2,261 research outputs found

    Implicit Meshes for Effective Silhouette Handling

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    Using silhouettes in uncontrolled environments typically requires handling occlusions as well as changing or cluttered backgrounds, which limits the applicability of most silhouette based methods. For the purpose of 3-D shape modeling, we show that representing generic 3-D surfaces as implicit surfaces lets us effectively address these issues. This desirable behavior is completely independent from the way the surface deformations are parame-trized. To show this, we demonstrate our technique in three very different cases: Modeling the deformations of a piece of paper represented by an ordinary triangulated mesh; reconstruction and tracking a person's shoulders whose deformations are expressed in terms of Dirichlet Free Form Deformations; reconstructing the shape of a human face parametrized in terms of a Principal Component Analysis mode

    PoseDiffusion: solving pose estimation via diffusion-aided bundle adjustment

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    Camera pose estimation is a long-standing computer vision problem that to date often relies on classical methods, such as handcrafted keypoint matching, RANSAC and bundle adjustment. In this paper, we propose to formulate the Structure from Motion (SfM) problem inside a probabilistic diffusion framework, modelling the conditional distribution of camera poses given input images. This novel view of an old problem has several advantages. (i) The nature of the diffusion framework mirrors the iterative procedure of bundle adjustment. (ii) The formulation allows a seamless integration of geometric constraints from epipolar geometry. (iii) It excels in typically difficult scenarios such as sparse views with wide baselines. (iv) The method can predict intrinsics and extrinsics for an arbitrary amount of images. We demonstrate that our method PoseDiffusion significantly improves over the classic SfM pipelines and the learned approaches on two real-world datasets. Finally, it is observed that our method can generalize across datasets without further training. Project page: https://posediffusion.github.io

    RenderMe-360: A Large Digital Asset Library and Benchmarks Towards High-fidelity Head Avatars

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    Synthesizing high-fidelity head avatars is a central problem for computer vision and graphics. While head avatar synthesis algorithms have advanced rapidly, the best ones still face great obstacles in real-world scenarios. One of the vital causes is inadequate datasets -- 1) current public datasets can only support researchers to explore high-fidelity head avatars in one or two task directions; 2) these datasets usually contain digital head assets with limited data volume, and narrow distribution over different attributes. In this paper, we present RenderMe-360, a comprehensive 4D human head dataset to drive advance in head avatar research. It contains massive data assets, with 243+ million complete head frames, and over 800k video sequences from 500 different identities captured by synchronized multi-view cameras at 30 FPS. It is a large-scale digital library for head avatars with three key attributes: 1) High Fidelity: all subjects are captured by 60 synchronized, high-resolution 2K cameras in 360 degrees. 2) High Diversity: The collected subjects vary from different ages, eras, ethnicities, and cultures, providing abundant materials with distinctive styles in appearance and geometry. Moreover, each subject is asked to perform various motions, such as expressions and head rotations, which further extend the richness of assets. 3) Rich Annotations: we provide annotations with different granularities: cameras' parameters, matting, scan, 2D/3D facial landmarks, FLAME fitting, and text description. Based on the dataset, we build a comprehensive benchmark for head avatar research, with 16 state-of-the-art methods performed on five main tasks: novel view synthesis, novel expression synthesis, hair rendering, hair editing, and talking head generation. Our experiments uncover the strengths and weaknesses of current methods. RenderMe-360 opens the door for future exploration in head avatars.Comment: Technical Report; Project Page: 36; Github Link: https://github.com/RenderMe-360/RenderMe-36

    FaceVR: Real-Time Facial Reenactment and Eye Gaze Control in Virtual Reality

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    We introduce FaceVR, a novel method for gaze-aware facial reenactment in the Virtual Reality (VR) context. The key component of FaceVR is a robust algorithm to perform real-time facial motion capture of an actor who is wearing a head-mounted display (HMD), as well as a new data-driven approach for eye tracking from monocular videos. In addition to these face reconstruction components, FaceVR incorporates photo-realistic re-rendering in real time, thus allowing artificial modifications of face and eye appearances. For instance, we can alter facial expressions, change gaze directions, or remove the VR goggles in realistic re-renderings. In a live setup with a source and a target actor, we apply these newly-introduced algorithmic components. We assume that the source actor is wearing a VR device, and we capture his facial expressions and eye movement in real-time. For the target video, we mimic a similar tracking process; however, we use the source input to drive the animations of the target video, thus enabling gaze-aware facial reenactment. To render the modified target video on a stereo display, we augment our capture and reconstruction process with stereo data. In the end, FaceVR produces compelling results for a variety of applications, such as gaze-aware facial reenactment, reenactment in virtual reality, removal of VR goggles, and re-targeting of somebody's gaze direction in a video conferencing call

    Implicit Meshes for Effective Silhouette Handling

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    Using silhouettes in uncontrolled environments typically requires handling occlusions as well as changing or cluttered backgrounds, which limits the applicability of most silhouette based methods. For the purpose of 3--D shape modeling, we show that representing generic 3--D surfaces as implicit surfaces lets us effectively address these issues. This desirable behavior is completely independent from the way the surface deformations are parametrized. To show this, we demonstrate our technique in three very different cases: Modeling the deformations of a piece of paper represented by an ordinary triangulated mesh; reconstruction and tracking a person's shoulders whose deformations are expressed in terms of Dirichlet Free Form Deformations; reconstructing the shape of a human face parametrized in terms of a Principal Component Analysis model