1,144 research outputs found

    Using Gamification to Raise Awareness of Cyber Threats to Critical National Infrastructure

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    Linked to the SCIPS tabletop gameSenior executives of critical national infrastructure facilities face competing requirements for investment budgets. Whilst the impact of a cyber attack upon such utilities is potentially catastrophic, the risks to continued operations from failing to upgrade ageing infrastructure, or not meeting mandated regulatory regimes, are considered higher given the demonstrable impact of such circumstances. As cyber attacks on critical national infrastructure remain low-frequency events, there is little to motivate business leaders to increase their investment in cyber defences to comparable levels. This paper describes SCIPS, a gamified environment in which senior executives experience the impact of a cyber attack on an electric power generation plant, demonstrating how it can strategically affect shareholder value, and allows them to form their own views on the relative importance of cyber security investment

    The use of gamification on cybersecurity awareness of healthcare professionals

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    This work is partially financed by national funds through Concurso Interno de Projetos de Investigação, Desenvolvimento, Inovação e Criação Artística (ID&CA) from Polytechnical Institute of Lisbon under the project IPL/2022/HeCyGame_ESTeSL.Cybersecurity has a major impact on the healthcare sector, mainly due to the sensitive data and vital medical devices that, when an attack occurs, may compromise the patient's life, safety, and well-being. However, those institutions fail to implement correct system protection policies and provide adequate programs for cybersecurity training and raising cybersecurity awareness. Healthcare professionals develop their academic courses focusing on providing the best care for the patients, studying guidelines, treatment protocols, and diagnostic criteria. However, there are insufficient subjects dedicated to the development of digital literacy to match the requisites of the daily challenges of those professionals, with human error being the main cause of data breaches worldwide. So, developing training programs to face the cybersecurity day-to-day threats is mandatory. Broadly speaking, traditional training programs seem to fail to retain students’ motivation, engagement, and long-term knowledge acquisition, being time-consuming and challenging in scheduling and planning. To face this situation, new techniques, such as gamification, have emerged, with promising results on motivation and engagement, allowing the users to be the center of the training programs, matching the strategy to their levels of knowledge and preferences. This paper aims to identify the existing gamified approaches available, review the state-of-the-art related to gamification and cybersecurity training, and elaborate on how they can be successfully applied to training programs for healthcare professionals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Human–Computer Interaction considerations when developing cyber ranges

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    The number of cyber-attacks are continuing to rise globally. It is therefore vital for organisations to develop the necessary skills to secure their assets and to protect critical national infrastructure. In this short paper, we outline human-computer interaction elements which should be considered when developing a cybersecurity training platform, in an effort to maintain levels of user engagement. We provide an overview of existing training platforms before covering specialist cyber ranges. Aspects of human-computer interaction are covered with regards to their relevance in the context of cyber ranges. We conclude with design suggestions when developing a cyber range platform

    Enhancing Smart Grid Resilience : An Educational Approach to Smart Grid Cybersecurity Skill Gap Mitigation

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    Cybersecurity competencies are critical in the smart grid ecosystem, considering its growing complexity and expanding utilization. The smart grid environment integrates different sensors, control systems, and communication networks, thus augmenting the potential attack vectors for cyber criminals. Therefore, interdisciplinary competencies are required from smart grid cybersecurity specialists. In the meantime, there is a lack of competence models that define the required skills, considering smart grid job profiles and the technological landscape. This paper aims to investigate the skill gaps and trends in smart grid cybersecurity and propose an educational approach to mitigate these gaps. The educational approach aims to provide guidance for competence-driven cybersecurity education programs for the design, execution, and evaluation of smart grids.© 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Tabletop Exercise For Cybersecurity Educational Training; Theoretical Grounding And Development

