netejades, les diferents zones de la imatge han de ser localitzades: text, gràfics, dibuixos, decoracions, versals, etc. D'altra banda, també és important conéixer les relacions entre aquestes entitats i el text que contenen. Aquestes etapes del preprocessament són crítiques per al rendiment final del sistema, ja que els errors comesos en aquest moment es propagaran a la resta del procés de transcripció. L'objectiu principal del treball que estem presentant és millorar les principals etapes del procés de reconeixement, és a dir, des de les imatges escanejades fins a l'obtenció final de la transcripció del text. Els nostres esforços se centren en aplicar tècniques de Xarxes Neuronals (ANNs) i aprenentatge profund directament sobre les imatges de documents, amb la intenció d'extraure característiques adequades per a les diferents tasques analitzades: neteja i millora de documents, extracció de línies, normalització de línies de text i, finalment, transcripció. Com es pot apreciar, el treball realitzat aplica xicotetes millores en diferents etapes de l'Anàlisi de Documents, però també tracta d'abordar tasques més complexes: manuscrits històrics, o documents que presenten degradacions. Les ANNs i l'aprenentatge profund són un dels temes centrals d'aquesta tesi. Diferents models neuronals convolucionals s'han desenvolupat per a la neteja i millora de les dels documents. També s'han utilitzat models connexionistes per a la tasca d'extracció de línies: primer, per a detectar punts d'interés i segments de text i, agregar-los per a extraure les línies del document; i en segon lloc, etiquetant directament els pixels de la imatge per a extraure la zona central del text i així definir els límits de les línies. Per al preprocés de les línies de text, és a dir, la normalització del text abans del reconeixement final, s'han utilitzat models similars als utilitzats per a l'extracció de línies. Finalment, quant al reconeixement d'escriptura manuscrita, s'han combinat tècniques de ANNs i aprenentatge profund amb Models Ocults de Markov, que han millorat significativament els resultats obtinguts prèviament pel nostre motor de reconeixement. La idoneïtat de tots aquests enfocaments han sigut testejats amb diferents corpus en cadascuna de les tasques tractadPastor Pellicer, J. (2017). Neural Networks for Document Image and Text Processing [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90443TESI

    Freeform User Interfaces for Graphical Computing

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    報告番号: 甲15222 ; 学位授与年月日: 2000-03-29 ; 学位の種別: 課程博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(工学) ; 学位記番号: 博工第4717号 ; 研究科・専攻: 工学系研究科情報工学専

    Chart recognition and interpretation in document images

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    The problem of codifying linguistic knowledge in two translations of Shakespeare's sonnets: a corpus-based study

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 2012Abstract : The present study deals with the problem of codifying linguistic knowledge in a parallel corpus, in other words, the process of corpus annotation. The purpose of the present study was to test the identification of four types of translational correspondence, as defined by Thunes (2011) in a parallel corpus made up of 45 Shakespeare's Sonnets and two distinct translations into Brazilian Portuguese. The obtained results show that Thunes' model can be considered effective when applied to classify alignment units in a parallel corpus of translated poetry, but it needs some adjustments in order to cope with some translational pairs which did not fit properly into any of the four categories. The advantage of Thunes' proposal is that it establishes criteria to analyse complexity involved in the translation process in a very clear way. Este estudo aborda o problema de codificação do conhecimento linguístico em um corpus paralelo, em outras palavras, o processo de anotação de corpus. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a identificação dos quatro tipos de correspondência tradutória descritos por Thunes (2011) em um corpus paralelo constituído por 45 sonetos de Shakespeare e duas traduções distintas em Português. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o modelo de Thunes pode ser considerado eficaz quando utilizado para classificar unidades de alinhamento em um corpus paralelo de poesia traduzida, mas precisa de algumas adaptações, a fim de lidar com alguns pares tradutórios que não se ajustaram adequadamente em nenhuma das quatro categorias propostas. O modelo proposto por Thunes pode ser considerado vantajoso por estabelecer critérios para analisar a complexidade envolvida no processo de tradução de uma forma muito clara

    Design of interactive distance learning equipment.

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    Distance education focuses on the entitlement of children with limited learning opportunities to schooling experiences that are equivalent to those enjoyed by other students. The means for delivering the curriculum to these learners have been many and varied, but most of these are either unaffordable or deficient in their provision of interactive audio and visual enhancements which are necessary for the pupils' effective understanding of the lesson. The project documented in this report attempts to expand students' access to the curriculum, by providing a cost effective solution to the problems of teaching at a distance. The proposal builds on the cooperative sharing of educational resources within clusters of schools, through which pupils are enabled to study subjects not offered in their own campuses but available in other schools within the cluster. The proposed product employs the concept of a collaborative "electronic blackboard" interface, which allows teachers and remote students to interact with freehand notations on a shared screen. Using audiographics conferencing techniques, remote lessons with live voices and graphic information are transmitted simultaneously to various participating sites. The central focus of the product's design is on the digitiser screen, which accepts handwritten input directly on the display. This provides the user with better eye-hand coordination than was possible in previous systems. The convertibility of the screen from a writing tablet into a computer monitor recognises the students' twin needs for a remote communication device and a computer for other school computing applications. The report covers an extensive analysis of the current status of distance education in Australia, the various technologies used in curriculum delivery, the reactions of users to existing remote learning methods, and the market for distance education and teleconferencing. It documents the various stages of the concept development, and presents the final design in photographs and in line drawings. A study of the commercial viability of the proposal is also included

    Large-scale document labeling using supervised sequence embedding

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    A critical component in computational treatment of an automated document labeling is the choice of an appropriate representation. Proper representation captures specific phenomena of interest in data while transforming it to a format appropriate for a classifier. For a text document, a popular choice is the bag-of-words (BoW) representation that encodes presence of unique words with non-zero weights such as TF-IDF. Extending this model to long, overlapping phrases (n-grams) results in exponential explosion in the dimensionality of the representation. In this work, we develop a model that encodes long phrases in a low-dimensional latent space with a cumulative function of individual words in each phrase. In contrast to BoW, the parameter space of the proposed model grows linearly with the length of the phrase. The proposed model requires only vector additions and multiplications with scalars to compute the latent representation of phrases, which makes it applicable to large-scale text labeling problems. Several sentiment classification and binary topic categorization problems will be used to empirically evaluate the proposed representation. The same model can also encode relative spatial distribution of elements in higher-dimensional sequences. In order to verify this claim, the proposed model will be evaluated on a large-scale image classification dataset, where images are transformed into two-dimensional sequences of quantized image descriptors.Ph.D., Computer Science -- Drexel University, 201