239 research outputs found

    Customer churn prediction in telecom using machine learning and social network analysis in big data platform

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    Customer churn is a major problem and one of the most important concerns for large companies. Due to the direct effect on the revenues of the companies, especially in the telecom field, companies are seeking to develop means to predict potential customer to churn. Therefore, finding factors that increase customer churn is important to take necessary actions to reduce this churn. The main contribution of our work is to develop a churn prediction model which assists telecom operators to predict customers who are most likely subject to churn. The model developed in this work uses machine learning techniques on big data platform and builds a new way of features' engineering and selection. In order to measure the performance of the model, the Area Under Curve (AUC) standard measure is adopted, and the AUC value obtained is 93.3%. Another main contribution is to use customer social network in the prediction model by extracting Social Network Analysis (SNA) features. The use of SNA enhanced the performance of the model from 84 to 93.3% against AUC standard. The model was prepared and tested through Spark environment by working on a large dataset created by transforming big raw data provided by SyriaTel telecom company. The dataset contained all customers' information over 9 months, and was used to train, test, and evaluate the system at SyriaTel. The model experimented four algorithms: Decision Tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boosted Machine Tree "GBM" and Extreme Gradient Boosting "XGBOOST". However, the best results were obtained by applying XGBOOST algorithm. This algorithm was used for classification in this churn predictive model.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures. PDF https://rdcu.be/budK

    Customer Churn Prediction in Telecom Sector: A Survey and way a head

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    © 2021 International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.The telecommunication (telecom)industry is a highly technological domain has rapidly developed over the previous decades as a result of the commercial success in mobile communication and the internet. Due to the strong competition in the telecom industry market, companies use a business strategy to better understand their customers’ needs and measure their satisfaction. This helps telecom companies to improve their retention power and reduces the probability to churn. Knowing the reasons behind customer churn and the use of Machine Learning (ML) approaches for analyzing customers' information can be of great value for churn management. This paper aims to study the importance of Customer Churn Prediction (CCP) and recent research in the field of CCP. Challenges and open issues that need further research and development to CCP in the telecom sector are exploredPeer reviewe

    A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Customer Churn Prediction

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    The expenses for attracting new customers are much higher compared to the ones needed to maintain old customers due to the increasing competition and business saturation. So customer retention is one of the leading factors in companies’ marketing. Customer retention requires a churn management, and an effective management requires an exact and effective model for churn prediction. A variety of techniques and methodologies have been used for churn prediction, such as logistic regression, neural networks, genetic algorithm, decision tree etc.. In this article, a hybrid method is presented that predicts customers churn more accurately, using data fusion and feature extraction techniques. After data preparation and feature selection, two algorithms, LOLIMOT and C5.0, were trained with different size of features and performed on test data. Then the outputs of the individual classifiers were combined with weighted voting. The results of applying this method on real data of a telecommunication company proved the effectiveness of the method

    Customer Churn Prediction in Telecommunication Industry Using Classification and Regression Trees and Artificial Neural Network Algorithms

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    Customer churn is a serious problem, which is a critical issue encountered by large businesses and organizations. Due to the direct impact on the company's revenues, particularly in sectors such as the telecommunications as well as the banking, companies are working to promote ways to identify the churn of prospective consumers. Hence it is vital to investigate issues that influence customer churn to yield appropriate measures to diminish churn. The major objective of this work is to advance a model of churn prediction that helps telecom operatives to envisage clients that are most probable to be subjected to churn. The experimental approach for this study uses the machine learning procedures on the telecom churn dataset, using an improved Relief-F feature selection algorithm to pick related features from the huge dataset. To quantify the model's performance, the result of classification uses CART and ANN, the accuracy shows that ANN has a high predictive capacity of 93.88% compared to the 91.60% CART classifie

    A comparative study of tree-based models for churn prediction : a case study in the telecommunication sector

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research e CRMIn the recent years the topic of customer churn gains an increasing importance, which is the phenomena of the customers abandoning the company to another in the future. Customer churn plays an important role especially in the more saturated industries like telecommunication industry. Since the existing customers are very valuable and the acquisition cost of new customers is very high nowadays. The companies want to know which of their customers and when are they going to churn to another provider, so that measures can be taken to retain the customers who are at risk of churning. Such measures could be in the form of incentives to the churners, but the downside is the wrong classification of a churners will cost the company a lot, especially when incentives are given to some non-churner customers. The common challenge to predict customer churn will be how to pre-process the data and which algorithm to choose, especially when the dataset is heterogeneous which is very common for telecommunication companies’ datasets. The presented thesis aims at predicting customer churn for telecommunication sector using different decision tree algorithms and its ensemble models

    A novel customer churn prediction model for the telecommunication industry using data transformation methods and feature selection

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    Data transformation (DT) is a process that transfers the original data into a form which supports a particular classification algorithm and helps to analyze the data for a special purpose. To improve the prediction performance we investigated various data transform methods. This study is conducted in a customer churn prediction (CCP) context in the telecommunication industry (TCI), where customer attrition is a common phenomenon. We have proposed a novel approach of combining data transformation methods with the machine learning models for the CCP problem. We conducted our experiments on publicly available TCI datasets and assessed the performance in terms of the widely used evaluation measures (e.g. AUC, precision, recall, and F-measure). In this study, we presented comprehensive comparisons to affirm the effect of the transformation methods. The comparison results and statistical test proved that most of the proposed data transformation based optimized models improve the performance of CCP significantly. Overall, an efficient and optimized CCP model for the telecommunication industry has been presented through this manuscript.Comment: 24 page

    Identifying soccer players on Facebook through predictive analytics

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    Churn prediction using customers' implicit behavioral patterns and deep learning

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    The processes of market globalization are rapidly changing the competitive conditions of the business and financial sectors. With the emergence of new competitors and increasing investments in the banking services, an environment of closer customer relationships is the demand of today’s economics. In such a scenario, the concept of customer’s willingness to change the service provider – i.e. churn, has become a competitive domain for organizations to work on. In the banking sector, the task to retain the valuable customers has forced management to preemptively work on customers data and devise strategies to engage the customers and thereby reducing the churn rate. Valuable information can be extracted and implicit behavior patterns can be derived from the customers’ transaction and demographic data. Our prediction model, which is jointly using the time and location based sequence features has shown significant improvement in the customer churn prediction. Various supervised models had been developed in the past to predict churning customers; our model is using the features which are derived jointly from location and time stamped data. These sequenced based feature vectors are then used in the neural network for the churn prediction. In this study, we have found that time sequenced data used in a recurrent neural network based Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model can predict with better precision and recall values when compared with baseline model. The feature vector output of our LSTM model combined with other demographic and computed behavioral features of customers gave better prediction results. We have also iv proposed and developed a model to find out whether connection between the customers can assist in the churn prediction using Graph convolutional networks (GCN); which incorporate customer network connections defined over three dimension
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