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    Haridus- ja treeningaspektid on riiklike küberturvalisuse strateegiate vitaalsed komponendid, et kujundada, tugevdada ning proovile panna otsustajate valmisolekut nii aktuaalsete kui võimalike tulevaste küberväljakutsete ees. Küberkaitses ja -julgeolekus on otsuste langetamisel üliolulised kriisijuhtimisoskused, et suuta adekvaatselt vastata juhtumitele, mil era- või avalik heaolu ja turvalisus on ohustatud. Selle magistritöö eesmärk on välja pakkuda küberjulgeoleku strateegiate hariduslike komponentide võimalike ning teadaolevate nõrkuste parandamine, arutledes teadlikkuse väljaõpete mudeleid märkimisväärse mõjuga osavõtjatele, fookusega strateegilise otsustamisvõimega personalil, mis võiks osaleda küberjuhtumis. Töö toetab simulatsioonil põhinevate stsenaariumite kasutamist ning keskendub mudelõppuste kujundamisele. Käesolev töö näitab, kuidas mudelõpe võib olla tõhus viis küberjuhtumites strateegiliste otsuste langetamisel teadlikkuse, mõistmise ja ettevalmistuse kujundamiseks, parandamiseks ning proovilepanemiseks. Lõputöö tugineb ditsiplinaarsel ja kontseptuaalsel õpinguteooriate integratsioonil mängustamisel põhinevate ajenditega ning juhtimisteooriatega. Stsenaariumil põhinev treening pakub turvalist ja paindlikku keskkonda, kus osavõtja on pandud kriitilisse situatsiooni, säilitades realistlikku ülevaate küberkriisi tunnustest ning võimalikest ohtudest. Simulatsioon väljendab võimalikke väljakutseid, nõudes kriisijuhtimisoskusi ning kohast reaktsiooni. Mudelõppused võimaldavad andragoogilise kasu ja hariduslike eesmärkide realiseerimist innovatiivsel ja kaasaval meetodil. Selle treeningmudeli tulemused mõõdetakse kasutades Bloomi õppe-kasvatustöö eesmärkide liigituse kontrollitud taksonoomiat, arvesse võttes kogemusõppe ja paiknevustunnetuse elemente. VOOT-tsükkel pakub läbimõeldud otsustusprotsessi, mis samuti sobib antud ettepaneku dünaamikasse. Lisaks panustab töö originaalse modulaarse juhendiga, mida treenijad ning õppejõud saavad kasutada mudelõppe teostamiseks küberjulgeolekus. Riikliku ja rahvusvahelise tasandi mudelõppuste kogemus ja osavõtt sai empiirilist tuge teoreetilisele integratsioonile ning teadustas modulaarse juhendi arengut. Töö on kvalitatiivne. Lõputöö panustab asjakohasesse akadeemilisse dialoogi selle teoreetiliste alustega. Samuti praktiliselt, kuna pakub vahendeid simulatsioonipõhise mudelõppe läbiviimiseks.Education and training aspects are vital components of national cybersecurity strategies, to shape, enhance and test the decision maker’s level of preparedness before current and future challenges that can arise from a cyber incident. Decision-making processes in cyber defense and security require crucial crisis management competences capable of generating a comprehensive response where safety, well-being and other public and private assets could be put at stake. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest the improvement of potential and perceived weaknesses on the educational components of cyber security strategies, discussing awareness-training models with significant impact on the participants, focusing on strategic decision-making level personnel that could partake of cyber related incidents. The work supports the use of simulation-based scenarios, and concentrates on the design of Tabletop exercises. This thesis shows when a tabletop exercise could be an effective mechanism to shape, enhance and test the awareness, understanding and preparation for strategic decision makers in cyber related incidents. The thesis draws from a disciplinary integration of learning, human computer interaction, and management theories. A scenario-based training provides a safe and flexible environment where the participant is placed into a critical situation while maintaining a realistic insight into the characteristics of cyber crisis and the threats and attacks that may take place. The simulation represents possible challenges, demanding crisis management capacity and an appropriate response. Tabletop exercises permits that andragogical benefits and educational purposes be realized through an innovative and engaging method. Considering elements from experiential learning and situated cognition the learning outcomes of this training model will be measured, using Bloom’s revised taxonomy of educational objectives. The OODA Loop will suggest a thoughtful decision making process that also fits well the dynamic of the current proposal. Additionally, the thesis will contribute with an original modular guide that trainers and educators can use for the implementation of a Tabletop exercise on cyber security. National and international level tabletop exercises experience and participation provided empirical support to the theoretical contribution on theory integration, and informed the modular guide development. The work is qualitative and therefore seeks to observe, interpret and understand, by using documental analysis, and observation methods. The work contributes to the relevant academic dialog on its theoretical grounds and also in practical terms, by providing with tools readily applicable to the creation of simulation based tabletop exercises

    CATS: A serious game in industry towards stronger cloud security

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    Cloud computing has become a widely applied technology in the industry. Broad network access as a characteristic of cloud computing brings business value. It poses threats to cloud assets due to a greater attack surface than on-premises and other service models. Industry standards aim to regulate cloud security by enforcing best practices. To comply with the standards, practitioners in the industry are mandated to be trained to understand basic concepts of attack and defense mechanisms in cloud security to protect assets in the cloud. This work presents a serious game: Cloud of Assets and Threats (CATS), as an enrichment to the traditional training material to raise awareness about the cloud security challenges. In this paper, we introduce the design elements and implementation details of CATS. We organized eight game events with 94 industrial practitioners to validate our design. We applied a questionnaire and conducted semi-structured interviews with the game participants to evaluate the impact of the game and collect feedback. The evaluation indicates that CATS is a promising innovative method for promoting awareness of cloud security issues among practitioners in the industry, regardless of their technical background. Our main contributions are the design of such a game and the understanding of the impact of playing the CATS game in the industry.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Gamificação aplicada à formação em cibersegurança de profissionais de saúde: uma prova de conceito

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em SaúdeIntrodução: O sector da saúde é fortemente afetado pelo cibercrime, com as principais técnicas de ataque a serem direcionadas para os utilizadores. Por isso, os profissionais de saúde têm um papel fundamental na minimização destes ataques, quando devidamente treinados. As estratégias de formação gamificada em cibersegurança têm resultados bastante positivos ao nível da aquisição e retenção de conhecimento, tendo vantagens ao nível da gestão dos recursos e do tempo. Objetivos: Descrever o estado da arte relacionado com o impacto da cibersegurança no sector da saúde e com a gamificação; identificar os componentes associados ao desenvolvimento de soluções de gamificação; comparar as plataformas de gamificação existentes; definir uma metodologia de gamificação adequada para a formação em cibersegurança de profissionais de saúde e desenvolver uma ferramenta de gamificação para a sensibilização em cibersegurança de profissionais de saúde. Metodologia: Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia de gamificação para a formação em cibersegurança dos profissionais de saúde. Foi igualmente desenvolvido um protótipo da estratégia de formação gamificada, específica para o setor da saúde, onde consta um piloto da aplicação (Health-Cy-Game). Resultados: Desenvolvimento do protótipo da estratégia de formação gamificada – Health-Cy-Game – de acordo com o perfil de conhecimentos estabelecido: conhecimento geral de tecnologia; autenticação e gestão de palavras-passe; técnicas de ciberataques dirigidas ao sector da saúde; gestão da informação; manutenção e atualização de software, e procedimentos e regulamentos em cibersegurança das instituições de saúde. Disposições finais: No setor da saúde, a cibersegurança deverá constituir uma preocupação central dos planos estratégicos de segurança e qualidade dos cuidados. Para atingir este estado de segurança, é preciso munir os utilizadores da tecnologia de conhecimento adequados. “Health-Cy-Game” foi construído tendo em conta o perfil de competências destes profissionais e as especificidades deste sector, de acordo com o Referencial de Competências e Conhecimentos do Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança e as escalas Risky Cybersecurity Behaviours Scale (RsCB) e Security Behaviour Intentions Scale (SeBIS).ABSTRACT - Introduction: The healthcare sector is heavily affected by cybercrime, with the majority of techniques used being addressed to its users. Health professionals have a key role in minimizing these attacks when properly trained. Gamified training strategies in cybersecurity have very positive results in terms of knowledge acquisition and retention, with advantages in terms of resources and time management. Objectives: To describe the state-of-the-art related to the impact of cybersecurity in the health sector and with gamification; identify the components associated with the development of gamification solutions; compare existing gamification platforms; define an appropriate gamification methodology for training health professionals in cybersecurity and develop a gamification tool to raise awareness of cybersecurity among health professionals. Methodology: A gamification methodology was developed for training health professionals in cybersecurity. A prototype of the gamified training strategy, specific for the health sector, was also developed, which contains a pilot application (Health-Cy-Game). Results: Development of the prototype of the gamified training strategy – Health-Cy-Game – according to the knowledge profile established: general knowledge of technology; authentication and password management; cyberattack techniques targeting the health sector; information management; maintenance and updating of software, and procedures and regulations in cybersecurity of health institutions. Final Provisions: In the healthcare sector, cybersecurity must be a central concern of strategic plans addressed to safety and quality of care. To achieve this state of security, it is necessary to provide adequate training to healthcare professionals. “Health-Cy-Game” was built taking into account the skills profile of these professionals and the specificities of this sector, in accordance with Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança’s roadmap “Competências e Conhecimentos”, the Risky Cybersecurity Behaviours Scale (RsCB) and Security Behaviour Intentions Scale (SeBIS).N/

    Human Factors in Security – Cybersecurity Education and Awareness of Business Students

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    Theoretical background: The rapid development of Internet interactions and a growing number of information technology users caused by digital society development and accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic yield the significant growth of cyber-attacks and cybersecurity incidents. Members of Generation Z use information technology as a main tool for broadening their knowledge and skills. For such digital natives, proficiency in ICTs appears as an indispensable element of life. This is even more apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they are forced to use IT tools more often, both for the entertainment, education, and work. Such acceleration generates new possibilities, but also new threats.Purpose of the article: The aim of the paper is to check if members of Generation Z are aware of cybersecurity issues and whether they know basic threats and methods/tools that can improve the safety. We analyse students’ behaviour in the event of cyber incident and examine whether the analysed group is willing to improve cyber knowledge, skills, and attitudes.Research methods: We explored data collected from business students (N = 182). The online questionnaire was prepared in LimeSurvey. Finally, data analysis and visualization were performed in Microsoft Excel and Tableau.Main findings: The analysis indicates that business students have rather poor knowledge in cybersecurity. The results demonstrate the need for targeted educational campaigns and trainings that address the specific cyber weaknesses to build secure ecosystem, combining both technical, organizational, and behavioural aspects